23 research outputs found

    Kritisch-historische Ausgabe der Tolkovaja Psaltir’ Brunona (1535)

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    The Slavonic Translation of Brunon's Expositio Psalmorum The aim of the project is the critical edition, based on all the complete manuscripts, of a little known text from the Novgorodian period (end of the 15th-fi rst half of the 16th century), namely the Church Slavonic translation of the commented Psalter (Expositio Psalmorum) by Bruno, bishop of Würzburg (11th century); the work, translated at the request of Makarij, archbishop of Novgorod, by Dmitrij Gerasimov, was completed on 15 October 1535. The edition will contain also the parallel Medieval Latin text, according to the printed edition by Anton Koberger. The Church Slavonic-Latin and Latin-Church Slavonic indexes of words will show the lexical peculiarities of this text. The Church Slavonic text deserves to be taken into account not only from the cultural, historical and theological point of view, but also because of the contamination between the Church Slavonic tradition of the Psalter and the Latin model: in quite a few cases the text of the Psalms differs lexically and morphosyntactically from the usual redactions and gives rise to a mixed form. The gigantic Church Slavonic text allows the Slavicists to investigate the Novgorodian translations as a cultural-historical and linguistic phenomenon. An answer to the question of the actual spread and importance of this commented Psalter can be given only on the basis of a historical-critical edition of both texts, the Latin original and the Church Slavonic translation

    Il “raddoppiamento dell’oggetto” in bulgaro: tra descrizione e prescrizione (2)

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    The so-called Celtic Doubling in Bulgarian: Between a descriptive and a prescriptive analysis The article deals with the problem of the C(litic) D(oubling) in the modern Bulgarian language from a didactic perspective. The mean point can be formulated as the following question: How is the syntactic construction under discussion described and/or explained in the grammars and handbooks of Bulgarian? The results of the investigated material and presented examples clearly show that CD, as a syntactic device which is more common in the spoken language, cannot receive an useful and valuable treatment in the traditional, written language oriented literature devoted to the Bulgarian language

    Памяти Экхарда Вайера и Ханса Роте

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    Il presente contributo è dedicato alla cara memoria di due eminenti studiosi tedeschi, Eckhard Weiher (1939) e Hans Rothe (1928), entrambi deceduti nel 2021. Oltre al medesimo anno di morte, questi due rappresentanti di una gloriosa scuola di studi paleoslavistici, fiorita nel XX secolo in Germania, sono legati da diversi aspetti, di carattere sia biografico che professionale: entrambi infatti erano nati nella Prussia Orientale, da cui le loro famiglie furono costrette ad evacuare alla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale; entrambi ricevettero in Germania Occidentale una formazione classica, che permise loro di indagare la tradizione scrittoria paleoslava con costante riferimento alle fonti greche e latine; entrambi furono particolarmente interessati alle traduzioni, giustamente considerate componente essenziale della letteratura e cultura slava medievale; entrambi promossero e diressero varie imprese scientifiche ed editoriali: i loro progetti a lungo termine, in collaborazione con la Russia – sulle Grandi Menee, raccolte da metropolita di Mosca Macario nel XVI secolo (Weiher), o sul Meneo liturgico secondo codici manoscritti slavo-orientali del secoli XII-XIII (Rothe) – hanno rappresentato senza dubbio un’ambiziosa e riuscita continuazione delle tradizione russa prerivoluzionaria. Nel tentativo di caratterizzare l’importanza e l’impatto del loro lavoro scientifico, l’articolo fornisce una panoramica breve e un po’ personale di alcune delle molteplici sfaccettature di queste due personalità così differenti, ma anche simili, la cui attività resterà a lungo di esempio nelle future ricerche slavistiche. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2022.11.1.15Этот обзор посвящен памяти Экхарда Вайера (1939–2021) и Ханса Роте (1928–2021), двух выдающихся немецких ученых, скончавшихся в 2021 г. Э. Вайера и Х. Роте, двух представителей знаменитой школы палеославистики, процветавшей в Германии XX в., объединяет не только год смерти, но и ряд других аспектов – как научных, так и биографических. Оба слависта родились в восточной Пруссии, откуда их семьи были эвакуированы в конце Второй Мировой войны, и получили образование в сфере классической филологии в ФРГ, что позволило им исследовать церковнославянскую письменную традицию, обращаясь к латинским и греческим источникам. Оба ученых интересовались проблематикой перевода, при этом перевод полноправно рассматривали как важное явление, повлиявшее на средневековые славянские литературы и культуры. Оба исследователя занимались организацией и продвижением ряда широкомасштабных научных и издательских проектов в рамках сотрудничества ФРГ и России. Э. Вайер исследовал «Великие Четьи-Минеи» митрополита Московского и всея Руси Макария, жившего в XVI в., а Х. Роте – восточнославянские рукописи церковнослужебных книг XII–XIII вв. Таким образом, их научная деятельность успешно продолжила дореволюционные российские научные традиции. В статье рассматривается значимость труда немецких ученых и их вклад в научное знание, а также даны краткие и в большой степени персональные сведения об этих двух многогранных, разных и вместе с тем схожих личностях, чье наследие будет еще долго служить примером новым поколениям славистов. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2022.11.1.1

