193 research outputs found

    Study of the features of masticatory efficiency in patients with acute cerebrovascular disorder by hemitype

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    The attention of dental researchers is constantly focused on assessing the quality of treatment for various pathologies of the dentоalveolar system, determining disorders of occlusal correlations, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the temporomandibular joint and periodontal tissue pathology. Numerous studies on the above aspects contain information on the characteristics of masticatory efficiency as one of the most vivid markers of orthopedic treatment, as it allows dentists to determine the quality of actual masticatory performance.The issues of functional diagnostics at the stages of rehabilitation of patients with partial defects of the dentition remain relevant, and therefore, the indicators of masticatory efficiency in prosthetics with removable dentures will be one of the most important criteria for adaptation to them. The situation exacerbates when such patients suffer from somatic pathologies of a neurological nature, in particular, acute cerebrovascular disorder.The aim of the research was to study the features of masticatory function in patients with a complicated course of acute cerebrovascular disorder with the neurological deficit by hemitypeThe study involved 25 people with a complicated course of acute cerebrovascular disorder with the neurological deficit by hemitype and 20 people from the control group, aged from 40 to 65 years, for whom partial removable laminar dentures with acrylic base and retaining bent metal clasps were manufactured according to clinical indications. All patients gave their free and informed consent to participate in the study.The masticatory efficiency was determined using the author's method based on the principle of graphical analysis of fragments of the agar-agar masticatory sample with subsequent programmed calculation and computer processing of numerical data.The evaluation indicators were as follows: the total number of fragments of the chewing sample and the number of fragments with a fraction of 500-1000 pixel2.Statistical analysis of the results was conducted using the Statistica 10.0 software package for Windows, and it embraced the following:1. Assessing the distribution of values and their correspondence to the normal one in the population.2. Comparison of the results obtained before applying a removable dental prosthesis and 30 days after its application.3. Intergroup comparison of the results.Thus, we observed an increase in the chewing sample parameters in the period from the beginning of orthopedic treatment until the 30th day of observation after applying a partial removable laminar denture. Despite the general trend, in the group of patients with ACVD, the masticatory efficiency was lower than that of the control group, which is confirmed by the difference between the total number of fragments (<17.22) and the number of fragments with a caliber of 500 to 1000 pixel2 (<4.41). In our opinion, this is due to the peculiarities of adaptation processes in patients with ACVD, who present with a much longer period than patients without a somatic pathology.The study revealed that the masticatory efficiency, restored by prosthetics with removable laminar dentures in the group of patients with a complicated course of ACVD by hemitype, one month after treatment is at the level of 88.68 (total number of fragments of the chewing sample) and 17.04 (number of fragments with a caliber of 500-1000 pixel2), which is a relatively worse indicator as compared to the control group. Thus, the total period of orthopedic rehabilitation for patients with ACVD is longer

    The myogymnastics complex as an element of rehabilitation in the process of adaptation to orthopedic appliances in patients after stroke

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    Introduction. Stroke has become the second leading cause of long-term disability and cognitive impairment. The disease can cause debilitating neurological disorders that lead to motor, sensory and cognitive deficits and impaired psychosocial functioning. Many researchers have established an association between dental status, infections, and systemic diseases such as acute cerebrovascular disorder.The aim of the research was to determine the impact of dental health on the quality of life in patients with cerebral circulatory disorders complicated with neurological deficits by hemitype before and 30 days after orthopedic treatment by questionnaire survey.Materials and methods. The study involved 25 people with the course of ACVD complicated with neurological deficiency by hemitype, aged from 40 to 65 years, who underwent prosthetics with partial removable laminar dentures with acrylic base and retaining bent, metal clasps according to clinical indications. The first group, where the process of adaptation to the orthopedic appliance was normal, consisted of 13 people, including 7 women and 6 men. In the second group, the adaptation process took place using the proposed rehabilitation complex, and it comprised 12 patients, including 7 women and 5 men.The changes that occurred 30 days after applying a partial removable laminar denture were as follows:The value of the indicator of restricted masticatory function in subjects of the first study group was worse by 1.375 points as compared to the second group. The value of the indicator of physical pain in the process of adaptation to the orthopedic appliance was noteworthy, since it decreased significantly in the second group and amounted to 14.404 points, which was by 1.335 points higher than in patients of the first group.The level of psychological discomfort in patients of the first group was 32.412 points, which was 1.183 points different from that of patients in the second group, in favor of the latter. At the same time, a comparison of the level of psychological inferiority showed that this indicator was higher in the first group than in the second study group by 0.988 points, i.e., the dynamics of changes in this indicator was better in the second one.Comparison of the level of social inferiority showed that in the first study group it was higher by 2.106 points than in the third group. Comparison of the level of disability showed a difference of this indicator by 1.226 points in favor of patients of the second groupThe above data suggest a general trend of improving the basic health indicators of patients in the process of orthopedic rehabilitation. At the same time, there was a clear difference between the results of the questionnaire survey between patients of the first and second groups, and these indicators were better in the latter.Conclusions. The effectiveness of the proposed rehabilitation complex for patients with cerebral circulatory disorders complicated with neurological deficiency by hemitype after prosthetics with partial removable laminar appliances was confirmed by a decrease in numerical data from the questionnaire survey by 15%, indicating an improvement in quality of life in this category of patients

