164 research outputs found

    Analiza nekih travnjačkih asocijacija Stare planine

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    Production of organic, biologically valuable food is a trend in the World today, and in our country it can be successfully realized in production of meat and milk from small ruminants, sheep and goats in hilly-mountainous region. Namely, grasslands in these regions are well preserved from the utilization of mineral fertilizers and chemical preparations for plant protection, therefore production of healthy food is still possible with minimum investments. The quality of plant mass is very important, i.e. presence of high quality plant species in the grassland, as well as possibility for increase of their percentage in the grassland. For this purpose, research was carried out and plant associations most present on Stara Planina Mountain on altitude of 650 to 1200 m were analyzed from the aspect of phytocenology. On these locations recordings were made and samples were taken for analysis in the period 2002-2005 and in year 2008. Total of 8 associations were analyzed, and two of them Agrostietum vulgarae Z. Pavl. 1955. sensu lato. and Festucetum vallesiacae Borisavljević 1956. occurred repeatedly on several location and different time interval of analysis. Beside mentioned two associations the following were also analyzed: Arrhenatheretum elatioris Br.-Bl. 1925.senso lato, Festuco-Chrysopogonetum grylli Ranđ. 1977., Danthonietum calycinae Cinc. et Kojić 1958., Medicago falcata-Festucetum rubrae, Trifolio campestre- Agrostietum vulgaris i Festuco vallesiacae-Agrostieutum vulgaris Danon et Blaž.1978 on 17 locations. Number of species in analyzed associations was from 34 to 77. Beside number of plant species also their share categorized in categories of high qualiity grasses, high quality leguminous plants and useful species from other families, as well as harmful i.e. weed species. Main quality parameters were established in samples from all associations. Objective of analyses of natural grasslands was to establish share of high quality plant species, which is reflected directly through production and quality of plant mass grazed by small ruminants, sheep and goats.Proizvodnja organske, bioloÅ”ki vredne hrane je danas svetski trend, a koja se u naÅ”oj zemlji uspeÅ”no može ostvariti u proizvodnji mesa i mleka sitnih preživara, ovaca i koza u brdsko-planinskom području. Naime, travnjaci u ovim područjima su joÅ” uvek sačuvani od upotrebe mineralnih đubriva i hemijskih sredstava za zaÅ”titu bilja pa je proizvodnja zdrave hrane joÅ” uvek moguća uz minimalna ulaganja. Zbog toga, izuzetno je značajan kvalitet biljne mase, odnosno zastupljenost kvalitetnih biljnih vrsta u travnjaku, kao i mogućnosti za povećanje njihovog procentualnog učeŔća u travnjaku. U tom cilju obavljena su istraživanja i analizirane, s aspekta fitocenologije, najrasprostranjenije biljne zajednice na Staroj planini na nadmorskoj visini od 650-1200 m. Na ovim lokalitetima snimci su pravljeni i uzimani uzorci za analizu 2002-2005 i 2008. godine. Analizirano je 8 asocijacija, s tim Å”to su se dve asocijacije, Agrostietum vulgarae Z. Pavl. 1955. sensu lato. i Festucetum vallesiacae Borisavljević 1956. ponavljale kako na različitim lokalitetima tako i u vremenskom intervalu analiziranja. Pored ovih analizirane su i asocijacije: Arrhenatheretum elatioris Br.-Bl. 1925.senso lato, Festuco-Chrysopogonetum grylli Ranđ. 1977., Danthonietum calycinae Cinc. et Kojić 1958., Medicago falcata-Festucetum rubrae, Trifolio campestre-Agrostietum vulgaris i Festuco vallesiacae-Agrostieutum vulgaris Danon et Blaž. 1978. na 17 lokaliteta. Broj vrsta u analiziranim zajednicama je 34-77. Analizirano je pored brojnosti i pokrovnosti biljnih vrsta i njihovo učeŔće svrstanih u kategorije kvalitetnih trava, kvalitetnih leguminoza i korisnih vrsta drugih familija, kao i Å”tetnih, odnosno korovskih vrsta. U uzorcima iz svih zajednica utvrđeni su osnovni parametri kvaliteta. Cilj ovih analiza prirodnih travnjaka je utvrđivanje učeŔća kvalitetnih vrsta biljaka, koje se direktno odražavaju kroz produkciju i kvalitet biljne mase koju ispasaju sitni preživari, koze i ovce

    Uticaj đubrenja azotom na proizvodne i kvalitativne osobine sejanih travnjaka u sistemu održive proizvodnje

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    Nitrogen fixation in grass-leguminous mixtures is not sufficient to satisfy the nitrogen requirements of plants, therefore it is necessary to compensate this deficiency by nitrogen from mineral fertilizers. Objective of this study is to present the effect of N application in grass-leguminous mixtures on their production and qualitative properties, i.e. to give an answer to the question if application of nitrogen fertilizers results in the increase or decrease of yield, quality and changes in the structural composition of the grassland. N from mineral fertilizers, especially considerable amounts of nitrogen, changes the structural composition of grasslands - the share of leguminous plants decreases and share of grasses increases. Yield of dry matter increases with added nitrogen fertilizers. The amounts of nitrogen fertilizer which exceed the requirements of plants reduce the economical justification of fertilization and sometimes can have even opposite effect. Nitrogen fertilization increases the content of crude proteins and protein yield, whereas other quality parameters decrease or remain unchanged. Too much nitrogen in crops leads to nitrate accumulation in plants which is undesirable quality parameter.Azotofiksacijom u travno-leguminoznim smeÅ”ama nije moguće zadovoljiti potrebe biljaka za azotom, pa je potrebno taj nedostatak nadoknaditi azotom iz mineralnih đubriva. Cilj ovog rada jeste da prikaže efekat primene N đubriva u travno leguminoznim smeÅ”ama na njihove proizvodne i kvalitativne karakteristike, odnosno da da odgovor na pitanje da li upotrebom azotnih djubriva dolazi do povećanja ili smanjenja prinosa, kvaliteta kao i promena strukturnog sastava travnjaka. N iz mineralnih đubriva, naročito visoke količine azota, menjaju strukturni sastav travnjaka tako Å”to smanjuju udeo leguminoza, a povećavaju udeo trava. Prinos suve materije se povećava dodavanjem azota đubrivima. Količine koje prevazilaze potrebe biljaka za azotom smanjuju ekonomsku opravdanost đubrenja i nekad mogu da imaju suprotan efekat. Đubrenje azotom povećava sadržaj sirovih proteina i prinos proteina, dok se ostali parametri kvaliteta smanjuju ili ostaju nepromenjeni. Prevelike količine azota u usevu dovode do nagomilavanja nitrata u biljkama kao nepoželjnog parametra kvaliteta

    Phytocenological research into the meadow associations on forest hunting grounds of Serbia

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    The floristic composition of meadow associations within the fenced areas of forest hunting grounds was investigated in the spring of 2008 at three sites: KarakuÅ”a (Srem), MiloÅ”eva voda (Mt. Sokolovica) and Lomnička reka (Mt. Veliki Jastrebac), Serbia. At the first location three associations were determined (Agrostio-Juncetum effusi Cinc.1959., Trifolio-Agrostietum stoloniferae L. Mark.1973., and Agrostietum vulgaris. Z. Pavl. 1955 sensu lato.); at the second location Festuco-Agrostietum Horv. (1952) 1982. em Trinajest. 1972., and at the third location Agrostio-Festucetum valesiacae Gajić 1961. Hemicryptophytes were the dominant life form in all the sites (ranging from 61.1 to 72.9%). Also, the presence of 24 floral elements was recorded. The largest number of floral elements was determined at the site of Mt. Sokolovica (17), and the lowest at the third site, Mt. Veliki Jastrebac (9)

