11 research outputs found

    Two cases of dysplasia in heterotopic gastric mucosa in upper oesophagus

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    Ektopowa (heterotopowa) błona śluzowa żołądka w górnej części przełyku (HGMUE, heterotopic gastric mucosa in upper esophagus), często opisowo określana w piśmiennictwie jako „plama na wejściu” („inlet patch”), jest dostrzegana bezpośrednio pod górnym zwieraczem przełyku podczas powolnego wycofywania endoskopu ze zmienną częstotliwością od 0,1 do 10%. Wydaje się, że znaczenie kliniczne tej najczęściej bezobjawowej anomalii jest niedoceniane. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono 2 przypadki dysplazji w obrębie makroskopowo typowej HGMUE, poruszając problem potencjalnej transformacji nowotworowej tej wrodzonej zmiany. Opisy przypadków 1. U 65-letniej pacjentki w badaniu endoskopowym stwierdzono w górnej części przełyku wygładzony, nieco zapadnięty obszar zaczerwienionej i połyskliwej błony śluzowej o wymiarach około 20 × 20 mm i ostrych granicach, wysuwając podejrzenie ektopii błony śluzowej żołądka w górnej części przełyku. W badaniu histopatologicznym stwierdzono ognisko dysplazji w obrębie HGMUE. 2. U drugiej, również 65-letniej chorej, po 2 tygodniach leczenia nadżerkowego zapalenia przełyku (Los Angeles) w badaniu kontrolnym stwierdzono wygojenie nadżerek, natomiast przy powolnym wycofywaniu endoskopu uwidoczniono bezpośrednio pod górnym zwieraczem przełyku dobrze ograniczone 2 obszary zmienionej w stosunku do otoczenia śluzówki, połyskliwej, wygładzonej i zaczerwienionej. W badaniu histopatologicznym rozpoznano 2 ektopie błony śluzowej żołądka w przełyku i wykryto w jednym z wycinków dysplazję małego stopnia. Wnioski: Mimo że w większości przypadków ektopia błony śluzowej żołądka pozostaje anomalią asymptomatyczną, to przedstawione 2 przypadki pacjentek z dysplazją w jej obrębie wskazują na możliwość transformacji nowotworowej.Ectopic (heterotopic) gastric mucosa in the upper esophagus (HGMUE), frequently referred to as an “inlet patch” in the literature, is visible directly under the upper oesophageal sphincter during a slow retraction of an endoscope with a variable frequency ranging from 0.1 to 10%. It seems that the clinical significance of this anomaly, most frequently asymptomatic, remains underestimated. By presenting 2 cases of dysplasia within the macroscopically typical HGMUE in this paper we would like to bring up the important problem of potential neoplastic transformation of this congenital change. Case study 1. An endoscopic examination carried out on a 65 year old female patient, complaining of a recurrence of heavy heartburn, discomfort in the epigastrum and other ailments of a dyspeptic character, revealed a slightly collapsed smooth area of reddened and shiny mucosa sized app. 20 × 20 mm, with well-marked borders, suspected to be HGMUE. Results of histopathological examination of the specimen collected in the upper oesophagus disclosed a focus of low grade dysplasia in the heterotopic gastric mucosa. 2. The second patient, also a 65 year old female, was treated for esophagitis erosiva (Los Angeles). A supervisory endoscopic examination carried out after 2 weeks of intensive conservative treatment, introduced with lansoprazole in a dose 2 × 30 mg, revealed almost completely healed erosions. However, it also revealed two well-defined, shiny, smooth and reddened areas of mucosa, different comparing to their surroundings, just below the upper oesophageal sphincter during a slow retraction of the endoscope. Results of the histopathological examination of the bifocal change of the mucosa revealed two ectopies. One of them contained a focus of low grade dysplasia. Conclusion: Despite the fact, that most HGMUE lesions remain asymptomatic anomalies, the two above-presented cases of patients with dysplasia in heterotopic gastric mucosa indicate the possibility of neoplastic transformation

    Relationship between lead absorption and iron status and its association with oxidative stress markers in lead-exposed workers

