4,922 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Change in Oregon Psychologistsā€™ Knowledge and Attitudes about Prescriptive Authority

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    With over half of all states having considered legislating prescriptive authority, an immense amount of time and money has been invested. The literature is limited in terms of understanding if opinions toward prescriptive authority are grounded in knowledge and what implications that has for altering these opinions. Following a veto of a prescriptive authority bill in Oregon, 160 licensed Oregon clinical psychologists were surveyed regarding their attitudes and knowledge. In terms of knowledge, only 5.6% knew which three states/territories currently have prescriptive authority and 70.4% were unfamiliar with any of the prerequisites for postdoctoral training in psychopharmacology. Reflecting division, 42.8% were in favor, 20.1% were undecided, and 37.1% were in opposition to broadening privileges for psychologists. Further, only 15.1% expressed interest in pursuing training or 6.4% in becoming a prescriber. Data on access, training, and legislative costs were presented to participants in the education condition. These participants showed significant gains in their knowledge across all domains and their opinions shifted only in these specific areas leaving their general stance on the issue unchanged. In contrast to ardent supporters who argue that their ā€œdata should provide reassurance to psychologists spearheading legislative initiativesā€ because of high approval ratings (Sammons et al., 2000, p. 608), our data suggest disagreement amongst a group of professionals who are not particularly well-informed, nor interested in becoming prescribers. Future work should investigate whether expanding the data relevant to other facets of the argument contributes to further targeted change or an overall change in opinion toward prescriptive authority

    Non-binary Living in a Binary World: The Unlabeled Experience

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    Both popular media and social science research suggest that gender/sexual identities and roles that have dominated western society are being challenged (Budgeon, 2014). Heteronormative assumptions and the gender binary are rapidly evolving to capture experiences that reflect greater diversity (Diamond, 2005; Nagoshi et al., 2012), including those that extend beyond labels. We surveyed 915 individuals regarding their gender identity, sexual orientation, and numerous psychological measures related to well-being, in order to understand the experience of those who choose to remain unlabeled. The data would suggest that those not ascribing to the gender binary have lower reported satisfaction with life across several axes when compared to cisgender participants. Explaining their ā€˜unlabeledā€™ status, participants described their primary identification as human, expressed discomfort with gender-based assumptions and rejected constrictions of the gender binary

    Zirconium stable isotope analysis of zircon by MC-ICP-MS: Methods and application to evaluating intra-crystalline zonation in a zircon megacryst

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    Zirconium (Zr) plays a key role in the development of phases like zircon (ZrSiOā‚„) and baddeleyite (ZrOā‚‚) in magmatic systems. These minerals are crucial for the study of geologic time and crustal evolution, and their high resistivity to weathering and erosion results in their preservation on timescales of billions of years. Although zircon and baddeleyite may also preserve a robust record of Zr isotope behavior in high-temperature terrestrial environments, little is known about the factors that control Zr isotope partitioning in magmatic systems, the petrogenetic significance of fractionated compositions, or how these variations are recorded in Zr-rich accessory phases. Here, we describe a new analytical protocol for accurately determining the Zr stable isotope composition of zircon by multicollector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), using the double-spike method to correct for procedural and instrumental mass bias. We apply this technique to test whether zircon crystallization in carbonatite magmatic systems is a driver of Zr isotope fractionation by interrogating the internal zonation of a zircon megacryst from the Mud Tank carbonatite (MTUR1). We find the MTUR1 megacryst to lack internal zoning within analytical uncertainties with a mean Ī¼ā¹ā“/ā¹ā°Zr_(NIST) = āˆ’55 Ā± 28 ppm (2 SD, n = 151), which suggests that zircon crystallization is not a driver of Zr isotope fractionation in carbonatite magmas. This observation is in stark contrast with those made in silicate magmatic systems, raising the possibility that the bonding environment of Zrā“āŗ ions may be fundamentally different in carbonatite vs. silicate melts. Because of its remarkable homogeneity, the MTUR1 megacryst is an ideal natural reference material for Zr isotopic analysis of zircon using both solution and spatially resolved methods. The reproducibility of a pure Zr solution and our chemically purified zircon fractions indicate that the external reproducibility of our method is on the order of Ā±28 ppm for Ī¼ā¹ā“/ā¹ā°Zr, or Ā±7 ppm per amu, at 95% confidence

    Force of Beauty or Object of Desire? The Priming Effects of Makeup Video Advertisements on Self-Objectification in College Women