    Nitrati u biljci i zemljiÅ”tu nakon đubrenja travnoleguminoznih smeÅ”a

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    Nitrates are one of the most frequent utilized forms of N from soil. Through root they reach stem and leaf where in photosynthetic processes they convert into proteins. Due to exposure to stress situations, and excessive nitrogen fertilization, nitrate accumulation in plant tissues and organs occurs. Also, nitrates can accumulate in harmful concentrations in soil. Nitrates accumulated in plants have harmful effect on animals which consume plants since they cause various health disorders. In variance analysis in both investigation years it was established that fertilization as well as interaction of factors mixture/fertilization had very significant effect on investigated quality parameter, contrary to mixture as single factor. In both investigation years, treatments with 210 kgN ha-1 had the highest nitrate concentration. Content of nitrate nitrogen in soil is increased by fertilization. Objective of the research was to determine nitrate quantities which are accumulated in plants subsequent to n fertilization and growing in mixtures with other species, as well as to determine nitrate quantities which remain in the soil unutilized, which are potential causes of environment pollution.Nitrati su jedan od najčeŔće usvajanih oblika N iz zemljiÅ”ta. Preko korena oni dospevaju do stabla i lista gde se fotosintetičkim procesima konvertuju u proteine. Usled izloženosti stresnim situacijama, kao i preteranim đubrenjem azotnim đubrivima, dolazi do nagomilavanja nitrata u tkivima i organima biljaka. Pored toga oni se mogu nakupljati u Å”tetnim koncentracijama i u zemljiÅ”tu. U biljkama nagomilani nitrati imaju Å”tetnog uticaja na životinje, jer ishranom, izazivaju različite zdravstvene poremećaje. Analizom varijanse u obe godine ispitivanja utvrđeno je da su đubrenje kao i interakcija faktora smeÅ”a/đubrenje imali vrlo značajnog uticaja na ispitivani parametar kvaliteta, za razliku od smeÅ”e kao pojedinačnog faktora. U obe ispitivane godine tretmani sa 210 kgN ha-1 imali su najveću koncentraciju nitrata. Sadržaj nitratnog azota u zemljiÅ”tu povećava se đubrenjem.Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi koje su to količine nitrata koje biljka akumulira nakon đubrenja N đubrivom i gajenjem u smeÅ”i sa drugim vrstama, kao i koje su to količine nitrata koje ostaju u zemljiÅ”tu ne iskoriŔćenje, a koje mogu biti potencijalni zagađivači životne sredine