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    Background: The emission of lead (Pb) occurring during the extraction, processing and industrial applications of this element remains a significant environmental risk factor. The absorbability of lead in humans is strongly associated with the general health status of exposed individuals. Existing mineral deficiencies are considered being a predisposition to an increased Pb uptake. Both, iron deficiency and lead poisoning are the major caus-ative factors responsible for the prevalence of anemia within the vulnerable population, especially in children. Although some of the intervention programs of counteracting lead poisoning by iron supplementation proved to be effective in the Pb-exposed population, the exact mechanisms of this interaction still require further studies. The objective of the presented study was to examine the association of iron level on oxidative stress measures and its effects on the severity of lead toxicity in the exposed population. Methods: The analyzed population consisted of 270 male workers from the lead-zinc smelter. The studied pop-ulation was divided into two sub-groups based on the serum iron concentration: low iron level group (L-Fe; Fe median value). Measured traits comprised of blood lead (PbB), serum Fe and zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) levels as well as a blood count and oxidative stress markers. Results: No significant correlation between serum iron concentration and PbB in the tested cohort was found. On the contrary, the analysis of ZPP levels (long-term marker related to a hematologic toxic effect of Pb) within the subgroups differing in serum Fe level shown that ZPP was 12.3 % lower (p =0.043) in subjects classified within the H-Fe group. A positive correlation of serum Fe and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was found (R =0.1999). The conducted 3-D PCA analysis showed that individuals classified within the H-Fe group were characterized by the co-occurrence of higher Fe levels, lower ZPP, and higher TAC value. Conclusion: These results support the existing evidence providing that maintaining the optimal status of Fe may play a significant role in preventing the lead poisoning and alleviating harmful effects of Pb on the oxidative balance in humans

    Whole-body cryostimulation as an effective method of reducing oxidative stress in healthy men

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    Background. Whole-body cryostimulation (WBC) is the therapeutic exposure of the total human body (without underwear) to a very low temperature (below –100°C) for 120–180 s. Currently, WBC is used more frequently not only in the treatment of patients suffering from various diseases, but also by healthy people as a wellness method. Objectives. The aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of WBC procedures on oxidative stress parameters in healthy men. Material and Methods. The study involved 32 healthy male subjects who were randomly divided into 2 groups: 16 men exposed to WBC procedures with subsequent kinesiotherapy (WBC group) and 16 men exposed only to kinesiotherapy procedures (KT group). Depending on the group, the subjects were exposed to 10 daily WBC procedures lasting 3 min, with a subsequent 60-min of kinesiotherapy, or exclusively to kinesiotherapy. In subjects from both groups, a day before the beginning of a cycle of treatment and a day after its completion, the level of selected indicators of oxidative stress and non-enzymatic antioxidants, as well as the activity of antioxidant enzymes in serum, plasma and erythrocyte lysates were determined. Results. In the WBC group subjects, we recorded a statistically significant decrease in the concentrations of most of the parameters of oxidative stress with an accompanying increase in plasma concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (total antioxidant status and uric acid). We recorded no significant changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes (plasma total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and its isoenzymes SOD-Mn and SOD-ZnCu, erythrocyte catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase). Conclusions. The results we obtained confirmed that WBC decreases oxidative stress in healthy men (Adv Clin Exp Med 2016, 25, 6, 1281–1291)

    An Analysis of Rope Tension Forces While Towing a Sailplane

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    This article presents a model of a rope, which is an example of a rope used when a glider takes off by means of towing with the use of an aerial winch, winding the rope attached to the glider. The finite element method used in MESH software was used for the model. This method allows us to take into account not only bending flexibility but also longitudinal flexibility. Such an approach to the subject of simulation allows for obtaining results relatively quickly while maintaining an appropriate level of accuracy. This allows for further exploration of the phenomena occurring in the glider towing process. The construction of a fast algorithm enables its implementation in the glider towing process control systems. The aim of this article is to present numerical analyzes of commonly used tow ropes. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the synthetic rope commonly used in gliding, comparing the obtained results with the classic steel rope

    An Evaluation of the Technical Condition of the ROTAX 912S Engine Based on Spectrographic Oil Analysis

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    Flight safety, which characterizes the aviation industry, is an important element that contributes to increasing the trust of customers and passengers. The aforementioned factor closely corresponds to the reliability of aircraft and their individual components, including power units. Over one hundred years of development of aviation techniques has led aviation to the currently observed level of safety and reliability. Aviation techniques should be understood as technologies as well as local and global regulations affecting individual branches of the industry. Guidelines No. 9 of the President of Polish Civil Authority of August 29, 2016 on the inter-repair periods of piston engines, indicate the possibility of waiving the requirements related to the performance of major repairs, and a number of conditions must be met. One of the requirements set out in the Guidelines is performing a spectrographic analysis of engine oil in order to estimate the rate of wear of individual engine parts (ULC, 2016). The main goal of this study was to recognize whether regular analysis of engine oil may affect the assessment of the technical condition of aircraft piston engines based on the example of ROTAX 912S, thus affecting or not influencing the maintenance intervals. The engines referred to in the research were produced in the amount of about 2,000 units. Thus, these engines gained popularity as power units for airplanes, helicopters, and gyroplanes. With the increasing number of ROTAX units introduced into service, research into the technical condition becomes more important due to their percentage share in the market

