1,247 research outputs found

    Possibile origine e consistenza di un popolamento di Quercus trojana Webb subsp. trojana (Fagaceae) nel Bosco della Ficuzza (Palermo, Sicilia

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    Possible origin and demographic asset of a population of Quercus trojana Webb subsp. trojana (Fagaceae) in the wood of Ficuzza (Palermo, Sicily). The first record of Macedonian oak in Sicily is reported. The finding consists of 73 adult and 4 young individuals. A morphometric analysis of all of them, along with an assessment of their phytosanitary status was carried out. They all grow between 700 and 850 m a.s.l. on a 2,30 ha area, characterized by a land mosaic of shrubland and forest patches. Notwithstanding two years of researches, no ultimate proof has been found on their alien status. On this purpose, several alternative hypothesis are formulated and their strengths and weaknesses are discussed. Considering that the environmental conditions of Ficuzza fit very well the ecological requirements of Quercus trojana, even the native status of local population cannot be totally rejected. On the other hand, many data support its recent introduction. In fact, according to interviews to old forest workers, archive documents and aerial photos, most part of the trees of this area have been planted just few years after the end of the Second World War, and dendrochronological analyses have pointed out that the biggest Macedonian oaks of Sicily are no more than 50-60 years old. Whatever the origin of local Macedonian oak population is, the presence of natural renovation testifies, at least, its full naturalisation within the Sicilian territory

    evaluation of virtual learning environment for the professional training in public administration

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    In this paper, we describe a framework for the evaluation of a virtual learning environment in the Public Administration context. We describe the question of e-learning education of the Italian Public Administration employees and we analyse the characteristics of these learners [11, 13, 9]. These adults do not belong to the Internet Generation but they have to use the new educational tools, with the problems that this implies [9, 10, 15]. Citizens expect transparency and services personalization, efficiency and quality by the Public Administration. The Public Administration began this modernization process aimed at the improvement of the administrative action. The aim is to meet the needs of citizens that live in a complex society. This entails a re-examination of the role and the logic of work that find in the employees a master key for their success [6]. Therefore the most important element for this modernization process and for the reformation of the administrative action is the education of the employees [12, 14]. The European Council invited the member States to adopt the methodologies of e-learning for the education of their staff [4, 5]. In the last years a large number of employees have received training with the methodologies and the instruments of on-line education. The European Public Administrations had adopted on a large scale the e-learning for the education of their employees because this is a modality of in service-training that removes space and time bonds. Moreover this allows the utilisation of new educational techniques. The learning policies adopted by the governments highlight the importance of education in adulthood to be competitive in the knowledge society [4]. This type of education is oriented to provide and to develop the ability that can be utilised in a professional field, not to make up for knowledge opportunities missed at the time of compulsory school education. It is essential to provide the employees-learners a good quality learning object and Virtual Learning Environment [1, 2, 3]. For these reasons we had worked out a framework to evaluate the quality and the pedagogical efficacy of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) from the point of view of lifelong learning. The evaluation offers feedback to developers, tutors, teachers and the other involved people, and it is an important part for the guarantee of quality [7]. We are interested in finding general principles that are useful in the planning of the learning environment for the Public Administration employees. We describe the pedagogical implications of the adoption of e-learning in adult education, the reasons for its broad use in Public Administration. The virtual environment is a social space, and in this system a set of people (students, tutors, teachers, administration assistant, etc) interact, with different roles and needs. For this reason the evaluation of an e-learning environment embraces the evaluation of the process of delivery, the maintenance and the people involved [8]. The evaluation instruments could be created in order to estimate the quality expected, looked for and reached. For these reasons it is necessary to detect indicators able to find the minimum criteria of quality [3]. In a Virtual Learning Environment there are different elements that can be considered in order to evaluate the quality of the learning system, we have considered these: â?¢ The quality of communication system. â?¢ The quality of support services and the didactic staff. â?¢ The quality of administrative services. â?¢ The quality of learning objects. We also analyze the learnersâ?? needs regarding on-line education. The aim of this study was to find a learning environment suitable for Public Administration employees. References: [1] CNIPA (2007). I Quaderni - Vademecum per la realizzazione di progetti formativi in modalita e-learning nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, N°32, aprile 2007. [2] CNIPA (2004). Vademecum per la realizzazione di progetti formativi in modalita eLearning nelle PA, I Quaderni, n. 2. Retrieved December 14th, 2007 from: http://www.cnipa.gov.it/site/_contentfiles/01377500/1377508_cnipa_quaderno_2.pdf . [3] CNIPA (2004). Linee guida per i progetti formativi in modalita eLearning nelle PA, I Quaderni, n. 7. Retrieved December 14th, 2007 from: http://www.cnipa.gov.it/site/_contentfiles/01378400/1378474_I%20QUADERNI%20n7.qxd.pdf [4] European Council (2000). Lisbon European Council 23 and 24 March 2000 â?? Presidency Conclusions. Retrieved December 14th, 2007 from http://www.europarl.europa.eu/summits/lis1_en.htm. [5] European Council (2002). Presidency conclusions â?? Barcelona European Council 15 and 16 March 2002. Retrieved December 14th, 2007 from http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/ec/71025.pdf. [6] Formez (2006). Scenari e tendenze della formazione pubblica, Quaderni Formez N. 45. Roma, Formez Ufficio Stampa ed Editoria. [7] Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (1994). The program evaluation standards. Thousand Oaks, Sage. [8] Khan, B.H. (2004). E-learning: progettazione e gestione. Trento, Erickson. [9] Knowles, M. (1970). The Modern Practice of Adult Education: Andragogy versus Pedagogy. New York, Association press. [10] Knowles, M. (1990). The Adult Learner: a neglected species. 4. ed. Houston, Gulf Publishing. [11] Liscia, R. (a cura di) (2006). E-learning in Italia. Una strategia per lâ??innovazione. Milano, Apogeo. [12] M.G. Mereu (Ed.), (2000) La rilevazione dei fabbisogni professionali e formativi nelle Regioni italiane, Isfol, Strumenti e Ricerche, Milano , Franco Angeli [13] Ministero per lâ??Innovazione e le Tecnologie (2002). Linee guida del Governo per lo sviluppo della Societa dellâ??Informazione. Retrieved December 14th, 2007 from http://www.interlex.it/testi/pdf/lineeguida.pdf. [14] MIPA. (2004). Programmare e valutare la formazione, una guida per le amministrazioni pubbliche. Milano, Lattanzio [15] Tough, A.M. (1979). The adult's learning projects. 2. ed. Austin, Learning Concepts

