116 research outputs found

    Anticipated Futures: An Oral Archive on Bard Students’ Pandemic Experiences in the Fall of 2020

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    Anticipated Futures is a podcast that examines Bard College students’ pandemic hardships. Some students who were included in this series are recent graduates of Spring 2020. The podcast can be found on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Bandcamp, and more. It is also made available on Tomecek’s personal website: arlotomecek.com\u22 In this intimate podcasting series, Tomecek provides a space for healing for individuals’ to speak on their difficulties over the initial peak of the pandemic. Students discussed a wide array of topics, including but not limited to: mental health, the Black Lives Matter Movement and rise of protests in Summer 2020, interpersonal violence, body dysphoria, and more. Listen to the trailer of the podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7IdWQHwBJn4LGlYbsAAUC0?si=fXkF5ReNRquBCecQsm8BRA as well as here https://anchor.fm/anticipatedfutures/episodes/Anticipated-Futures-eur3ef Trailer for podcast transcribed: Immerse yourself in tales of Bard College students as they juggle to find themselves in an ambiguous world. Anticipated Futures serves as a space for healing to promote anonymous stories of 20 somethings as they dissect their pandemic hardships. Ground yourself for 10 minutes or less and listen on Spotify, Soundcloud, or wherever you listen. You can find extended versions of individual podcasts for order exclusively on BandCamp as well as a list of questions to record your own response

    Impulsive system of ODEs with general linear boundary conditions

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    The paper provides an operator representation for a problem which consists of a system of ordinary differential equations of the first order with impulses at fixed times and with general linear boundary conditions \begin{gather} z'(t) = A(t)z(t) + f(t,z(t)) \textrm{ for a.e. }t \in [a,b] \subset \mathbb{R}, \\ z(t_i+) - z(t_i) = J_i(z(t_i)), \quad i = 1,\ldots,p,\\ \ell(z) = c_0, \quad c_0 \in \mathbb{R}^n. \end{gather} Here p,nNp,n \in N, a<t1<<tp<ba < t_1 < \ldots < t_p < b, AL1([a,b];Rn×n)A \in L^1([a,b];\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}), fCar([a,b]×Rn;Rn)f \in \operatorname{Car}([a,b]\times\mathbb{R}^n;\mathbb{R}^n), JiC(Rn;Rn)J_i \in C(\mathbb{R}^n;\mathbb{R}^n), i=1,,pi=1,\ldots,p, and \ell is a linear bounded operator on the space of left-continuous regulated functions on interval [a,b][a,b]. The operator \ell is expressed by means of the Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral and covers all linear boundary conditions for solutions of the above system subject to impulse conditions. The representation, which is based on the Green matrix to a corresponding linear homogeneous problem, leads to an existence principle for the original problem. A special case of the nn-th order scalar differential equation is discussed. This approach can be also used for analogical problems with state-dependent impulses


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    Surgical Removal of Metastatic Renal Adenocarcinoma to the Midbrain Tectum: A Case Report

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    A patient with adenocarcinoma of the kidney metastatic lo the quadrigeminal plate of the midbrain presented with acute obstructive hydrocephalus and early tonsillar herniation. Because the majority of these carcinomas are resistant to radiation therapy, only limited treatment choices were available. Initially, a ventriculoperitoneal shunt relieved the hydrocephalus and neurologic symptoms. After a short course of improvement, with decompressed ventricles demonstrated by postoperative computed tomography, the patient developed additional neurologic signs, leading to the decision to excise the metastatic tumor. Convalescence was complicated but the patient survived for six months, succumbing to respiratory failure presumably caused by lung metastases

    Optimization of the Composition of PdAuCu Ternary Alloy Nanoparticles for Plasmonic Hydrogen Sensing

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    Alloying is a long-standing central strategy in materials science for the tailoring and optimization of bulk material properties, which more recently has started to find application also in engineered nanomaterials and nanostructures used in, among other, nanoplasmonic hydrogen sensors. Specifically, alloying Pd nanoparticles to form binaries and ternaries with the coinage metals Au and Cu has proven efficient to mitigate hysteresis in the sensor response, improve response and recovery times, boost sensitivity in the low hydrogen concentration sensing range, and reduce the detrimental impact of carbon monoxide poisoning. However, when surveying the corresponding studies, it is clear that there is a trade-off between the sensitivity enhancement and the CO-poisoning resistance effects provided by Au and Cu alloyants, respectively. Therefore, in this work, we systematically screen the impact of the Au and Cu concentration in PdAuCu ternary alloy nanoparticles used for plasmonic hydrogen sensing, to obtain a champion system with maximized sensitivity and CO-poisoning resistance based on an evaluation using the stringent ISO 26142 test protocol. As the main results, we find that the best hysteresis-free and sensitive response combined with deactivation resistance to 500 ppm CO in synthetic air is obtained for the Pd65Au25Cu10 ternary alloy system, which also exhibits good long-term stability during operation under severe CO poisoning conditions

    Do You Hear What I Hear? Human Perception of Coyote Group Size

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    Recordings of 1 – 4 coyotes (Canis latrans) that were howling and yip-yapping were played to 427 participants who were asked to estimate the number of coyotes they perceived to hear. Participants were separated by gender (M or F), age group ( 35), resident location (urban, suburban, or rural), and occupation type (rancher/farmer or non-rancher/farmer). Differences between participants concerning gender, age group, resident location, and occupation type were not observed; however, treatment differences were observed. Participants were able to discern differences in the number of coyotes howling with the addition of each coyote; however, participants consistently overestimated the number of coyotes they heard by nearly 2-fold. Thus, it seems the general public has the perception that coyotes are more abundant than they actually are

    On nonlinear boundary value problems with impulses

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