6 research outputs found

    Longitudinal changes in emerging adults' attachment preferences for their mother, father, friends, and romantic partner:Focusing on the start and end of romantic relationships

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    Only a few studies have longitudinally explored to whom emerging adults prefer to turn to seek closeness, comfort, and security (called attachment preferences), and previous studies on attachment preferences in emerging adults have focused only on the beginning of romantic relationships but not on the end of relationships. Czech emerging adults (M = 21.47; SD = 1.48) completed the questionnaire of attachment preferences at two time points, Wave 1 (Summer 2013) and Wave 2 (Summer 2014). Latent difference score analyses revealed that emerging adults who were not in a romantic relationship in Wave 1 but started a romantic relationship between the two waves (n = 97) and those who had a romantic partner in both waves (n = 379) were both more likely to increase their attachment preference for the romantic partner and decrease their preference for friends, whereas those who did not start a relationship (n = 185) were not. Emerging adults who were in a romantic relationship in Wave 1 but were not in Wave 2 (n = 69) decreased their preference for the partner and increased their preference for friends. In all the groups, attachment preferences for the mother, for the father, or for the family did not change. Multiple regression analyses further revealed that for those who had a romantic partner in both waves, their length of romantic relationship was associated with changes in attachment preferences for romantic partners and for friends

    Changes in late adolescents’ voting intentions during the election campaign: Disentangling the effects of political communication with parents, peers and media

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    This article investigates the effects of political discussions with parents, political discussions with peers and exposure to political news during an election campaign on the voting intentions and behaviour of first-time voters. Longitudinal data collected in the Czech Republic are employed in the main analysis (N=223). Results show that young people who frequently discuss politics with their peers are characterized by higher voting intentions and subsequent electoral participation. On the other hand, political discussions with parents and exposure to political news have no such effects. Furthermore, although it does not have an impact on voting intentions, more frequent political discussions with parents predict increased frequency of political discussions with peers. Overall, our results underscore the importance of peers in late adolescents' political socialization

    Do toddlers prefer the primary caregiver or the parent with whom they feel more secure? The role of toddler emotion

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    This study tested Bowlby and Ainsworth’s hypothesis that a hierarchy of caregivers exists whereby infants prefer one caregiver over another when distressed. We examined parent gender (mother vs. father), primary caregiver status (defined as the parent who spent most time with the infant and performed most of the caregiving tasks), and role of toddlers’ history of attachment security with each parent, as predictors of toddlers’ preference for a particular caregiver when the toddlers are distressed and when they are content. Infants’ attachment security with each parent was assessed at 12–15 months. At 24 months, mother–child and father–child interactions were observed in triadic (mother, father, toddler) home interactions. When distressed, regardless of the security of their attachment to each parent, toddlers more often interacted with the primary caregiver. When content, toddlers did not show this preference. As expected, toddlers’ recovery from distress was predicted by their security of attachment with the parent whom they approached when distressed


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    Abstract: The associations between parent-daughter relationship characteristics and disordered eating behaviors among emerging adult women from the Czech Republic were examined. Participants (N = 798 women, M = 22.25 years old, SD = 1.42) reported on disordered eating behaviors (dieting and unhealthy weight-control behaviors; UWCB), their relationship characteristics with each parent (trust, communication, alienation and psychological control) and covariates (weight, height, frequency of communication with parents, living status and parental statuses). Overall, 41% of women were on a diet, and 33% engaged in at least one UWCB. Logistic regression analyses revealed that none of the parent-daughter relationship characteristics had any association with dieting. However, a low quality of mother-daughter relationship (low trust, high alienation and psychological control) had a significant association with UWCB. None of the fatherdaughter relationship characteristics had a significant association with UWCB. The results suggest that preventive interventions with the family should emphasize the quality of the motherdaughter relationship