19 research outputs found

    The results of the excavations at the prehistoric stone mound in Drinovci with a special focus on gold finds

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    U radu se donose rezultati zaÅ”titnoga arheoloÅ”kog istraživanja prapovijesne kamene gomile u Drinovcima (općina Grude, Federacija Bosna i Hercegovina). Iskopavanjima je dokumentirano ukupno pet grobova koji se mogu smjestiti unutar dva vremenska horizonta ā€“ prapovijesni (grobovi 1, 2 i 5) i srednjovjekovni (grobovi 3 i 4). Grob 1, iako devastiran, jedini je sadržavao nalaze. Riječ je o vitici izrađenoj od dvostruke ā€“ tzv. beskonačne, spiralno namotane zlatne žice, s tim kako je u neposrednoj blizini pronađen joÅ” jedan primjerak istih tipoloÅ”kih obilježja koji je deformiran. Riječ je o, za sada, najstarijim poznatim te objavljenim zlatnim nalazima s prostora Bosne i Hercegovine. Najbolje analogije zlatnim predmetima iz Drinovaca pronalazimo u srednjem i početnim etapama kasnoga brončanog doba Å”irega srednjoeuropskog prostora. Riječ je o predmetima sa Å”irokim arealom rasprostiranja koji svjedoče o uključenosti prostora promatrane kulturne regije, odnosno lokalnih elita u tada već aktivnu supraregionalnu mrežu razmjene i komunikacije. Nadalje, istraživanjem su na prostoru između grobova prikupljeni i keramički ulomci prapovijesne fakture koji su mahom liÅ”eni užih prepoznatljivih tipoloÅ”kih elemenata. Prostor istraživane gomile je i kasnije, u vremenu kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, koriÅ”ten kao mjesto pokopavanja, Å”to je dosta dobro dokumentirana, no nažalost joÅ” uvijek slabo istražena praksa kulturne regije.The paper presents the results of the rescue archaeological excavations at the prehistoric stone mound in Drinovci (Grude Municipality, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). The excavations documented a total of five graves that can be placed within two time horizons: the prehistoric (graves 1, 2, 5) and the medieval (graves 3, 4). Grave 1, while badly damaged, was the only one with any finds: a tendril made of spirally coiled double (ā€œinfiniteā€) gold wire, and a deformed specimen with the same typological characteristics in its immediate vicinity. They are the oldest known and published gold finds from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The best analogies to the gold objects from Drinovci come from the middle and early stages of the Late Bronze Age in a wider Central European area. These widely distributed objects show that this cultural region, or its local elites, participated in the already active supra-regional network of exchange and communication. Moreover, the excavations in the space between the graves found potsherds of prehistoric features, largely devoid of narrowly identifiable typological elements. The area of the excavated mound was again used as a burial site in the late Middle Ages, which is a welldocumented but unfortunately still poorly researched practice of this cultural region


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    U radu se donosi pregled terenskih istraživanja najstarijeg Studija arheologije u povijesti Bosne i Hercegovine, koji je 2001. god. osnovan upravo pri SveučiliÅ”tu u Mostaru. Iako su djelatnici Odjela za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Mostaru sudjelovali i na brojnim drugim istraživanjima, ovaj rad obuhvaća samo ona koja je organizirao Odjel za arheologiju u sklopu svoje godiÅ”nje terenske nastave.The paper gives an overview of field researches made by the oldest Study of Archaeology in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was established in 2001 at the University of Mostar. Although the staff of Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mostar, has participated in many other researches, this paper includes only those organized by the Department of Archaeology in the framework of their annual field teaching

