497 research outputs found

    Airborne pollen in Alpine sites

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    Airborne pollen is usually monitored at urban centers, where most people live, to provide information on types and amount of allergenic pollen. Thus, very few aerobiological data are available for remote, mountainous sites. This study aims to characterize the biological quality of the air in an alpine valley in Trentino (North Italy), a region highly interested by the presence of tourists (e.g., 9.3 million overnight stays registered during June - September 2021). Materials and Methods An aerobiological study was carried out during late spring and summer in 2020 and 2021 in Val di Rabbi, an alpine valley located in the Trentino sector of Stelvio National Park. Gravitational Sigma2 samplers were selected for the survey, for their reliability and efficiency (VDI_2119 2013) and easy handling at remote sites (Gottardini et al. 2021), and installed at 2 m above ground level in 5 sites located at altitudes ranging from 700 to 2000 m a.s.l. Sampling surfaces, treated with an adhesive medium, were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM; 400×; Leitz Diaplan) for pollen identification and count (weekly samples); the average daily sedimentation rate (P cm–2 d–1 ) was calculated for the June-August period. In 2021, an active Hirst-type sampler was concurrently installed in one of the five sites (daily samples). Samples were processed and analyzed following conventional techniques and standardized protocols (UNI EN 16868:2019). Results and Discussion In the two study periods, the number of identified pollen taxa ranged from 25 at the highest elevation site (2000 m a.s.l.) to 39 at the lowest elevation (700 m a.s.l.). The proportion of arboreal pollen slightly decreased with the altitude, from 51% to 42%. The three most abundant pollen taxa were pine (Pinus), grasses (Poaceae) and neetle (Urticaceae), even if in different proportion at each site. The only grass and nettle allergenic pollen represented on average the 52% of the total pollen. The pollen season peak for grasses showed a delay of about 4 days every 100 m of elevation (Figure 1). 47 pollen taxa were identified, by active sampling, 10 more than by the passive one. The most abundant pollen taxa detected by active sampling were pine, grasses, and nettle, as for passive sampling, with the last two representing even the 71% of the total. The pollen season peak for grasses was on 22nd June, coherently with the passive sampling results at the same site. Conclusions Our mountain aerobiological study reveals the presence of allergenic pollen even at high altitude, with noteworthy shifts in the pollen season. The surveyed data can be further exploited for studying the plant biodiversity in remote areas, as well as to provide useful information for allergic tourist and hikers. Moreover, passive sampling proved to be a feasible solution for aerobiological studies in remote or orographically complex areas, typically excluded in routine air quality monitoring. References Gottardini et al. (2021). AAQR, Vol. 21, https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.210010 VDI_2119 (2013). Ambient air measurements. Sampling of atmospheric particles > 2.5 ÎŒm on an acceptor surface using the Sigma-2 passive sampler. Characterization by optical microscopy and calculation of number settling rate and mass concentration. ICS: 13.040.01. Beuth Verlag, Berlin. Germany. Acknowledgements The study was partially financed by Provincia Autonoma di Trento (IT). We are grateful to Mattia Precazzini and Gabriele Canella for the support in field work, and to Maria Cristina Viola for the microscope pollen analysis

    In berry distribution and extraction of thiol precursors in Gew\ufcrztraminer.

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    The so-called varietal thiols are an interesting technological class of compounds that contributes to the "tropical" notes of wine. The factors governing the formation of their precursors and the conversion to the corresponding free forms are still discussed (Thibon et al. 2016) but, technologically speaking, the precursor availability is a prerequisite. Several data are present in the literature regarding Sauvignon Blanc (SB), while fewer deal with Gew\ufcrztraminer (GWT; Dubordieu and Tominaga 2009; Roland 2010a & b; Concejero et al., 2014), a variety native to Tramin, in South-Tyrol (Italy). For this reason, we investigated the concentration of 3-S-glutathionylhexan-1-ol (GSH-3MH) and 3-S-cysteinylhexan-1-ol (Cys-3MH) in GWT as regards: (1) the distribution between marks and juice in samples processed at a semi-industrial scale, in comparison with SB samples having similar \ub0Brix and pressing yield; (2) the effect of pre-fermentation skin-contact protocols, also used along with commercial enzymes to favour extractions from skin; (3) the fractioning during pressing on industrial-scale. Thiol precursors were analysed according to Larcher et al. (2013). GWT skins are characterised by a higher content in precursors compared to SB\u2019s at the same pressing yield, while this difference is turned upside down in juice. Pre-fermentation skin-contact significantly increased thiol precursors' concentration while the impact of the enzymes was not significant. Around 30% of total precursors are contained in the pressing fraction corresponding to the final 5% of the juice

