20 research outputs found

    A Proposal to Improve the Effectiveness of the Deflection Control Method Provided by Eurocodes for Concrete, Timber, and Composite Slabs

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    Limited deflection of structural members represents an important requirement to guarantee proper functionality and appearance of building and infrastructures. According to Eurocodes, this requirement is ensured by limiting the maximum deflection of horizontal structural members to a fraction of their span. However, each Eurocode provides different maximum deflection limits, which are independent of the type of superstructures considered. Thus, the respect of these limits may not always guarantee the integrity of certain superstructures. In this paper, the reliability of the Eurocode deflection control methods, in guaranteeing the integrity of the superstructures, is assessed and discussed. First, different types of horizontal member, namely rib and clay (hollow) pot, composite steel–concrete, and timber beam slabs are designed to respect the deflection limit enforced by the Eurocodes. Then, the maximum curvature developed by these members is compared with the ultimate (limit) curvatures of various superstructures (e.g., ceramic and stone tile floorings). The results obtained show that the approach adopted by Eurocode 2 may provide non-conservative results, but also that the rules proposed by Eurocodes 4 and 5, albeit more reliable, do not always guarantee the integrity of the superstructure. Based on these results, an alternative method, based on the curvature control, is proposed and its advantages and limitations critically discussed. This method appears simpler and more reliable than the method currently adopted by the Eurocodes

    Simplified Procedure to Determine the Cohesive Material Law of Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM)–Substrate Joints

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    : Fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) composites have been largely used to strengthen existing concrete and masonry structures in the last decade. To design FRCM-strengthened members, the provisions of the Italian CNR-DT 215 (2018) or the American ACI 549.4R and 6R (2020) guidelines can be adopted. According to the former, the FRCM effective strain, i.e., the composite strain associated with the loss of composite action, can be obtained by combining the results of direct shear tests on FRCM-substrate joints and of tensile tests on the bare reinforcing textile. According to the latter, the effective strain can be obtained by testing FRCM coupons in tension, using the so-called clevis-grip test set-up. However, the complex bond behavior of the FRCM cannot be fully captured by considering only the effective strain. Thus, a cohesive approach has been used to describe the stress transfer between the composite and the substrate and cohesive material laws (CMLs) with different shapes have been proposed. The determination of the CML associated with a specific FRCM-substrate joint is fundamental to capture the behavior of the FRCM-strengthened member and should be determined based on the results of experimental bond tests. In this paper, a procedure previously proposed by the authors to calibrate the CML from the load response obtained by direct shear tests of FRCM-substrate joints is applied to different FRCM composites. Namely, carbon, AR glass, and PBO FRCMs are considered. The results obtained prove that the procedure allows to estimate the CML and to associate the idealized load response of a specific type of FRCM to the corresponding CML. The estimated CML can be used to determine the onset of debonding in FRCM-substrate joints, the crack number and spacing in FRCM coupons, and the locations where debonding occurs in FRCM-strengthened members

    A Method to Calculate the Support Length of Beams Resting on Masonry Walls

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    Rehabilitation, strengthening, and retrofitting of existing masonry buildings represent an important challenge for the construction engineering field. Often, slab strengthening/retrofitting is performed by replacing existing timber and steel beams or by adding new beams to improve the slab load-carrying capacity. The computation of the stresses at the beam–masonry interface (i.e., the contact pressure) is crucial to properly design the beam support length, preventing local failure of masonry and beam. This paper presents a simple analytical procedure to compute the contact pressure at the beam–masonry interface. The analytical procedure is validated by comparison between analytical and corresponding numerical results obtained by finite element modeling. Different types of beam (solid and laminated timber beams and steel beams) were considered, as well as different support conditions (simply resting on the wall considering different support lengths or fully embedded). The results obtained show that the method proposed is simple and reliable, which makes it suitable for professional practice

    Analytical Bond-Slip Model for Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix-Concrete Joints Based on Strain Measurements

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    An accurate bond-slip model is of fundamental importance to analyze the response of fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) composite-strengthened structures. This study proposes a method to determine the bond-slip model of FRCM-concrete joints based on longitudinal fiber strains. First, discrete strain profiles measured with strain gauges were fitted by a continuous function ε(y), where y is the coordinate along the bonded length. Then the slip s(y) and shear stress τ (y) along the composite bonded length were obtained by integration and derivation of ε(y), respectively. The debonding load and peak load from single-lap direct shear specimens were predicted by the fitted function ε(y) and showed good agreement with test results. From the plot of the τ(s) relationship obtained from ε(y), an alternative, closed- form, continuous bond-slip relationship was obtained based on the maximum shear stress τm and the corresponding slip sm. The fracture energy was compared for both relationships and was in reasonable agreement with values reported in previous studies