    New Archaeological Findings from the Region of Drinovci

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    U radu se donose rezultati arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja (iskopavanja) provedenih na prostoru Drinovaca (općina Grude). Istraživanja su bila usmjerena na dva arheoloÅ”ka nalaziÅ”ta do sada nepoznata u stručnoj literaturi, a koja se razlikuju po svojoj topografiji, namjeni i vremenskom tj. kulturnom kontekstu. Riječ je o Pećini na Zaskoku i prapovijesnoj kamenoj gomili u podnožju brda Petnjik. Istraživanjima je dobivena izvorna arheoloÅ”ka građa i podatci koje atribuiramo u vrijeme ranog brončanog doba (gomila) i novoga vijeka (pećina).The paper publishes the archaeological research on two sites from the Drinovci region (Municipality of Grude). One site is a type of cave ā€“ the Cave on Zaskok, and the other an ancient stone tumulus; thus two different types of archaeological sites, with different functions and from different time periods and cultural contexts. Therefore, different strategies and approaches to the sites themselves had to be used during the excavation, along with different methods of excavation, and different methods for collecting data and archaeological materials. The research on the Cave on Zaskok revealed that it had been used during the New Age. Within the cave itself, there are documented traces of an object which had burnt down and was never restored. The object had been built with walls running lengthwise, partitioning the interior of the cave, which served economic purposes (storehouse, workroom). Furthermore, at the foot of the cave/object is a water mill, which can be placed in the closest temporal and functional context of a documented New-Age layer in the cave, particularly as a path runs directly along the entrance to the cave, as the only communication route to descend to the watermill. Whilst excavating the Cave at Zaskok, the older layers were not documented, and the geological foundation was a layer of transported sediment that was the result of water flow, which would suggest that water had flowed through the cave at an earlier date and that this was the reason it had not been attractive to communities in earlier historical and ancient periods. The second part of the investigation was directed towards a prehistoric stone tumulus placed at the foot of Petnjik hill. It is a burial monument typical for cultural regions during the Bronze Age. The excavation documented three graves (with grave-2 having two interred bodies); unfortunately, all three graves had been found devastated. The funereal architecture was in the form of stone chests consisting of four vertically placed stone slabs. Only grave-2 had grave goods in the form of ceramic bowls and a flint fire striker. Thanks to the chronologically sensitive elements that we found in the gathered fragments (including the Litzen decoration), we can date grave-2 from the second half of the early Bronze Age. Whilst analysing the interior space (stratigraphic) relations, it is evident that grave-1 is the oldest, and that it was the primary burial for which the tumulus was raised

    Results of rescue archaeological investigations of late mediaeval graveyard with stećci tombstones at Ričina site (PosuÅ”je)

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    Rad donosi rezultate zaÅ”titnih arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja provedenih na nalaziÅ”tu Ričina (općina PosuÅ”je). Riječ je kasnosrednjovjekovnome groblju sa stećcima. ArheoloÅ”ka građa koja se analizira dobivena je istraživanjem dvaju stećka. Najveći doprinos ovog istraživanja svakako je činjenica da ona upotpunjuju dosad malobrojne podatke (dobivene putem arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja i antropoloÅ”kom analizom humane osteoloÅ”ke građe) koji se odnose na prostor zapadne Hercegovine u kasnom srednjem vijeku.This paper presents the results of archaeological rescue investigations conducted at the site of Ričina (the Municipality of PosuÅ”je). It concerns a late mediaeval graveyard with stećci tombstones. The archaeological material under analysis was acquired by investigation of two stećci. The greatest contribution of this investigation is definitely the fact that it complements the earlier scarce information (obtained by archaeological investigations and anthropological analyses of human osteological material) concerning the area of west Herzegovina in the Late Middle Ages

    Molecular Dynamics Investigation of gluazo, a Photo-Switchable Ligand for the Glutamate Receptor GluK2

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    Photochromic ligands (PCLs), defined as photoswitchable molecules that are able to endow native receptors with a sensitivity towards light, have become a promising photo-pharmacological tool for various applications in biology. In general, PCLs consist of a ligand of the target receptor covalently linked to an azobenzene, which can be reversibly switched between two configurations upon light illumination. Gluazo, as a PCL that targets excitatory amino acid receptors, in its dark-adapted trans iso-form was characterized to be a partial agonist of the kainate glutamate receptor GluK2. Application of UV light leads to the formation of the cis form, with remarkedly reduced affinity towards GluK2. The mechanism of the change of ligand affinity induced by the photoisomerization was unresolved. The presented computational study explains how the somerization of such a PCL affects the structural changes in the target receptor that lead to its activation

