343 research outputs found

    Self-organization of charge under pressure in the organic conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4

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    (TMTSF)2ReO4 presents a phase coexistence between two anion orderings defined by their wave vectors q_2=(1/2,1/2,1/2) and q_3=(0,1/2,1/2) in a wide range of pressure (8-11kbar) and temperature. From the determination of the anisotropy of the conductivity and the superconducting transitions in this regime we were able to extract the texture which results from a self-organization of the orientations of the ReO4 anions in the sample. At the lowest pressures, the metallic parts, related to the q_3 order, form droplets elongated along the a-axis embedded in the semiconducting matrix associated with the q_2 order. Above 10kbar, filaments along the a-axis extend from one end of the sample to the other nearly up to the end of the coexistence regime. A mapping of the system into an anisotropic Ising lattice is satisfactory to analyze the data. satisfactory to analyze the data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, EPL forma

    The Pareto Distribution of World’s GDP

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    The problem of wealth distribution has gathered the attention of researchers for many years. In their work, the researchers are mainly engaged in the issue of distribution of wealth between individuals by analyzing empirical results at the country level, or specific lists that particular organization form like the Forbes list. Research are also increasingly directed toward the analysis of new models such as Boltzmann Gibbs or application of Gama function that describes this distribution. An interesting issue is the analysis of the distribution of wealth among the countries themselves. In these works, the value of GDP is used as the wealth that country has. In this article, the author dealt with the analysis of the distribution of GDP between countries at the global level. Analysis were performed using the Pareto distribution model of wealth distribution and GINI coefficient based on the data of the value of GDP for countries from IMF estimation. The analysis was conducted for the period from 1980 to the present, as well as analysis of data provided by IMF estimates for the value of GDP by 2022. The goal is to determine the degree of uneven distribution between the countries themselves in the world, analyzing the dynamics of change in the degree of unevenness and an analysis of the degree of unevenness in the future based on forecasts of the IMF on the values of countries GDP. The author also wanted to test if Pareto's 80/20 rule applies when it comes to the distribution of GDP at world level.     Keywords: GDP, distribution of wealth, IMF, Pareto distribution, GINI coefficien

    Collective Charge Excitations below the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in BaVS3

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    The charge response in the barium vanadium sulfide (BaVS3) single crystals is characterized by dc resistivity and low frequency dielectric spectroscopy. A broad relaxation mode in MHz range with huge dielectric constant ~= 10^6 emerges at the metal-to-insulator phase transition TMI ~= 67 K, weakens with lowering temperature and eventually levels off below the magnetic transition Tchi ~= 30 K. The mean relaxation time is thermally activated in a manner similar to the dc resistivity. These features are interpreted as signatures of the collective charge excitations characteristic for the orbital ordering that gradually develops below TMI and stabilizes at long-range scale below Tchi.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Effects of Lifshitz Transition on Charge Transport in Magnetic Phases of Fe-Based Superconductors

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    The unusual temperature dependence of the resistivity and its in-plane anisotropy observed in the Fe-based superconducting materials, particularly Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2As2_2, has been a longstanding puzzle. Here we consider the effect of impurity scattering on the temperature dependence of the average resistivity within a simple two-band model of a dirty spin density wave metal. The sharp drop in resistivity below the N\'eel temperature TNT_N in the parent compound can only be understood in terms of a Lifshitz transition following Fermi surface reconstruction upon magnetic ordering. We show that the observed resistivity anisotropy in this phase, arising from nematic defect structures, is affected by the Lifshitz transition as well.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Klanični rezultati jaradi domaće balkanske koze