    Long-Term Behavior of PBO FRCM and Comparison with Other Inorganic-Matrix Composites

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    Fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) composites, comprising high-strength fiber textiles embedded within inorganic matrices, represent an effective, cost-efficient, and low-invasive solution for strengthening and retrofitting existing masonry and reinforced concrete structures. Among different textiles employed in FRCM composites, polyparaphenylene benzo-bisoxazole (PBO) textiles are adopted due to their high tensile strength and good adhesion with the matrix. Although several experimental, numerical, and analytical works were performed to investigate the mechanical properties of PBO FRCM composites, limited information is available on their long-term behavior, as well as in the case of exposure to aggressive environments. This paper presents and discusses the results of a wide experimental campaign aimed at investigating the effect of different environmental conditions on the long-term tensile behavior of a PBO FRCM composite. Tests are performed using a clamping-grip tensile test set-up. The effect of various aggressive environments on the composite matrix cracking stress, composite tensile strength, ultimate strain, and fully cracked stage slope is investigated by comparing the results of nominally equal conditioned and unconditioned (control) specimens. These results are also compared with those of other FRCM composites comprising glass and carbon textiles subjected to the same conditionings, collected from the literature. The results show only limited reductions in the tensile properties, even after long exposure to aggressive environments

    Low- and High-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of FRCM Composites

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    This paper describes methods, procedures, and results of cyclic loading tensile tests of a PBO FRCM composite. The main objective of the research is the evaluation of the effect of low- and high-cycle fatigue on the composite tensile properties, namely the tensile strength, ultimate tensile strain, and slope of the stress–strain curve. To this end, low- and high-cycle fatigue tests and post-fatigue tests were performed to study the composite behavior when subjected to cyclic loading and after being subjected to a different number of cycles. The results showed that the mean stress and amplitude of fatigue cycles affect the specimen behavior and mode of failure. In high-cycle fatigue tests, failure occurred due to progressive fiber filaments rupture. In low-cycle fatigue, the stress–strain response and failure mode were similar to those observed in quasi-static tensile tests. The results obtained provide important information on the fatigue behavior of PBO FRCM coupons, showing the need for further studies to better understand the behavior of existing concrete and masonry members strengthened with FRCM composites and subjected to cyclic loading

    Effect of Wet-Dry Cycles on the Bond Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Inorganic-Matrix Systems Bonded to Masonry Substrates

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    In recent years, inorganic-matrix reinforcement systems, such as fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM), composite-reinforced mortars (CRM), and steel-reinforced grout (SRG), have been increasingly used to retrofit and strengthen existing masonry and concrete structures. Despite their good short-term properties, limited information is available on their long-term behavior. In this paper, the long-term bond behavior of some FRCM, CRM, and SRG systems bonded to masonry substrates is investigated. Namely, the results of single-lap direct shear tests of FRCM-, CRM-, and SRG-masonry joints subjected to wet-dry cycles are provided and discussed. First, FRCM composites comprising carbon, polyparaphenylene benzobisoxazole (PBO), and alkali-resistant (AR) glass textiles embedded within cement-based matrices, are considered. Then, CRM and SRG systems made of an AR glass composite grid embedded with natural hydraulic lime (NHL) and of unidirectional steel cords embedded within the same lime matrix, respectively, are studied. For each type of composite, six specimens are exposed to 50 wet–dry cycles prior to testing. The results are compared with those of nominally equal unconditioned specimens previously tested by the authors. This comparison shows a shifting of the failure mode for some composites from debonding at the matrix–fiber interface to debonding at the matrix-substrate interface. Furthermore, the average peak stress of all systems decreases except for the carbon FRCM and the CRM, for which it remains unaltered or increases

    Preliminary Experimental Results of the Bond between GFRP Bars and Concrete

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    Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars are an alternative solution to traditional steel bars for internal reinforcement of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The potential reduction of damage in RC structures due to the absence of corrosion and the low weight-to-strength ratio of the FRP bars when compared to steel bars make FRP bars a cost-effective solution when durability is a concern. While a recent ASTM standard (ASTM D7913) has been issued to test the bond of FRP bars, limited work is available in the literature that deals with the determination of the interfacial properties between the FRP bars and concrete and the bond mechanism

    Bond between EBR FRP and concrete

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    This chapter provides an overview of the debonding process between the FRP reinforcement and the concrete substrate. The main aspects of the debonding phenomenon are described and discussed, showing also mechanical interpretation of different processes. Experimental techniques to study the bond behavior between FRP and concrete are also described and corresponding available experimental results are shown to compare performances of different set-ups. Finally, an extensive description of the existing bond capacity predicting models is reported, together with the main international Codes provisions, allowing the designer for operating in common practice