12 research outputs found

    DCIS arising in mammary hamartoma

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    Mammary hamartoma is benign lesion and relatively rare. 17 cases of breast cancer associated with a hamartoma had been previously documented in the literature. We describe herein a case of noninvasive ductal carcinoma of the breast arising in hamartoma in a woman of 60’s. The discordance of images of the mass between mammogram and ultrasonogram can lead us to detect the carcinoma within the hamartoma in our case

    Distinct Effects of Ketone Bodies on Down-Regulation of Cell Surface Insulin Receptor and Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Phosphorylation in Adrenal Chromaffin Cells

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    ABSTRACT Treatment (м24 h) of cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells with ketoacidosis-related concentrations (м3 mM) of acetoacetate (but not ␤-hydroxybutyrate, acetone, and acidic medium) caused a time-and concentration-dependent reduction of cell surface 125 I-insulin binding by ϳ38%, with no change in the K d value. The reduction of 125 I-insulin binding returned to control nontreated level at 24 h after the washout of acetoacetate-treated cells. Acetoacetate did not increase the internalization rate of cell surface insulin receptor (IR), as measured in the presence of brefeldin A, an inhibitor of cell surface vesicular exit from the trans-Golgi network. Acetoacetate (10 mM for 24 h) lowered cellular levels of the immunoreactive IR precursor molecule (ϳ190 kDa) and IR by 22 and 28%, respectively. Acetoacetate decreased IR mRNA levels by ϳ23% as early as 6 h, producing their maximum plateau reduction at 12 and 24 h. The half-life of IR mRNA was shortened by acetoacetate from 13.6 to 9.5 h. Immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot analysis revealed that insulin-induced (100 nM for 10 min) tyrosine-phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) was attenuated by 56% in acetoacetate-treated cells, with no change in IRS-1 level. These results suggest that chronic treatment with acetoacetate selectively down-regulated the density of cell surface functional IR via lowering IR mRNA levels and IR synthesis, thereby retarding insulin-induced activation of IRS-1

    Ring-Fused Cyclopropanone N

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    Note on the mineral texture and chemistry of the eastern Bushveld Complex

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    Preliminary petrological study was carried out for the Rustenburg Layered Suite in the eastern Bushveld Complex. The Rustenburg Layered Suite consists of the Marginal Zone, Lower Zone, Critical Zone, Main Zone and Upper Zone. The mineral texture and chemical compositional variations were examined from the Lower to the Upper Zone. Although the number of sample is small, the crystallization sequence and presence of two types of magma can be recognized from the following mineral textures and compositions : (1) Plagioclase occurs as a post-cumulus phase in rocks from the Lower Zone to lower subzone in the Critical Zone, whereas it occurs as a cumulus phase in rocks from the upper subzone in the Critical Zone, Main Zone and Upper Zone. (2) A distinctive compositional difference of plagioclase and orthopyroxene can be seen between the lower subzone and upper subzone in the Critical Zone. In the lower subzone in the Critical Zone, post-cumulus plagioclase has low An within the range of 74-50,whereas the upper subzone has An=83-63. This result is consistent with previous work. In addition, Norite in the upper subzone in the Critical Zone has orthopyroxene-developed (Opx-rich) and clinopyroxene-developed (Cpx-rich) domains. In the Opx-rich domain, high-X_ orthopyroxene and low-An plagioclase inclusions can be seen. On the other hand, both low-X_ orthopyroxene inclusions and high-An plagioclase inclusions are observed in the Cpx-rich domain. These textural and compositional relationships suggest possible magma mixing on the thin section scale