93 research outputs found

    Les religions locales en Afrique du Nord romaine Ă  la veille du Moyen Ă‚ge

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    This paper considers how late antique Latin authors (mainly Augustine and Corippus) dealt with ancestral rites and practices of probable autochthonous (i. e. Berber) origin and provided an ideological resemantisation. Although motivated by anti-pagan pleas and also allowing for some exaggeration, they nevertheless provide reliable information, which can be compared against epigraphic evidence, and offer further contributions that enrich the knowledge of the North African local pantheon, otherwise largely documented by epigraphical evidence. It might therefore be surmised that, notwithstanding the deep Christianisation of the region, at the end of the Roman Empire, North Africa still witnessed the survival of residual and isolated pagan fringes.L’article discute le traitement et la resémantisation idéologique d’une série de pratiques et rites qu’on peut faire remonter aux traditions locales (i.e. berbères) dans l’Afrique du Nord pendant l’antiquité tardive. Bien qu’animés par une indisputable tendance antipaïenne, les sources prises en considération (surtout Augustin et Corippe) nous offrent des informations dignes de foi, qu’on peut mettre en relation avec les témoignages épigraphiques. On peut donc conclure que, à côté d’une ample et capillaire diffusion du christianisme, la región africaine à la fin de l’époque antique conservait des survivances, encore qu’isolées et sporadiques, de l’ancienne religion

    Between Dissent and Praise, between Sacred and Secular: Corippus against the African background of the Three Chapters Controversy

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    The present study approaches the so-called Three Chapters Controversy from a literary perspective – namely, how the events were reshaped in different sources and what reasons are implied in these choices – and, in particular, it will take into account some authors that have so far been neglected in research, such as the African poet Corippus

    Androgynous Divinities in Classic and Christian Antiquity

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    La Iohannis corippea: ricupero e riscrittura dei modelli classici e cristiani

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    Some reflexions on Corippus and on interxtuality in his work, in the light of the new insights in the poetics of Late Antiquity

    A la recherche des uiri noui : stratégies de la réfutation et enjeux polémiques chez Arnobe

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    Si discute la questione delle fonti filosofiche del secondo libro dell'adversus Nationes di Arnobi


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    Recensione a: Andreas Hofeneder, Die Religion der Kelten in den antiken literarischen Zeugnissen. Sammlung, Ăśbersetzung und Kommentierung. Band III. Von Cicero bis Florus, Wien 2011

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    Recensione del volume di Hofeneder, che raccoglie le testimonianze di autori greci e latini sulla religione celtica

    Exegesis by Distorting Pagan Myths in Corippus’ Epic Poetry

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    L'articolo considera come i brani della Iohannis di Corippo in cui compaiono le divinitĂ  tradizionali del paganesimo greco-romano sono manipolati ideologicamente, mirando a connotare negativamente i berberi, che nel poema rappresentano gli irriducibili avversari delle armate bizantine, celebrate da Corippo
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