283 research outputs found

    Professional stress and job satisfaction of nurses working in infectious diseases wards during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic brings many challenges to the daily work of nurses who put their lives and health at risk for the general public every day. This causes them to be highly stressed at work, causes mental strain, and lowers the level of job satisfaction. The aim of the research was to assess the level of stress and job satisfaction of nurses working in infectious diseases wards. Materials and methods The survey was conducted among 169 nurses in the period from February to April 2022. The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method, the technique was a questionnaire survey, and the survey tool was a survey questionnaire provided in a Google Form. The differences between the qualitative variables were analyzed using the χ2 test of independence. We use the χ2 test of independence (non-parametric significance test for two or more independent samples) to test whether the variables measured at the nominal level or higher in the comparison groups differ from each other. The significance level of the study was p <0.05. The calculations were made with the SPSS 25 software. Results Work in direct contact with people infected with the coronavirus was performed by the majority of the respondents. Only about 18.0% of nurses used psychological assistance during the pandemic. Among the harmful and nuisance factors in the workplace, the respondents mentioned stress, contact with potentially infectious material, coronavirus infection despite appropriate personal protective equipment and cuts. Conclusions Stress in the workplace was felt especially due to the need to operate specialized equipment, not yet operated by the respondents. Nurses in the workplace were mainly exposed to stress related to performing difficult and responsible activities. Only a small part of the respondents was definitely satisfied with their work

    Floristic diversity of swamp meadows affected by the process of murshing

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    Research involved 3 swamp meadows affected by murshing process: Czarnocin III and Lubczyńskie Łęgi located in Goleniowski district and Pucka Island situated within the borders of Szczecin. There were recognized, in total, 42 species of herbaceous plants representing 7 phytosocjological classes. Particular areas differednot only in the number of species (from 8 on Pucka Island to 24 in Czarnocin III), but also in their percentage composition. The species recognized belong to 17 families. The most numerous one proved to be grasses (Poaceae) – including as many as 13 species On the examined meadows there dominate species from Molinio–Arrhenatheretea class. Environmental requirements of these species were quite similar

    Knowledge and activities for the oncological prevention of women invited for mammography screening as part of the "Population program for early detection of breast cancer"

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    Breast cancer is a disease most often affecting women in the modern world and a huge challenge for modern medicine. "Breast cancer is not a sentence" - such statement is presented by one of the authors of the book position used in this paper. However, considering statistical data, every tenth woman asks herself whether this statement is true due to the highest percentage of cases of this disease among females. There may be many reasons for this situation, but one should also look at them in the lack of awareness of women about breast cancer prevention. Preventive actions are of considerable importance. They allow real recognition of the problem and implementation of activities aimed at reducing the risk of disease. Undoubtedly, some people are not aware of the seriousness of this situation, and the second part wonders what the reason for such a high percentage of cases is. The answer is simple - women do not perform self-examination of breasts, do not participate in preventive examinations and report to the doctor when the cancer process is already advanced. Aim of this paper The aim of this paper was to evaluate knowledge and activities for oncological prevention of women invited for mammography screening as part of the "Population program for early detection of breast cancer". Material and methods The study covered 105 randomly selected women in rural and urban areas of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship aged 50-69 covered by the "Population program for the early detection of breast cancer. The research was conducted in the period from 09/01/2017 to 10/31/2017. The author's questionnaire consisting of 32 questions was used for the research. The research was voluntary and anonymous.For the purpose of this work, the following tests were used for questions on nominal scales for verification of hypotheses: V Kramer (2x3 tables, 4x5 etc.), Phi (2x2 tables) - these are symmetric measures based on chi-square test informing about the strength of dependencies between variables in cross tables. For questions on ordinal scales, Tb - Kendall or Tc tests were used - the first for 2x2 tables, the second 2x3, 4x5 tables, etc. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS program and all relationships are statistically significant when

    Biological hazards at the nurse's workplace

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    Occupational exposure to blood is a significant problem among health care workers. Nurses are a group that is particularly at risk. Exposure can lead to HBV, HCV or HIV infection. Extremely important for preventing exposures is improving knowledge of medical personnel about consequences of being infected by bloodborne pathogens, preventive measures and advantages of using those measures, and especially about post-exposure proceedings. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and opinions of nurses employed in anesthesiology and intensive care wards on occupational exposure and post-exposure management. Material and methods: A diagnostic survey method was employed for the research using author’s questionnaire. The study included 117 nurses working in the anesthesiology and intensive care units. Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using the descriptive statistics method. During the statistical verification p<0.05 was assumed as the level of significance of the obtained results. Results and conclusions: The level of knowledge and opinions of the surveyed nurses were not dependent on sociodemographic factors. Nurses use personal protective equipment and know post-exposure procedure, but don’t always follow it. Training doesn’t reduce the number of exposure cases. The most common mechanism of exposure is needle-stick injury