    Endoprotezoplastyka powierzchniowa w leczeniu operacyjnym choroby zwyrodnieniowej stawu biodrowego

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    Surface arthroplasty, also referred to as resurfacing, is a method of sparing hip arthroplasty, which is a surgical alternative usually reserved for younger, active patients. The introduction of successive generations of implants with metal-on-metal articulation resulted in increased interest in this method of treatment. Despite the unquestionable advantages and promising initial results, resurfacing has some limitations and disadvantages. One of them is the increase in the concentration of metal ions. Although they are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body, in large amounts they can lead to serious reactions of the soft tissues adjacent to the prosthesis, including metallosis, ALVAL (Aseptic Lyphocytic Vasculitis-Associated Lesion), or the formation of pseudotumours. Despite numerous studies and scientific reports, there is a need for further work on the relationship between the concentration levels of metal ions in people after resurfacing and the biological, causal mechanisms of the development of adverse reactions in the body.Endoprotezoplastyka powierzchniowa, zwana kapoplastyką jest metodą oszczędnej endoprotezoplastyki stawu biodrowego, która stanowi alternatywę chirurgiczną zarezerwowaną zwykle dla młodszych, aktywnych pacjentów. Wprowadzanie kolejnych generacji implantów o artykulacji metal-metal spowodowało wzrost zainteresowania tą metodą leczenia. Pomimo niekwestionowanych zalet i obiecujących wyników początkowych, kapoplastyka obarczona jest jednak pewnymi ograniczeniami i wadami. Jedną z nich jest wzrost stężenia jonów metali, które choć niezbędne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu ludzkiego, w dużych ilościach mogą prowadzić do poważnych reakcji tkanek miękkich przylegających do protezy, w tym do metalozy, ALVAL (Aseptic Lyphocytic Vasculitis-Associated Lesion) czy tworzenia guzów rzekomych. Pomimo licznych badań i doniesień naukowych istnieje potrzeba dalszych prac nad związkiem między poziomami stężeń jonów metali u osób po kapoplastyce, a biologicznymi, przyczynowymi mechanizmami rozwoju niekorzystnych reakcji w organizmie

    Simultaneous use of variable magnetic fi eld and low-energy light – new possibilities of treatment of dermatological diseases? Case report

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    Physical methods using variable magnetic field and low-energy light show high efficacy in the treatment of various skin diseases, and that is why testing clinical application of simultaneous, synergistic use of both these physical factors in the treatment of dermatological diseases, especially resistant to conventional therapy, seem to be purposeful. In the paper therapeutic possibilities of simultaneous use of variable magnetic field with low induction values and low-energy light applied in form of magnetolasertherapy and magnetoledtherapy in the treatment of respectively: pustular psoriasis of skin in heel region in 65-year old female patient resistant to conventional pharmacotherapy, as well as pressure ulcer in sacral region in 97-year old female patient after unsuccessful local, symptomatic treatment were presented. High therapeutic efficacy in both presented cases, lack of substantial side effects and good tolerance of procedures indicate potential usefulness of magnetolasertherapy and magnetoledtherapy as valuable supplement of conventional, symptomatic treatment of pustular psoriasis and pressure ulcers. The obtained initial results could motivate for continuation of further randomized clinical trials in this domain.Metody fizykalne wykorzystujące zmienne pole magnetyczne oraz światło niskoenergetyczne wykazują dużą skuteczność w leczeniu licznych chorób skóry, stąd też celowym wydają się próby klinicznego wykorzystania jednoczesnego, synergistycznego oddziaływania obu tych czynników fizycznych w leczeniu schorzeń dermatologicznych nie poddających się konwencjonalnej farmakoterapii. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości terapeutyczne łącznego wykorzystania zmiennego pola magnetycznego o niskich wartościach indukcji oraz niskoenergetycznego promieniowania świetlnego stosowanych w formie magnetolaseroterapii oraz magnetoledoterapii w leczeniu odpowiednio: opornej na terapię farmakologiczną łuszczycy krostkowej skóry w okolicy pięty u 65-letniej kobiety oraz odleżyny okolicy krzyżowej u 97-letniej pacjentki po nieskutecznym, miejscowym leczeniu objawowym. Wysoka skuteczność terapeutyczna w obu przedstawionych przypadkach, przy braku istotnych działań ubocznych i dobrej tolerancji zabiegów, wskazują na potencjalną przydatność magnetolaseroterapii i magnetoledoterapii jako cennego uzupełnienia konwencjonalnych metod objawowego leczenia łuszczycy oraz odleżyn. Uzyskane wstępne wyniki stanowić mogą uzasadnienie do prowadzenia dalszych randomizowanych badań klinicznych w tym zakresie

