141 research outputs found

    Kombinacione sposobnosti inbred linija kukuruza za prinos zrna i komponente prinosa

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    Diallel mating design experiment with reciprocal crosses was used to determine combining abilities of five maize inbred lines and their hybrid combinations for grain yield, ear length, ear diameter, number of kernel rows per ear, number of kernels per row in 2005. and 2006. year. GCA and SCA significant values were observed for all traits under study in both years. GCA/SCA relation showed that dominant gene effect had prevalent influence in the inheritance of grain yield, ear length and ear diameter. Additive gene effect had larger importance in the inheritance of number of kernel rows per ear. NS-1445 inbred line showed best GCA effect for grain yield, ear length and number of kernels per row, but worst GCA effect for number of kernel rows per ear. Best GCA effect for ear diameter achieved inbred line F-7R. Line BL-47 showed best GCA effect for number of kernel rows per ear in both years, but also the worst GCA effect for grain yield and number of kernels per row. Hybrid combination NS-1445 x BL-47 showed largest SCA effect for grain yield in both years and also showed, like hybrid combination F-7R x NS-1445, significant SCA effects for all other traits, except ear diameter. This cross also proved that hybrid combinations that include one parent with good GCA effect and the other parent with bad GCA effect can have very successful performance. It will be useful during selection material testing, to keep also genotypes which show bad GCA effect, but have phenotypic favorable trait values. Reciprocity effect was significant for SCA effects of all traits but ear diameter. It is the conformation of involvement of plasmagenes in maize quantitative traits inheritance. The largest reciprocity effect for grain yield achieved F-7R x BL-47 in both years. Significantly higher grain yield in this hybrid combination was achieved when line F-7R was used as a female parent and significantly higher number of kernel rows per ear was achieved when line BL-47 was used as a female parent.Metodom dialelnog recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja utvrđene su kombinacione sposobnosti pet inbred linija kukuruza i njihovih hibridnih kombinacija za prinos zrna, dužinu klipa, prečnik klipa, broj redova zrna i broj zrna u redu u 2005. i 2006. godini. Ustanovljene su značajne vrednosti OKS i PKS za sve ispitivane osobine u obe proučavane godine. Odnos između OKS i PKS, pokazuje da dominantno delovanje gena ima preovlađujuću ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna, dužine klipa i prečnika klipa, dok aditivno delovanje gena ima veći značaj u nasleđivanju broja redova zrna. Najbolju OKS za prinos zrna, dužinu klipa i broj zrna u redu pokazala je linija NS-1445, koja je ujedno imala i najslabiju OKS za broj redova zrna. Najbolju OKS za prečnik klipa pokazala je linija F-7R. Najbolju OKS za broj redova zrna pokazala je linija BL-47 u obe proučavane godine, a ujedno je imala i najslabiju OKS za prinos zrna i za broj zrna u redu. Najveću vrednost PKS za prinos zrna pokazao je hibrid NS-1445 x BL-47 u obe proučavane godine, koji je osim toga, kao i hibrid F-7R x NS-1445, pokazao značajne vrednosti PKS i za sve ostale osobine, osim prečnika klipa. To je dokaz da pojedine hibridne kombinacije koje uključuju jednog roditelja sa dobrim OKS i drugog roditelja sa loÅ”im OKS, mogu imati izuzetno dobre performanse. Zbog toga bi prilikom testiranja selekcionog materijala, korisno bilo zadržati i one genotipove koji pokazuju loÅ”e OKS, a ujedno imaju fenotipski poželjne osobine. Ustanovljeno je da recipročno ukrÅ”tanje utiče na efekat PKS za sve ispitivane osobine, osim prečnika klipa. To ukazuje, da osim nuklearnih gena i plazma geni imaju važnu ulogu u nasleđivanju kvantitativnih osobina kukuruza. Najveću razliku u vrednosti PKS za prinos zrna između direktnog i recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja ostvario je hibrid F-7R x BL-47 u obe proučavane godine. Pri tome su značajno veći prinosi zrna ostvareni koriŔćenjem linije F-7R kao ženskog roditelja. Suprotno prinosu, ovaj hibrid je imao značajno veći broj redova zrna sa linijom BL-47 na poziciji ženskog roditelja

    Stability of productive traits of genotypes of cultivated medicinal plants of the family Apiaceae

