16 research outputs found

    Blood pressure determinants. Part II. Application of some physical laws in the hemodynamics of cardiovascular system

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    Praca udowadnia użyteczność praw fizyki w zakresie charakterystyki układu krążenia i ciśnienia tętniczego. Autorzy skoncentrowali się na zagadnieniach związanych z dynamiką krążenia krwi, w tym na zjawiskach zachodzących przy tradycyjnym pomiarze ciśnienia tętniczego. Pojęcia impedancji naczyniowej, podatności naczyń oraz pulsacyjnego przepływu krwi przedstawiono w kontekście ich praktycznego zastosowania w diagnostyce i leczeniu nadciśnienia tętniczego oraz niewydolności serca, a także jako wykładniki o znaczeniu rokowniczym.This paper analyzes physical laws crucial for hemodynamics and arterial blood pressure. The major issue addressed is the dynamic aspects of circulation, including physical phenomena underlying the traditional way of the arterial pressure measurement. Terms: vascular impedance, vascular compliance, and pulsatile blood flow are exposed in context of their practical usage in diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and heart insufficiency, and also as indices of high prognostic value

    Blood pressure determinants. Part I: Structure — function links in blood pressure regulation. Reliability of blood pressure measurement

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    W niniejszym opracowaniu podjęliśmy próbę systematycznego wyszczególnienia, podstawowych czynników determinujących ciśnienie tętnicze: uwarunkowań morfologicznych, czynników fizycznych oraz zależności regulacyjnych. Dynamiczny charakter ciśnienia tętniczego skonfrontowano z koncepcją o dominującym wpływie zaspokojenia potrzeb metabolicznych tkanek obwodowych na regulację ciśnienia tętniczego. Praca została podzielona na trzy części. W pierwszej, aktualnie prezentowanej, przypomniano metody pomiaru ciśnienia tętniczego i najczęstsze błędy pomiarowe oraz omówiono istotne w regulacji ciśnienia tętniczego związki strukturalno-czynnościowe.The major structural, physical, and regulatory determinants of blood pressure are systematically reviewed. A dynamic nature of blood pressure is coupled with the idea that the regulation of blood pressure is primarily to meet metabolic needs of peripheral tissues. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first one, the basic methods of blood pressure measurement and the most common mistakes in its assessment are recalled. Links between morphological structure and function of essential impact on blood pressure regulation are discussed

    Złożony profil odruchowej odpowiedzi na nurkowanie

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    Breath-holding coupled with face cooling triggers a set of the reflex cardiovascular responses, defined as a diving reflex. The major reflex responses include a decrease in heart rate and peripheral vasoconstriction with an increase of arterial pressure to evoke central blood pooling with preferential provision of the brain and heart perfusion. Due to high individual variability and situational dependence the individual course of the reflex response is hardly predictable. Heart rhythm disturbances are the major, sometimes fatal complications of the response. This review is an outline of causing factors, circumstances, mechanisms and the effects of the diving reflex and their practical implications, including risk factors of the critical arrhythmias occurred in diving. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, supl. III: 104–114Zatrzymanie oddychania skojarzone z oziębieniem twarzy inicjuje sekwencję odruchowych odpowiedzi układu sercowo- -naczyniowego, określanych jako odruch na nurkowanie. Podstawowymi efektami odpowiedzi odruchowej są zwolnienie rytmu serca i skurcz naczyń obwodowych ze wzrostem ciśnienia tętniczego, prowadzące do centralizacji krążenia, preferencyjnie zabezpieczającej dopływ krwi do mózgu i serca. Reakcja odruchowa wykazuje znaczną zmienność osobniczą i podatność na warunki środowiskowe, a jej indywidualny zakres często trudno przewidzieć. Niekorzystnym, czasami fatalnym powikłaniem reakcji odruchowej są zaburzenia rytmu serca. W niniejszej pracy podsumowano okoliczności, mechanizmy i przebieg odruchu na nurkowanie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem skutków praktycznych, w tym czynników ryzyka krytycznych zaburzeń rytmu serca wywoływanych podczas nurkowania. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, supl. III: 104–11

    Novel Bradykinin Analogues Modified in the N-Terminal Part of the Molecule with a Variety of Acyl Substituents

