23 research outputs found

    Vocational education and training of the unemployed in the context of lifelong learning

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    Straipsnyje glaustai aptariami praktiniai mokymosi visą gyvenimą klausimai. Trumpai apžvelgta mokymosi visą gyvenimą būklė Lietuvoje. Remiantis Europos Komisijos Lietuvos užimtumo prioritetų vertinimu, išdėstyti pagrindiniai žmogiškųjų resursų plėtros trūkumai. Analizuojama suaugusiųjų išsilavinimo Lietuvoje struktūra kaip viena nedarbo atsiradimo priežasčių. Parodyta, kaip atsilieka bedarbių profesinio mokymo apimtys nuo nedarbo augimo tempų.The article addresses the practical questions of lifelong learning and gives a short summary of lifelong learning situation in Lithuania. It discusses the major weaknesses of the activation of the human potential in Lithuania with respect to the assessment results of the occupational sector priorities set by the European Commission. It relates the problem of unemployment to the structure of adult education and it shows how the rate of scope of vocational education and training among adults is inverse to the tempo of unemployment growth

    Vocational education and training of the unemployed in the context of lifelong learning

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    Straipsnyje glaustai aptariami praktiniai mokymosi visą gyvenimą klausimai. Trumpai apžvelgta mokymosi visą gyvenimą būklė Lietuvoje. Remiantis Europos Komisijos Lietuvos užimtumo prioritetų vertinimu, išdėstyti pagrindiniai žmogiškųjų resursų plėtros trūkumai. Analizuojama suaugusiųjų išsilavinimo Lietuvoje struktūra kaip viena nedarbo atsiradimo priežasčių. Parodyta, kaip atsilieka bedarbių profesinio mokymo apimtys nuo nedarbo augimo tempų.The article addresses the practical questions of lifelong learning and gives a short summary of lifelong learning situation in Lithuania. It discusses the major weaknesses of the activation of the human potential in Lithuania with respect to the assessment results of the occupational sector priorities set by the European Commission. It relates the problem of unemployment to the structure of adult education and it shows how the rate of scope of vocational education and training among adults is inverse to the tempo of unemployment growth

    Vocational counselling in the context of human resource development

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    Naujas požiūris į profesinį konsultavimą - permanentinį, trunkantį visą gyvenimą procesą - skatina ieškoti naujų galimybių visoje šiuolaikinėje profesinio konsultavimo sistemoje. Profesinio orientavimo ir konsultavimo paslaugas Lietuvoje jau daugiau kaip dešimtmetį Lietuvoje teikia Darbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos, skatinančios žmones mokytis, padedančios priimti informacija paremtus realistinius profesinio tobulėjimo sprendimus, ugdančios universaliuosius veik-os ir socialinius gebėjimus. Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvosdarbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos patirtis, įgyta teikiant šias paslaugas įvairioms tikslinėms asmenų grupėms, nepriklausomai nuo jų amžiaus, išsilavinimo, darbo patirties ar socialinės situacijos, bei siekiant užtikrinti optimalią kiekvieno gebėjimų, poreikių ir interesų raidą, prisitaikant prie esamų mokymosi ir užimtumo galimybių.A new outlook on vocational counselling as a permanent,lifelong process encourages the search for new opportunities in the whole contemporary system of vocational counselling. Labour market training institutions in Lithuania have been providing services of vocational guidance and counselling for more than ten years inviting people to study, helping to make information based, realistic decisions for vocational growth, developing core work and social skills. The article presents Lithuanian labour market training institution experience acquired in the process of providing services to different target groups irrespective of their age, education, work experience or social situation and striving to ensure optimal skills, needs and interests development,adapting to present learning and employment opportunities

    Vocational counselling in the context of human resource development

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    Naujas požiūris į profesinį konsultavimą - permanentinį, trunkantį visą gyvenimą procesą - skatina ieškoti naujų galimybių visoje šiuolaikinėje profesinio konsultavimo sistemoje. Profesinio orientavimo ir konsultavimo paslaugas Lietuvoje jau daugiau kaip dešimtmetį Lietuvoje teikia Darbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos, skatinančios žmones mokytis, padedančios priimti informacija paremtus realistinius profesinio tobulėjimo sprendimus, ugdančios universaliuosius veik-os ir socialinius gebėjimus. Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvosdarbo rinkos mokymo tarnybos patirtis, įgyta teikiant šias paslaugas įvairioms tikslinėms asmenų grupėms, nepriklausomai nuo jų amžiaus, išsilavinimo, darbo patirties ar socialinės situacijos, bei siekiant užtikrinti optimalią kiekvieno gebėjimų, poreikių ir interesų raidą, prisitaikant prie esamų mokymosi ir užimtumo galimybių.A new outlook on vocational counselling as a permanent,lifelong process encourages the search for new opportunities in the whole contemporary system of vocational counselling. Labour market training institutions in Lithuania have been providing services of vocational guidance and counselling for more than ten years inviting people to study, helping to make information based, realistic decisions for vocational growth, developing core work and social skills. The article presents Lithuanian labour market training institution experience acquired in the process of providing services to different target groups irrespective of their age, education, work experience or social situation and striving to ensure optimal skills, needs and interests development,adapting to present learning and employment opportunities