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    Stability of productive traits (fruit yield, essential oil content) of varieties of cultivated medicinal plants belonging to the species of the family Apiaceae was studied(anise, coriander, dill, parsley and fennel). The trial was carried out in five locations in 2001. The estimate of stability parameters was done after the method of Eberhart and Russell (1966). As expected significant differences for the fruit yield and the essential oil content were determined among studied genotypes. Significant F-test differences were obtained for locations, while the genotype x environment interaction, as a source of variability for the identification of the growing region, had significant values of the F-test. This was a starting point for the analysis of stability parameters of these traits. The most stable genotype is the one whose value of S(2)di tends towards 0. Bearing this in mind, the most, i.e. the least stable yield was recorded in coriander; i.e. parsley, respectively. A somewhat different situation arises from the values of S(2)di in relation to the essential oil content. According to the value of this parameter; the most, i.e. the least stable essential oil content was found in fennel., i.e. parsley, respectively

    Identifikacija linija donora poželjnih alela za kvantitativne osobine Berlej duvana (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    Well-adapted local lines might be used as donors to improve existing commercial hybrids. The objective of this study was to identify the best burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) line among a group of four lines (SA 130, Bols 334, Barlej T and TN 90) from germplasm collection, for improving an elite single hybrid Bols 335 x TN 86. Values of three quantitative traits (number of leaves, total leaf area and leaf yield) were measured in two-year field experiments. Evaluation of donor lines as sources of new favorable alleles not present in the elite hybrid parent lines was conducted. According to Dudley (1984, 1987) the most significant class for improving quantitative traits is locus class G. Donor line TN 90 had positive values of the parameter Ī¼G for number of leaves and for total leaf area. Studied donor lines could not be use directly as the source of new alleles for the improvement of leaf yield in elite hybrid. The improvement of leaf yield in tobacco hybrid Bols 335 x TN 86 would be conducted indirectly via back crossing (TN 86 x TN 90) x TN 86. Significance of GxE interaction for studied traits indicates the same breeding method would be effective in broad range of environmental conditions.Na bazi srednjih vrednosti u dvogodiÅ”njim ogledima, ispitivane su četiri linije (SA 130, Bols 334, Berlej 5, TN 90) iz kolekcije germplazme, kao potencijalni donori poželjnih alela za poboljÅ”anje osobina (broj listova, povrÅ”ina listova i prinos liÅ”ca) elitnog prostog hibrida Bols 335 x TN 86. Analizom po metodu Dudley (1984,1987) konstatovano je da naveden linije mogu poslužiti kao potencijalni donori. Najznačajnija klasa za unapređenje kvantitativnih osobina je bila lokusna klasa G. Linija donor TN 90 ima pozitivne vrednosti parametra Ī¼G za broj listova i ukupnu povrÅ”inu listova. Proučavane linije-donori, ne mogu biti koriŔćene direktno kao izvor novih alela za unapređenje prinosa liŔća elitnog hibrida. Unapređenje prinosa kod hibrida Bols 335 x TN 86 je moguće indirektno, preko povratnog ukrÅ”tanja (TN 86 x TN 90) x TN 86. Značajnost interakcije GxE za proučavane osobine ukazuje da isti oplemenjivački metod može biti primenjen u Å”irokom rangu ekoloÅ”kih uslova


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    Yield and fruit quality (fruit weight, reducing sugar content, sucrose content and total acids content) were studied in 20 introduced peach cultivars. To evaluate the stability of those characteristics in the agro-ecological conditions of Belgrade surroundings, bi and S2di were applied. ā€˜Adrianaā€™ had the highest yield and content of reducing sugars, ā€˜Aureliaā€™ the highest fruit weight, ā€˜Pegasoā€™ the highest sucrose content, and ā€˜Croce del Sudā€™ the highest total acids content. Values of bi coeffi cient indicated that ā€˜Sirioā€™ had the highest stability of yield ā€˜Iris Rossoā€™ the highest stability of fruit weight and content of reducing sugars, ā€˜Aureliaā€™ the highest stability of sucrose content, and ā€˜Emiliaā€™ the highest stability of total acids content. Values of S2di, despite being relatively high, did not show any statistical signifi cance, which indicates a more signifi cant deviation from regression and unsatisfactory stability of the studied genotypes. The results of the present work confi rm that bi, being a stability parameter, is more important than S2di in heterozygous genotypes, the genotype of a majority of fruit cultivars, therefore of peach itself