    Hillforts in the area of Imotski ā€“ bekija field

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    U radu su obrađeni različiti aspekti "gradinskog" načina života za ukupno 48 gradina s prostora Imotsko ā€“ bekijskog polja. S obzirom kako se radi o jednoj dosta "zatvorenoj" cjelini, sastavljenoj od zavale ā€“ polja, s pripadajućim pobrđima i zaravni koji čine njegov obod, a ujedno i položaje na kojima su gradine podizane. Imotsko ā€“ bekijsko polje čini posebno pogodan uzorak za analize glavnih aspekata života gradina u krajoliku. Iako su obrađene gradine neupitno bile određene samim svojstvima prirodnog (paleo)okoliÅ”a, izbor mjesta, njihove raznolike strukture (oblike, tipove) i funkcije, određivao je i oblikovao čovjek ā€“ kao tvorac kulturnog krajolika. Sukladno Å”irim kulturnim/prirodnim prapovijesnim prostorima, kao najpogodniji model za interpretaciju imotsko ā€“ bekijskih gradina pokazao se onaj koji uvažava njihov viÅ”eznačni karakter i viÅ”estrukost njihovih (istovremenih) funkcija, od praktičnih (strateÅ”kih, naseobinskih i gospodarskih) do simboličnih. Interpretacija "gradinskog" načina života pretpostavlja naglaske na analizi kategorije prostora (i vremena), njegovoj strukturiranosti i iskoristivosti na različitim razinama, od pojedinačne gradine do mreže gradinskih međuodnosa i sveukupnih komunikacija, no, uvijek u vremenski/kulturnom definiranom kontekstu. Međutim, iz same prostornosti ne može se iŔčitati točno vrijeme, relativno i apsolutno. To je pak glavni nedostatak pri interpretiranju imotsko ā€“ bekijskih gradina. Ipak, u konačnici, definiran je solidan interpretativni model oblikovanja kulturnog krajolika tijekom 3. ā€“ 1. tis. pr. Kr. i uklopljenosti gradina imotsko ā€“ bekijske mikroregije u Å”ire prostorne (komunikacijske) planove i kulturne prapovijesne sustave (cetinski, posuÅ”ki, delmatski), čime je ujedno stvorena osnova budućim arheoloÅ”kim istraživanjima imotsko ā€“ bekijskog, pa i Å”ireg prostora.The thesis presents the results of research on various aspects of living ā€“ system, regarding the 48 hillforts in Imotski ā€“ bekija field. The field is quite an enclosed space and therefore a suitable pattern for hillforts analysis. Although the paleoenvironment play an important role in hillforts living ā€“ system, their structures (forms and types) and functions is determined and shaped entirely by man, as the creator of the cultural landscape (culture). In accordance with wider european prehistoric areas, multilayered model proved to be most acceptable, recognizing their different functions, from practical (strategic, settlement and economic) to symbolic. Interpretation of hillfort, also puts emphasis on wider spatial analysis, but however, always in a chronologically defined context, which in this case is mostly missing. Despite this, a solid interpretive model was obtained. Using both, theoretical and practical processing of data, collected through the research, we got better insight into the processes that shaped the cultural landscape of imotski ā€“ bekija cultural microregion, and its embeddedness into wider spatial and communication networks and cultural systems from end of the third to end of the first millenium B.C

    The Majic hillfort (Drinovci) - a new finding site of the Litzen ceramics in Herzegovina

