36 research outputs found

    Emotional Creativity: A Meta-analysis and Integrative Review

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    Emotional creativity (EC) is a pattern of cognitive abilities and personality traits related to originality and appropriateness in emotional experience. EC has been found to be related to various constructs across different fields of psychology during the past 30 years, but a comprehensive examination of previous research is still lacking. The goal of this review is to explore the reliability of use of the Emotional Creativity Inventory (ECI) across studies, to test gender differences and to compare levels of EC in different countries. Thirty-five empirical studies focused on EC were retrieved and the coefficients required for the meta-analysis extracted. The meta-analysis revealed that women showed significantly higher EC than men (total N = 3,555). The same gender differences were also found when testing scores from three ECI subscales, i.e. emotional novelty, emotional preparedness and emotional effectiveness/authenticity. When comparing EC in 10 different countries (total N = 4,375), several cross-cultural differences were revealed. The Chinese sample showed a significantly lower average ECI total score than all the other countries. Based on the integration of results, the avenues for future research on EC and the breadth of influence of the concept of EC across different fields of psychology are discussed. Keywords: Emotional Creativity, Review, Meta-Analyses, Meta-Analysis, Definition, Emotional Creativity Inventory, ECI, Reliability, Gender Differences, Cross-cultural, Cross-culture, Personality Traits, NEO Personality Inventory, Big Five, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, Introversion, Neuroticism, Emotions, Creativity, Cognition, Cognitive Abilities, Affect, Fantasy, Coping, Alexithymia, Anhedonia, Self-understanding, Motivation, Creativeness, Innovative Performance, Creative Ability, Artistic Creativity, Creative Thinking. MeSH Headings: Emotions, Creativity, Affect, Affective Symptoms, Gender, Sex, Gender Identity, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Transcultural Studies, Temperament, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Anhedonia, Creativeness, Cognition, Cognitive Function, Artistic Creativity, Creative Ability, Creative Thinkin

    Rethinking a sustainable truffle sector under global crises

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    Global climate change is the main threat for the emerging truffle sector, which already extends across seven key regions in the Americas, Europe, South Africa and Australasia. At the same time, the potential effects of financial crises and global pandemics have not yet been considered in most risk assessments. Here we describe the direct and indirect impacts of the actual coronavirus pandemic on the rising truffle sector. We discuss how COVID-19 affects small family businesses and international enterprises, and if the current harvest decline will have ecological long-term benefits. Furthermore, we question extant cultivation practices, irrigation techniques and trade systems to prepare for a more equitable and sustainable future of the global truffle industry. Despite various foci on one of the most expensive gourmet foods and its associated agroforestry, we expect our reflections to be valuable for many other high-value crops, and a green agriculture in general

    Action of different treatments based on the mal e effect on the restart of the seasonal reproductive activity of Churra Galega Bragançana ewes

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    Este ensaio foi realizado com o intuito de estudar a acção do "efeito macho" sobre o restabelecimento da actividade reprodutora sazonal das ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana. Por outro lado, procurou-se averiguar do possível interesse da aplicação coordenada do "efeito macho" e de tratamentos com acetato de fluorgesterona (FGA) e gonadotropina sérica da égua gestante (PMSG) no restabelecimento desta mesma actividade reprodutora. Neste sentido, um grupo de 135 ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana, com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 4 anos e que haviam parido pela última vez há cerca de 6 meses, foi preparado para a realização deste estudo. Depois de retirar do ensaio todas as ovelhas que apresentavam actividade ovárica completa, aplicaram-se às restantes fêmeas quatro tratamentos distintos: EM • "efeito macho" (n=26); EM+FGA • "efeito macho" + esponjas vaginais com 30 mg de FGA (n=10); EM+PMSG • "efeito macho" + 600 UI de PMSG (n=10) e EM+FGA+PMSG ·"efeito macho" + esponjas vaginais com 30 mg de FGA + 600 UI de PMSG (n=10). No mês de Junho do ano estudado, 58,5% das ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana inicialmente seleccionadas para a realização deste trabalho apresentavam actividade ovárica completa. Das que se encontravam anéstricas, 87,0% respondeu à aplicação dos tratamentos. Esta resposta não variou em função do tratamento aplicado. De Igual modo, a resposta ovárica das ovelhas estudadas não foi afectada pelo tipo de tratamento empregue. Os tratamentos com FGA melhoraram a resposta comportamental das ovelhas aquando da primeira ovulação. Por seu turno, a adição de PMSG ao " efeito macho" permitiu elevar a resposta comportamental das ovelhas no momento da segunda ovulação. Neste ensaio, a taxa ovulatória média total apresentada pelas ovelhas Churras Bragançanas foi de 1,2±0,9

    Reinitiation and Subsequent Discontinuation of Antiplatelet Treatment in Nonpersistent Older Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    The successful treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) depends on adequate adherence to medications including antiplatelet agents. The aims of this study were (a) to identify the proportion of nonpersistent patients who reinitiated antiplatelet therapy and how many of them discontinued therapy after reinitiation, and (b) to identify patient- and medication-related characteristics associated with the likelihood of reinitiation and discontinuation among reinitiators. The analysis of reinitiation was conducted on 3032 nonpersistent users of antiplatelet agents aged >= 65 years, with PAD newly diagnosed in 2012. Discontinuation (i.e., a treatment gap of >= 6 months without antiplatelet medication prescription) was analysed in 2006 reinitiating patients. To identify factors associated with the likelihood of reinitiation and discontinuation, Cox regression with time-dependent covariates was used. Reinitiation was recorded in 2006 (66.2%) of 3032 patients who had discontinued antiplatelet medication. Among these 2006 reinitiators, 1078 (53.7%) patients discontinued antiplatelet therapy again. Ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction during non-persistence and bronchial asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were associated with an increased likelihood of reinitiation. University education was associated with discontinuation among reinitiators. Factors associated with the probability of reinitiation and discontinuation in reinitiators make it possible to identify older PAD patients in whom "stop-starting" behaviour may be expected