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    In the current work we present some pharmacological characteristics of ten new analogues of bradykinin (Arg–Pro–Pro–Gly–Phe–Ser–Pro–Phe–Arg) modified in the N-terminal part of the molecule with a variety of acyl substituents. Of the many acylating agents used previously with B2 receptor antagonists, the following residues were chosen: 1-adamantaneacetic acid (Aaa), 1-adamantanecarboxylic acid (Aca), 4-tert-butylbenzoic acid (t-Bba), 4-aminobenzoic acid (Aba), 12-aminododecanoic acid (Adc), succinic acid (Sua), 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid and 6-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid. Biological activity of the compounds was assessed in the in vivo rat blood pressure test and the in vitro rat uterus test. Surprisingly, N-terminal substitution of the bradykinin peptide chain itself with aforementioned groups resulted in antagonists of bradykinin in the pressor test and suppressed agonistic potency in the uterotonic test. These interesting findings need further studies as they can be helpful for designing more potent B2 receptor blockers

    Successful Implementation of Menstrual Cycle Biomarkers in the Treatment of Infertility in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome—Case Report

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility. Absent, impaired, or rare ovulation induces progesterone deficiency in the luteal phase, which is a critical problem in PCOS. A usual pattern of progesterone administration from a fixed and arbitrary pre-determined day of a menstrual cycle may preserve infertility but can easily be avoided. We present the case of a 29-year-old infertile woman who had been ineffectively treated for over two years. We introduced a line of therapy that was suited to her individual menstrual cycle by implementing biomarker recording. Supplementation based on a standardized observation of the basal body temperature (BBT) and cervical mucus stopped the vicious circle of absent ovulation and hyperandrogenism, restoring regular bleeding, ovulation cycles, and fertility. The implementation of a reliable fertility awareness method (FAM), accompanied by a standardized teaching methodology and periodic review of the observations recorded by the patient, validated through an ultrasound examination and plasma gonadotropins, estrogens, and progesterone concentrations, is key to achieving therapeutic success. The presented case is an example of a clinical vignette for many patients who have successfully managed to improve their fertility and pregnancy outcomes by applying the principles of a personalized treatment approach together with gestagens by recording their fertility biomarkers

    Resting Heart Rate Affects Heart Response to Cold-Water Face Immersion Associated with Apnea

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    The regular cardiac response to immersion of the face in cold water is reduction in heart rate (HR). The highly individualized and unpredictable course of the cardiodepressive response prompted us to investigate the relationship between the cardiac response to face immersion and the resting HR. The research was conducted with 65 healthy volunteers (37 women and 28 men) with an average age of 21.13 years (20–27 years) and a BMI of 21.49 kg/m2 (16.60–28.98). The face-immersion test consisted of stopping breathing after maximum inhaling and voluntarily immersing the face in cold water (8–10 °C) for as long as possible. Measurements included determination of minimum, average, and maximum HR at rest and minimum and maximum HR during the cold-water face-immersion test. The results indicate a strong relationship between the cardiodepressive reaction of the immersion of the face and the minimum HR before the test, as well as a relationship between the maximum HR during the test and the maximum HR at rest. The results also indicate a strong influence of neurogenic HR regulation on the described relationships. The parameters of the basal HR can, therefore, be used as prognostic indicators of the course of the cardiac response of the immersion test

    Heart Rate Variability at Rest Predicts Heart Response to Simulated Diving

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    A characteristic feature of the cardiac response to diving is the uncertainty in predicting individual course. The aim of the study was to determine whether resting regulatory heart rate determinants assessed before diving may be predictors of cardiac response in a simulated diving test. The research was conducted with 65 healthy volunteers (37 women and 28 men) with an average age of 21.13 years (20–27 years) and a BMI of 21.49 kg/m2 (16.60–28.98). The simulated diving test consisted of stopping breathing after maximum inhaling and voluntarily immersing the face in water (8–10 °C) for as long as possible. The measurements included heart rate variability (HRV) analysis before diving and determination of the course of the cardiac response to diving—minimum and maximum heart rate (HR). The results indicate that minimum HR during diving (MIN_div) is dependent on the short-term HRV measures, which proves the strong influence of the parasympathetic system on the MIN_div. The lack of dependence of MIN_div on short-term HRV in women may be associated with differences in neurogenic HR regulation in women and men. In conclusion, cardiac response to simulated diving is strictly dependent on the autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm under resting conditions. The course of the cardiac response to diving and its relationship with resting HRV appears to be gender dependent

    Promising effects of xanthine oxidase inhibition by allopurinol on autonomic heart regulation estimated by heart rate variability (HRV) analysis in rats exposed to hypoxia and hyperoxia - Fig 3

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    <p><b>Effect of XO inhibition by allopurinol on markers of oxidative stress in plasma: 8-isoprostanes (A) and protein carbonyl group (B).</b> Blue bar indicates control group, orange bar–rats treated with allopurinol. Data shown as Mean ± SEM according to Student t-test, * p<0.05, NS–not significant, allopurinol vs. control group.</p