    Абхазский аналитический алфавит академика Н. Я. Марра

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    L’article retrace brièvement l’histoire du système de transcription-translittération, créé par l’académicien N. Ja. Marr, à la fin du xixe siècle, sur la base de l’alphabet latin, agrémenté de signes sublinéaires et supralinéraires. Inventé initialement pour la représentation graphique du géorgien et de l’arménien, il fut appliqué après plus ample développement à la reproduction graphique de toutes les langues caucasiennes, considérées comme formant une seule famille de langues, appelé japhétique. Plus tard en 1926 une variante fut adaptée à l’abkhaze, riche en consonnes et introduit comme son alphabet officiel; en raison de sa complexité, il fut remplacé cependant deux ans plus tard par un alphabet à base latine qui convenait mieux. Comme l’ensemble de l’activité linguistique de son auteur, ce système différemment appelé (transcription japhétologique, alphabet analytique, alphabet analytique abkhaze) présente un apercu assez intéressant des questions théoriques à l’ordre du jour dans les années 1920-1930. Critiqué sévèrement par des porte-parole célèbres de la linguistique soviétique (au nombre desquels E. D. Polivanov et N.F. Jakovlev), l’alphabet analytique abkhaze ne peut être que partiellement considéré comme la contribution personnelle de Marr au mouvement de latinisation de la révolution culturelle. Notre analyse essaie d’éclairer la corrélation entre le climat culturel postérieur à la révolution d’Octobre et l’interprétation idéologique comme l’évolution épistémologique de l’alphabet analytique de Marr.The present paper features a brief history of the transcription-transliteration system that the academician Nikolay Yakovlevich Marr created on the basis of the Roman alphabet, with the addition of sublinear and supralinear marks, at the end of the 19th century. Originally devised for the graphic representation of Georgian and Armenian languages, after further development it was applied to the graphic rendition of all Caucasian languages, which were considered to form a single language family, called Japhetic. Further, in 1926 a variant of it was adapted to the consonant-rich Abkhaz and introduced as its official alphabet; because of its too complicated character, however, it was replaced two years later by a more suitable Latin-based alphabet. Like the whole linguistic activity of its creator, this system, which was differently labeled (Japhetidological transcription, analytical alphabet, Abkhaz analytical alphabet), offers a quite interesting overview of the theoretical issues that were on the agenda in the twenties and thirties. Strongly criticized by famous exponents of Soviet linguistics (among them E. D. Polivanov and N. F. Yakovlev), the Abkhaz analytical alphabet can be only partially considered as Marr’s personal contribution to the Latinisation movement during the cultural revolution. Our analysis tries to highlight the correlation between the cultural climate change after the October revolution and the ideological interpretation and epistemological evolution of Marr’s analytical alphabet