    Determination of fractal dimension of the functional masticatory test patterns

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    Valid diagnostic assessment of the state of dentoalveolar system and its masticatory function, in particular, is considered to be an important scientific task of modern prosthodontics. Plenty of the developed ways are based on the use of up-to-date information technology, especially on computer analysis of graphic data. The development of the enhanced methods for the evaluation of masticatory efficiency in patients with both full and partial adentia urged the search of its clear and informative indicators. According to the authors, digital image fractal dimension index can meet these needs. Since most of the available masticatory function assessment methods involve the obtaining large ammount of fragments different in their quantity, size and shape. The photography of the multiplicity of these 'spasmodically' located objects allows the processing of the received image with the help of graphic editor and converting it into numeric data. Thus, the aim of the research was to study the fractal dimension of the masticatory test images, taking into account the peculiarities of the patients'denture defects. Computer software for digital image processing ImageJ 1.50b was used in the research, since it provides the option of computer calculation of the fractal dimension index. The comparison of the masticatory tests of 30 persons with intact teeth (control group) and 33 persons with denture defects has revealed statistically significant deviation in their fractal dimension index. The reduction of the range of conventional statistical norm (1.49-1.66) to the values fluctuating from 1.47 to 1.51. was observed. Therefore, the decrease of the mean value of the fractal dimension from 1.56 (St.Err.- 0.02) to 1.50 indicates the reduction of chopping function in the given masticatory test patterns. As a result, the suggested method will allow the use of fractal dimension index as an integral indicator of masticatory efficiency level

    Щодо питання різних методів полімеризації базисних пластмас

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    Наведена порівняльна характеристика компресійного і ливарного пресування. Ураховуючи всі недолі- ки та переваги обох методів пресування, доведені вагомі переваги ливарного пресування при виготов- ленні знімних конструкцій; Приведена сравнительная характеристика компрессионного и литьевого прессования. Учитывая все недостатки и преимущества обоих методов прессования, доказаны весомые преимущества литьевого прессования при изготовлении съёмных конструкций; Тhe article describes the comparative characteristics of compressive and casting pressing. Considering disadvantages and advantages of both methods, it was proved some advantages of the usage of the casting pressing during construction of removable constructions

    Суб’єктивна оцінка студентами закладу вищої медичної освіти ефективності дистанційного ведення освітнього процесу під час карантину і пошуки шляхів його покращення

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    Обговорено результати опитування студентів стоматологічного й міжнародного факультетів щодо якості дистанційної освіти в умовах карантину, її гострі проблеми. Запропоновано можливі шляхи їх розвʼязання.This article conciders the results of a survey of students of stomatological and international faculties on the quality of distance education during quarantine, its main problems. The authors suggeste some possible ways of their solving

    De novo CNV analysis implicates specific abnormalities of postsynaptic signalling complexes in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia

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    A small number of rare, recurrent genomic copy number variants (CNVs) are known to substantially increase susceptibility to schizophrenia. As a consequence of the low fecundity in people with schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental phenotypes to which these CNVs contribute, CNVs with large effects on risk are likely to be rapidly removed from the population by natural selection. Accordingly, such CNVs must frequently occur as recurrent de novo mutations. In a sample of 662 schizophrenia proband–parent trios, we found that rare de novo CNV mutations were significantly more frequent in cases (5.1% all cases, 5.5% family history negative) compared with 2.2% among 2623 controls, confirming the involvement of de novo CNVs in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Eight de novo CNVs occurred at four known schizophrenia loci (3q29, 15q11.2, 15q13.3 and 16p11.2). De novo CNVs of known pathogenic significance in other genomic disorders were also observed, including deletion at the TAR (thrombocytopenia absent radius) region on 1q21.1 and duplication at the WBS (Williams–Beuren syndrome) region at 7q11.23. Multiple de novos spanned genes encoding members of the DLG (discs large) family of membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) that are components of the postsynaptic density (PSD). Two de novos also affected EHMT1, a histone methyl transferase known to directly regulate DLG family members. Using a systems biology approach and merging novel CNV and proteomics data sets, systematic analysis of synaptic protein complexes showed that, compared with control CNVs, case de novos were significantly enriched for the PSD proteome (P=1.72 × 10−6). This was largely explained by enrichment for members of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) (P=4.24 × 10−6) and neuronal activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (ARC) (P=3.78 × 10−8) postsynaptic signalling complexes. In an analysis of 18 492 subjects (7907 cases and 10 585 controls), case CNVs were enriched for members of the NMDAR complex (P=0.0015) but not ARC (P=0.14). Our data indicate that defects in NMDAR postsynaptic signalling and, possibly, ARC complexes, which are known to be important in synaptic plasticity and cognition, play a significant role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia

    The role of recent admixture in forming the contemporary West Eurasian genomic landscape

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    Over the past few years, studies of DNA isolated from human fossils and archaeological remains have generated considerable novel insight into the history of our species. Several landmark papers have described the genomes of ancient humans across West Eurasia, demonstrating the presence of large-scale, dynamic population movements over the last 10,000 years, such that ancestry across present-day populations is likely to be a mixture of several ancient groups [1-7]. While these efforts are bringing the details of West Eurasian prehistory into increasing focus, studies aimed at understanding the processes behind the generation of the current West Eurasian genetic landscape have been limited by the number of populations sampled or have been either too regional or global in their outlook [8-11]. Here, using recently described haplotype-based techniques [11], we present the results of a systematic survey of recent admixture history across Western Eurasia and show that admixture is a universal property across almost all groups. Admixture in all regions except North Western Europe involved the influx of genetic material from outside of West Eurasia, which we date to specific time periods. Within Northern, Western, and Central Europe, admixture tended to occur between local groups during the period 300 to 1200 CE. Comparisons of the genetic profiles of West Eurasians before and after admixture show that population movements within the last 1,500 years are likely to have maintained differentiation among groups. Our analysis provides a timeline of the gene flow events that have generated the contemporary genetic landscape of West Eurasia

    Апарат для лікування контрактур нижньої щелепи

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    Індивідуальний апарат для лікування контрактур нижньої щелепи пропонується для впровадження в лікувально-профілактичних установах практичної охорони здоров’я (обласних, міських, районних) стоматологічного профілю

    Selection of metastasis competent subclones in the tumour interior

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    The genetic evolutionary features of solid tumour growth are becoming increasingly well described, but the spatial and physical nature of subclonal growth remains unclear. Here, we utilize 102 macroscopic whole-tumour images from clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients, with matched genetic and phenotypic data from 756 biopsies. Utilizing a digital image processing pipeline, a renal pathologist marked the boundaries between tumour and normal tissue and extracted positions of boundary line and biopsy regions to X and Y coordinates. We then integrated coordinates with genomic data to map exact spatial subclone locations, revealing how genetically distinct subclones grow and evolve spatially. We observed a phenotype of advanced and more aggressive subclonal growth in the tumour centre, characterized by an elevated burden of somatic copy number alterations and higher necrosis, proliferation rate and Fuhrman grade. Moreover, we found that metastasizing subclones preferentially originate from the tumour centre. Collectively, these observations suggest a model of accelerated evolution in the tumour interior, with harsh hypoxic environmental conditions leading to a greater opportunity for driver somatic copy number alterations to arise and expand due to selective advantage. Tumour subclone growth is predominantly spatially contiguous in nature. We found only two cases of subclone dispersal, one of which was associated with metastasis. The largest subclones spatially were dominated by driver somatic copy number alterations, suggesting that a large selective advantage can be conferred to subclones upon acquisition of these alterations. In conclusion, spatial dynamics is strongly associated with genomic alterations and plays an important role in tumour evolution