    Interrelationships between grain nitrogen content and other indicators of nitrogen accumulation and utilization efficiency in wheat plants

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    The topic of N wheat nutrition was prevalent during the last decades of the 20th century for many reasons such as energy crises, profitability of small grain production, and ecosystem protection and preservation. The objective of this study was to determine the interrelationships between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain N content and other indicators of N nutrition efficiency to better understand the N nutrition process in wheat plants. The experiment included 30 wheat cultivars and experimental lines from Serbia. Plant samples of each genotype were taken at anthesis and maturity. The following parameters related to N accumulation and translocation within the wheat plant were calculated: N content (at anthesis, grain, straw, and total at maturity), N harvest index (NHI), N reutilization (N reU), and N lost (-) or gained (N post-anthesis). Our results showed that N content in the aboveground part of the plant expressed very strong direct positive effects on N yield (phenotypic coefficient 3.78** to 9.34** and genotypic coefficient 1.43** to 2.32**), while its indirect effects varied. The influence of independent variables on grain N content has been changing from year to year in a negative way. Total N accumulation (N total) had the highest negative direct effect in the first year of the study (phenotypic coefficient -2.11**), N total in the second (phenotypic coefficient -2.78**), and N reutilization in the third (phenotypic coefficient -8.49**). Genotypic coefficients indicate that the most frequent strong direct negative effect was N reutilization (-0.47** and -0.99** in the first 2 yr of research, respectively). Nitrogen reutilization and its current assimilation are very important and related to grain N supply processes. Their interaction leads to the conclusion that forming N yield is a very complex mechanism and, as a result, grain yield and quality. The abovementioned parameters could be considered as important criteria in wheat breeding to improve production efficiency and reduce adverse impacts of N fertilizers on the ecosystem


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    ABSTRACT Yield and fruit quality (fruit weight, reducing sugar content, sucrose content and total acids content) were studied in 20 introduced peach cultivars. To evaluate the stability of those characteristics in the agro-ecological conditions of Belgrade surroundings, bi and S 2 di were applied. 'Adriana' had the highest yield and content of reducing sugars, 'Aurelia' the highest fruit weight, 'Pegaso' the highest sucrose content, and 'Croce del Sud' the highest total acids content. Values of bi coeffi cient indicated that 'Sirio' had the highest stability of yield 'Iris Rosso' the highest stability of fruit weight and content of reducing sugars, 'Aurelia' the highest stability of sucrose content, and 'Emilia' the highest stability of total acids content. Values of S 2 di, despite being relatively high, did not show any statistical signifi cance, which indicates a more signifi cant deviation from regression and unsatisfactory stability of the studied genotypes. The results of the present work confi rm that bi, being a stability parameter, is more important than S 2 di in heterozygous genotypes, the genotype of a majority of fruit cultivars, therefore of peach itself

    Kombinacione sposobnosti i komponente varijanse visine biljke do klipa silažnog kukuruza

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the following parameters for the ear height of silage maize: variability of inbred lines and their diallel hybrids, superior-parent heterosis, components of genetic variability, heritability and combining ability on the basis of a diallel set. The two-year four-replicate trail was set up according to the randomized block design in the location of Zemun Polje. The analysis of components of genetic variance for ear height indicates that the additive components (D) were lower than dominant components (H1 and H2) of genetic variance, while the frequency of dominant (u) and recessive genes (v) for this observed trait shows that dominant genes prevailed. The results of the Vr/Wr regression analysis point out to superdominance of ear height inheritance. The analysis of variance of combining abilities shows that there were highly significantly positive values of GCA and SCA for ear height in both years of investigation. Non-additive gene effects played an important role in inheritance of this trait, which was illustrated by the GCS to SCA ratio lt 1.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se za visinu biljke do klipa silažnog kukuruza procene: varijabilnost inbred linija i njihovih dialelnih hibrida, heterozis u odnosu na boljeg roditelja, komponente genetičke varijabilnosti, heritabilnosti i kombinacione sposobnosti na bazi dialelnog seta. Ogled je postavljen po slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja tokom dve godine na lokaciji Zemun Polje. Analiza komponenti genetičke varijanse za visinu biljke do klipa pokazuje da je aditivna komponenta (D) bila manja od dominantne (H1 i H2) genetičke varijanse, a frekvencija dominantnih gena (u) i recesivnih gena (v) za ovu ispitivanu osobinu ukazuju da dominantni geni preovlađuju nad recesivnim. Rezultati Vr/Wr regresione analize ukazuju na superdominaciju u nasleđivanju visine biljke do klipa. Analiza varijanse kombinacionih sposobnosti za visinu biljke do klipa je pokazala da postoje visoko značajne vrednosti OKS i PKS. Za nasleđivanje visine biljke ko klipa utvrđen je veći značaj neaditivnih gena (dominacije i epistaze) Å”to pokazuje odnos OKS/PKS lt 1. Kod hibridnih kombinacija sa dobrim PKS koje uključuju roditelje sa loÅ”im OKS se verovatno radi o posledici delovanja aditivnog tipa (aditivni x aditivni) interakcije gena među roditeljima

