14 research outputs found

    Carbon Dynamics in Peat Bogs: Insights From Substrate Macromolecular Chemistry

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    The macromolecular compositions of subfossil plants from boreal Sphagnum bogs and restiad bogs (New Zealand) have been studied by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to evaluate the extent of degradation in the anoxic zone (catotelm) of a peat bog. Degradation of vascular plant polysaccharides was apparent only into the upper catotelm. Sphagnum was degraded more slowly than vascular plants, but no cessation of degradation was observed. The inferred rate of degradation varied depending on type of plant, extent of aerobic, precatotelmic degradation, and mode of litter deposition (rooting versus at the surface). Environmental forcing on anaerobic carbon dynamics would potentially be largest if the hydrology was disturbed at a wet and vascular plant-rich site. Peat deposited under a dry regime would be relatively inert in anaerobic conditions. Although catotelmic degradation is usually not extensive, in some cases, if labile organic matter is retained in the aerobic phase (e.g., restiad bogs) a major fraction of peat is degraded in catotelm, potentially resulting in a delayed major export of 14C-old methane

    Environmental and Botanical Controls on Peatification - A Comparative Study of Two New Zealand Restiad Bogs Using Py-GC/MS, Petrography and Fungal Analysis

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    This study shows that chemical properties of two restiad species, Empodisma minus and Sporadanthus traversii, may contribute to their success as peat-formers in a climate of the North Island of New Zealand which is not conducive to raised mire development. Unlike Sphagnum, the equivalent northern hemisphere peat-former, restiads possess lignin in their tissues. In addition, the presence of non-lignin polyphenols (including tannins and phenolic acids) in restiads may be an important factor in peat formation due to the allelopathic decay retardation. Patterns of degradation of plant biopolymers have been examined and the pathway of degradation of monocotyledons (loss of non-lignin phenolic fraction, depolymerization via modification of side chains of -O-4 lignin, depletion of hemicelluloses) was identified. Trends in chemical change for lignin were not necessarily paralleled by a similar change in the degree of plant structure preservation—an expression of a complex nature of degradation involving the contributions of several processes affecting different classes of biopolymers to different extents. A further finding of this study is that the degree of lignin breakdown, together with proportions of fungal hyphae and petrographic character, indicate that one of the two bogs studied, Moanatuatua, has undergone far more aerobic decay throughout its development than has its climatic and vegetational equivalent, Kopouatai. This is thought to be due to differing water tables in the two sedimentary environments. Moanatuatua developed in a flood plain distant from the sea with a migrating river system, while Kopouatai developed near the sea. A high degree of natural peat decomposition at Moanatuatua most probably precluded any further rapid decay after recent agricultural drainage

    Preservation of Biomolecules in Sub-fossil Plant Tissues from Raised Peat Bogs — A Potential Paleoenvironmental Proxy Indicator

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    The relationship between changes of peat bog hydrology and the mechanisms of decomposition suggests that the chemical modification of biopolymers of peat macrofossils might be used in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. A series of sedge (Eriophorum vaginatum) macrofossils from an Upper Holocene peat profile has been studied by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS). The major diagenetic changes of biopolymers included loss of ester-bound ferulic and coumaric acids, an increase of oxidation (particularly due to Ca ketones) and shortening of alkyl side-chains, demethylation of meth- oxy groups of the lignin/polyphenol fraction, loss of pentosan polysaccharides and modification of cellulose (relative increase in the pyrolytic yield of anhydroglucose). The yield of oxidized methoxy- moieties (particularly of Ca ketones) and shortening of alkyl side-chains of methoxyphenols were suggested as the best indicators of oxidative degradation. Statistically significant differences in chemical composition between samples from individual depth increments occur, in part in agreement with a sequence of wet and dry phases determined by paleobotanical analysis. The paleoenvironmental significance of the chemical record of degradation and relationship of paleohydrology reconstructed by the present technique and by means of botanical analysis is discussed. The former was proposed to respond primarily to the frequency of seasonal droughts

    Demonstration of Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Hydrogen Isotope Ratios in Chlorinated Ethenes

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    High-temperature pyrolysis conversion of organic analytes to H<sub>2</sub> in hydrogen isotope ratio compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) is unsuitable for chlorinated compounds such as trichloroethene (TCE) and cis-1,2-dichloroethene (DCE), due to competition from HCl formation. For this reason, the information potential of hydrogen isotope ratios of chlorinated ethenes remains untapped. We present a demonstration of an alternative approach where chlorinated analytes reacted with chromium metal to form H<sub>2</sub> and minor amounts of HCl. The values of δ<sup>2</sup>H were obtained at satisfactory precision (±10 to 15‰), however the raw data required daily calibration by TCE and/or DCE standards to correct for analytical bias that varies over time. The chromium reactor has been incorporated into a purge and trap–CSIA method that is suitable for CSIA of aqueous environmental samples. A sample data set was obtained for six specimens of commercial product TCE. The resulting values of δ<sup>2</sup>H were between −184 and +682 ‰, which significantly widened the range of manufactured TCE δ<sup>2</sup>H signatures identified by past work. The implications of this finding to the assessment of TCE contamination are discussed

    Do CSIA data from aquifers inform on natural degradation of chlorinated ethenes in aquitards?

