385 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan Pasangan Usia Subur Tentang Program Kb di Rw 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to determine the knowledge pair age fertile about family planning in the RW 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Pekanbaru city. The problem was how high the knowledge of ferltile couple about family planning program in the RW 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Pekanbaru city? .This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach which aims to describe the result with figures. The sampling technique using a quota sampling technique, which is a technique for determining a sample of the population that have certain characteristics until the expectations of the amount of quota. Data collection techniques in this study is by using a test, which was 46 objective question that was distributed to 72 mothers fertile age in the RW 08 Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah. The result show that knowledge of fertile couple about family planning program in the indicator purpose and knowledge on family planning is highest with the value of mean 0,675 and Standard Deviation (SD) 0,533 compared 2 others indicators. It\u27s mean Fertile couple more knowing about the purpose and knowledge on family planning generally but not for detailed

    Karakterisasi Rugi Lengkungan Serat Optik Dengan Optical TIME Domain Reflectometer Untuk Penggunaannya Sebagai Sensor Pergeseran Tanah

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    Pada makalah ini diuraikan karakterisasi rugi lengkungan serat optik ragam tunggal yang akan digunakan sebagai sensor pergeseran tanah dengan menggunakan Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). Karakterisasi dilakukan untuk dua jenis serat, yakni produk Fujikura yang biasa digunakan untuk sistem komunikasi dan produk Newport yang dirancang untuk sistem sensor. Masing-masing serat tersebut panjangnya lebih dari seratus meter untuk memungkinkan pengukuran dengan OTDR. Alasannya adalah agar daya optis yang terukur adalah dari cahaya yang merambat di dalam inti serat, tidak terpengaruh oleh cahaya yang merambat di selubung serat sebagaimana bisa terjadi bila serat optiknya pendek. Karakterisasi ini dilakukan untuk merancang konfigurasi (bentuk dan ukuran) sensor bila serat tersebut akan digunakan sebagai Fiber Extensometer untuk sensor pergeseran tanah. Hasil karakterisasi berupa grafik rugi lengkungan sebagai fungsi dari diameter lengkungan yang dialami serat. Terlihat hubungan eksponensial antara rugi dengan diameter lengkungan sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh persamaan teoritisnya. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa serat optik jenis “telecommunication grade” Fujikura dapat digunakan sebagai sensor pergeseran dengan diameter lengkungan antara 1.4 – 1.6 cm dengan sensitivitas (Perubahan rugi akibat Perubahan diameter lengkungan) sebesar 0.2 dB/mm nm, sedangkan serat optik jenis “sensor grade” Newport dapat digunakan sebagai sensor dengan diameter lengkungan antara 0.65 – 0.7 cm dengan sensitivitas 0.08 dB/mm, untuk cahaya dengan panjang-gelombang 1310.We describe in this paper the bending loss characterization of single mode optical fibers that will be used as land displacement sensor utilizing an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). Two types of optical fiber are characterized, namely a telecommunication grade fiber from Fujikura and a sensor grade fiber from Newport. The length of both fibers is more than a hundred meter in order OTDR measurement can be performed. The reason is to make certain that the measured optical power comes from light propagating inside the core of the fiber, not affected by that propagating along the cladding as usually happened in short fibers. The aim of this characterization is to obtain the sensor configuration (form and size) if the fiber will be used as Fiber Extensometer for land displacement sensor. The result of this characterization is curves of bending loss as a function of fiber bend diameter. It is shown that the curve is exponential as expressed by its theoretical expression. The results of our characterization are as follows: the Fujikura telecommunication grade fiber can be used as displacement sensor with bend radius between 1.4 – 1.6 cm and sensitivity (the change of bending loss caused by the change of bend diameter) of 0. 2 dB/mm, while the Newport sensor grade fiber can be used as sensor with bend radius between 0.65 – 0.7 cm with 0.08 dB/mm sensitivity, for light with a wavelength of 1310 nm

    Pembuatan Dan Karakterisasi Sumber Dan Detektor Cahaya Untuk Ekstensometer Serat Optik

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    Pada makalah ini diuraikan pembuatan sumber cahaya menggunakan diode laser yang distabilkan menggunakan teknik APC (Automatic Power Control), dan detektor cahaya yang merupakan paduan suatu diodefoto PIN dan penguat operasional derau rendah jenis CA-251F4 untuk digunakan pada sistem ekstensometer serat optik. Syarat utama bagi ekstensometer serat optik yang berbasis Perubahan intensitas cahaya adalah tersedianya sumber cahaya dan detektor cahaya yang andal. Intensitas cahaya yang dipancarkan oleh sumber cahaya harus tetap nilainya (kalau pun berubah maka Perubahannya harus dalam batas toleransi penggunaan). Detektor yang digunakan harus peka terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya dan mempunyai taraf derau yang rendah. Adapun untuk karakterisasinya (pengamatan kestabilan intensitas cahaya sebagai fungsi waktu) digunakan Picoscope 3224 yang berfungsi sebagai data logger. Sumber dan detektor cahaya yang dibuat ini dapat digunakan pada sistem ekstensometer optis untuk mengukur pergeseran tanah dengan tingkat ketelitian 0.2 mm