    Slavenski aspekt u kavkaskoj regiji

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    Cross–linguistically, the expression of the aspectual opposition ’Perfective–Imperfective’ by means of preverbs is a quite rare phenomenon; the label ’Sla vic–style aspect’ proposed for this derivational category reflects the fact that the Slavic lan guage family (Russian above all) has, until recently, been the primary source of assumptions and data about as pect. However, similar systems are to be found also in other languages and lan guage families, which can be compared and ar ranged along a scale according to their degree of grammaticalization. The present article is a first attempt to compare and describe typologically some aspectual or aspectual–like features of three languages spoken in the Caucasus, Russian, Georgian and Ossetic; it discusses their beha viour and illustrates some pa ra me ters of variation within this category. Further, the possibility of con tact induced changes is briefly illustrated.Ovaj je članak prvi pokušaj usporedbe i tipološkog opisa nekih obilježja aspekta ili aspektualnih obilježja triju jezika na Kavkazu, ruskoga, gruzijskoga i osetskoga. U ova tri barem ne izravno međusobno povezana jezika, svršenost, koju Johanson definira pojmom adterminality, izražava se pomoću zatvorene skupine nepredvidivih afikasa priložnog ili prijedložnog podrijetla (glagolski predmetci). Premda se u literaturi o aspektu kritizira izjednačavanje prefiksacije i svršenosti (neki autori izričito predlažu da je ova derivacijska opreka Aktionsart, a ne glagolski vid), sinkronijska usporedba različitih sustava korisno je tipološko oruđe za identificiranje i definiranje važnih obilježja tzv. slavenskog aspekta. Analiza se usredotočuje na deset glavnih parametara te obaseže formalna (prefiksacija, sufiksacija i tmeza) i semantička obilježja kategorije: raspravlja se o nekim korelacijama između aspekta i Aktionsarta te svršenosti i vremenske reference; nadalje, predstavljena su i neka sintaktička, semantička i pragmatička ograničenja u uporabi aspektne opozicije. Rezultat usporedbe je desetodijelni sažetak tipoloških kriterija za određivanje gramatičkog statusa slavenskog aspekta: ovi kriteriji uključuju izvornu funkciju glagolskih predmetaka, njihovu produktivnost i apstraktnu semantiku, interakciju aspekta sa značenjem Aktionsarta glagolskih leksema te s glagolskim vremenom, postojanje sredstava imperfektivizacije i postojanje svršenosti koja izražava cjelovitost radnje (distinkcija aorist/imperfekt). Osim rasprave o parametrima tipološke varijacije unutar kategorije, ukratko se raspravlja jesu li neka strukturna obilježja možda nastala zbog kontakta

    Die "Pravila gramatičnye", der erste syntaktische Traktat in Rußland

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    In the present edition, an attempt is made to use a grammatical treatise known and sometimes misunderstood for more than 100 years, namely the Old Russian translation (hereinafter referred to as Pravila) of an anonymous medieval textbook of Latin syntax (Regulae congruitatum, constructiones et regimina, im hereinafter referred to as Regulae), in a particular form which is intended to facilitate both its consideration and evaluation as well as the interpretation of some not quite obvious points. On the one hand, the Latin template, its genesis, purpose, effect and dissemination will be examined and briefly described, on the other hand, the interlinear text form should not only allow the comparison with the Latin basic text, but also, above all, the restored interlinear text form in the foreground to let. detentionMit der vorliegenden Edition wird der Versuch unternommen, einen schon seit mehr als 100 Jahren bekannten und gelegentlich verkannten grammatischen Traktat, nämlich die altrussische Übersetzung (im folgenden als Pravila bezeichnet) eines anonymen mittelalterlichen Lehrbuches der lateinischen Syntax (Regulae congruitatum, constructiones et regimina, im folgenden als Regulae bezeichnet), in einer besonderen Form vorzustellen, die sowohl seine Betrachtung und Auswertung als auch die Interpretation einiger nicht ganz einleuchtender Stellen erleichtern soll. Zum einen soll die lateinische Vorlage, ihre Entstehung, Zielsetzung, Wirkung und Verbreitung untersucht und kurz geschildert werden, zum anderen soll die interlineare Textform nicht nur den Vergleich mit dem lateinischen Grundtext ermöglichen, sondern und vor allem auch die wiederhergestellte interlineare Textform in den Vordergrund treten lassen

    Aspectual pairs in Georgian: some questions

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the existence in Modern Georgian of a grammatical opposition between Perfective and Imperfective, formally expressed by the presence or absence of preverbs (Slavic-style aspect). In order to speak of aspectual pair, i.e. two morphologically distinct verb forms sharing the same lexical meaning and differing only aspectually, it is important to identify cases of obligatory imperfectivization, when a perfective form is substituted by the corresponding imperfective one according to grammar rules and not because of semantically contrasting content. The analysis of serial context and negative polarity in the Imperative mood allows some previous generalization about the (quasi)grammatical status of this derivational category in Modern Georgian


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    Breve presentazione del Blocco tematico dal titolo "1917-2017. One Hundred Years of Graphic (R)evolution in the Soviet Space"