    Selekcija na uniformnost i stabilnost prinosa kukuruza

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    Historically speaking, both the introduction of double-cross hybrids and use of single crosses have caused the increase in grain yield and significantly improved agricultural practice. Nowadays, the uniformity of crops is regarded as an advantage of modern agriculture, since the uniformity of products is crucial in global market. Thus, uniformity of crop maturation provides both planning and efficient mechanized harvest. F1 single-cross hybrids of maize, which is an allogamous species, not only exploit heterosis, but also impose homogeneity. Basically, the uniformity of hybrids has been regarded as their crucial advantage. There are two aspects of hybrid maize uniformity: (i) genetic homogeneity and (ii) genetic stability. Genetic homogeneity refers to presence of identical genotypes, whereas genetic stability refers to phenotypic uniformity (homeostasis) in different environments. At present, yield performance of inbreds has not advanced as rapidly as performance of hybrids, especially in stressful environments. Focusing on inbred productivity combined with stability may be more appropriate strategy in the future. Poor farmers are not able to employ superior genotypes because they require considerable financial investment and farmers survive not due to high yield in good seasons, but due to enduring extreme ones. Breeding process may create genotypes in favorable seasons when genetic variance is maximal and environmental influence is minimal, which should be followed by breeding for different environments. The aim of such breeding are, most probably, genotypes intended for a specific set of conditions which, in fact, represents a convergence of two strategies of plant breeding. One should probably bear in mind the strategy of both yield improvement and survival of farmers in extreme conditions without decreasing yield of best genotypes, especially those adapted only to favorable conditions. Solution to this problem should be: financial (best possible loans), social (education), and technological (breeding improved genotypes and advanced agricultural production).Uniformnost useva se smatra poželjnom osobinom u modernoj poljoprivredi, jer je proizvod uniformnosti esencijalan na tržiÅ”tu. Uniformnost u sazrevanju omogućuje planiranje biljne proizvodnje i efikasnu mehaničku žetvu i berbu. Osim toga, uniformnost useva je bitna za maksimalni prinos. Obzirom da je uniformnost malo praćena i analizirana postavili smo to za cilj u ovom radu. Uniformnost useva posebno postaje značajna osobina sa porastom i povećanjem značaja svetskog tržiÅ”ta roba. Ona je redovno udružena sa smanjenjem diverziteta. Međutim, genetički diverzitet se može povećati gajenjem brojnih različitih homogenih sorata ili autohtonih populacija. Diverzitet useva se smatra poželjnim i bitnim u nekim klimatskim uslovima. Divergentne populacije koje su ranije zauzimale proizvodne kapacitete ublažavale su pad proizvodnje pod uticajem različitih stresnih uslova i na taj način smanjivale rizik. Gajenje uniformnih hibrida može rezultirati problemima u polinaciji kod kukuruza usled temperaturnog stresa koji je karakterističan u naÅ”em području. Diverzitet može biti povećan koriŔćenjem prirodnih populacija i gajenjem F1 hibrida sa različitom dužinom vegetacije kod kukuruza. Iz svega napred navedenog može se zaključiti da hibridi nisu najbolji za opstanak siromaÅ”nih farmera zbog značaja finansijskih ulaganja u seme i tehnologiju i opravdane zabrinutosti za nastali rizik usled gajenja neadaptiranih hibrida i smanjenja varijabilnosti kukuruza usled oplemenjivanja. SiromaÅ”ni farmeri u ekstremnim uslovima održavaju genetički diverzitet kod različitih kultura i heterogenost sorata maksimalno adaptiranih datim uslovima u prostoru i vremenu. Preživljavanje u nepovoljnim godinama, ne prinos u povoljnim godinama je ključ opstanka siromaÅ”nih farmera. Ovo je verovatno važno za razvoj strategije u selekciji u cilju inkorporiranje gena za individualno ublažavanje posledica stresa inbred linija i hibrida. Za selekciju je bitno održavanje kontinuiranosti u potomstvu nosioca stabilnosti. Potomstvo može nastati selekcijom u povoljnim uslovima gde je genetička diferenciranost maksimalna, a uticaj spoljne sredine minimalan i oplemenjivanjem za različite uslove gajenja. Najverovatnije da je cilj selekcije stvaranje genotipova za date uslove spoljne sredine, Å”to je u stvari približavanje napred navedena dva pristupa u selekciji. Ispitivanje i testiranje dobijenih genotipova mora imati ciljne uslove gajenja, lokacije. Možda pri razvoju strategije treba imati na umu strategiju povećanja prinosa i opstanka farmera u ekstremnim uslovima, pri čemu ne dolazi do smanjenja prinosa kod najboljih genotipova, naročito adaptiranih samo na povoljne uslove koji bi se sastojali u poboljÅ”anju uslova i kulture proizvodnje istovremeno. Potencijalna solusija za ove probleme mora biti ekonomska (najbolje moguće kreditiranje) i socijalna (edukacija), kao i tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ka (poboljÅ”anje genotipova i tehnologije gajenja)

