2 research outputs found

    Biocompatibility and immunomodulatory properties of nanomaterials based on gold nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes, and NITi-and CuAINi alloy-based advanced biomaterials

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    Napredni biomaterijali na bazi NiTi i CuAlNi legura koje memorišu oblik (SMA) su vrlo atraktivni za izradu biomedicinskih implantata i uređaja. Međutim, biokompatibilnost NiTi i CuAlNi legura proizvedenih konvencionalnim metodama je često loša usled njihove neodgovarajuće površinske mikrostrukture koja omogućava oslobađanje metalnih jona u okolni medijum. U ovom radu je primenjen nov metod sinteze brzo stvrdnutih (RS) SMA valjanjem rastopine. Biokompatibilnost i imunomodulacijske osobine SMA legura su ispitane na modelima peritoneumskih makrofaga pacova (PMØ) i humanih dendritskih ćelija monocitnog porekla (DC), i na humanim mononuklearima periferne krvi (PBMC) izolovanim iz 20 različitih donora. Pokazano je da RS SMA, za razliku od kontrolnih SMA pripremljenih konvencionalnim metodama istog sastava, ne ispoljavaju citotoksičnost prema ispitivanim ćelijama. Osnovni razlog tome je što je na površini RS SMA formiran tanak homogeni sloj oksida koji štiti SMA od korozije, a inkubiranjem u medijumu dolazi do njegovog zadebljavanja. Međutim, pokazano je da CuAlNi RS SMA stimulišu produkciju IL-6 i izazivaju oksidativni stres kod PMØ, ali ne menjaju produkciju proinflamacijskih citokina u većini kultura PBMC stimulisanih mitogenom. Sa druge strane, NiTi RS SMA stimulišu produkciju IL-10 u 25% kultura stimulisanih kultura PBMC. U skladu sa tim je pokazano da NiTi RS SMA stimulišu fenotipsko sazrevanje DC koje produkuju veći nivo IL-10 i IL-27, i stimulišu produkciju IL-10 i TGF-β u ko-kulturi sa CD4+T ćelijama. Međutim, DC kultivisane na NiTi RS SMA u prisustvu LPS-a poseduju veći alostimulatorni kapacitet i stimulišu Th1 imunski odgovor in vitro. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da se RS SMA mogu bezbedno iskoristiti kao implantati kod većine pacijenata, ali je neophodno razmotriti i da li bi imunomodulacijske osobine ovih legura mogle izazvati neželjene posledice kod nekih pacijenta. Nanočestice zlata (GNP) su vrlo atraktivne za primenu u dijagnostici i fototermalnoj terapiji tumora. Međutim, njihova biokompatibilnost i imunomodulacijske osobine nisu dovoljno ispitane, što je neophodno za njihovu bezbednu primenu u biomedicini. U ovom radu je primenjen nov metod sinteze GNP ultrasoničnom sprej pirolizom (USP). Pri tome je sintetisano 5 različitih frakcija GNP različitih mikrostrukturnih odlika...Advanced biomaterials based on NiTi CuAlNi shape memory alloys (SMAs) are very attractive for the production of biomedical implants and devices. However, the biocompatibility of NiTi and CuAlNi alloys, prepared by conventional methods, is often poor due to their inadequate surface microstructure causing the release of toxic metal ions into the surrounding medium. Therefore, we applied a novel method for the preparation of SMAs using Rapid Solidification (RS) via Melt-Spinning. Biocompatibility and immunomodulatory properties of SMA alloys were studied using the in vitro models of rat’s peritoneal macrophages (PMØs), human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs), and mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from 20 different donors. It was shown that RS SMAs, in contrast to control SMAs of the same composition but prepared by conventional methods, do not exhibit cytotoxicity towards the tested cells. The main reason for this phenomenon is the formation of a thin homogeneous oxide layer on the surface of RS SMAs that protects the SMAs from corrosion, and the conditioning in cell culture medium leads to its thickening. However, CuAlNi RS SMAs induce the production of IL-6, cause oxidative stress in PMØ, but do not modify the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in most of the mitogen-stimulated PBMCs cultures. In contrast, NiTi RS SMAs stimulate the production of IL-10 in 25 % of the stimulated PBMC cultures. Accordingly, we showed that NiTi RS SMAs stimulate the phenotypic maturation of DCs, which produce higher levels of IL-10 and IL-27, and stimulate the production of IL-10 and TGF-β in co-culture with CD4+ T cells. However, in the presence of LPS, DCs cultivated on RS NiTi SMA possess a stronger allostimulatory capacity, and potentiate the development of Th1 immune response in vitro. These results indicate that RS SMAs can be safely used as implants for most patients, but special care should be taken as to whether the immunomodulatory properties of these alloys would cause some adverse effects in some patients. Gold nanoparticles (GNP) are quite promising for the use in diagnostics and photo-thermal cancer therapy. However, their biocompatibility and immunomodulatory properties have not been investigated sufficiently for their safe use in biomedicine..