530 research outputs found

    I protocolli di sostenibilitĂ  edilizia: integrazioni e nuovi indicatori

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    According to the plan we have considered the problem of identifying new indicators, as a challenge not merely theoretical but oriented in progress to an effective implementation and application within the recognized quality protocols. The critical survey of the status of art has identified a “new” framework, emerged in recent times and further away from accelerated developments. The request of integration of protocols such as LEED or ITACA with potential new indicators, already identified a “canonical” response. A more basic question is posed: How to evaluate the sustainability of that part of the building organism delegated by definition to interact with the environment and, together with the plant devices, to provide optimal environmental performances and not just energy? Naturally through reliable and shared tools. Below we document and critically examine the current processing status of research on building sustainability indicators and calls up the main docs set standards for the sector. From the outset, just in order to understand the evolution of the approach, it plays the following table which shows a comparison between different evaluation protocols (APAT-ISPRA 2008, p.40). It consist on environmental criteria based on the environmental impacts of the building and consider different environmental aspects like indoor environment quality, water efficiency, waste reduction, energy efficiency, natural resource management, and environmental safety. The 3rd draft of an EU Eco-label for new buildings and existing buildings were published 2009 and its outdoor area of relevance. The document applies to both new buildings and both buildings undergoing major renovation. Of particular interest here is the following paragraph. The text, reproducing the current list of European rules on which this report has held, expresses itself exactly except for the use of the verb “to allow.” Which it is used ambiguously, obtaining a complete “exemption” from those assumptions, while the European legislation process clearly indicates the set of indicators on which, however, it continues to work. This should not be ignored and perhaps integrated and freely “calibrated” in our own multicriteria system

    Rai Ferrer exposa les "Onomatopeyas"

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    Review of Library Mashups: Exploring New Ways to Deliver Library Data

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    Covariance Estimation from Limited Data: State-of-the-Art, Algorithm Implementation, and Application to Wireless Communications

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    There are many different methods of filtering that have been known to provide better results than basic Sample-Matrix-Inversion (SMI). Providing a well-conditioned covariance matrix to these filters will provide a higher Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) than SMI filtering when there are large numbers of receiver element and interference signals. The available number of coherent snapshots that will be used for filter estimation is “not large enough” with respect to the array dimensionality. Common techniques to deal with this situation is to use Krylov or Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) reduced rank filtering. Auxiliary Vector (AV) filtering with the CV-MOV and J Divergence methods of choosing a termination index is improved upon by the hybrid estimation technique JMOV. When the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is below 0 [dB] the signal of interest is buried in noise and estimation of the total number of signals present in a system is poor. If we fix the eigenvalues to be constant for eigenvectors that are not thought to correspond to signals, we use the eigenvector information that we have already went through the effort of performing SVD for. Sometimes the Eigenvalue Fixing (EIF) filtering produces better results than reduced rank filtering alone. The performance of the aforementioned filters when utilizing modern covariance matrix estimates is analyzed by varying parameters of the system model

    Identifying the Impact of Perceived Shared Cultural Values on Knowledge Sharing Through a Social Media Application