    Komponente genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnost prinosa zrna silažnog kukuruza

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the following parameters for the grain yield of silage maize: variability of inbred lines and their diallel hybrids, superior-parent heterosis and components of genetic variability and heritability on the basis of the diallel set. The two-year four-replicate trial was set up according to the randomized complete-block design at Zemun Polje. It was determined that a genotype, year and their interaction significantly affected variability of this trait. The highest. i.e. the lowest grain yield, on the average for both investigation years. was recorded in the silage maize inbred lines ZPLB402 and ZPLB405. respectively. The analysis of components of genetic variance for grain yield shows that the additive component (D) was lower than the dominant (H1 and H2) genetic variance, while a positive component F and the frequency of dominant (u) and recessive (v) genes for this observed trait point to prevalence of dominant genes over recessive ones. Furthermore. this is confirmed by the ratio of dominant to recessive genes in parental genotypes for grain yield (Kd/Kr> 1) that is greater than unity in both years of investigation. The estimated value of the average degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 exceeds unity, pointing out to superdominance in inheritance of this trait in both years of investigation. Results of Vr/Vr regression analysis indicate superdominance in inheritance of grain yield. Moreover. a registered presence of non-allelic interaction points out to the need to study effects of epistasis, as it can have a greater significance in certain hybrids. A greater value of dominant than additive variance resulted in high values of broad-sense heritability for grain yield in both investigation years (98.71%, i.e. 97.19% in 1997, i.e. 1998, respectively). and low values of narrow-sense heritability (11.9% in 1997 and 12.2% in 1998).Pravilna procena heterozisa, genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnosti neke osobine je veoma bitna sa stanoviÅ”ta praktične selekcije, Å”to je i bio cilj ovih istraživanja. Rezultati analize varijanse pokazuju visoko značajne razlike između ispitivanih genotipova za prinos zrna. kao i značajan uticaj godine i interakcija godina x genotip na varijabilnost ove osobine. Najveći prinos zrna su imali hibridi ZPLB401 x ZPLB406 (1997) i ZPLB404 x ZPLB406 (1998). Hibridi su u odnosu na linije ispoljili veće prosečne vrednosti za prinos zrna Å”to je i očekivano obzirom da pri inbridingu dolazi do depresije ove osobine kod linija. Za većinu hibridnih kombinacija utvrđene su visoke vrednosti heterozisa, dok je hibrid ZPLB402 x ZPLB403 pokazao negativnu vrednost heterozisa za prinos zrna (-11.0 do -31.7%). Analiza komponenti genetičke varijanse pokazuje da su dominantne komponente (H1 i H2) bile veće od aditivne (D) i imale važniju ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna u F, generaciji. Komponenta F je pozitivna za ovu osobinu Å”to ukazuje da dominantni geni preovlađuju nad recesivnim. Izračunata vrednost prosečnog stepena dominacije (H1/D)1/2 je veća od jedinice za ovu osobinu i pokazuje da se u nasleđivanju ovih osobina radi o superdominaciji. Odnos dominantih gena prema recesivnim kod roditeljskih genotipova pokazuje da su kod prinosa zrna preovladavali dominantni geni nad recesivnim [Kd/Kr>l) u obe godine. Rezultati Vr/Vr regresione analize ukazuju na superdominaciju u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna. Prisustvo nealelne interakcije ustanovljeno je za ovu osobinu. To ukazuje na potrebu proučavanja efekta epistaze poÅ”to može imati veći značaj kod pojedinih hibrida. Za prinos zrna su dobijene visoke vrednosti heritabilnosti u Å”irem smislu (98.4% (1997) i 97.9% (1998)) i niske vrednosti heritabilnosti u užem smislu (11.9% (1997) i 12.2% (1998))