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    Women are too often valued for their beauty and have shifted their focus from character to body improvement (Brumberg, 1998). Objectification theory (Frederickson & Roberts, 1997) posits that sexual objectification socializes females to evaluate themselves based on looks. Self-objectification is the attempt to control this external perception by monitoring oneā€™s physical appearance. Women are more likely to think ā€œHow do I look?ā€ than ā€œWhat am I capable of?ā€ The priming effects of positive and negative body-focused makeup advertisements on college-aged womenā€™s level of self-objectification were examined in two separate studies. In study one, 87 participants viewing positive vs. negative advertisements reported more traits and abilities; this was especially true for high self-objectifiers. Participants viewing positive advertisements reported more positive emotions, suggesting the salutary role that positive messaging may play. Results were replicated in study two, with 172 participants who viewed positive vs. negative advertisements reporting significantly fewer body shape statements, more trait and abilities, as well as more physical competence statements. In addition, individuals who viewed advertisements with non-objectifying content responded with a significantly greater number of positively valenced statements and significantly fewer negative statements about themselves in comparison to women who viewed objectifying advertisements. These results suggest that marketers should eschew advertising that sexually objectifies women and promotes unattainable beauty goals. Future research should evaluate cumulative and long-term effects of advertisement and examine whether exposure that leads to lower levels of objectification also minimizes negative consequences associated with objectifying media influences (e.g., body shame, depression, eating disorder)

    Oregon Psychologists on Prescriptive Authority: Divided Views and Little Knowledge

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    With over half of all states having considered legislating prescriptive authority, an immense amount of time and money has been invested. The literature is limited in terms of understanding if opinions toward prescriptive authority are grounded in knowledge and what implications that has for altering these opinions. Following a veto of a prescriptive authority bill in Oregon, 399 licensed Oregon clinical psychologists were surveyed regarding their attitudes and knowledge. In terms of knowledge, only 6.5% knew which three states/territories currently have prescriptive authority and 70.4% were unfamiliar with any of the prerequisites for postdoctoral training in psychopharmacology. Reflecting division, 43.4% were in favor, 25.4% were undecided, and 31.2% were in opposition to broadening privileges for psychologists. Further, only 15.2% expressed interest in pursuing training or 6.7% in becoming prescribers. Data on access, training, and legislative costs were presented to participants in the education condition. These participants showed significant gains in their knowledge across all domains and their opinions shifted only in these specific areas leaving their general stance on the issue unchanged. In contrast to ardent supporters who argue that their ā€œdata should provide reassurance to psychologists spearheading legislative initiativesā€ because of high approval ratings (Sammons et al., 2000, p. 608), our data suggest disagreement amongst a group of professionals who are not particularly well-informed, nor interested in becoming prescribers. Future work should investigate whether expanding the data relevant to other facets of the argument contributes to further targeted change or an overall change in opinion toward prescriptive authority

    Outcomes of a Multi-Component Family Enrichment Project: 12-Month Follow-up

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    Previous research has established that family enrichment programs work with a variety of populations (e.g., Hawkins, Stanley, Blanchard, & Albright, 2012). It is unclear if a multi-component program focusing on a variety of family outcomes can lead to lasting change. This study used growth modeling to examine effects of relationship (i.e., Within My Reach), parenting (i.e., Making Parenting a Pleasure), and financial enrichment (i.e., Spend Some, Save Some, Share Some) classes over 12 months. Results revealed improvement in family functioning at one year post for all three programs. Program specific improvements included relationship functioning and parenting alliance. Program participants reported overall satisfaction and gaining of valuable skills. Findings suggest these family enrichment programs can have long-lasting effects; potential reasons for sample success and implications are discussed

    Child Psychosocial Adjustment and Parenting in Families Affected by Maternal HIV/AIDS

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    Child adjustment and parenting were examined in 23 9-through 16-year-old youth from families affected by maternal HIV infection and 20 same-age peers whose mothers were not infected. Children whose mothers were seropositive reported significantly more externalizing problems. Infected mothers reported less age-appropriate supervision/monitoring relative to non-infected mothers. Better mother-child relationship quality and less impairment in parental supervision/monitoring of age-appropriate youth behaviors were associated with fewer externalizing difficulties among the HIV-positive group only. Similarly, only among HIV-infected mothers was refraining from engaging in inconsistent disciplinary tactics associated with lower reports of internalizing and externalizing problems. These data highlight the promise of programs targeting parenting skills to prevent or ameliorate child difficulties

    Disclosure of Maternal HIV Status to Children: To Tell or Not To Tell . . . That Is the Question

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    HIV-infected mothers face the challenging decision of whether to disclose their serostatus to their children. From the perspective of both mother and child, we explored the process of disclosure, providing descriptive information and examining the relationships among disclosure, demographic variables, and child adjustment. Participants were 23 mothers and one of their noninfected children (9 to 16 years of age). Sixty-one percent of mothers disclosed. Consistent with previous research, disclosure was not related to child functioning. However, children sworn to secrecy demonstrated lower social competence and more externalizing problems. Differential disclosure, which occurred in one-third of the families, was associated with higher levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms. Finally, knowing more than mothers had themselves disclosed was related to child maladjustment across multiple domains. Clinical implications and the need for future research are considered

    Working group written presentation: Trapped radiation effects

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    The results of the Trapped Radiation Effects Panel for the Space Environmental Effects on Materials Workshop are presented. The needs of the space community for new data regarding effects of the space environment on materials, including electronics are listed. A series of questions asked of each of the panels at the workshop are addressed. Areas of research which should be pursued to satisfy the requirements for better knowledge of the environment and better understanding of the effects of the energetic charged particle environment on new materials and advanced electronics technology are suggested
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