37 research outputs found

    Boron application in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seed production

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    peer-reviewedThis work is part of the research project TR-31016, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia.A field trial with four red clover cultivars was established on acid soil in order to evaluate the effect of foliar boron application on seed yield. The crop received foliar boron treatment during the second growth of the second year at two applications. Although seed yield showed a significant increase in boron-treated plants in 2011 compared with control (26.0%), its relative increase was far higher in 2010 (43.2%), which had increased total rainfall amounts during flowering. Sufficient level of boron supply to red clover plants for seed production has a remarkably positive effect under conditions hampering pollination and fertilisation.Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbi

    Disadvantages of electrocoagulation-flotation treatment of offset printing effluents

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    The efficiency of electrocoagulation-flotation (ECF) treatment was estimated based on the quantity of pollutants (cooper, turbidity, and organic substances) in printing effluents (waste offset printing developer and waste offset fountain solution) at selected process parameters. Four sets of aluminum or/and iron electrode combinations were applied, each with a current density of 2, 4, and 8 mA cm−2 and interelectrode distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 cm. In the progress of the ECF treatment, samples were taken at certain process times (1, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 min). Based on the obtained results, the disadvantages of ECF treatment of offset printing effluents are defined

    The heavy metals in the processing screen printing inks

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    The contents of heavy metals were analyzed in the two types (solvent-based and water-based) of processing screen printing inks. Mass concentrations of heavy metals (copper, iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, nickel, cadmium, and lead) were determined in the tested screen inks by combining the gravimetric method and atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results indicated that the measured mass concentration of copper (2049.9 mg kg-1 ) in solvent-based cyan ink is 2.4 times higher than in water-based cyan. Other detected metals show higher concentration values with water-based processing inks

    Electrocoagulation removal of heavy metals from wastewater generated by washing a screen printing plate

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    The possibility of applying electrocoagulation treatment to remove heavy metals (zinc, copper, and chromium) from wastewater generated during the washing process of the screen printing plate was carried out. The electrocoagulation efficiency is estimated based on reducing the concentrations of detected heavy metals in the screen wastewater at defined process parameters such as electrode material, current density, interelectrode distance, and operating times

    Prinos sorti žutog zvezdana na zemljištu bazne reakcije

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the forage and seed yield of birdsfoot trefoil cultivars on the soil base reaction. The field trial was set 2014th in Čačak on soil type fluvisol (pHH2O 7.8). The experiment was set a randomized complete block design with three replications with a plot size of 6x1m. The birdsfoot trefoil cultivars K-37, Zora and Bull were planted at a row spacing of 12.5 cm and a seeding rate of 10 kg ha-1. Cultivars among themselves, did not differ significantly in terms of forage yield, hay yield and dry matter content. The average forage yield in the first cut in the second year of cultivation was 26.53 t ha-1. The forage yield in the first cut in the third year of cultivation was 26.56 t ha-1 and in the second cut 11.77 t ha-1. The average seed yield of cultivars in the second growth in the second year of cultivation was 472.3 kg ha-1. Birdsfoot trefoil cultivars among themselves, did not differ significantly in terms of seed yield components. However, Zora cultivar had significantly higher seed yield potential, compared to other cultivars. These results do not differ from results obtained under similar conditions on acid soil.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se analizira prinos krme i semena sorti žutog zvezdana na zemljištu bazne reakcije. Ogled je postavljen 2014. godine u Čačku na zemljištu tipa fluvisol (pHH2O 7,8). Poljski eksperiment je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom elementarne parcele 6x1m. Sorte žutog zvezdana K-37, zora i Bull su zasejane na rastojanju 12,5 cm međuredno, sa količinom semena 10 kg ha-1. Sorte se među sobom nisu značajno razlikovale u pogledu prinosa krme, prinosa sena i sadržaja suve materije. Prosečan prinos krme u prvom otkosu u drugoj godini proizvodnje je bio 26,53 t ha-1. Prinos krme u prvom otkosu u trećoj godini proizvodnje je bio 26,56 t ha-1, a u drugom otkosu 11,77 t ha-1. Prosečan prinos semena sorti u drugom porastu u drugoj godini gajenja je bio 472,3 kg ha-1. Sorte žutog zvezdana se među sobom nisu značajno razlikovale u pogledu komponenti prinosa semena. Međutim, sorta zora je imala značajno veći potencijalni prinos semena u odnosu na ostale sorte. Navedeni rezultati se ne razlikuju od rezultata dobijenih u sličnim uslovima na kiselom zemljišu

    Uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta na prinos krme i semena Žutog zvezdana (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    A prerequisite for improving birdsfoot trefoil cultivation is the production of sufficient quantities of quality seeds. The field experiment was set 2012th in Čačak on alluvium soil type, acid reaction (pHH2O 4.8). Varieties birdsfoot trefoil (K-37 and Rocco) were sown at a interrow spacing of 20 cm and 10 kg ha-1 seed. The aim of the experiment was to analyze the impact of the application of limestone soil (without CaO and treatment with 3 t ha-1 CaO) on forage yield, seed yield and yield components of birdsfoot trefoil. The results indicate that birdsfoot trefoil was largely tolerant on acidity. The positive influence of liming on number of stems m-2 and number of seeds per pod in the variety Rocco contributed to its greater seed yield in relation to the variety of K-37.Preduslov za unapređenje gajenja žutog zvezdana je proizvodnja dovoljne količine kvalitetnog semena. Poljski ekseriment je postavljen 2012. godine u Čačku na zemljištu tipa aluvijum, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Sorte žutog zvezdana (K-37 i Rocco) posejane su na rastojanju 20 cm međuredno sa 10 kg ha-1 semena. Cilj ogleda bio je da se analizira uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta (kontrola - bez CaO i tretman sa 3 t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljištu na prinos krme, prinos i komponente prinosa semena sorti žutog zvezdana. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je žuti zvezdan u velikoj meri tolerantan na uslove kiselog zemljišta. Kalcizacija zemljišta je ispoljila jači uticaj na broj izdanaka m-2 i broj zrna po mahuni kod sorte Rocco, što se odrazilo i na njen značajno veći prinos semena u odnosu na sortu K-37


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    Field experiments with 11 native maize hybrids for grain production FAO maturity group 400-600 were set up over two years at two sites (near the villages of Brzan and Lužnice, Kragujevac municipality) with the aim of, based on the yield over years, recommending hybrids for specific agroecological conditions. The average maize grain yield for all hybrids in 2017 was 4.2 t ha-1, and in 2018 11.1 t ha-1. Hybrids ZP 548 and NS 5051 had the highest average grain yield in 2017, and in 2018 ZP 560 and NS 4051. Higher yields in 2018 are mainly the result of a larger amount and a more favorable distribution of precipitation in the vegetation period. In both years, which differed in agrometeorological conditions during the vegetation period, especially in the amount and distribution of precipitation in the second part of the vegetation, in which the critical phases of maize development take place, the highest yields were recorded mainly in FAO 500 hybrids.Publishe

    Uticaj kalcizacije na proizvodnju krme crvene deteline i italijanskog ljulja gajenih u smeši

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    This paper examines the influence of liming (control - without CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) on acidic soil pH of 4.8 to forage, hay yield, the share of red clover, Italian ryegrass and weeds in the total hay yield of mixture crop. The experiment was a set up by randomized complete block design with three replications, with the size of the experimental plots of 5m2 (5x1m). Sowing was done on 20 cm interrow. Soil liming was resulted in a significant increase of yields forage and hay of crops only the first cut in 2012. In all growth during 2011 and 2012, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of Italian ryegrass at the expense of reduction of red clover share, while the share of weeds was not significantly changed. In the third year of production, there was only one growth of red clover, which was very sparse and exhausted, and Italian ryegrass was not. In such conditions, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of red clover at the expense of a significant reduction in the share of weeds.U radu je ispitivan uticaj primene kalcizacije (kontrola – bez CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljištu pH 4,8 na prinos krme, prinos sena, udeo crvene deteline, italijanskog ljulja i korova u ukupnom prinosu sena zdrzuženog useva. Ogled je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom eksperimentalne parcele od 5m2 (5x1m). Setva je obavljena na međurednom rastojanju od 20cm. Primena kalcizacije značajno je uticala na povećanje prinosa krme i prinosa sena združenog useva jedino u prvom porastu 2012. godine. U svim porastima tokom 2011. i 2012. godine, kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela italijanskog ljulja na račun smanjenja udela crvene deteline, dok se udeo korova nije značajno menjao. U trećoj godini proizvodnje, postojao je samo jedan porast crvene deteline, koji je bio jako proređen i iscrpljen, a italijanskog ljulja nije bilo. U takvim uslovima kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela crvene deteline na račun značajnog smanjenja udela korova

    Uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta na prinos sorti žutog zvezdana u trećoj godini proizvodnje

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    In less favorable growing conditions, especially in terms of climate and soil to produce sufficient quantities of qality animal feed, special attention should be paid to the cultivation of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of liming (control - without CaO and treatment with 3 t ha-1 CaO) on forage yield, hay yield and dry matter content in the forage of birdsfoot trefoil cultivars (K-37 and Rocco) on acid soil. The field trial was set up in 2012 in Čačak on the loessivized vertisol soil type (pHH2O 4.8). Sowing was done at a row spacing of 20 cm and a seeding rate of 18 kg seed ha-1. The results indicate that was birdsfoot trefoil to a great extent tolerant to acid soil. Soil liming had a positive effect on forage yield and hay yield of birdsfoot trefoil, only in the cultivar K-37.U manje pogodnim uslovima uspevanja, pre svega u pogledu klime i zemljišta, u cilju proizvodnje dovoljnih količina kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane, posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti gajenju žutog zvezdana (Lotus corniculatus L.). Cilj rada bio je da se na kiselom zemljištu analizira uticaj kalcizacije (kontrola - bez CaO i tretman sa 3 t ha-1 CaO) na prinos krme, prinos sena i sadržaj suve materije u krmi sorti žutog zvezdana (K-37 i Rocco). Poljski ekseriment je postavljen 2012. godine u Čačku na zemljištu tipa lesivirana smonica (pHH2O 4,8). Setva je obavljena na rastojanju od 20 cm međuredno sa 10 kg ha-1 semena. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je žuti zvezdan u velikoj meri tolerantan na uslove kiselog zemljišta. Kalcizacija zemljišta je imala pozitivan uticaj na prinos krme i sena žutog zvezdana jedino kod sorte K-37

    Array Requirements for Scientific Applications and an Implementation for Microsoft SQL Server

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    This paper outlines certain scenarios from the fields of astrophysics and fluid dynamics simulations which require high performance data warehouses that support array data type. A common feature of all these use cases is that subsetting and preprocessing the data on the server side (as far as possible inside the database server process) is necessary to avoid the client-server overhead and to minimize IO utilization. Analyzing and summarizing the requirements of the various fields help software engineers to come up with a comprehensive design of an array extension to relational database systems that covers a wide range of scientific applications. We also present a working implementation of an array data type for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to support large-scale scientific applications. We introduce the design of the array type, results from a performance evaluation, and discuss the lessons learned from this implementation. The library can be downloaded from our website at http://voservices.net/sqlarray