    Increased Susceptibility to Cortical Spreading Depression in the Mouse Model of Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 2

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    Familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (FHM2) is an autosomal dominant form of migraine with aura that is caused by mutations of the α2-subunit of the Na,K-ATPase, an isoform almost exclusively expressed in astrocytes in the adult brain. We generated the first FHM2 knock-in mouse model carrying the human W887R mutation in the Atp1a2 orthologous gene. Homozygous Atp1a2R887/R887 mutants died just after birth, while heterozygous Atp1a2+/R887 mice showed no apparent clinical phenotype. The mutant α2 Na,K-ATPase protein was barely detectable in the brain of homozygous mutants and strongly reduced in the brain of heterozygous mutants, likely as a consequence of endoplasmic reticulum retention and subsequent proteasomal degradation, as we demonstrate in transfected cells. In vivo analysis of cortical spreading depression (CSD), the phenomenon underlying migraine aura, revealed a decreased induction threshold and an increased velocity of propagation in the heterozygous FHM2 mouse. Since several lines of evidence involve a specific role of the glial α2 Na,K pump in active reuptake of glutamate from the synaptic cleft, we hypothesize that CSD facilitation in the FHM2 mouse model is sustained by inefficient glutamate clearance by astrocytes and consequent increased cortical excitatory neurotransmission. The demonstration that FHM2 and FHM1 mutations share the ability to facilitate induction and propagation of CSD in mouse models further support the role of CSD as a key migraine trigger

    An investigation of bedside laparoscopy in the ICU for cases of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia

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    Background: Acute mesenteric ischemia is a rare affection with high related mortality. NOMI presents the most important diagnostic problems and is related with the higher risk of white laparotomy. This study wants to give a contribution for the validation of laparoscopic approach in case of NOMI. Methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients were admitted in last 10 years in ICU of Paolo Giaccone University Hospital of Palermo for AMI. Diagnosis was obtained by multislice CT and selective angiography was done if clinical conditions were permissive. If necrosis was already present or suspected, surgical approach was done. Endovascular or surgical embolectomy was performed when necessary. Twenty NOMI patients underwent medical treatment performing laparoscopy 24 h later to verify the evolution of AMI. A three-port technique was used. In all patients we performed a bed side procedure 48-72 h later in both non-resected and resected group. Results: In 14 up 20 case of NOMI the disease was extended throughout the splanchnic district, in 6 patients it involved the ileum and the colon; after a first look, only 6 patients underwent resection. One patient died 35 h after diagnosis of NOMI. The second look, 48 h later, demonstrated 4 infarction recurrences in the group of resected patients and onset signs of necrosis in 5 patients of non-resected group. A total of 15 resections were performed on 11 patients. Mortality rate was 6/20-30% but it was much higher in resected group (5/11-45,5%). Non-therapeutic laparotomy was avoided in 9/20 patients and in this group mortality rate was 1/9-11%. No morbidity was recorded related to laparoscopic procedure. Conclusions: Laparoscopy could be a feasible and safety surgical approach for management of patient with NOMI. Our retrospective study demonstrates that laparoscopy don't increase morbidity, reduce mortality avoiding non-therapeutic laparotomy

