58 research outputs found

    Tracking of Human Arm Based on MEMS Sensors

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    Abstract. This paper studied the method for motion tracking of arm using triaxial accelerometer, triaxial gyroscope and electronic compass. The motion model of arm is established. The hardware of tracking system of arm is designed. The track method of arm gesture based on multi-sensors data fusion is analyzed. The compensation algorithm for motion accelerations is researched. The experimental results demonstrate that the motion acceleration compensation algorithm is validity, which can improve the dynamic measure precision of arm gesture angle

    The Driver Has Control: Exploring Driving Performance with Varying Automation Capabilities

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    As vehicle automation becomes more capable and prevalent, an understanding of how drivers will interact with automation systems of varying capabilities will be of critical importance. In this study, we compare the performance of drivers on takeover of control from varying types of automation systems (single-function and combined function). Participants drove a 20-minute course with sections of automated driving, and with several traffic events designed to elicit a driver response. Structured transfers of control between automated and manual driving modes occurred following a 7-second countdown at fixed locations on the course. Significant differences were found between groups in terms of lanekeeping ability immediately after taking control following a period of automated vehicle control or partial driver/automation control, but significant differences were not found in accident evasion ability, even five seconds after resuming full control

    Correcting the Sub-optimal Bit Allocation

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of bit allocation in Neural Video Compression (NVC). First, we reveal that a recent bit allocation approach claimed to be optimal is, in fact, sub-optimal due to its implementation. Specifically, we find that its sub-optimality lies in the improper application of semi-amortized variational inference (SAVI) on latent with non-factorized variational posterior. Then, we show that the corrected version of SAVI on non-factorized latent requires recursively applying back-propagating through gradient ascent, based on which we derive the corrected optimal bit allocation algorithm. Due to the computational in-feasibility of the corrected bit allocation, we design an efficient approximation to make it practical. Empirical results show that our proposed correction significantly improves the incorrect bit allocation in terms of R-D performance and bitrate error, and outperforms all other bit allocation methods by a large margin. The source code is provided in the supplementary material

    Unified learning-based lossy and lossless JPEG recompression

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    JPEG is still the most widely used image compression algorithm. Most image compression algorithms only consider uncompressed original image, while ignoring a large number of already existing JPEG images. Recently, JPEG recompression approaches have been proposed to further reduce the size of JPEG files. However, those methods only consider JPEG lossless recompression, which is just a special case of the rate-distortion theorem. In this paper, we propose a unified lossly and lossless JPEG recompression framework, which consists of learned quantization table and Markovian hierarchical variational autoencoders. Experiments show that our method can achieve arbitrarily low distortion when the bitrate is close to the upper bound, namely the bitrate of the lossless compression model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first learned method that bridges the gap between lossy and lossless recompression of JPEG images

    Conditional Perceptual Quality Preserving Image Compression

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    We propose conditional perceptual quality, an extension of the perceptual quality defined in \citet{blau2018perception}, by conditioning it on user defined information. Specifically, we extend the original perceptual quality d(pX,pX^)d(p_{X},p_{\hat{X}}) to the conditional perceptual quality d(pXY,pX^Y)d(p_{X|Y},p_{\hat{X}|Y}), where XX is the original image, X^\hat{X} is the reconstructed, YY is side information defined by user and d(.,.)d(.,.) is divergence. We show that conditional perceptual quality has similar theoretical properties as rate-distortion-perception trade-off \citep{blau2019rethinking}. Based on these theoretical results, we propose an optimal framework for conditional perceptual quality preserving compression. Experimental results show that our codec successfully maintains high perceptual quality and semantic quality at all bitrate. Besides, by providing a lowerbound of common randomness required, we settle the previous arguments on whether randomness should be incorporated into generator for (conditional) perceptual quality compression. The source code is provided in supplementary material

    TMK1-mediated auxin signalling regulates differential growth of the apical hook

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    The plant hormone auxin has crucial roles in almost all aspects of plant growth and development. Concentrations of auxin vary across different tissues, mediating distinct developmental outcomes and contributing to the functional diversity of auxin. However, the mechanisms that underlie these activities are poorly understood. Here we identify an auxin signalling mechanism, which acts in parallel to the canonical auxin pathway based on the transport inhibitor response1 (TIR1) and other auxin receptor F-box (AFB) family proteins (TIR1/AFB receptors)1,2, that translates levels of cellular auxin to mediate differential growth during apical-hook development. This signalling mechanism operates at the concave side of the apical hook, and involves auxin-mediated C-terminal cleavage of transmembrane kinase 1 (TMK1). The cytosolic and nucleus-translocated C terminus of TMK1 specifically interacts with and phosphorylates two non-canonical transcriptional repressors of the auxin or indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) family (IAA32 and IAA34), thereby regulating ARF transcription factors. In contrast to the degradation of Aux/IAA transcriptional repressors in the canonical pathway, the newly identified mechanism stabilizes the non-canonical IAA32 and IAA34 transcriptional repressors to regulate gene expression and ultimately inhibit growth. The auxin–TMK1 signalling pathway originates at the cell surface, is triggered by high levels of auxin and shares a partially overlapping set of transcription factors with the TIR1/AFB signalling pathway. This allows distinct interpretations of different concentrations of cellular auxin, and thus enables this versatile signalling molecule to mediate complex developmental outcomes

    An empirical study of the co-branding partner selection strategy : A perception from the negative perspective combing with consumer psychology

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    In recent years, the fashion industry has set off a trend of co-branding, and co-branding has become a unique marketing strategy for major brands to obtain benefits. However, there are potential risks when brands are selecting joint partners. The literature in this paper addresses both the positive effects of co-branding and how it is viewed from a business and customer perspective related to customer loyalty. Besides, previous researches on how to correctly select joint partners have not been explored in the collected literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of the strategy of choosing partners for brands from a negative aspect under the current trend of brand cooperation,and to propose relevant implications through case analysis. The research method used in this paper is qualitative research by conducting case studies and four focus groups. The findings indicate that communication and connection are the basis for two brands to having success. Furthermore, the enterprise needs to evaluate and estimate the capabilities of the partners by analyzing the external environment and opportunities. Besides, with the help of co-brand partners, brands can make up for their shortcomings and work together to achieve the expected goal

    An empirical study of the co-branding partner selection strategy : A perception from the negative perspective combing with consumer psychology

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    In recent years, the fashion industry has set off a trend of co-branding, and co-branding has become a unique marketing strategy for major brands to obtain benefits. However, there are potential risks when brands are selecting joint partners. The literature in this paper addresses both the positive effects of co-branding and how it is viewed from a business and customer perspective related to customer loyalty. Besides, previous researches on how to correctly select joint partners have not been explored in the collected literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of the strategy of choosing partners for brands from a negative aspect under the current trend of brand cooperation,and to propose relevant implications through case analysis. The research method used in this paper is qualitative research by conducting case studies and four focus groups. The findings indicate that communication and connection are the basis for two brands to having success. Furthermore, the enterprise needs to evaluate and estimate the capabilities of the partners by analyzing the external environment and opportunities. Besides, with the help of co-brand partners, brands can make up for their shortcomings and work together to achieve the expected goal