7 research outputs found

    Procjene roditeljstva istospolnih parova u odnosu na roditeljstvo parova različitog spola: primjena vinjeta u složenom eksperimentalnom nacrtu među sveučiliÅ”nim studentima i studenticama heteroseksualne orijentacije

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    Despite the decline in prejudice towards LGBT people, the issue of parenthood is still controversial with negative attitudes towards LGBT parents being openly expressed. This study aimed to examine attitudes towards parenting by same-sex couples using a vignette design. Parenting condition (parentā€™s negative vs positive reaction), active parentā€™s gender (mother vs father) and family composition (different-sex vs same-sex couple) were varied to test differences in the evaluations of parenting, child behaviour, family environment, social distance and willingness to grant rights. 392 heterosexual and cisgender students from the University of Zagreb (87% female, 13% male), aged 18 to 37, participated in an online study. After reading one of the eight vignettes, participants evaluated parenting, child behaviour, family environment, social distance and rights of the family described in the vignette. The results showed that parenting and family environment were evaluated as better, and participants were less convinced that the childā€™s behaviour is the result of parentsā€™ relationship in the positive parenting condition than in the negative. Social distance was lower towards parents in the positive parenting condition than in the negative and ā€“ unexpectedly ā€“ towards same-sex in comparison to different-sex couples. Participants were more inclined to grant family rights to parents from the positive than to those from the negative parenting condition. Although other results suggested unbiased attitudes towards same-sex couplesā€™ parenting, participants were less inclined to grant same-sex couples family rights in comparison to different-sex couples. The findings reflect an important mechanism underlying the stability of prejudice ā€“ a resistance towards generalising attitudes from individual cases to a group. This can be used in efforts to confront prejudice against parenting among LGBT peopleUnatoč smanjenju predrasuda prema LGBT osobama, pitanje roditeljstva joÅ” je uvijek kontroverzno i negativni stavovi o LGBT roditeljima otvoreno se iznose. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti stavove prema roditeljstvu istospolnih parova koristeći vinjete. Varirani su bili uvjet roditeljstva (negativna u odnosu na pozitivnu reakciju roditelja), spol aktivnog roditelja (majka u odnosu na oca) i struktura obitelji (istospolni u odnosu na parove različitog spola) kako bi se testirale razlike u procjenama roditeljstva, ponaÅ”anja djece, obiteljske klime, druÅ”tvene distance i spremnosti na priznavanje prava. U internetskom anketnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 392 studenta/ice SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu (87% ženskog i 13% muÅ”kog spola) u dobi od 18 do 37 godina. Nakon čitanja jedne od osam vinjeta, sudionici/e su procjenjivali roditeljstvo, ponaÅ”anje djeteta, obiteljsku klimu, druÅ”tvenu distancu i prava za članove/ice obitelji opisane u vinjeti. Roditeljstvo i obiteljska klima bili su bolje procijenjeni te su sudionici/e bili manje uvjereni da je dječje ponaÅ”anje rezultat roditeljskog odnosa u uvjetu pozitivne roditeljske reakcije u odnosu na negativnu. DruÅ”tvena distanca bila je manja prema roditeljima u uvjetu pozitivne roditeljske reakcije u odnosu na negativnu i, neočekivano, prema istospolnim u odnosu na parove različitog spola. Sudionici/e su bili spremniji priznati prava vezana uz obitelj roditeljima u uvjetu pozitivne roditeljske reakcije u odnosu na negativnu. Iako drugi rezultati nisu pokazali negativnu pristranost prema roditeljstvu istospolnih parova, sudionici/e su bili manje skloni priznati im prava vezana uz obitelj u odnosu na parove različitog spola. Ti nalazi odražavaju važan mehanizam stabilnosti predrasuda ā€“ otpor prema generaliziranju stavova od individualnih slučajeva na skupinu i mogu se upotrijebiti pri suzbijanju predrasuda o roditeljstvu LGBT osoba

    The Role of Repetitive Thoughts and Alexithymia in Depression Among Students in the Republic of Croatia