    Non-Persistence With Antiplatelet Medications Among Older Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    Introduction: Antiplatelet therapy needs to be administered life-long in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Our study was aimed at 1) the analysis of non-persistence with antiplatelet medication in older PAD patients and 2) identification of patient- and medication-related characteristics associated with non-persistence.Methods: The study data was retrieved from the database of the General Health Insurance Company. The study cohort of 9,178 patients aged >= 65 years and treated with antiplatelet medications was selected from 21,433 patients in whom PAD was newly diagnosed between 01/2012 and 12/2012. Patients with a 6 months treatment gap without antiplatelet medication prescription were classified as non-persistent. Characteristics associated with non-persistence were identified using the Cox regression.Results: At the end of the 5 years follow-up, 3,032 (33.0%) patients were non-persistent. Age, history of ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction, clopidogrel or combination of aspirin with clopidogrel used at the index date, higher co-payment, general practitioner as index prescriber and higher overall number of medications were associated with persistence, whereas female sex, atrial fibrillation, anxiety disorders, bronchial asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, being a new antiplatelet medication user (therapy initiated in association with PAD diagnosis), and use of anticoagulants or antiarrhythmic agents were associated with non-persistence.Conclusion: In patients with an increased probability of non-persistence, an increased attention should be paid to improvement of persistence.</p

    Adherence to Antiplatelet Medications among Persistent and Non-Persistent Older Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    Secondary prevention of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) includes administration of antiplatelet agents, and adherence to medication is a requirement for an effective treatment. The aim of this study was to analyse adherence measured using the proportion of days covered (PDC) index separately in persistent and non-persistent patients, and to identify patient- and medication-related characteristics associated with non-adherence in these patient groups. The study cohort of 9178 patients aged >= 65 years in whom PAD was diagnosed in 1/-12/2012 included 6146 persistent and 3032 non-persistent patients. Non-adherence was identified as PDC < 80%. Characteristics associated with non-adherence were determined using the binary logistic regression model. In the group of persistent patients, 15.3% of subjects were identified as non-adherent, while among non-persistent patients, 26.9% of subjects were non-adherent to antiplatelet medication. Administration of dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and clopidogrel) and a general practitioner as index prescriber were associated with adherence in both patient groups. Our study revealed a relatively high proportion of adherent patients not only in the group of persistent patients but also in the group of non-persistent patients before discontinuation. These results indicate that most non-persistent PAD patients discontinue antiplatelet treatment rapidly after a certain period of adherence

    Non-Adherence to Statin Treatment in Older Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease Depending on Persistence Status

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    The effectiveness of statins in secondary prevention of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) largely depends on patients' adherence to treatment. The aims of our study were: (a) to analyze non-adherence during the whole follow-up in persistent patients, and only during persistence for non-persistent patients; (b) to identify factors associated with non-adherence separately among persistent and non-persistent patients. A cohort of 8330 statin users aged >= 65 years, in whom PAD was newly diagnosed between January 2012-December 2012, included 5353 patients persistent with statin treatment, and 2977 subjects who became non-persistent during the 5-year follow-up. Non-adherence was defined using the proportion of days covered <80%. Patient- and statin-related characteristics associated with non-adherence were identified with binary logistic regression. A significantly higher proportion of non-adherent patients was found among non-persistent patients compared to persistent subjects (43.6% vs. 29.6%; p < 0.001). Associated with non-adherence in both persistent and non-persistent patients was high intensity statin treatment, while in non-persistent patients, it was employment and increasing number of medications. In patients with a poor adherence during their persistent period, an increased risk for discontinuation may be expected. However, there is also non-adherence among persistent patients. There are differences in factors associated with non-adherence depending on patients' persistence

    Survey of Authentication and Authorization for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things is currently getting significant interest from the scientific community. Academia and industry are both focused on moving ahead in attempts to enhance usability, maintainability, and security through standardization and development of best practices. We focus on security because of its impact as one of the most limiting factors to wider Internet of Things adoption. Numerous research areas exist in the security domain, ranging from cryptography to network security to identity management. This paper provides a survey of existing research applicable to the Internet of Things environment at the application layer in the areas of identity management, authentication, and authorization. We survey and analyze more than 200 articles, categorize them, and present current trends in the Internet of Things security domain

    Coordination ability of selected amino sugars with Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions in solution

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    Complex formation between Cu(II) and the amino sugars methylβ-L-daunosaminide (MeDauN), 6-amino-6-deoxy-D-glucose (Glc6N), 3-dimethylamino-3,4,6-trideoxy-D-xyloheksose (desosamine DSA), and methyl-3-amino-3-deoxy-α-D-mannopyranose (MeMan3N) was studied in aqueous solution by potentiometric and spectroscopic (EPR, electron absorption, and CD) techniques. The results show that Glc6N and DSA ligands, lacking the cis-oriented couples of [NH2, OH] donors, give rise only to dimeric complexes. The other two ligands, although both forming mononuclear species, exhibit different coordination abilities, depending on the assistance of donors able to yield axial interaction with the metal ion