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    The paper presents the investigation of slaugher results, i.e. meat production results, in 96 kids of the domestic Balkan goat (4 herds, 24 animals per herd, 50:50 sex ratio), slaughtered at 90 days of age to determine the differences between the herds investigated and sexes (male kids vs. female ones), pertaining to the quantitative characteristics of meat. The average warm carcass dressing percentage including the head and offal for kids from all the herds investigated was 58.19%. The differences established for dressing percentage, warm, cold, and cold with and without head and offal, between the herds investigated and sexes were not statistically significant (P>0,05). Established differences between linear measurements for kid carcass halves, were statistically significant (P (lt) 0,01) between herds, whereas pertaining to the sex of kids, they were significant on both levels((P (lt) 0,01and P (lt) 0,05).Proizvodnja kozjeg mesa u svetu, iako je četiri puta manja od proizvodnje mesa ovaca, ima veliki značaj za mnoge zemlje, a naročito za zemlje Azije, Afrike i Južne Amerike. U zemljama Evropske zajednice je proizvodnja kozjeg mesa od znatno manjeg značaja i obima, a naročito u zemljama gde se gaje mlečne rase koza i u kojima je meso prateći proizvod. Mada će i u našim uslovima osnovni proizvod koza biti, uglavnom, mleko, proizvodnja mesa se ne sme zanemariti . Treba pravilno iskoristiti visoku potencijalnu mogućnost koza za dobru plodnost. Ova sposobnost koza može jako dobro da se iskoristi pri dvokratnom jarenju, i to tamo gde je proizvodnja jarećeg mesa rentabilnija od proizvodnje mleka i gde je iz bilo kojih razloga smanjen interes za proizvodnju mleka, ili pak nema uslova za organizovano unovčavanje većih količina mleka, niti za njegovu preradu. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja ishrane na klanične rezultate tj. proizvodnju mesa kod 96 jaradi domaće balkanske koze (4 stada, po 24 jaradi u svakom stadu i odnosom polova 50:50), koja su zaklana u uzrastu od 90 dana u cilju utvrdjivanja razlika između ispitivanih stada koza i polne pripadnosti jaradi (muška i ženska grla). Prosečan randman toplog trupa sa glavom i iznutricama kod jaradi svih ispitivanih stada iznosi 58,19%. Razlike koje su utvrdjene u masi toplog i hladnog trupa sa i bez glave i iznutrica, bile su statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,01) između ispitivanih stada, dok su te razlike u odnosu na polnu pripadnost (muška i ženska grla) bile izražene na nivou P (lt) 0,05. Rezultati analize varijante pokazuju da su evidentirane razlike između utvrdjenih linearnih mera na polutkama jaradi, bile statistički signifikantne (P (lt) 0,01) među stadima, dok su u odnosu na polnu pripadnost jaradi one bile značajne na oba nivoa (P (lt) 0,01 i P (lt) 0,05)

    Uticaj laktacije po redu i telesne mase na prinos mleka i osobine plodnosti domaće balkanske koze

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    The goal of investigation in the domestic Balkan goat was to establish the effect of body weight and lactation number on milk yield and fertility. Research was done in herds belonging to private farmers, during a one-year period, on a total of 578 goats. Investigated herds were monitored also by lactation number, i.e. kidding number (lactations 1,2 and 3 individually, lactation 4 and following lactations investigated together). Body weight and milk yield were measured, while fertility was determined as the number of live born kids per 100 goats. Goats were also sorted into groups by age and body weight, while the interval within groups and between groups was 5 kg. Average total milk yield in the investigated population of the domestic Balkan goat was 177.5 kg. A statististically significant difference (P (lt) 0,01) was established for milk yield depending on body weight and age, except for goats in lactation 1 (P (lt) 0,05). In lactation 3 and 4, goats with body weights over 45 kg, comprising 30.23% of the total number in these groups, had the highest milk yields (over 200 kg). Pertaining to lactation number, i.e. kidding number, as well as body weight in both years of investigation, lowest fertility was found in lactations 1 and 2 (112%), and in goats with lowest body weight (25-30 kg), while this considerably increased lactation 4 and later lactations (136%), and body weights of over 40 kg (140%).Cilj ovih ispitivanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj telesne mase, kao i uzrasta tj. laktacije po redu u domaće balkanske koze na njenu proizvodnju mleka i plodnost. Istraživanja su izvedena u stadima balkanskih koza privatnih odgajivača, u toku jednogodišnjeg perioda kod ukupno 578 grla koza. Kontrola mlečnosti je izvođena dvokratno u jednakim vremenskim intervalima pri čemu su sva grla bila u A kontroli. Plodnost je determinisana kao broj živorođene jaradi na 100 koza. Koze su, takođe, podeljene u grupe prema uzrastu i telesnoj masi, pri čemu je interval unutar i između grupa bio 5 kg. Prosečna vrednost za ukupnu količinu mleka kod ispitivane populacije koza iznosi 177,56 kg,. Statistički značajna razlika (P (lt) 0,01) je utvrđena za prinos mleka u zavisnosti od telesne mase i uzrasta kod svih ispitivanih grupa, izuzev za koze u prvoj laktaciji (P (lt) 0,05). U 3 i 4 laktaciji po redu, koze sa telesnom masom preko 45 kg, koje učestvuju sa 30.23% od ukupnog broja grla u ovoj grupi, imale su najveći prinos mleka (preko 200 kg). U zavisnosti od laktacije po redu tj., jarenja po redu, kao i telesne mase u obe godine istraživanja, najniža plodnost je ustanovljena u 1 i 2 laktaciji po redu (112%) i to kod koza sa najnižom telesnom masom (od 25-30 kg), dok se ona idući ka četvrtoj i kasnijim laktacijama po redu (136%) i telesnoj masi preko 40 kg (140%) znatno povećava. Statistički značajna razlika na nivou P (lt) 0,01, kada je u pitanju plodnost koza u zavisnosti od uzrasta tj. laktacije po redu i telesne mase utvrđena je kod svih ispitivanih grupa, izuzev kod koza u drugoj laktaciji (P (lt) 0,05)