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    Knowledge sharing (KS) has been determined by many researchers as an important tool for problem-solving experiences and achieving success. Recent studies have explained KS as an activity in which knowledge is exchanged through individuals or between organizations. KS can help facilitate decision-making capabilities, stimulate cultural change, and create innovation. Through KS, individuals and organizations can capture explicit and tacit knowledge to save time and money. Previous studies have indicated a lack of research in how perceived shared cultural values impact KS through a social media application. The purpose of this research was to add new information to the body of knowledge in regard to identifying perceived shared cultural values as measured by demographic factors such as age, race, religion, language, and socio-economic status to understand how these characteristics impacted an individual’s ability to share knowledge through social media applications. The goal was to fill the gap in the literature by explaining the effect of perceived shared cultural values on knowledge creation and sharing through the usage of social media applications. The results showed potential generalizability in identifying the type of KS (tacit and explicit) that will occur. Previous studies that focused on KS, culture, social media, and barriers are discussed regarding how these features impact an individual’s ability to share knowledge. Perceived shared cultural values were identified to gain an insight into how these perceived values correlated with actual knowledge being exchanged through social media applications. To test the hypotheses, data were collected based on the analysis of social media postings. A total of 42 participants took the survey. The survey specifically collected the participants’ age, race, religion, language, and socioeconomic status. A total of 113 postings were collected, 30 of which contained no exchange of knowledge. The remaining 83 were analyzed independently by three subject matter experts. The postings of the knowledge being shared between the participants based on their perceived shared cultural values was analyzed and placed into two categories: tacit and explicit KS. The structural equation modeling technique was used to analyze the relationships between the different perceived shared cultural values. The tacit and explicit models were not supported. All ten hypotheses were not supported due to the p-values that were calculated through bootstrapping. The strength of the relationships was calculated and displayed by using SmartPLS. The data collected from the postings and the demographics collected through a survey were an attempt to test the 10 hypotheses. The results indicated that all the hypotheses were not supported due to their significance levels. Several limitations existed in this study, such as sample size, diverse population, amount of knowledge being shared through the social media application, instructional method, and remote nature of teacher involvement. Implications regarding how this study differed from previous studies’ results were provided. Future research suggestions were made to extend the body of knowledge

    Effects of Kangaroo Care on Postpartum Depression

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    Estudi del medi físic del parc agrari del Baix Llobregat: característiques del sòl

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    Aquest treball és un recull d’informació de l’àrea agrícola periurbana de Barcelona, que engloba el Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat. Aquest estudi s’ha dividit en 2 zones, la Vall Baixa, que correspon als termes municipals de Papiol, Pallejà, Molins de Rei, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Sant Vicenç del Horts, Sant Boi, l’Hospitalet, Cornellà, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Feliu; i el Delta que correspon a Castelldefels, Gavà, Viladecans, i el Prat. El treball se centra en l’estudi del medi físic de la comarca del Baix Llobregat, concretament en les característiques climàtiques, geològiques i de relleu, i hidrològiques del Parc, complementant tota la informació trobada amb gràfics i mapes elaborats per a ajudar a una millor comprensió de la informació que es detalla en els corresponents apartats. Un dels objectius d’aquest treball ha estat recollir tota la informació possible referent als sòls de la zona del Parc Agrari, que actualment es trobava dispersa en diversos treballs realitzats en aquesta zona. La informació recopilada s’ha classificat, s’ha posat en comú i s’ha sintetitzat en aquest treball, per tal que en un futur pugui servir com a punt d’informació per les consultes que es vulguin fer sobre el medi físic del Parc. L’estudi se centra en les característiques físico-químiques, estudiant paràmetres com la profunditat, la granulometria, el pH, la M.O, els carbonats total o el fòsfor dels sòls de les dues zones. A partir de les avaluacions de sòls consultades en els estudis segons el Sistema de Classes de Capacitat agrològica i el Sistema Riquier-Bramao (FAO), s’han pogut comparar els paràmetres i s’han determinat les limitacions que té cada zona. Mitjançant tota la informació s’ha comprovat que l’agricultura que es fa a tota l’àrea del Parc Agrari és la que correspon per aquest tipus de sòls

    Analysis of accounting data from the explanatory notes to the financial statements for the estimation of the enterprises investments

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    The Italian national institute of statistics (Istat) produces estimates on the main economic variables of enterprises, both from a Structural Business Statistics (SBS) and a National Accounts (NA) perspective. The two production processes present similarities and discrepancies. As far the production process of estimates on “acquisitions of fixed assets” during the year, also known as “enterprise investments”, both SBS and NA processes use survey data, but only NA process also uses administrative information. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the content of the information on Investments, at the level of the legal unit, from the administrative source of the Explanatory Notes, beside the administrative sources already used in Istat processes. This work represents an exploratory and study phase to evaluate the usability of this source in the production processes of Investments of both SBS and NA
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