    Crisis intervention of self-destructive behavior of addiction

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    Samodestruktivno ponaÅ”anje razvoja ovisnosti i navezanosti na psihoaktivne supstance droge ne utječu negativno samo na osobno zdravlje pojedinca, promjenama motoričkih, kognitivnih i voljnih aspekata ličnosti, već taj problem sa sobom uvlači i obitelj ovisnika i za sobom povlači brojne druÅ”tvene posljedice postajeći globalnim fenomenom koji zauzima vrlo visoko mjesto na ljestvici prioriteta vezenih uz nacionalnu sigurnost. SocioloÅ”ko-kulturoloÅ”ki i kazneno-pravno gledano, čine se mnoge mjere prevencije, sanacije i kažnjavanja. Medicinsko-psiholoÅ”ki se ulažu veliki napori u liječenju i prevladavanju apstinencijske krize. No, i Crkveni pastoral ima svoju značajnu ulogu u osmiÅ”ljavanju motivirajućih programa i razvijanja duhovne podrÅ”ke ovisnika i njihovih obitelji. U namjeri da prikaže ovaj kompleksan problem samodestruktivnog ovisničkog ponaÅ”anja, ova radnja je koncipirana kroz četiri temeljne cjeline koje se međusobno upotpunjavaju pridržavajućim opisom naslova i podnaslova, nudeći integrativni model pastoralne strategije u suzbijanju ovisnosti i radu s ovisnicima te s njihovim bližnjima. Generalne cjeline ovog rada su sljedeće: I. ETIOLOGIJA ZLOPORABE PSIHOAKTIVNIH TVARI I OVISNOST II. DRUÅ TVENE, OBITELJSKE I OSOBNE PREDISPOZICIJE ZA RAZVOJ OVISNIČKOG PONAÅ ANJA III. ZAKONODAVNI OKVIRI I PREVENCIJSKE MJERE IV. PASTORALNI MODELI DUHOVNOG PRISTUPA OSLOBOĐENJA OD OVISNOSTIThe self-destructive behavior of the addiction to psychoactive drug substances does not only negatively affect the individual's personal health, causing changes in motor, cognitive and volitional aspects of personality, but this problem also involves the family of addicts and entails a number of social consequences, becoming a global phenomenon which takes very high place in the ranking of national security priorities. Sociologically - culturally and criminally-legally, many measures of prevention, rehabilitation and punishment are made. Medical-psychological efforts are made in treating and overcoming the abstinence crisis. But the Church Pastoral Service has also a significant role in designing motivational programs and developing the spiritual support of addicts and their families. In order to present this complex problem of self-destructive addictive behavior, this work is conceived through four fundamental units that complement each other by keeping a description of the title and subtitle, offering an integrative model of pastoral strategy to suppress addiction and to work with addicts and their near ones. The general units of this paper are next: I. ETHIOLOGY OF ABUSE OF PSYCHOATIC SUBSTANCES AND ADDICTION II. SOCIAL, FAMILY AND PERSONAL PREDISPOSITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOR III. LEGISLATION AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES IV. PASTORAL MODELS OF A SPIRITUAL APPROACH TO LIBERATION FROM ADDICTIO

    Prinos mesa jaradi srpske bele koze u zavisnosti od telesne mase pre klanja

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    Investigations were carried out on three groups of kids of Serbian White breed as follows: group of lighter kids, average body mass at slaughtering 12,65 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) and average age of 70 days; group of medium heavy kids, body mass of 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) and average age of 97 days, and group of heavy kids, body mass prior to slaughtering of 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) and average age of 129 days. Objective of this research was to determine the meat yield (dressing percentage) and share of some slaughtering products in the mass prior to slaughtering and share of giblets in the mass of chilled carcass. It was established that heavier kids have lower dressing percentage (55,01%) compared to lighter (57,21%) and medium heavy kids (58, 21%), more favorable conformation evaluation (4,22 points in heavier, 3,77 points in medium heavy and 3,52 points in lighter kids), better covering of carcass with fat tissue (3,71 points in heavier, 3,66 points in medium heavy and 3,32 points in lighter kids) and better evaluation of the meat color (4,78 points in heavier, 4,66 points in medium heavy and 3,79 points in lighter kids). Share of edible giblets/offal (pre-stomach, small intestines, mesentherium) in the mass of carcass prior to slaughtering was higher in lighter kids (6,45%) compared to medium heavy (5,83%) and heavy kids (6,15%). Share of giblets/offal in chilled carcass was the lowest (15,91%) in heavy kids, slightly higher (17,16%) in medium heavy and the highest in lighter kids (18,86%).Ispitivanja su obavljena na tri grupe jaradi srpske bele koze i to: lakÅ”ih, prosečne telesne mase pri klanju 12,654 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta od 70 dana; srednje teÅ”kih telesne mase 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 97 dana i teÅ”kih telesne mase pred klanje 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 129 dana. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je da se utvrdi prinos mesa (randman) i udeo nekih pratećih proizvoda klanja u masi pred klanje i udeo iznutrica u masi ohlađenog trupa. Utvrđeno je da teža jarad imaju manji randman (55,01%) u odnosu na lakÅ”e (57,21%) i srednje teÅ”ke (58, 21%), povoljniju ocenu konformacije (4,22 poena u težih, 3,77 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,52 poena u lakÅ”ih), bolju prekrivenost trupa masnim tkivom (3,71 poena u težih, 3,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,32 poena u lakih) i bolju ocenu boje mesa (4,78 poena u teÅ”kih, 4,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,79 poena u lakÅ”ih). Udeo jestivih iznutrica (predželudac, tanka creva, opornjak) u masi trupa pred klanje je veći u lakih jaradi (4,45%) u poređenju sa srednje teÅ”kim (5,83%) i teÅ”kim jaradima (6,15%). Udeo iznutrica u ohlađenom trupu je najmanji (15,91%) u teÅ”kih, neÅ”to veći (17,16%) u srednje teÅ”kih i najveći (18,86%) u lakih jaradi