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    Ovim se istraživanjem nastojao provjeriti odnos konstruktivnih i nekonstruktivnih repetitivnih misli s aleksitimijom kako bi se dodatno razjasnio mehanizam kojim su ti konstrukti povezan s razvojem depresivnih simptoma. Na uzorku od 502 studenta na visokim učiliÅ”tima u Republici Hrvatskoj provedena je online anketa u kojoj su koriÅ”teni subskala depresivnosti iz hrvatske verzije Skale depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa (Lovibond i Lovibond, 1995), Upitnik načina repetitivnog miÅ”ljenja (Philippot i sur., 2021) i Toronto skale aleksitimije (TAS-20; Bagby i sur., 1994). Utvrđeno je da je depresivnost pozitivno povezana s aleksitimijom i njenim dimenzijama poteÅ”koće u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja te eksternalno orijentirano miÅ”ljenje. Utvrđena je i pozitivna povezanost depresivnosti s apstraktnim i konkretnim repetitivnim mislima te negativna povezanost depresivnosti s konkretnim repetitivnim mislima. Osim toga, utvrđena je i pozitivna povezanost apstraktnih repetitivnih misli s poteÅ”koćama u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja, a negativna povezanost konkretnih repetitivnih misli s poteÅ”koćama u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja te eksternalno orijentiranim miÅ”ljenjem. Kreativne repetitivne misli pozitivno su bile povezane s poteÅ”koćama u opisivanju i prepoznavanju osjećaja, a negativno s eksternalno orijentiranim miÅ”ljenjem. Značajni prediktori u regresijskom modelu za kriterij depresivnosti bile su poteÅ”koće u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja, apstraktne i konkretne repetitivne misli te sudjelovanje u tretmanu psiholoÅ”ke pomoći. Potvrđeno je da su aleksitimične dimenzije poteÅ”koća u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja uz apstraktne repetitivne misli rizični čimbenici za depresivnost, dok su konkretne repetitivne misli zaÅ”titni čimbenici protiv depresivnosti

    The Role of Repetitive Thoughts and Alexithymia in Depression Among Students in the Republic of Croatia

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    Ovim se istraživanjem nastojao provjeriti odnos konstruktivnih i nekonstruktivnih repetitivnih misli s aleksitimijom kako bi se dodatno razjasnio mehanizam kojim su ti konstrukti povezan s razvojem depresivnih simptoma. Na uzorku od 502 studenta na visokim učiliÅ”tima u Republici Hrvatskoj provedena je online anketa u kojoj su koriÅ”teni subskala depresivnosti iz hrvatske verzije Skale depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa (Lovibond i Lovibond, 1995), Upitnik načina repetitivnog miÅ”ljenja (Philippot i sur., 2021) i Toronto skale aleksitimije (TAS-20; Bagby i sur., 1994). Utvrđeno je da je depresivnost pozitivno povezana s aleksitimijom i njenim dimenzijama poteÅ”koće u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja te eksternalno orijentirano miÅ”ljenje. Utvrđena je i pozitivna povezanost depresivnosti s apstraktnim i konkretnim repetitivnim mislima te negativna povezanost depresivnosti s konkretnim repetitivnim mislima. Osim toga, utvrđena je i pozitivna povezanost apstraktnih repetitivnih misli s poteÅ”koćama u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja, a negativna povezanost konkretnih repetitivnih misli s poteÅ”koćama u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja te eksternalno orijentiranim miÅ”ljenjem. Kreativne repetitivne misli pozitivno su bile povezane s poteÅ”koćama u opisivanju i prepoznavanju osjećaja, a negativno s eksternalno orijentiranim miÅ”ljenjem. Značajni prediktori u regresijskom modelu za kriterij depresivnosti bile su poteÅ”koće u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja, apstraktne i konkretne repetitivne misli te sudjelovanje u tretmanu psiholoÅ”ke pomoći. Potvrđeno je da su aleksitimične dimenzije poteÅ”koća u prepoznavanju i opisivanju osjećaja uz apstraktne repetitivne misli rizični čimbenici za depresivnost, dok su konkretne repetitivne misli zaÅ”titni čimbenici protiv depresivnosti

    Burnout and work-related well-being differences regarding morningnessā€“eveningness preference of Croatian workers

