19 research outputs found

    Tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R inhibits human prostate cancer experimental bone metastasis in mouse models.

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    Bone metastasis is a frequent occurrence in prostate cancer patients and often is lethal. Zoledronic acid (ZOL) is often used for bone metastasis with limited efficacy. More effective models and treatment methods are required to improve the outcome of prostate cancer patients. In the present study, the effects of tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R were analyzed in vitro and in vivo on prostate cancer cells and experimental bone metastasis. Both ZOL and S. typhimurium A1-R inhibited the growth of PC-3 cells expressing red fluorescent protien in vitro. To investigate the efficacy of S. typhimurium A1-R on prostate cancer experimental bone metastasis, we established models of both early and advanced stage bone metastasis. The mice were treated with ZOL, S. typhimurium A1-R, and combination therapy of both ZOL and S. typhimurium A1-R. ZOL and S. typhimurium A1-R inhibited the growth of solitary bone metastases. S. typhimurium A1-R treatment significantly decreased bone metastasis and delayed the appearance of PC-3 bone metastases of multiple mouse models. Additionally, S. typhimurium A1-R treatment significantly improved the overall survival of the mice with multiple bone metastases. The results of the present study indicate that S. typhimurium A1-R is useful to prevent and inhibit prostate cancer bone metastasis and has potential for future clinical use in the adjuvant setting

    Intraperitoneal administration of tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R inhibits disseminated human ovarian cancer and extends survival in nude mice.

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    UnlabelledPeritoneal disseminated cancer is highly treatment resistant. We here report the efficacy of intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R in a nude mouse model of disseminated human ovarian cancer. The mouse model was established by intraperitoneal injection of the human ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3-GFP. Seven days after implantation, mice were treated with S. typhimurium A1-R via intravenous (i.v.) or i.p. administration at the same dose, 5 × 10(7) CFU, once per week. Both i.v. and i.p. treatments effected prolonged survival compared with the untreated control group (P=0.025 and P<0.001, respectively). However, i.p. treatment was less toxic than i.v.TreatmentTumor-specific targeting of S. typhimurium A1-R was confirmed with bacterial culture from tumors and various organs and tumor or organ colony formation after i.v. or i.p. injection. Selective tumor targeting was most effective with i.p. administration. The results of the present study show S. typhimurium A1-R has promising clinical potential for disseminated ovarian cancer, especially via i.p. administration

    Toxicology and efficacy of tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R compared to VNP 20009 in a syngeneic mouse tumor model in immunocompetent mice.

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    Salmonella typhimurium A1-R (S. typhimurium A1-R) attenuated by leu and arg auxotrophy has been shown to target multiple types of cancer in mouse models. In the present study, toxicologic and biodistribution studies of tumor-targeting S. typhimurium A1-R and S. typhimurium VNP20009 (VNP 20009) were performed in a syngeneic tumor model growing in immunocompetent BALB/c mice. Single or multiple doses of S. typhimurium A1-R of 2.5 × 105 and 5 × 105 were tolerated. A single dose of 1 × 106 resulted in mouse death. S. typhimurium A1-R (5 × 105 CFU) was eliminated from the circulation, liver and spleen approximately 3-5 days after bacterial administration via the tail vein, but remained in the tumor in high amounts. S. typhimurium A1-R was cleared from other organs much more rapidly. S. typhimurium A1-R and VNP 20009 toxicity to the spleen and liver was minimal. S. typhimurium A1-R showed higher selective targeting to the necrotic areas of the tumors than VNP20009. S. typhimurium A1-R inhibited the growth of CT26 colon carcinoma to a greater extent at the same dose of VNP20009. In conclusion, we have determined a safe dose and schedule of S. typhimurium A1-R administration in BALB/c mice, which is also efficacious against tumor growth. The results of the present report indicate similar toxicity of S. typhimurium A1-R and VNP20009, but greater antitumor efficacy of S. typhimurium A1-R in an immunocompetent animal. Since VNP2009 has already proven safe in a Phase I clinical trial, the present results indicate the high clinical potential of S. typhimurium A1-R