    Complication of endoscopic tattooing: A case report of covered perforation

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    Aim: Laparoscopy is considered a good approach in treatment of colorectal neoplastic diseases; the endoscopic tattooing is then recommended (Evidence Level III and grade of recommendation A) to mark a lesion or a polypectomy site for intraoperative identification. We describe the case of perforation after tattoing treated conservatively. Case report: 63 years old woman, underwent colonoscopy for lipoma tattooing with India ink SPOT® solution kit and saline test. Immediately after the procedure the patient has been referred the appearance of colic epi-mesogastric pain and fever; Computed Tomography (CT) without MDC identified an irregular thickening of transverse colon with some microbubbles compatible with focal peritonitis. Initial paralytic ileus was present too. The blood count and metabolic panel examinations reveal a neutrophil leucocytosis (WBC: 11.000/mmc, 80% neutrophils). Results: On the base of WSES sepsis severity score and recent literature patient was treated conservatively with total parenteral nutrition, and intravenous antibiotic therapy. After the resolution of fever and reactivation of peristalsis. The discharge occurred after six days with no early complications. Conclusion: India ink tattooing with SPOT® solution kit and saline test represent the first choice. It is a feasible technique although perforation is a possible complication. It may need an immediately surgical operation but in most cases a conservative management is a good and safe tool even if surgery may be attempted too

    Mitochondrial Metabolism and EV Cargo of Endothelial Cells Is Affected in Presence of EVs Derived from MSCs on Which HIF Is Activated

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    Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have attracted growing interest as a possible novel therapeutic agent for the management of different cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Hypoxia significantly enhances the secretion of angiogenic mediators from MSCs as well as sEVs. The iron-chelating deferoxamine mesylate (DFO) is a stabilizer of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 and consequently used as a substitute for environmental hypoxia. The improved regenerative potential of DFO-treated MSCs has been attributed to the increased release of angiogenic factors, but whether this effect is also mediated by the secreted sEVs has not yet been investigated. In this study, we treated adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) with a nontoxic dose of DFO to harvest sEVs (DFO-sEVs). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) treated with DFO-sEVs underwent mRNA sequencing and miRNA profiling of sEV cargo (HUVEC-sEVs). The transcriptomes revealed the upregulation of mitochondrial genes linked to oxidative phosphorylation. Functional enrichment analysis on miRNAs of HUVEC-sEVs showed a connection with the signaling pathways of cell proliferation and angiogenesis. In conclusion, mesenchymal cells treated with DFO release sEVs that induce in the recipient endothelial cells molecular pathways and biological processes strongly linked to proliferation and angiogenesis

    Selenoprotein T as a new positive inotrope in the goldfish, Carassius auratus.

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    Selenoprotein T (SELENOT) is a thioredoxin-like protein, which mediates oxidoreductase functions via its redox active motif Cys-X-X-Sec. In mammals, SELENOT is expressed during ontogenesis and progressively decreases in adult tissues. In the heart, it is re-expressed after ischemia and induces cardioprotection against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. SELENOT is present in teleost fish, including the goldfish Carassius auratus. This study aimed to evaluate the cardiac expression of SELENOT, and the effects of exogenous PSELT (a 43-52 SELENOT derived-peptide) on the heart function of C. auratus, a hypoxia tolerance fish model. We found that SELENOT was expressed in cardiac extracts of juvenile and adult fish, located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) together with calsequestrin-2. Expression increased under acute hypoxia. On ex vivo isolated and perfused goldfish heart preparations, under normoxia, PSELT dose-dependently increased Stroke Volume (SV), Cardiac Output (Q̇), and Stroke Work (SW), by involving cAMP, PKA, L-type calcium channels, SERCA2a pumps, and pAkt. Under hypoxia, PSELT did not affect myocardial contractility. Only at higher concentrations (10−8 -10−7 M) an increase of SV and Q̇ was observed. It also reduced the cardiac expression of 3-NT, a tissue marker of nitrosative stress which increases under low oxygen availability. These data are the first to propose SELENOT 43-52, PSELT, as a cardiac modulator in fish, with a potential protective role under hypoxia

    Multivariate tools to investigate the spatial contaminant distribution in a highly anthropized area (Gulf of Naples, Italy)

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    The Gulf of Naples located in a high anthropized coastal area is subjected to an infrastructural intervention for the installation of a submarine power pipeline. In order to evaluate the distribution of contaminants in the seafloor sediments, a preliminary study has been conducted in the area using multivariate techniques. The statistic approach was performed to gain insights on the occurrence of organic and inorganic contaminants within the area, aiming to identify the relevant hot spots. Three geographical sub-areas influenced by different contaminant association were recognized: Torre Annunziata (TA), Capri (CA), and middle offshore (MO). TA and CA resulted marked by a severe contamination pattern due to anthropogenic pressures. In addition, the influence of the depositional basin in governing the contamination trend has been pointed out. The supervised technique PLS_DA resulted to be a powerful tool in addressing the complexity of the huge dataset acquired during the marine survey, highlighting the main trends in the variability of quality indicators, orienting thus the deeper investigations during follow-up monitoring activities
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