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    Back-diffusion of chlorinated ethenes (CEs) from low-permeability layers (LPLs) causes contaminant persistence long after the primary spill zones have disappeared. Naturally occurring degradation in LPLs lowers remediation time frames, but its assessment through sediment sampling is prohibitive in conventional remediation projects. Scenario simulations were performed with a reactive transport model (PHT3D in FloPy) accounting for isotope effects associated with degradation, sorption, and diffusion, to evaluate the potential of CSIA data from aquifers in assessing degradation in aquitards. The model simulated a trichloroethylene (TCE) DNAPL and its pollution plume within an aquifer-aquitard-aquifer system. Sequential reductive dechlorination to ethene and sorption were uniform in the aquitard and did not occur in the aquifer. After 10 years of loading the aquitard through diffusion from the plume, subsequent source removal triggered release of TCE by back-diffusion. In the upper aquifer, during the loading phase, δ13C-TCE was slightly enriched (up to 2‰) due to diffusion effects stimulated by degradation in the aquitard. In the upper aquifer, during the release phase, (i) source removal triggered a huge δ13C increase especially for higher CEs, (ii) moreover, downstream decreasing isotope ratios (caused by downgradient later onset of the release phase) with temporal increasing isotope ratios reflect aquitard degradation (as opposed to downstream increasing and temporally constant isotope ratios in reactive aquifers), and (iii) the carbon isotope mass balance (CIMB) enriched up to 4‰ as lower CEs (more depleted, less sorbing) have been transported deeper into the aquitard. Thus, enriched CIMB does not indicate oxidative transformation in this system. The CIMB enrichment enhanced with more sorption and lower aquitard thickness. Thin aquitards are quicker flushed from lower CEs leading to faster CIMB enrichment over time. CIMB enrichment is smaller or nearly absent when daughter products accumulate. Aquifer CSIA patterns indicative of aquitard degradation were similar in case of linear decreasing rate constants but contrasted with previous simulations assuming a thin bioactive zone. The Rayleigh equation systematically underestimates the extent of TCE degradation in aquifer samples especially during the loading phase and for conditions leading to long remediation time frames (low groundwater flow velocity, thicker aquitards, strong sorption in the aquitard). The Rayleigh equation provides a good and useful picture on aquitard degradation during the release phase throughout the sensitivity analysis. This modelling study provides a framework on how aquifer CSIA data can inform on the occurrence of aquitard degradation and its pitfalls.Sanitary EngineeringGeoscience and Engineerin

    Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Reactions of 1,2-Dibromoethane with FeS and Hydrogen Sulfide

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    EDB (1,2-dibromoethane) is frequently detected at sites impacted by leaded gasoline. In reducing environments, EDB is highly susceptible to abiotic degradation. A study was conducted to evaluate the potential of compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) in assessing abiotic degradation of EDB in sulfate-reducing environments. Water containing EDB was incubated in sealed vials with various combinations of Na<sub>2</sub>S (<0.7 mM) and mackinawite (FeS) (180 mM). Degradation rates in vials containing FeS exceeded those in Na<sub>2</sub>S-only controls. In the presence of FeS, first-order constants ranged from 0.034 ± 0.002 d<sup>–1</sup> at pH 6 to 0.081 ± 0.005 d<sup>–1</sup> at pH 8.5. In the presence of FeS, products from reductive debromination (ethylene) and from S<sub>N</sub>2 substitution with S­(II) nucleophiles were detected (1,2-dithioethane, DTA). Relatively high yields of DTA suggested that the S<sub>N</sub>2 reactions were not mediated by HS<sup>–</sup> only but likely also included reactions mediated by FeS surface. Significant carbon isotope effects were observed for nucleophilic substitution by HS<sup>–</sup> (ε = −31.6 ± 3.7‰) and for a combination of reductive and substitution pathways in the presence of FeS (−30.9 ± 0.7‰), indicating good site assessment potential of CSIA. The isotope effects (KIEs) observed in the presence of FeS corroborated the predominance of S<sub>N</sub>2 substitution by nucleophiles combined with two-electron transfer reductive debromination

    3D-CSIA: Carbon, Chlorine, and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Transformation of TCE to Ethene by a <i>Dehalococcoides</i> Culture

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    Carbon (C), chlorine (Cl), and hydrogen (H) isotope effects were determined during dechlorination of TCE to ethene by a mixed <i>Dehalococcoides</i> (Dhc) culture. The C isotope effects for the dechlorination steps were consistent with data published in the past for reductive dechlorination (RD) by Dhc. The Cl effects (combined with an inverse H effect in TCE) suggested that dechlorination proceeded through nucleophilic reactions with cobalamin rather than by an electron transfer mechanism. Depletions of <sup>37</sup>Cl in daughter compounds, resulting from fractionation at positions away from the dechlorination center (secondary isotope effects), further support the nucleophilic dechlorination mechanism. Determination of C and Cl isotope ratios of the reactants and products in the reductive dechlorination chain offers a potential tool for differentiation of Dhc activity from alternative transformation mechanisms (e.g., aerobic degradation and reductive dechlorination proceeding via outer sphere mechanisms), in studies of in situ attenuation of chlorinated ethenes. Hydrogenation of the reaction products (DCE, VC, and ethene) showed a major preference for the <sup>1</sup>H isotope. Detection of depleted dechlorination products could provide a line of evidence in discrimination between alternative sources of TCE (e.g., evolution from DNAPL sources or from conversion of PCE)