    Real-Time Fluorescence Imaging of the DNA Damage Repair Response during Mitosis

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    The response to DNA damage during mitosis was visualized using real-time fluorescence imaging of focus formation by the DNA-damage repair (DDR) response protein 53BP1 linked to green fluorescent protein (GFP) (53BP1-GFP) in the MiaPaCa-2Tet-On pancreatic cancer cell line. To observe 53BP1-GFP foci during mitosis, MiaPaCa-2Tet-On 53BP1-GFP cells were imaged every 30 min by confocal microscopy. Time-lapse imaging demonstrated that 11.4 ± 2.1% of the mitotic MiaPaCa-2Tet-On 53BP1-GFP cells had increased focus formation over time. Non-mitotic cells did not have an increase in 53BP1-GFP focus formation over time. Some of the mitotic MiaPaCa-2Tet-On 53BP1-GFP cells with focus formation became apoptotic. The results of the present report suggest that DNA strand breaks occur during mitosis and undergo repair, which may cause some of the mitotic cells to enter apoptosis in a phenomenon possibly related to mitotic catastrophe. J. Cell. Biochem. 116: 661-666, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Experimental Curative Fluorescence-guided Surgery of Highly Invasive Glioblastoma Multiforme Selectively Labeled With a Killer-reporter Adenovirus

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    Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) of cancer is an area of intense current interest. However, although benefits have been demonstrated with FGS, curative strategies need to be developed. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most invasive of cancers and is not totally resectable using standard bright-light surgery (BLS) or current FGS strategies. We report here a curative strategy for FGS of GBM. In this study, telomerase-dependent adenovirus OBP-401 infection brightly and selectively labeled GBM with green fluorescent protein (GFP) for FGS in orthotopic nude mouse models. OBP-401-based FGS enabled curative resection of GBM without recurrence for at least 150 days, compared to less than 30 days with BLS

    Targeting tumors with a killer-reporter adenovirus for curative fluorescence-guided surgery of soft-tissue sarcoma.

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    Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) of cancer is an area of intense interest. However, FGS of cancer has not yet been shown to be curative due to residual microscopic disease. Human fibrosarcoma HT1080 expressing red fluorescent protein (RFP) was implanted orthotopically in the quadriceps femoris muscle of nude mice. The tumor-bearing mice were injected with high and low-dose telomerase-dependent, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-containing adenovirus OBP-401, which labeled the tumor with GFP. Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) or bright light surgery (BLS) was then performed. OBP-401 could label soft-tissue sarcoma (STS) with GFP in situ, concordant with RFP. OBP-401-based FGS resulted in superior resection of STS in the orthotopic model of soft-tissue sarcoma, compared to BLS. High-dose administration of OBP-401 enabled FGS without residual sarcoma cells or local or metastatic recurrence, due to its dual effect of cancer-cell labeling with GFP and killing. High-dose OBP-401 based-FGS improved disease free survival (p = 0.00049) as well as preserved muscle function compared with BLS. High-dose OBP-401-based FGS could cure STS, a presently incurable disease. Since the parent virus of OBP-401, OBP-301, has been previously proven safe in a Phase I clinical trial, it is expected the OBP-401-FGS technology described in the present report should be translatable to the clinic in the near future

    Heterogeneous cell-cycle behavior in response to UVB irradiation by a population of single cancer cells visualized by time-lapse FUCCI imaging

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    <p>The present study analyzed the heterogeneous cell-cycle dependence and fate of single cancer cells in a population treated with UVB using a fluorescence ubiquitination-based cell-cycle (FUCCI) imaging system. HeLa cells expressing FUCCI were irradiated by 100 or 200 J/m<sup>2</sup> UVB. Modulation of the cell-cycle and apoptosis were observed by time-lapse confocal microscopy imaging every 30 min for 72 h. Correlation between cell survival and factors including cell-cycle phase at the time of the irradiation of UVB, mitosis and the G<sub>1</sub>/S transition were analyzed using the Kaplan–Meier method along with the log rank test. Time-lapse FUCCI imaging of HeLa cells demonstrated that UVB irradiation induced cell-cycle arrest in S/G<sub>2</sub>/M phase in the majority of the cells. The cells irradiated by 100 or 200 J/m<sup>2</sup> UVB during G<sub>0</sub>/G<sub>1</sub> phase had a higher survival rate than the cells irradiated during S/G<sub>2</sub>/M phase. A minority of cells could escape S/G<sub>2</sub>/M arrest and undergo mitosis which significantly correlated with decreased survival of the cells. In contrast, G<sub>1</sub>/S transition significantly correlated with increased survival of the cells after UVB irradiation. UVB at 200 J/m<sup>2</sup> resulted in a greater number of apoptotic cells.</p