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    A personā€™s morning or evening preference is a biologically conditioned individual difference in circadian rhythms. Such a difference might be a problem in professional life due to the nature of the dynamics of most jobs with fixed working hours starting early in the morning. The aim of this study was to verify what role does the morningness or eveningness play in the burnout and work-related well-being of Croatian workers. This online study involved 824 participants, heterogeneous regarding socio-demographic and professional characteristics. Participants were re-cruited through social networks. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The measures included a morning-ness-eveningness scale, a burnout questionnaire, a scale of job-related affective well-being, and questions about the socio-demographic and professional characteristics, including information about work schedule. According to the median of the morningness-eveningness scale, the sample was divided into two subsamples: morning and evening types. ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in burnout and job affective well-being between morning and evening types, whilst controlling for the covariate of the level of personal control over working schedule. In conclusion, the findings suggest that employeeā€™s eveningness is a significant factor in their tendency to burnout. Given the biological nature of the morningness- eveningness preference, practical interven-tions should be directed to allowing evening types to adjust their working schedule and to be given the necessary support, with the aim of reducing their exhaustion at work

    Burnout and work-related well-being differences regarding morningnessā€“eveningness preference of Croatian workers

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    A personā€™s morning or evening preference is a biologically conditioned individual difference in circadian rhythms. Such a difference might be a problem in professional life due to the nature of the dynamics of most jobs with fixed working hours starting early in the morning. The aim of this study was to verify what role does the morningness or eveningness play in the burnout and work-related well-being of Croatian workers. This online study involved 824 participants, heterogeneous regarding socio-demographic and professional characteristics. Participants were re-cruited through social networks. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The measures included a morning-ness-eveningness scale, a burnout questionnaire, a scale of job-related affective well-being, and questions about the socio-demographic and professional characteristics, including information about work schedule. According to the median of the morningness-eveningness scale, the sample was divided into two subsamples: morning and evening types. ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in burnout and job affective well-being between morning and evening types, whilst controlling for the covariate of the level of personal control over working schedule. In conclusion, the findings suggest that employeeā€™s eveningness is a significant factor in their tendency to burnout. Given the biological nature of the morningness- eveningness preference, practical interven-tions should be directed to allowing evening types to adjust their working schedule and to be given the necessary support, with the aim of reducing their exhaustion at work

    Burnout and work-related well-being differences regarding morningnessā€“eveningness preference of Croatian workers

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    A personā€™s morning or evening preference is a biologically conditioned individual difference in circadian rhythms. Such a difference might be a problem in professional life due to the nature of the dynamics of most jobs with fixed working hours starting early in the morning. The aim of this study was to verify what role does the morningness or eveningness play in the burnout and work-related well-being of Croatian workers. This online study involved 824 participants, heterogeneous regarding socio-demographic and professional characteristics. Participants were re-cruited through social networks. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The measures included a morning-ness-eveningness scale, a burnout questionnaire, a scale of job-related affective well-being, and questions about the socio-demographic and professional characteristics, including information about work schedule. According to the median of the morningness-eveningness scale, the sample was divided into two subsamples: morning and evening types. ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in burnout and job affective well-being between morning and evening types, whilst controlling for the covariate of the level of personal control over working schedule. In conclusion, the findings suggest that employeeā€™s eveningness is a significant factor in their tendency to burnout. Given the biological nature of the morningness- eveningness preference, practical interven-tions should be directed to allowing evening types to adjust their working schedule and to be given the necessary support, with the aim of reducing their exhaustion at work

    Burnout and work-related well-being differences regarding morningnessā€“eveningness preference of Croatian workers

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    A personā€™s morning or evening preference is a biologically conditioned individual difference in circadian rhythms. Such a difference might be a problem in professional life due to the nature of the dynamics of most jobs with fixed working hours starting early in the morning. The aim of this study was to verify what role does the morningness or eveningness play in the burnout and work-related well-being of Croatian workers. This online study involved 824 participants, heterogeneous regarding socio-demographic and professional characteristics. Participants were re-cruited through social networks. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The measures included a morning-ness-eveningness scale, a burnout questionnaire, a scale of job-related affective well-being, and questions about the socio-demographic and professional characteristics, including information about work schedule. According to the median of the morningness-eveningness scale, the sample was divided into two subsamples: morning and evening types. ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in burnout and job affective well-being between morning and evening types, whilst controlling for the covariate of the level of personal control over working schedule. In conclusion, the findings suggest that employeeā€™s eveningness is a significant factor in their tendency to burnout. Given the biological nature of the morningness- eveningness preference, practical interven-tions should be directed to allowing evening types to adjust their working schedule and to be given the necessary support, with the aim of reducing their exhaustion at work