    Analisis Keandalan pada Jaringan Distribusi Penyulang Oesao, Camplong dan Buraen

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    Indeks keandalan sistem distribusi adalah tolak ukur dari sistem untuk terus menyalurkan energi listrik ke beban dalam periode waktu tertentu dan dalam kondisi tertentu secara berkelanjutan. PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Oesao sebagai penyedia layanan listrik di Kabupaten Kupang memiliki standar pelayanan sesuai dengan SPLN 68-2:1986 sebesar 37,8 kali gangguan/tahun dan 247,8 jam gangguan/tahun. Penelitian ini menganalisis tingkat keandalan jaringan distribusi PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Oesao pada tiga (3) penyulang yaitu penyulang Oesao, penyulang Camplong dan penyulang Buraen. Perhitungan indeks keandalan didasarkan pada perkiraan laju kegagalan (λ) dan perkiraan durasi gangguan(U) tiap komponen terpasang. Dari hasil perhitungan dapat disimpulkan bahwa saluran distribusi PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Oesao dikategorikan andal sesuai dengan SPLN 68-2:1986 dengan indeks keandalan tertinggi adalah pada penyulang Oesao tahun 2012 yaitu SAIFI=0,68532 kali/gangguan; SAIDI=2,06852 jam/tahun; CAIFI=0,331309 kali/gangguan; CAIDI=3,018327 jam/tahun; ASAI=0,999764 dan ASUI=0,000236. Sedangkan yang terendah pada penyulang Buraen tahun 2017 sebesar SAIFI=15,95456 kali/gangguan; SAIDI=47,92384 jam/tahun; CAIFI=0,332915 kali/gangguan; CAIDI=3,003771 jam/tahun; ASAI=0,994529 dan ASUI=0,005471. &nbsp

    Covariant conservation of energy momentum in modified gravities

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    An explicit proof of the vanishing of the covariant divergence of the energy-momentum tensor in modified theories of gravity is presented. The gravitational action is written in arbitrary dimensions and allowed to depend nonlinearly on the curvature scalar and its couplings with a scalar field. Also the case of a function of the curvature scalar multiplying a matter Lagrangian is considered. The proof is given both in the metric and in the first-order formalism, i.e. under the Palatini variational principle. It is found that the covariant conservation of energy-momentum is built-in to the field equations. This crucial result, called the generalized Bianchi identity, can also be deduced directly from the covariance of the extended gravitational action. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in all of these cases, the freely falling world lines are determined by the field equations alone and turn out to be the geodesics associated with the metric compatible connection. The independent connection in the Palatini formulation of these generalized theories does not have a similar direct physical interpretation. However, in the conformal Einstein frame a certain bi-metricity emerges into the structure of these theories. In the light of our interpretation of the independent connection as an auxiliary variable we can also reconsider some criticisms of the Palatini formulation originally raised by Buchdahl.Comment: 8 pages. v2: more discussio

    Cosmological perturbations in the Palatini formulation of modified gravity

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    Cosmology in extended theories of gravity is considered assuming the Palatini variational principle, for which the metric and connection are independent variables. The field equations are derived to linear order in perturbations about the homogeneous and isotropic but possibly spatially curved background. The results are presented in a unified form applicable to a broad class of gravity theories allowing arbitrary scalar-tensor couplings and nonlinear dependence on the Ricci scalar in the gravitational action. The gauge-ready formalism exploited here makes it possible to obtain the equations immediately in any of the commonly used gauges. Of the three type of perturbations, the main attention is on the scalar modes responsible for the cosmic large-scale structure. Evolution equations are derived for perturbations in a late universe filled with cold dark matter and accelerated by curvature corrections. Such corrections are found to induce effective pressure gradients which are problematical in the formation of large-scale structure. This is demonstrated by analytic solutions in a particular case. A physical equivalence between scalar-tensor theories in metric and in Palatini formalisms is pointed out.Comment: 14 pages; the published version (+ an appendix). Corrected typos in eqs. 30,33 and B

    Topology dependent quantities at the Anderson transition

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    The boundary condition dependence of the critical behavior for the three dimensional Anderson transition is investigated. A strong dependence of the scaling function and the critical conductance distribution on the boundary conditions is found, while the critical disorder and critical exponent are found to be independent of the boundary conditions

    Diffusion of electrons in random magnetic fields,

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    Diffusion of electrons in a two-dimensional system in static random magnetic fields is studied by solving the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation numerically. The asymptotic behaviors of the second moment of the wave packets and the temporal auto-correlation function in such systems are investigated. It is shown that, in the region away from the band edge, the growth of the variance of the wave packets turns out to be diffusive, whereas the exponents for the power-law decay of the temporal auto- correlation function suggest a kind of fractal structure in the energy spectrum and in the wave functions. The present results are consistent with the interpretation that the states away from the band edge region are critical.Comment: 22 pages (8 figures will be mailed if requested), LaTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.