    Viscosupplementation for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

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    WSTĘP: Choroba zwyrodnieniowa stawów kolanowych (gonartroza – GA) należy do najczęstszych schorzeń narządu ruchu, a ból i ograniczenie ruchomości kolana są najdotkliwiej odbieranymi przez pacjentów objawami zmian zwyrodnieniowych. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie, czy podanie dostawowe preparatu kwasu hialuronowego wpływa na funkcje stawu kolanowego, wybrane parametry układu antyoksydacyjnego i natężenie stresu oksydacyjnego we krwi u pacjentów z gonartrozą. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Grupa badana 1K obejmowała 96 pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawu kolanowego, którym podano kwas hialuronowy do jednego stawu kolanowego, natomiast do grupy badanej 2K włączono 33 pacjentów, którym podano kwas hialuronowy do obu stawów kolanowych. Badanie prowadzono przez 40 tygodni według ustalonego protokołu. Oznaczono całkowity status oksydacyjny (TOS) osocza, zawartość grup sulfhydrylowych (SH) w surowicy, aktywność katalazy (CAT) w erytrocytach, aktywność dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej (SOD) w osoczu i erytrocytach, aktywność peroksydazy glutationowej (GPx) w erytrocytach. WYNIKI: Po leczeniu wiskosuplementacyjnym odnotowano zmniejszenie nasilenia bólu oraz poprawę w badanych skalach VAS i HHS, przy czym nieco większą poprawę stwierdzono w przypadku zajęcia jednego kolana. Po leczeniu dostawowym kwasem hialuronowym stwierdzono znamienny spadek aktywności SOD oraz CAT a wzrost aktywności GPx, wzrost stężenia grup SH w obu grupach oraz spadek stężenia TOS. WNIOSKI: Wiskosuplementacja w chorobie zwyrodnieniowej stawu kolanowego istotnie redukuje ból kolana i poprawia jego funkcje oraz wywołuje korzystne zmiany w układzie antyoksydacyjnym krwi. Efekt leczenia jest porównywalny zarówno w przypadku podawania preparatu kwasu hialuronowego do jednego, jaki i do obu stawów kolanowych.INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthritis – GA) is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders. Pain and limitation of joint movement are the most constant and troublesome symptoms of the joint pathology. The aim of the study was to examine viscosupplementation therapy with hyaluronic acid. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 96 patients were administered hyaluronic acid unilaterally (the 1K group), while 33 patients were administered hyaluronic acid bilaterally (the 2K group) in a 40-day cycle. The stage of the disease was assessed based on medical history, physical examination and a questionnaire survey. Analysis of the following parameters was performed: serum level of sulfhydryl groups (SH), total oxidant status (TOS), catalase activities (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in erythrocytes and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) in plasma and erythrocytes. RESULTS: Viscosupplementation resulted in pain reduction and improvement in the HHS score. The SOD and CAT activities were significantly decreased, while GPx activity as well as the SH level significantly increased in both the examined groups. In addition the TOS values significantly decreased. CONCLUSION: Viscosupplementation therapy with hyaluronic acid significantly reduces pain of the knee joint, improves its function and has a beneficial effect on the pro/antioxidant balance in the blood of patients diagnosed with GA. The effects of uni- and bilateral administration of hyaluronic acid are similar

    Combined Aerobic and Resistance Training Performed under Conditions of Normobaric Hypoxia and Normoxia Has the Same Impact on Metabolic Control in Men with Type 1 Diabetes

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    (1) Background: The aim was to assess whether combined aerobic and resistance training performed under hypoxic and normoxic conditions had an impact on diabetes control, VO2max (maximum oxygen consumption), and echocardiological and anthropometric parameters in men with long-term type 1 diabetes. (2) Methods: Sixteen male participants (mean age: 37 years, mean HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin): 7.0%) were randomly assigned to two groups: training in normoxic conditions or training in conditions of altitude hypoxia. All subjects participated in 60 min combined aerobic and resistance training sessions twice a week for 6 weeks. At baseline and in the 6th week, echocardiography, incremental exercise test, and anthropometric and diabetes control parameters were assessed. (3) Results: After 6 weeks, there was no significant change in HbA1c value in any group. We noted a more stable glycemia profile during training in the hypoxia group (p > 0.05). Patients in the hypoxia group required less carbohydrates during training than in the normoxia group. A comparable increase in VO2max was observed in both groups (p > 0.05). There were no significant differences in cardiological and anthropometric parameters. (4) Conclusions: Combined aerobic and resistance training improved VO2max after 6 weeks regardless of the conditions of the experiments. This exercise is safe in terms of glycemic control in patients with well-controlled diabetes