    Nasleđivanje komponenata prinosa paradajza

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    The aim of the present study was to estimate, on the basis of diallel crossing, superior-parent heterosis, components of genetic variability and trait heritability for three yield components in tomato, and to perform the VrWr regression analysis. Six different tomato inbred lines originating from local and introduced breeding material were selected for the study. The hybrids expressed greater mean values for the majority of the traits than the inbred lines. The value of additive component of variance (D) was higher than the value of the dominant variance (H1 and H2) for the number of fruits per plant and the average fruit weight, while the value of the dominant component of variance was higher for the fruit weight per plant. Positive values of additive x dominant genetic effect interaction (F) for the observed traits point to a greater participation of dominant alleles in the inheritance of these traits, which was confirmed by the coefficients H2/4H1 (0.208-0.228) and by the ratio KD/KR being greater than unity (1.129-1.536). The values of the average degree of dominance H / D 1 , lower than unity for the number of fruits per plant and the average fruit weight, indicate that these traits were inherited by partial dominance. Furthermore, values of the degree of dominance greater than unity for the fruit weight indicate that this trait was inherited by dominance or superdominance. These conclusions were also confirmed by high values of the broad- and narrow-sense heritability that varied from 98.88% to 99.44%, i.e., from 45.06 to 87.51%, respectively, as well as, by the VrWr regression for the observed traits in the F1 generation.Cilj istraživanja je da se za tri komponente prinosa paradajza procene: heterozis u odnosu na boljeg roditelja, komponente genetičke varijabilnosti, heritabilnosti osobina na bazi dialelnog ukrÅ”tanja i izvrÅ”i VrWr regresiona analiza. Odabrano je Å”est različitih linija paradajza poreklom iz domaćeg i introdukovanog selekcionog materijala. Hibridi su u odnosu na linije ispoljili veće srednje vrednosti za većinu osobina. Vrednost aditivne komponente varijanse (D) veća je od dominantne (H1 i H2) za broj plodova po biljci i prosečnu masu ploda, dok je za masu ploda po biljci dobijena veća vrednost dominantne komponete varijanse. Pozitivne vrednosti interakcije aditivni x dominantni efekat gena (F) za ispitivane osobine ukazuju da je u nasleđivanju ovih osobina veće učeŔće dominantnih alela, a to potvrđuju i koeficijenti H2/4H1 (0,208-0,228) kao i odnos Kd/Kr koji su veći od jedan (1,129-1,536). Vrednosti prosečnog stepena dominacije H / D 1 manje od jedan (broj plodova po biljci i prosečna masa ploda) ukazuju da se ove osobine nasleđuju parcijalnom dominacijom. Za masu ploda po biljci vrednosti stepena dominacije veći je od jedan, Å”to ukazuje da se ova osobina nasleđuje dominacijom ili superdominacijom. Ove zaključke potvrđuju i visoke vrednosti heritabilnosti u Å”irem i užem smislu koje su varirale od 98,88% - 99,44%, odnosno 45,06-87,51%, kao i VrWr regresije za ispitivane osobine u F1 generaciji
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