    Determining the Levels of Volatile Organic Pollutants in Urban Air Using a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method

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    The paper presents the application of a method based on coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, using an isotopically labelled internal standard for the quantitative analysis of benzene (B), toluene (T), ethyl benzene (E), and o-, m-, p-xylenes (X). Their atmospheric concentrations were determined based on short-term sampling, in different sites of Cluj-Napoca, a highly populated urban centre in N-W Romania, with numerous and diversified road vehicles with internal combustion engines. The method is relatively inexpensive and simple and shows good precision and linearity in the ranges of 7–60 ÎŒg/m3 (B), 13–90 ÎŒg/m3 (T), 7–50 ÎŒg/m3 (E), 10–70 ÎŒg/m3 (X-m,p), and 20–130 ÎŒg/m3 (X-o). The limits of quantitation/detection of the method LOQ/LOD are of 10/5 ÎŒg/m3 (Xo), 5/3 ÎŒg/m3 (B, E, X-m,p), and of 3/1 ÎŒg/m3 (T), respectively

    Evidence of the possible interaction between ultrasound and thiol precursors

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    The effect of ultrasound (20 kHz, 153 \ub5m) on the prefermentation extraction mechanisms in Sauvignon Blanc grapes was studied, focusing on 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol (3MH) and 4-mercapto-4-methyl-pentan-2-one (4MMP) precursors linked to glutathione (GSH) and cysteine (Cys). The treatment determined a positive extraction trend between the duration (untreated, 3 and 5 min) and the conductivity or the concentration of catechins and total phenols, significantly differentiated after 5 min. Nevertheless, the concentration of the thiol precursors in grape juice not only remained undifferentiated, but that of 3-S-glutathionyl mercaptohexan-1-ol showed a negative trend with the treatment time applied (168 \ub1 43, 156 \ub1 36, and 149 \ub1 32 \ub5g/L, respectively, for control, 3 and 5 min). The divergence on the effect between families of compounds suggests an interaction between the sonication treatment and thiol precursor molecules. In order to evaluate the possible degradation properly, ultrasound was applied in a model solution spiked with 3MH and 4MMP precursors, reproducing the conditions of grapes. Except for Cys-3MH, the mean concentration (n = 5) for the rest of the precursors was significantly lower in treated samples, predominantly in those linked to glutathione (~ 1222% and ~18% for GSH-3MH and GSH-4MMP) rather than to cysteine (~ 126%~ 128% for Cys-3MH and Cys-4MMP). The degradation of precursors was associated with a significant increase of 3MH and 4MMP. The formation of volatile thiols following sonication is interesting from a technological point of view, as they are key aroma compounds of wine and potentially exploitable in the wine industry through specific vinification protocols

    Varietal thiol precursors in Gew\ufcrztraminer: effect of clone and grape ripening.

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    Much research has been carried out since the discovery of glutathionyl- (GSH-) and cysteinyl (Cys-) precursors of 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol (3MH) in grapes and juices (Tominaga et al.,1998; Peyrot des Gachons et al., 2002) in order to understand the origin of these precursors and optimize the technological options useful to liberate and maintain the free forms and the related fermentative compounds characterised by interesting tropical, passion fruit and grapefruit-like aroma. As few data are available about the role of these precursors in the case of Gew\ufcrztraminer (GWT; Roland Dubordieu and Tominaga 2009; Roland et al., 2010a & b; Concejero et al., 2014), an international variety native to Tramin (South-Tyrol, Italy) we investigated the effect of clone and ripening in grape samples of GWT grown in Trentino (Italy). The juices of 7 GWT clones - ISMA-AVIT 904, 906, 916, 918 and 920R, as well as LB14 and 1101 - grown in 4 plots and harvested at the technological ripeness allowed by the very hot 2015 vintage were analysed. Moreover, GWT grapes from 6 different non-clonal vineyards sited at a altitude between 120 and 525 m a.s.l. in Trentino were analysed during the last month before harvest. Thiol precursors were measured using an UHPLC approach with triple quadrupole mass detection according Larcher et al., (2013). Significant differences were found between clones as regards thiol precursors concentration in 2015 grape, the 906 and 920R clones showing a higher molar concentration of the sum of GSH-3MH and Cys-3MH compared to 916. A clear and statistically significant increasing trend during ripening was observed for the cited precursors, confirming for GWT previous results observed by Kobayashi et al (2010) for Koshu

    Ripening effect on the concentration of polyfunctional thiol precursors in 'Gew\ufcrztraminer

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    The effect of ripeness on the concentration of polyfunctional thiol precursors was investigated in 'Gew\ufcrztraminer' juices in two vintages characterised by very different climate conditions. An incremental trend of glutathionyl-3-mercaptohexan-1-ol and cysteinyl-3-mercaptohexan-1-ol during ripening was observed. The increase in the last phase of maturation was noticeable in both vintages. The concentration of 4-S-glutathionyl-4-methylpentan-2-one and 4-S-cysteinyl-4-methylpentan-2-one was confirmed to be low in 'Gew\ufcrztraminer', although the latter was found at quantifiable levels in a couple of samples. The management of the harvest date appears to be highly important in order to exploit the potential grapefruit-like note related to polyfunctional thiols of little aromatic 'Gew\ufcrztraminer' wines, particularly in case of challenging vintage years

    Materials for Incorporating I/O into an Introductory Psychology Course

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    The following materials were created by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in an effort to produce some “shovel-ready” modules for incorporating I-O Psychology topics directly into Introductory Psychology courses. Although interest in I-O psychology has grown among students, very few introductory psychology textbooks cover the topic. Therefore, we have designed modules that correspond directly with the topics typically discussed in introductory psychology courses (e.g. Biopsychology in the workplace, Memory and Job Performance, etc.) that can be “cut-and-pasted” into already prepared lectures

    Evaluation of an optimized enzymatic biosensor for ethanol used in apple storage management with low oxygen stress

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    Ethanol has been proposed to be one of the target molecules to monitor the dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA) technique during apple storage, measured in the squeezed juice or in the air of the storage chamber. One of the proposed commercial sensors for ethanol in apple juice is based on amperometry, after a two-step enzyme-based reaction that involves a diaphorase and an alcohol-dehydrogenase. Even though this method has been reported to overestimate ethanol, this difference is fairly fixed and it is industrially used to check the correct application of the treatment and to set the gas composition protocols when the maximum acceptable ethanol is reached. During the 2018 harvest, the ethanol concentration in juices measured with the commercial sensor appeared much higher than those usually reported in precedent years, particularly for the lower concentrations. Laboratory experiments suggested that differences between years could be due to the presence of a secondary enzyme activity present in the commercial diaphorase employed. In order to increase the sensitivity and accuracy, it has been evaluated the performance of the biosensor emploting a further diaphorase. The performances of both sensors were compared with those obtained with a gaschromatophy mass spectrometry approach after head space extraction (HS-GC-MS) in which the mass spectra was acquired in selected-ion monitoring mode. Samples belonging to ‘Red Delicious’ cv. were picked up at different temporary points from industrial storage rooms following the application of low oxygen stress. The new biosensor reduced 97% the mean difference respect to the values obtained with the GC-MS method. The difference between sensors was even clearer for samples with concentrations up to 100 mg/L, that could be used as a discriminating value for the evaluation of the technique success in ‘Red Delicious’ apple juice. The increased sensitivity of the sensor allowed a more accurate monitoring of the DCA at industrial conditions, limiting the risks linked to a false positive on the monitoring during storage