    Social innovations in a community from the point of view of social pedagogues

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas socialinių pedagogų požiūris į savo galimybes kurti socialines inovacijas ar dalyvauti jas kuriant. Pristatomas focus grupės interviu organizavimas, pagrindžiamas focus grupės metodo taikymas, pateikiama teorinių ir praktinių žinių apie socialines inovacijas bendruomenėje, siekiant nustatyti socialinių inovacijų kūrimo kurso poreikį rengiant socialinius pedagogus ir tobulinant jų kvalifikaciją. Kartu straipsnyje aptariama socialinės inovacijos samprata inovatyvios visuomenės kūrimo kontekste ir pristatoma socialinių inovacijų kūrimo skatinimo politika Europos Sąjungoje.Article analyses how social pedagogues see their possibilities for creating and implementing social innovations in local community. The article presents purpose of organisation of the focus group interview, provides a methodological explanation for the use of the focus group interview method. The authors also reveal the importance of social innovations to community development within the context of innovation society and briefiy introduce the policy of the European Community in the field of fostering social innovations. The focus group interview provides the understanding of the need for social innovations and evaluation of social pedagogues' development of the curriculum including knowledge and skills for creating social innovations in the community. A constant review of the curriculum for initial and in-service training of social pedagogues provide an opportunity to include new study subjects and aspects with regard to the newest national social policy and trends in the European Union. One of the important trends attracting more and more attention to the social policy in Europe and nationally is implementation of social innovations for the solution to the problems and providing socially responsible decisions to a community at the local level. This is an important issue and social pedagogues as well as school communities could be active change agents and be aware of how to foster the social innovations at the local level. Therefore, it is important to understand the needs of social pedagogues for the suggested new knowledge and skills on development of social innovations. Social innovations are considered as a type of innovations, whereof both means and results are socially oriented: new ideas (products, services or various models), which paralelly respond to actual needs of the society (more than the current situation) and additionally establish new social relations and network of collaboration. During the focus group interview social pedagogues agreed upon the following definitions of social innovations: - innovations that change the natural development of local community (achieving the socially oriented aims and involving new institutions and people for the implementation of these innovations); - innovations dedicated to foster collaboration and communication between representatives of various levels of local community (sharing tasks and responsibilities between them, developing new plans and strategies). From the point of view of social pedagogues the need for skills of social innovation development are urgent, but there are also significant difficulties to use them at work. The biggest of these threats seen by social pedagogues include: approach of managers, tasks overload, lack of communication within community. Motivation of social pedagogues for the implementation and initiation of social innovations would be a real benefit for the community and a possibility for solving problems related to direct tasks and responsibilities

    Konsultavimas socialiniame (socialinio pedagogo) darbe

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama vienos pagrindinių socialinės pedagogikos ir socialinio darbo veiklų — konsultavimo — įvairūs aspektai. Straipsnyje konsultavimas suprantamas kaip intervencijos metodas ir kaip palaikymo, esant socialines edukacijos srities problemoms, veikla socialinio pedagogo darbe. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama pati konsultavimo samprata ir jos raiška socialinėje pedagogikoje ir socialiniame darbe bei įvairūs jos aspektai. Taikant praktinių atvejų analizės metodą analizuojamas konsultavimas kaip veikla, sprendžiant socialinio ugdymo problemas

    Consulting as problem solving management in social work practice

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    Article deals with the activities related to counseling in the social and pedagogical work and different aspects of counseling as a support activity and as helping method. Article deals with understanding of concept of counseling and with various aspects of its interpretation. Article is based on proposed by G. Egan problem management model, which deals with problem defining and further steps to achieve results, releasing potential of personality or increasing life performances. Article discloses the phenomenon of counseling from the practical observations and real case studies. Narrative analysis shows that social workers are able to solve some problems using skills for achieving results, but exist luck of understanding counseling as problem management and implemen¬ting activities as counseling skills. Findings of case studies shows that counseling is effective method if counselors are aware of using method and skills having emphatic attitude to client. Also exists need of new study programs, because practitioners have difficulties by reflecting counseling process and skills use. Nevertheless cases show ability to achieve positive results using work experience and sensitivity concerning client problems

    Consulting as problem solving management in social work practice

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    The article deals with the activities related to counseling in the social and pedagogical work and different aspects of counseling as a support activity and as helping method. Article deals with understanding of concept of counseling and with various aspects of its interpretation. Article is based on proposed by G. Egan problem management model, which deals with problem defining and further steps to achieve results, releasing potential of personality or increasing life performances. Article discloses the phenomenon of counseling from the practical observations and real case studies. Narrative analysis shows that social workers are able to solve some problems using skills for achieving results, but exist luck of understanding counseling as problem management and implementing activities as counseling skills. Findings of case studies shows that counseling is effective method if counselors are aware of using method and skills having emphatic attitude to client. Also exists need of new study programs, because practitioners have difficulties by reflecting.counseling process and skills use. Nevertheless cases show ability to achieve positive results using work experience and sensitivity concerning client problemsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Neformaliuoju būdu įgytų kompetencijų vertinimo ir pripažinimo pagal socialinio darbo studijų programą metodika

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    Projektas „Neformaliuoju būdu įgytų kompetencijų vertinimo ir pripažinimo sistemos kūrimas ir diegimas aukštosiose mokyklose“Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij