36 research outputs found

    Noun Paraphrasing Based on a Variety of Contexts

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    首都大学東京, 2018-03-25, 博士(工学)首都大学東

    Word-Region Alignment-Guided Multimodal Neural Machine Translation

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    We propose word-region alignment-guided multimodal neural machine translation (MNMT), a novel model for MNMT that links the semantic correlation between textual and visual modalities using word-region alignment (WRA). Existing studies on MNMT have mainly focused on the effect of integrating visual and textual modalities. However, they do not leverage the semantic relevance between the two modalities. We advance the semantic correlation between textual and visual modalities in MNMT by incorporating WRA as a bridge. This proposal has been implemented on two mainstream architectures of neural machine translation (NMT): the recurrent neural network (RNN) and the transformer. Experiments on two public benchmarks, English--German and English--French translation tasks using the Multi30k dataset and English--Japanese translation tasks using the Flickr30kEnt-JP dataset prove that our model has a significant improvement with respect to the competitive baselines across different evaluation metrics and outperforms most of the existing MNMT models. For example, 1.0 BLEU scores are improved for the English-German task and 1.1 BLEU scores are improved for the English-French task on the Multi30k test2016 set; and 0.7 BLEU scores are improved for the English-Japanese task on the Flickr30kEnt-JP test set. Further analysis demonstrates that our model can achieve better translation performance by integrating WRA, leading to better visual information use

    Region-Attentive Multimodal Neural Machine Translation

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    We propose a multimodal neural machine translation (MNMT) method with semantic image regions called region-attentive multimodal neural machine translation (RA-NMT). Existing studies on MNMT have mainly focused on employing global visual features or equally sized grid local visual features extracted by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to improve translation performance. However, they neglect the effect of semantic information captured inside the visual features. This study utilizes semantic image regions extracted by object detection for MNMT and integrates visual and textual features using two modality-dependent attention mechanisms. The proposed method was implemented and verified on two neural architectures of neural machine translation (NMT): recurrent neural network (RNN) and self-attention network (SAN). Experimental results on different language pairs of Multi30k dataset show that our proposed method improves over baselines and outperforms most of the state-of-the-art MNMT methods. Further analysis demonstrates that the proposed method can achieve better translation performance because of its better visual feature use

    Noun Paraphrasing Based on a Variety of Contexts

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    Monolingual Transfer Learning via Bilingual Translators for Style-Sensitive Paraphrase Generation

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    We tackle the low-resource problem in style transfer by employing transfer learning that utilizes abundantly available raw corpora. Our method consists of two steps: pre-training learns to generate a semantically equivalent sentence with an input assured grammaticality, and fine-tuning learns to add a desired style. Pre-training has two options, auto-encoding and machine translation based methods. Pre-training based on AutoEncoder is a simple way to learn these from a raw corpus. If machine translators are available, the model can learn more diverse paraphrasing via roundtrip translation. After these, fine-tuning achieves high-quality paraphrase generation even in situations where only 1k sentence pairs of the parallel corpus for style transfer is available. Experimental results of formality style transfer indicated the effectiveness of both pre-training methods and the method based on roundtrip translation achieves state-of-the-art performance