47 research outputs found

    Self-Organized Similarity based Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Model and Its Applications

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    The purpose of this paper is to improve the performance of the kernel fuzzy clustering model by introducing a self-organized algorithm. A conventional kernel fuzzy clustering model is defined as a model which is an improved additive fuzzy clustering. The purpose of this conventional model is to obtain a clearer result by consideration of the interaction of clusters. This paper proposes a fuzzy clustering model based on the idea of self-organized dissimilarity between two objects

    Thin anterior uterine wall with incomplete uterine rupture in a primigravida detected by palpation and ultrasound: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Uterine rupture is an obstetric complication associated with significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. This disorder usually occurs with a scarred uterus, especially in a uterus with prior Cesarean section. Uterine sacculation or diverticulum may also lead to a thin uterine wall during pregnancy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 27-year-old Japanese primigravid woman was admitted to our hospital due to weak, irregular uterine contractions in her 38<sup>th </sup>week of gestation. She had no past history of uterine surgery or known diseases. A hard mass was palpable in her abdomen. An ultrasound revealed that the anterior uterine wall was thin and bulging, with a fetal minor part beneath it which corresponded to the palpated mass. A Cesarean section was performed which revealed a thin anterior uterine wall with incomplete uterine rupture. The woman and baby were healthy.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although extremely rare, an unscarred primigravid uterus can undergo incomplete rupture even without discernable risk factors or labor pains. Abdominal palpation and ultrasound may be useful in detecting this condition.</p

    Comparative histopathological studies in the early stages of acute pathogenic and nonpathogenic SHIV-infected lymphoid organs

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    AbstractTo clarify the early pathological events in simian and human immunodeficiency chimeric virus (SHIV)-infected lymphoid organs, we examined rhesus macaques infected with an acute pathogenic SHIV (SHIV89.6P) or a nonpathogenic SHIV (NM-3rN) by sequential biopsies and serial necropsies. In the SHIV89.6P-infected monkeys, acute thymic involution as shown by increased cortical tingible-body macrophages and by neutrophilic infiltrates without follicular aggregation in the medulla began within 14 days postinoculation (dpi). Cells that were strongly positive for the virus were identified in the thymic medulla. SHIV89.6P-infected lymph nodes showed severe paracortical lymphadenitis with scattered virus-positive cells at 14 dpi and they developed paracortical depletion without the obvious follicular involution. In contrast, NM-3rN-infected monkeys showed no signs of thymic dysinvolution and the lymph nodes exhibited only follicular hyperplasia. NM-3rN-infected monkeys showed much fewer virus-positive cells in these lymphoid tissues than did SHIV89.6P-infected monkeys during the same period. These differences clearly reflect the difference in the virulence of these SHIVs

    Intestinal adhesion due to previous uterine surgery as a risk factor for delayed diagnosis of uterine rupture: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Uterine rupture is a life-threatening condition both to mothers and fetuses. Its early diagnosis and treatment may save their lives. Previous myomectomy is a high risk factor for uterine rupture. Intestinal adhesion due to previous myomectomy may also prevent early diagnosis of uterine rupture.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 38-year-old primiparous non-laboring Japanese woman with a history of myomectomy was admitted in her 34<sup>th </sup>week due to lower abdominal pain. Although the pain was slight and her vital signs were stable, computed tomography revealed massive fluid collection in her abdominal cavity, which led us to perform a laparotomy. Uterine rupture had occurred at the site of the previous myomectomy; however, the small intestine was adhered tightly to the rupture, thus masking it. The baby was delivered through a low uterine segment transverse incision. The ruptured uterine wall was reconstructed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Intestinal adhesion due to a prior myomectomy occluded a uterine rupture, possibly masking its symptoms and signs, which may have prevented early diagnosis.</p

    Case Report Maternal Perception of Decreased Fetal Movement in One Twin: A Clue Leading to the Early Detection of Absent Variability due to Acute Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

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    Decreased fetal movement (DFM) perceived by pregnant women sometimes indicates imminent fetal jeopardy. It is unknown whether this also holds true for twin pregnancy. A 27-year-old primiparous woman with monochorionic diamniotic (MD) pregnancy had a slight difference of amniotic fluid volume at 31 2/7 weeks of gestation. DFM only in one twin at 31 4/7 weeks of gestation prompted her to receive urgent consultation. Since cardiotocogram indicated absent variability of one twin, we performed Cesarean section. Male infants weighing 2060 g and 1578 g were delivered; hemoglobin was 20.7 versus 10.8 g/dL, respectively; cardiothoracic ratio was 70% versus 44%, respectively, indicating acute twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). The recipient infant had heart failure, which was still observed at 1 month postpartum. In conclusion, maternal perception of DFM indicated imminent fetal death or jeopardy caused by acute TTTS, suggesting that education regarding DFM for women with twin pregnancy may be clinically important

    Development of unit for elective subject from fifth to ninth grade to improve cooperative creation (3)

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    本研究は, 「21世紀型の教科学力」の新たな観点としての「協同的創造力」の育成をめざして, 自分たちで新たな文化を創造する子どもを育てる協同的創造学習のあり方について実証的に研究を進め, 単元モデルと評価方法を開発することを目的としている。そこで, 教科学習を「協同的創造学習」としてとらえ直すとともに, 中学校での従来の選択教科の時間に加えて, 小学校第5・6学年合同の選択教科の時間を新設して「協同的創造力」を特化して育むことにし, 本年度は, 選択教科の単元モデルの充実・改善と評価方法の確立に取り組んだ。その結果, 選択教科において, これまで開発した単元モデルをより充実させたり, 新たな単元モデルを開発したりすることができた。また, 評価の観点を整理し, 子どもの意識調査やカリキュラム評価に継続して取り組むことによって, 子どもの思いを汲み取り単元を見直していくことができた。今後も必修教科と選択教科のつながりや関連性, 各学年の系統性を整理するとともに, 協同的創造力育成の手だてを整理し, 来年度に向けて, これまで培ったものを生かす新たな学習開発を模索していきたいと考えている

    Congenital superior sternal cleft repair using our modified Sally technique: A case report

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    AbstractWe report the case of an 8-month-old male neonate who underwent reconstructive surgery for a congenital superior sternal cleft to decrease the risk of commotio cordis. With regard to use of the Sally technique for the repair of a relatively wide cleft (4 × 4 cm), we were concerned about respiratory problems caused by compression following closure of the sternal halves. By closing the sternal halves imperfectly, elevation of intrapleural pressure can be avoided to some extent. By bridging the surplus resected cartilage from the lower sternum over the gap of the upper sternum, the heart is protected by more rigid material. We recommend our modified Sally technique because it is both flexible and effective for sternal cleft repair

    Self-Organized Similarity based Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Model and Its Applications

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    Abstract-The purpose of this paper is to improve the performance of the kernel fuzzy clustering model by introducing a self-organized algorithm. A conventional kernel fuzzy clustering model is defined as a model which is an improved additive fuzzy clustering. The purpose of this conventional model is to obtain a clearer result by consideration of the interaction of clusters. This paper proposes a fuzzy clustering model based on the idea of self-organized dissimilarity between two objects