    Psychosocial determinants of a nurse's work

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    Introduction There is a lot of work to the specificity of a nurse, into which one can write down unpredictable situations, health and life conditions of patients. Among the factors of psychosocial factors concerning relations between employees, the following threats are listed: stress, aggression, violence, mobbing, discrimination and occupational burnout. Aim of the research: To assess the level of knowledge of the surveyed nurses about psychosocial factors that occur in their work. Materials and methods The study included a group of 198 nurses and nurses employed in various hospital departments. They were conducted online in 2021. The method of the diagnostic survey was used for the research, based on the questionnaire technique with the use of the proprietary questionnaire. Wyniki Do najczęstszych czynników, na które narażeni są respondenci podczas pełnienia dyżuru, należą stres psychiczny, ryzyko ukłucia ostrymi narzędziami, mikroorganizmy oraz wysiłek fizyczny. Według ankietowanych czynnikami wpływającymi na obciążenie pracą były m.in. Zła atmosfera pracy, brak odporności na stres, brak umiejętności pracy w zespole, problemy z układem kostno-stawowym oraz zbyt niskie wynagrodzenie. Wnioski Pielęgniarki były w dużej mierze narażone na stres psychiczny, który niekorzystnie wpływał na ich pracę, w tym odpowiedzialność za zdrowie i życie innych ludzi, duży wysiłek umysłowy i pomaganie innym ludziom. Większość badanych pielęgniarek odczuwała satysfakcję ze swojej pracy, jednak znaczny odsetek badanych dostrzegał objawy chronicznego stresu i zmęczenia

    Professional burnout of nurses employed in non-invasive treatment wards

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    Nursing is a profession characterized by multidimensionality, multitasking and a high degree of difficulty. Its performance is associated with exposure to many stressors, which are associated with the provision of help, rescue and protection of human life. The biggest consequences of stress in the work of nurses include the burnout syndrome, which leads to treating the mentees as objects and abandoning the profession. The specificity of work and the involvement of nurses, caring for the good of the patient is a huge psychological burden, which in many cases may lead to the occurrence of so-called burnout syndrome. Purpose of the study The purpose of the study was to assess the occurrence of burnout syndrome among nurses employed in non-invasive treatment wards. Material and methods The research was conducted among nurses employed in non-invasive treatment wards in the Małopolskie voivodship. The research method in this work was a diagnostic survey. The auditorium questionnaire and a questionnaire standardized by Christina Maslach were used as the research technique. Respondents answered 26 questions from the personal questionnaire and 24 questions from the standardized questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the collected material was carried out in the Statistica 13.1 package from StatSoft, while the database and graphic design of the results were made in Microsoft Excel. Only non-parametric tests were used to analyze the variables. The statistical significance was assumed to be

    Harmful factors at the workplace of an operating nurse

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    Abstract Introduction: Operating theatre is a very specific work environment. The staff employed in this organizational unit, apart from specific professional qualifications, must have the ability to make quick decisions as well as the skills to utilize highly specialized medical apparatus and equipment. Operating theatre nurses are exposed to various harmful factors, thus strain resulting from this type of work can be both mental and physical. The aim of this paper was to assess the level of knowledge of surgical nurses about harmful factors at their workstations. Material and methods: The study was performed in a group of 625 nurses working in different types of operating rooms of public hospitals in Poland. An original questionnaire survey was used to characterize the harmful factors occurring at the operating room nurse's workstation. Results: The results obtained prove that according to the nurses surveyed, the main problem associated with working in the operating theatre is constant exposure to harmful factors that have a significant impact on workload. Conclusions: There are factors identified by the staff at the operating theatre nurse's workstation that affect the level of strain both physically and mentally. Shaping the right working conditions, affecting the efficiency and safety of employees should be a priority for hospital managers and directors.

    Po cichu. Po polsku. Po łacinie. O debiucie Kamasutry

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    The subject of the present article is the history of European debut of the infamous Indian treaty of the sage Vatsyayana, Kama Sutra. Special attention has been directed at circumstances connected with the translation of the work into the Polish language, presenting the most important editions announced from the year 1922 to 1985. The translator of the first Polish edition is still unknown, what is more, in the version prepared by him, following the pattern of the German copy, the text was partially written in Latin. This fact, together with earlier interferences in the plot performed by other translators, is an example of problems not only with censorship, but also with language. By means of modification to language structure, a boundary was drawn between a text accessible and a text inaccessible to the reader. Moreover, each translator adopted different methods and selected different fragments. The article demonstrates the scope of this phenomenon, and its influence on the present form and status of Kama Sutra. Also, the issue of transgressing the borders of custom has been dealt with, which is related to the publication of the work in richly illustrated editions

    Assessment of the efficiency of cognitive function of people over 65

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    Demographic estimates for Poland indicate that the average life expectancy of the population will increase further over the next decades. Weakness of memory is a physiological phenomenon affecting about 60% of people over 65, whereas the prevalence of dementia in the population is estimated at 10-11%. Identification of people at high risk of developing dementia is becoming a significant medical and social problem. Cognitive impairment is one of the first symptoms of dementia. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a screening method that allows initial assessment of cognitive performance. Correct diagnosis of symptoms, determining the health needs of seniors in all dimensions sets its further paths and optimal medical treatment. Aim of the paper: The aim of this paper is to assess the efficiency of cognitive function of people over 65. Material and methods: The analysis included 135 questionnaires of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and respondents’ particulars. Additionally, the functional efficiency of the subjects was assessed using the Barthel scale. The research was conducted among people over 65 in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in 2017. For the purpose of this work, especially for verification of hypotheses, the following tests were used for questions on nominal scales: V Kramer (2x3, 4x5 tables etc.), Phi (2x2 tables). Tb-Kendall or Tc tests were used for questions on ordinal scales. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS program and all relationships were statistically significant when