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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kemampuan lompat tegak dengan hasil lompat jauh gaya jongkok pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Adisucipto 1, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Populasi yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas V di SD Negeri Adisucipto 1, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaaten Sleman Yogyakarta yang berjumalah 71 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan bersyarat siswa yang ada pada waktu penelitian berjumlah 60 siswa sebagai sampel. kemudian diberi tes dan pengukuran pada masing-masing variabel. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis uji korelasional yang mengkorelasikan : kemampuan lompat tegak dengan lompat jauh gaya jongkok. Dari hasil uji korelasi dapat diketahui (r hitung) sebesar 0,007, sedangkan r tabel pada signifikansi 0,05 dan N=60 sebesar 0,254 (r tabel). Melihat hasil tersebut berarti r hitung 0,007 < r tabel = 0,254. Hal ini berarti tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan kemampuan lompat tegak dengan lompat jauh gaya jongkok siswa kelas V SD Negeri Adisucipto 1, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa : kemampuan lompat tegak tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan hasil lompat jauh gaya jongkok pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Adisucipto 1 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Dengan demikian hipotesis alternatif ditolak. Kata Kunci : kemampuan lompat tegak, lompat jauh gaya jongko

    Using theory to escape the descriptive impasse

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    In this article, I focus on the importance of theory for undertaking and making sense of research. In particular, I consider one of the most common challenges for postgraduate students, which is how to shift from describing findings (what I found) to theorising about them (why my findings turned out this way). Using a case study approach, I describe my engagement with a particular set of data and demonstrate how different theories led me to focus on different elements and draw different conclusions. I conclude that explicitly shifting my theoretical approach ended up guiding me towards a much stronger interpretation of my descriptive findings

    Cows Don\u27t Pull Wagons

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    Why do we teach the way we do? : the relationship between tutors' conceptions of teaching and learning, the design/teaching of their online courses and effecive online teaching principles : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for degree of Master of Education at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    There is an increase in the use of e-learning within tertiary institutions and many courses are moving to online learning as the means to deliver all or part of courses that were previously delivered face-to-face. Online delivery, primarily through the internet, provides new challenges for tutors in delivering courses that demonstrate effective teaching principles. This study researched the perspectives and practice of twelve tutors from three different New Zealand polytechnics via a multiple case study. It investigated how tutors’ conceptions of teaching and learning aligned with the design and teaching of their online courses, and with effective online teaching principles. Enablers and barriers to tutors using effective online teaching principles were also examined. Interaction between students, between tutor and student and between tutor and content were all found to be important conceptions of teaching and learning shared by the participants. It appeared that an understanding of learning theory was related to tutors’ conceptions of teaching and learning aligning with the design of their courses. In addition, this understanding influenced tutors’ use of effective online teaching principles. The research identified that all tutors’ courses aligned with the effective online teaching principles of constructive alignment, the chunking of content and tasks into appropriate sizes, and scaffolding of information. The principles related to student interactivity with content, between students and with the tutor were evidenced on two of the polytechnics’ courses with limited evidence on the third polytechnics’ site. The effective online teaching principles of promoting student ownership of the learning process, and interaction with a larger learning environment was demonstrated on few of the tutors’ online courses in this study. The enablers and barriers experienced by tutors played a key role in the extent to which tutors implemented effective online teaching principles in their courses. Institutional processes related to course design, and tutor professional learning and support played a critical role in providing tutors with the knowledge and time they needed to effectively teach online

    “Finding the \u27Public\u27 in \u27Public Disrepute” – Would the Cultural Defense Make a Difference in Celebrity and Sports Endorsement Contract Disputes? - The Case of Michael Vick and Adrian Peterson

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    This article will explore this issue by engaging in case studies of the Vick and Peterson scandals to see what would have happened had the two men taken their claims against Nike to court. Part One will discuss the cases in more depth and elaborate on how they might be viewed through the lens of cultural relativity theory and the cultural defense. Part Two will elaborate on what morals clauses are and the legal standards courts use to enforce them. In addition to examining the Mendenhall decision, several other court cases will be discussed, each of which places differing levels of emphasis on how much evidence is needed to meet the public disrepute requirement. Except for the judge in the Mendenhall case, all of the judges in these additional cases were white. This is mentioned because it is possible that the race of the judge may bear some relation to the level of openness they may have to entertaining the cultural defense. Part Three will apply the aforementioned legal standards to the Vick and Peterson cases, with special attention paid to the extent to which courts discussed in Part Two might be open to entertaining the cultural defense in these kinds of disputes. Part Four will contain my conclusion, which is that most judges will probably not give extra weight to the cultural defense in situations of the type discussed here. There will be a range of approaches to how courts might define public disrepute in these cases, but the overall outcome will be the same. On one side will be a small number of judges, like the judge in Mendenhall, who require both sides to produce detailed evidence to show if expressed minority viewpoints favoring talent outweigh viewpoints that disfavor talent. However, since white football fans outnumber blacks, this will mean that black talent like those discussed here won\u27t benefit from the cultural defense. On the other side will be judges who base their decisions on their own personal take on what the majority of people do (or should) think about the matter. In the main case discussed here where such an approach took place, the judge ruled against talent. Thus, regardless of the rationale for the decision-making expressed in these cases, most talent in these kinds of situations will lose. Nevertheless, there may still be some judges and endorsement company managers who do want to take into account the social dimensions that give rise to the cultural defense in the interests of fairness. My conclusion at the end of the paper will suggest some possible approaches they can adopt to achieve this result

    Now or never: negotiating efficiently with unknown counterparts

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    We define a new protocol rule, Now or Never (NoN), for bilateral negotiation processes which allows self-motivated competitive agents to efficiently carry out multi-variable negotiations with remote untrusted parties, where privacy is a major concern and agents know nothing about their opponent. By building on the geometric concepts of convexity and convex hull, NoN ensures a continuous progress of the negotiation, thus neutralising malicious or inefficient opponents. In par- ticular, NoN allows an agent to derive in a finite number of steps, and independently of the behaviour of the opponent, that there is no hope to find an agreement. To be able to make such an inference, the interested agent may rely on herself only, still keeping the highest freedom in the choice of her strategy. We also propose an actual NoN-compliant strategy for an automated agent and evaluate the computational feasibility of the overall approach on instances of practical size

    The finance and marketing dilemma: Do promotional allowances actually increase revenue and profits for Atlantic City casinos?

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    Casinos offer free items to attract new guests or to reward their loyal customers. Casino management and marketing personnel believe these promotional allowances are necessary to maintain customers and to increase revenue. Three regression models are run to determine if promotional allowances increase gross revenue, net revenue, and gross operating profit for Atlantic City casinos. Results show that with a 1increaseinpromotionalallowancesthereisasignificantincreaseof1 increase in promotional allowances there is a significant increase of 4.53 in gross revenue, 3.53innetrevenue,and3.53 in net revenue, and 1.29 in gross operating profit. These results will help management better understand the effect of offering complimentaries to their customers

    Modern, Modernity, Modernism: The Shaping of Brazil\u27s Soul

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