    Identifikacija i kvantifikacija gljiva u travno-leguminoznoj silaži

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    Objective of the research was to determine the presence, total count and species of fungi in samples of grass-leguminous silages depending on the botanical composition of mixture, nitrogen fertilization and crop utilization phase. Most of identified fungi species are of Fusarium genus (80-91%). In analyzed samples of silage total fungi count in average for three year period of research (2005-2007) was 2.31-3.09 log10 CFU g-1 and it varied depending on the investigated factors. Factor of type of mixture had significant effect on fungi count in first two investigation years, whereas nitrogen fertilization caused variations in fungi count in the first and third investigation year. Cutting in early utilization phases statistically significantly influenced total fungi count only in one investigation year (2006).Cilj istraživanja je bio da se odredi prisustvo, ukupan broj i vrste gljiva u uzorcima silaža travno-leguminoznih smeÅ”a u zavisnosti od botaničkog sastava smeÅ”e, đubrenja azotom i faze iskoriŔćavanja useva. Većinom su identifikovane vrste gljiva iz roda Fusarium (80-91%). U ispitivanim uzorcima silaže ukupan broj gljiva u proseku za trogodiÅ”nji period istraživanja (2005-2007) je bio od 2.31-3.09 log10 CFU g-1 i varirao je u zavisnosti od ispitivanih faktora. Faktor vrsta smeÅ”e je značajno uticao na broj gljiva u prve dve godine istraživanja, dok je đubrenje azotom prouzrokovalo variranja u broju gljiva u prvoj i trećoj godini istraživanja. Kosidba u ranijim fazama iskorŔćivanja statistički značajno je uticala na ukupan broj gljiva samo u jednoj godini istraživanja (2006)

    ViŔegodiŔnje leguminoze i trave - stabilan izvor kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane

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    Perennial legumes, alfalfa, red clover, bird's foot trefoil, white clover, sainfoin and grasses, cock's foot, meadow fescue, tall fescue, Italian ryegrass, English ryegrass, French ryegrass, red fescue and Timothy grass can be grown successfully in pure crops and in legume-grass mixtures, on different soil types. Their importance in livestock development is based primarily on the great potential for yield of dry matter of over 20 t ha-1 if adequate agro-technical measures have been applied. Also, perennial legumes are characterized with high content of nutritive substances, especially protein and represent the most important protein source in livestock nutrition. Depending on the species and pheno stage of utilization, the content of crude proteins in grasses varies from 100 to 174,6 g kg-1 of DM, and in perennial legumes from 190,0 to 228,8 g kg-1 of DM. Livestock feed obtained from these plant species can be used in several ways, from grazing as most efficient and economical way, to preparation of hay and high quality silages and haylages. Stated forage species are very important in sustainable agriculture and organic production, considering that they carry out the process of biological fixation of nitrogen, but also from the ecological aspect. By using diverse selection/breeding material numerous domestic cultivars of perennial legumes and grasses have been created which are characterized with high potential for main agronomical traits.ViÅ”egodiÅ”nje leguminoze, lucerka, crvena detelina, žuti zvezdan, bela detelina, esparzeta i trave ježevica, livadski vijuk, visoki vijuk, italijanski ljulj, engleski ljulj, francuski ljulj, crveni vijuk i mačiji rep, mogu se uspeÅ”no gajiti u čistom usevu ili u leguminozno-travnim smeÅ”ama, na različitim tipovima zemljiÅ”ta. Njihov značaj u razvoju stočarstva, pre svega, se zasniva na visokom potencijalu za prinos suve materije, koji se uz primenu savremenih agrotehničkih mera kreće i preko 20 t ha-1. Pored toga, viÅ”egodiÅ”nje leguminoze se odlikuju visokim sadržajem hranljivih materija, posebno proteina i predstavljaju najvažniji izvor proteina u ishrani domaćih životinja. U zavisnosti od vrste i fenofaze iskoriŔćavanja sadržaj sirovih proteina kod trava se kreće od 100 do 174,6 g kg-1 SM, a kod viÅ”egodiÅ”njih leguminoza od 190,0 do 228,8 g kg-1 SM. Stočna hrana dobijena od ovih biljnih vrsta može se koristiti na viÅ”e načina, od ispaÅ”e kao najefikasnijeg i najekonomičnijeg načina, preko pripreme sena, do spravljanja kvalitetnih senaža i silaža. Navedene krmne vrste imaju veoma značajno mesto u održivoj poljoprivredi i organskoj proizvodnji, obzirom da obavljaju proces bioloÅ”ke fiksacije azota, veoma su značajne i sa ekoloÅ”kog aspekta. KoriŔćenjem divergentnog selekcionog materijala stvoren je veliki broj domaćih sorti viÅ”egodiÅ”njih leguminoza i trava koje se odlikuju visokim potencijalom za osnovna agronomska svojstva