    Značaj vremena zalučivanja na telesnu masu i prirast jaradi

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    A group control system experiment was carried out to investigate the effect weaning time of kids on their health status and growth rate achieved up to 6 months of age. The experiment was done on kids obtained from crossbred domestic white x domestic Balkan goats and Alpino bucks. Investigations were done on a total of 120 kids, divided into 4 groups. Kids were weaned at 2 (Group 1), 20 (Group 2), 35 (Group 3), and 60 (Group 4), days. After weaning, kids in Group 1 and Group 2 were fed milk replacer containing 22% protein up to 35 days of age, while Group 3 and Group 4 were fed concentrates and hay. The lowest body weight, both by individual control periods, and at the end of the experiment, was established for kids in Group 2, weaned at 20 days of age. The also had the highest mortality. Highest body weight at this age (180 days) was found in kids in Group 4, weaned at 60 days. Established results permit the conclusion that kids can successfully be weaned as early as 35 days of age, and that weaning at an earlier age should not be done under our conditions, since it is not economically justified.Izveden je ogled po grupno-kontrolnom sistemu u cilju ispitivanja uticaja vremena odlučivanja jaradi na njihovo zdravstveno stanje kao i ostvarene priraste do uzrasta od 6 meseci. Za ogled su korišćena jarad dobijena ukrštanjem koza meleza domaće bele x domaća balkanska sa jarčevima alpino rase. Ispitivanja su izvedena na ukupno 120 jaradi, podeljenih u 4 grupe. Jarad su odlučivana u uzrastu od 2 (I grupa), 20 (II grupa), 35 (III grupa) i 60 (IV grupa) dana života. Posle odlučenja jarad I, i II grupe su napajana zamenama za mleko sa 22% proteina do uzrasta od 35 dana, dok su 3 i 4 grupa jaradi posle odlučenja hranjena koncentratom i senom. Najnižu telesnu masu, kako po pojedinim kontrolnim periodima tako i na kraju ogleda, imala su jarad II grupe koja su odlučena sa 20 dana starosti. Kod njih je istovremeno zabeležen i najveći mortalitet. Telesna masa u ovoj starosti (sa 180 dana) najveća je u jaradi IV grupe koja su odlučena u uzrastu od 60 dana. Rezultati ovih istraživanja pokazuju da je rano odlučivanje jaradi izazvalo stres praćen nižim prirastom koji je evidentiran kod prve dve grupe jaradi (a delimično i treće grupe) u prvih nekoliko dana posle odlučivanja. Kod jaradi četvrte grupe nije bilo nekih posebnih problema u periodu posle odlučenja, što je potvrđeno i rezultatima samih prirasta koji su u ovoj grupi bili najviši sve do uzrasta jaradi od 6 meseci. Mortalitet je bio izraženiji kod jaradi I i II grupe, u odnosu na druge dve, i to najčešće u periodima kada je kod oglednih grupa dolazilo do odvajanja od majki i početka napajanja zamenama za mleko

    PCN101 Cost Effectiveness of Everolimus for Second Line Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer in Serbia

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    Anisotropic Charge Modulation in Ladder Planes of Sr_14-xCa_xCu_24O_41

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    The charge response of the ladders in Sr_14-xCa_xCu_24O_41 is characterized by dc resistivity, low frequency dielectric and optical spectroscopy in all three crystallographic directions. The collective charge-density wave screened mode is observed in the direction of the rungs for x=0, 3 and 6, in addition to the mode along the legs. For x=8 and 9, the charge-density-wave response along the rungs fully vanishes, while the one along the legs persists. The transport perpendicular to the planes is always dominated by hopping.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRB R