670 research outputs found

    The Flipped Classroom Model as Applied to an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Course

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    The Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) is an andragogical approach where students complete content-related work outside of the class and engage in activities related to this content during the class period. This approach has garnered recent attention in the field of speech-language pathology, but its implementation has not been studied in an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) course and there is limited information on student perspectives of the experience. This study presents the results of a qualitative investigation designed to investigate the preferences and experiences of preservice speech-language pathology graduate students in an AAC course utilizing the FCM. Semi-structured interviews with eight students were transcribed and analyzed utilizing a phenomenological framework. The themes that emerged from the data included course design, course delivery, instructor characteristics, student preferences, student characteristics, online versus in-person learning, and career relevance. Recommendations for implementing the FCM in teaching AAC are discussed in light of the results presented

    Observation of Spontaneous Brillouin Cooling

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    While radiation-pressure cooling is well known, the Brillouin scattering of light from sound is considered an acousto-optical amplification-only process. It was suggested that cooling could be possible in multi-resonance Brillouin systems when phonons experience lower damping than light. However, this regime was not accessible in traditional Brillouin systems since backscattering enforces high acoustical frequencies associated with high mechanical damping. Recently, forward Brillouin scattering in microcavities has allowed access to low-frequency acoustical modes where mechanical dissipation is lower than optical dissipation, in accordance with the requirements for cooling. Here we experimentally demonstrate cooling via such a forward Brillouin process in a microresonator. We show two regimes of operation for the Brillouin process: acoustical amplification as is traditional, but also for the first time, a Brillouin cooling regime. Cooling is mediated by an optical pump, and scattered light, that beat and electrostrictively attenuate the Brownian motion of the mechanical mode.Comment: Supplementary material include

    Openspritzer: an open hardware pressure ejection system for reliably delivering picolitre volumes

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    The ability to reliably and precisely deliver picolitre volumes is an important component of biological research. Here we describe a high-performance, low-cost, open hardware pressure ejection system (Openspritzer), which can be constructed from off the shelf components. The device is capable of delivering minute doses of reagents to a wide range of biological and chemical systems. In this work, we characterise the performance of the device and compare it to a popular commercial system using twophoton fluorescence microscopy. We found that Openspritzer provides the same level of control over delivered reagent dose as the commercial system. Next, we demonstrate the utility of Openspritzer in a series of standard neurobiological applications. First, we used Openspritzer to deliver precise amounts of reagents to hippocampal neurons to elicit time- and dose-precise responses on neuronal voltage. Second, we used Openspritzer to deliver infectious viral and bacterial agents to living tissue. This included viral transfection of hippocampal interneurons with channelrhodopsin for the optogenetic manipulation of hippocampal circuitry with light. We anticipate that due to its high performance and low cost Openspritzer will be of interest to a broad range of researchers working in the life and physical sciences

    α-SNAP Prevents Docking of the Acrosome during Sperm Exocytosis because It Sequesters Monomeric Syntaxin

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    α-SNAP has an essential role in membrane fusion that consists of bridging cis SNARE complexes to NSF. α-SNAP stimulates NSF, which releases itself, α-SNAP, and individual SNAREs that subsequently re-engage in the trans arrays indispensable for fusion. α-SNAP also binds monomeric syntaxin and NSF disengages the α-SNAP/syntaxin dimer. Here, we examine why recombinant α-SNAP blocks secretion in permeabilized human sperm despite the fact that the endogenous protein is essential for membrane fusion. The only mammalian organism with a genetically modified α-SNAP is the hyh mouse strain, which bears a M105I point mutation; males are subfertile due to defective sperm exocytosis. We report here that recombinant α-SNAP-M105I has greater affinity for the cytosolic portion of immunoprecipitated syntaxin than the wild type protein and in consequence NSF is less efficient in releasing the mutant. α-SNAP-M105I is a more potent sperm exocytosis blocker than the wild type and requires higher concentrations of NSF to rescue its effect. Unlike other fusion scenarios where SNAREs are subjected to an assembly/disassembly cycle, the fusion machinery in sperm is tuned so that SNAREs progress uni-directionally from a cis configuration in resting cells to monomeric and subsequently trans arrays in cells challenged with exocytosis inducers. By means of functional and indirect immunofluorescense assays, we show that recombinant α-SNAPs — wild type and M105I — inhibit exocytosis because they bind monomeric syntaxin and prevent this SNARE from assembling with its cognates in trans. Sequestration of free syntaxin impedes docking of the acrosome to the plasma membrane assessed by transmission electron microscopy. The N-terminal deletion mutant α-SNAP-(160–295), unable to bind syntaxin, affects neither docking nor secretion. The implications of this study are twofold: our findings explain the fertility defect of hyh mice and indicate that assembly of SNAREs in trans complexes is essential for docking

    Hometronics – accessible production of graphene suspensions for health sensing applications using only household items

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    Nanoscience at times can seem out of reach to the developing world and the general public, with much of the equipment expensive and knowledge seemingly esoteric to nonexperts. Using only cheap, everyday household items, accessible research with real applications can be shown. Here, graphene suspensions were produced using pencil lead, tap water, kitchen appliances, soaps and coffee filters, with a children’s glue-based graphene nanocomposite for highly sensitive pulse measurements demonstrated

    Sperm from Hyh Mice Carrying a Point Mutation in αSNAP Have a Defect in Acrosome Reaction

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    Hydrocephalus with hop gait (hyh) is a recessive inheritable disease that arose spontaneously in a mouse strain. A missense mutation in the Napa gene that results in the substitution of a methionine for isoleucine at position 105 (M105I) of αSNAP has been detected in these animals. αSNAP is a ubiquitous protein that plays a key role in membrane fusion and exocytosis. In this study, we found that male hyh mice with a mild phenotype produced morphologically normal and motile sperm, but had a strongly reduced fertility. When stimulated with progesterone or A23187 (a calcium ionophore), sperm from these animals had a defective acrosome reaction. It has been reported that the M105I mutation affects the expression but not the function of the protein. Consistent with an hypomorphic phenotype, the testes and epididymides of hyh mice had low amounts of the mutated protein. In contrast, sperm had αSNAP levels indistinguishable from those found in wild type cells, suggesting that the mutated protein is not fully functional for acrosomal exocytosis. Corroborating this possibility, addition of recombinant wild type αSNAP rescued exocytosis in streptolysin O-permeabilized sperm, while the mutant protein was ineffective. Moreover, addition of recombinant αSNAP. M105I inhibited acrosomal exocytosis in permeabilized human and wild type mouse sperm. We conclude that the M105I mutation affects the expression and also the function of αSNAP, and that a fully functional αSNAP is necessary for acrosomal exocytosis, a key event in fertilization

    Evidence of Immune Modulators in the Secretome of the Equine Tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata

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    Anoplocephala perfoliata is a neglected gastro-intestinal tapeworm, commonly infecting horses worldwide. Molecular investigation of A. perfoliata is hampered by a lack of tools to better understand the host–parasite interface. This interface is likely influenced by parasite derived immune modulators released in the secretome as free proteins or components of extracellular vesicles (EVs). Therefore, adult RNA was sequenced and de novo assembled to generate the first A. perfoliata transcriptome. In addition, excretory secretory products (ESP) from adult A. perfoliata were collected and EVs isolated using size exclusion chromatography, prior to proteomic analysis of the EVs, the EV surface and EV depleted ESP. Transcriptome analysis revealed 454 sequences homologous to known helminth immune modulators including two novel Sigma class GSTs, five α-HSP90s, and three α-enolases with isoforms of all three observed within the proteomic analysis of the secretome. Furthermore, secretome proteomics identified common helminth proteins across each sample with known EV markers, such as annexins and tetraspanins, observed in EV fractions. Importantly, 49 of the 454 putative immune modulators were identified across the secretome proteomics contained within and on the surface of EVs in addition to those identified in free ESP. This work provides the molecular tools for A. perfoliata to reveal key players in the host–parasite interaction within the horse host

    Constitutive expression of apple endo-POLYGALACTURONASE1 in fruit induces early maturation, alters skin structure and accelerates softening

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    During fruit ripening, polygalacturonases (PGs) are key contributors to the softening process in many species. Apple is a crisp fruit that normally exhibits only minor changes to cell walls and limited fruit softening. Here, we explore the effects of PG overexpression during fruit development using transgenic apple lines overexpressing the ripening-related endo-POLYGALACTURONASE1 gene. MdPG1-overexpressing (PGox) fruit displayed early maturation/ripening with black seeds, conversion of starch to sugars and ethylene production occurring by 80 days after pollination (DAP). PGox fruit exhibited a striking, white-skinned phenotype that was evident from 60 DAP and most likely resulted from increased air spaces and separation of cells in the hypodermis due to degradation of the middle lamellae. Irregularities in the integrity of the epidermis and cuticle were also observed. By 120 DAP, PGox fruit cracked and showed lenticel-associated russeting. Increased cuticular permeability was associated with microcracks in the cuticle around lenticels and was correlated with reduced cortical firmness at all time points and extensive post-harvest water loss from the fruit, resulting in premature shrivelling. Transcriptomic analysis suggested that early maturation was associated with upregulation of genes involved in stress responses, and overexpression of MdPG1 also altered the expression of genes involved in cell wall metabolism (e.g. β-galactosidase, MD15G1221000) and ethylene biosynthesis (e.g. ACC synthase, MD14G1111500). The results show that upregulation of PG not only has dramatic effects on the structure of the fruit outer cell layers, indirectly affecting water status and turgor, but also has unexpected consequences for fruit development

    Explosive percolation yields highly-conductive polymer nanocomposites

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    Explosive percolation is an experimentally-elusive phenomenon where network connectivity coincides with onset of an additional modification of the system; materials with correlated localisation of percolating particles and emergent conductive paths can realise sharp transitions and high conductivities characteristic of the explosively-grown network. Nanocomposites present a structurally- and chemically-varied playground to realise explosive percolation in practically-applicable systems but this is yet to be exploited by design. Herein, we demonstrate composites of graphene oxide and synthetic polymer latex which form segregated networks, leading to low percolation threshold and localisation of conductive pathways. In situ reduction of the graphene oxide at temperatures of <150 °C drives chemical modification of the polymer matrix to produce species with phenolic groups, which are known crosslinking agents. This leads to conductivities exceeding those of dense-packed networks of reduced graphene oxide, illustrating the potential of explosive percolation by design to realise low-loading composites with dramatically-enhanced electrical transport properties
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