    Floristic composition of permanent grassland in the nature park Stara Planina (Serbia)

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    The five most important meadow associations on the Stara Planina Mountain in National Park "Stara Planina" were analysed in order to define initial parameters for determination of grassland potential, as well as natural resources for production of biologically valuable and high quality food and revitalization of agricultural production in hilly-mountainous region. Floristic composition of five meadow associations is presented: Medicago falcate - Festucetum rubrae at three locations around the Pirot, Triflolio - Agrostietum stoloniferae Lj. Mark. 1973, Agrostietum vulgaris Z. Pavl. 1955, two ass. Festucetum vallesiaceae - Agrostietum vulgaris Danon et Blaz. 1978 and Festuco-Agrostietum Horv. (1951) 1982.em Trinajest.1972 one. All five associations are around Dimitrovgrad. First association of Festucetum vallesiaceae - Agrostietum vulgaris Danon et Blaz. 1978 had the highest diversity with the total number of 75 species. The number of species in investigated associations was: grasses from 8 to 23, legumes from 8 to 17 and other species from 21 to 34. Participation of major meadow species based on their mass is presented in the paper. On the basis of their productivity the species belong to the associations of useful grasses, useful legumes and other useful species and weeds. The study of grasslands was done in order to establish production potentials and quality of grasslands used for grazing of small ruminants, i.e. sheep and goats

    Dinamika pojave i učestalosti populacija Fusarium vrsta na uskladiŔtenom zrnu kukuruza

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    Production and providing of high quality maize grain are of primary importance for livestock production since maize is the main component of livestock feed. Contamination with fungi not only diminishes the quality of grain, but some fungi species can produce highly toxic compounds known as mycotoxins. Considering that maize is economically the most important grown plant in Serbia, content and intensity of frequency of these pathogen fungi species are investigated in maize stored in the storage facilities. Based on studies of the fungi incidence in stored maize intended for nutrition of livestock, it was established that during the period from February 2005 to March 2006, some fungi species were present successively (Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp.), other with interruptions of one (Nigrospora spp., Aspergillus spp., Acremonium spp., Alternaria spp), three (Mucor spp., Chaetomium spp., Rhizopus spp.) to four months (Cladosporium spp.), and also sporadically during three (Epicoccum spp., Rhizopus spp., Trichothecium spp.), two (Gliocladium spp.) or one month (Papulaspora spp., Phialophora spp.). Period June-October is the most critical for preservation of the quality of stored maize since the number of fungi species present (8āˆ’14 of total of 17 identified fungi genera) and their frequency during this period are the highest, especially of toxigenic species of Fusarium (43.5āˆ’62.5%) and Penicillium (10.0āˆ’33.5%) genera. Positive correlation (r = 0.5979**) between dynamics of incidence and frequency of isolated fungi species indicates that fungi with higher frequency of incidence remain longer on the grain during storage. F. verticillioides and F. subglutinans, of total of 6 identified Fusarium species were present on the grain during entire year and with the highest frequency (24.7% and 5.9%, respectively). During single year (2005) F. verticillioides was present in the highest percentage from February to October (22.0āˆ’39.5%), and F. subglutinans from April to October (8.0āˆ’12.5%), whereas the both species were isolated the least during winter period December-January (4.0āˆ’8.0% and 0.5āˆ’1.0%, respectively). F. graminearaum is the third toxigenic Fusarium species which from the mycotoxicological aspect can be important for period June-September when it is mostly present (5.0āˆ’11.0%). Incidence of other Fusarium species is sporadic (1.3% F. proliferatum, 1.0% F. sambucinum and 0.5% F. poae).Proizvodnja i obezbeđivanje visokog kvaliteta zrna kukuruza su od primarnog značaja za stočarsku proizvodnju jer je kukuruz osnovna komponenta stočne hrane. Zaraza gljivama ne samo da smanjuje kvalitet zrna, već neke vrste gljiva mogu produkovati visoko toksična jedinjenja, poznata kao mikotoksini. S obzirom da je kukuruz ekonomski najvažnija gajena biljka u Srbiji, sadržaj i intenzitet učestalosti ovih patogenih vrsta gljiva se ispituje u kukuruzu u skladiÅ”tu. Na osnovu proučavanja pojave gljiva na uskladiÅ”tenom kukuruzu, koji je bio namenjen za ishranu životinja, utvrđeno je da su u periodu od februara 2005. do marta 2006. godine neke gljive prisutne sukcesivno (Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp.), druge diskontinuirano sa prekidom od jednog (Nigrospora spp., Aspergillus spp., Acremonium spp., Alternaria spp), tri (Mucor spp., Chaetomium spp., Rhizopus spp.) ili četiri meseca (Cladosporium spp.), a treće sporadično u toku tri (Epicoccum spp., Rhizopus spp., Trichothecium spp.), dva (Gliocladium spp.) ili jednog meseca (Papulaspora spp., Phialophora spp.). Period jun-oktobar je najkritičniji za očuvanje kvaliteta uskladiÅ”tenog kukuruza jer je brojnost (prisutno 8āˆ’14 od ukupno 17 identifikovanih rodova gljiva) i frekvencija gljiva u tom periodu najveća, posebno toksigenih vrsta iz rodova Fusarium (43.5āˆ’62.5%) i Penicillium (10.0āˆ’33.5%). Pozitivna korelacija (r = 0.5979**) između dinamike pojave i frekvencije izolovanih vrsta gljiva ukazuje da se gljive sa većom frekvencijom pojave duže održavaju na zrnu kukuruza tokom skladiÅ”tenja. F. verticillioides i F. subglutinans su od ukupno Å”est identifikovanih vrsta roda Fusarium prisutne na zrnu tokom cele godine i sa najvećom frekvencijom (24.7% i 5.9%). U toku jedne godine (2005) F. verticillioides je u najvećem procentu prisutna od februara do oktobra (22.0āˆ’39.5%), a F. subglutinans od aprila do oktobra (8.0āˆ’12.5%), dok su obe vrste najmanje izolovane u zimskom periodu decembar-januar (4.0āˆ’8.0% i 0.5āˆ’1.0%). F. graminearum je treća toksigena vrsta roda Fusarium koja sa mikotoksikoloÅ”kog aspekta može biti značajna za period jun-septembar kada se javlja u najvećem procentu (5.0āˆ’11.0%). Pojava ostalih vrsta roda Fusarium je sporadična (1.3% F. proliferatum, 1.0% F. sambucinum and 0.5% F. poae)
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