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    U radu se donose rezultati analize keramičkoga ulomka pronađenoga na Majića gradini (Drinovci). Iako promatrani ulomak nema stratigrafsku potvrdu, zahvaljujući svojim, prije svega ornamentalnim obilježjima, predstavlja snažan i pouzdan kronoloÅ”ki reper brončanoga doba kulturne regije. Prvenstveno u toj činjenici se i krije njegova važnost.The Majic hillfort (k. 478) is located in Drinovci, the Municipality of Grude. According to documented basic field data, such as natural position, topography and preserved elements of architecture, the hillfort fits into the category of hillforts, which makes one of the more prominent forms of Bronze Age in the East Adriatic cultural region. During reconnaissance of a wide area of the Majic hillfort, in its northern part with isolated artificial plateau a variety of fragments of pottery vessels were found. Most of the collected fragments are atypical, without elements that would serve their accurate cultural and chronological attribution. But one fragment stands out above all by its ornamental characteristics, a vessel neck fragment decorated with impressed complex textile pattern. Its macroscopic analysis shows a decorating technique which includes impression of twisted double cords (newer version of decorating schnur technique). The motifs include a combination of corrugated and horizontally laid prints. In the observed cultural region, such decorations are closely related to Litzen technique of decoration. In the analysis of primarily ornamental features of the observed fragments we find its closest analogy to the Posusje culture, precisely its Sovici phase (the site known as a Triple hillfort). Chronologically, it refers to the second half of the Early and the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age (Reinecke: Br. A2 - Br. B1). Further evidence that favors the setting of a relative chronological frame was obtained in the exploration of multilayer sites Pod A2 and Varvara A3. Original basic Litzen decorating technique cannot be verified within the cultural space of the region. It is therefore assumed that it was brought from the north, i.e. from its indigenous space. As the most likely direction of the Litzen decoration spreading to the south is the north-south direction, while we currently do not have enough reliable data on the reconstruction of the mechanisms and the nature of the Litzen decoration spread, due to a find is without stratigraphic confirmation. Thanks to a priori its ornamental characteristics, the analyzed fragment is a strong and reliable chronological landmark in the observed cultural region

    Hillforts in the area of Imotski ā€“ bekija field

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    U radu su obrađeni različiti aspekti "gradinskog" načina života za ukupno 48 gradina s prostora Imotsko ā€“ bekijskog polja. S obzirom kako se radi o jednoj dosta "zatvorenoj" cjelini, sastavljenoj od zavale ā€“ polja, s pripadajućim pobrđima i zaravni koji čine njegov obod, a ujedno i položaje na kojima su gradine podizane. Imotsko ā€“ bekijsko polje čini posebno pogodan uzorak za analize glavnih aspekata života gradina u krajoliku. Iako su obrađene gradine neupitno bile određene samim svojstvima prirodnog (paleo)okoliÅ”a, izbor mjesta, njihove raznolike strukture (oblike, tipove) i funkcije, određivao je i oblikovao čovjek ā€“ kao tvorac kulturnog krajolika. Sukladno Å”irim kulturnim/prirodnim prapovijesnim prostorima, kao najpogodniji model za interpretaciju imotsko ā€“ bekijskih gradina pokazao se onaj koji uvažava njihov viÅ”eznačni karakter i viÅ”estrukost njihovih (istovremenih) funkcija, od praktičnih (strateÅ”kih, naseobinskih i gospodarskih) do simboličnih. Interpretacija "gradinskog" načina života pretpostavlja naglaske na analizi kategorije prostora (i vremena), njegovoj strukturiranosti i iskoristivosti na različitim razinama, od pojedinačne gradine do mreže gradinskih međuodnosa i sveukupnih komunikacija, no, uvijek u vremenski/kulturnom definiranom kontekstu. Međutim, iz same prostornosti ne može se iŔčitati točno vrijeme, relativno i apsolutno. To je pak glavni nedostatak pri interpretiranju imotsko ā€“ bekijskih gradina. Ipak, u konačnici, definiran je solidan interpretativni model oblikovanja kulturnog krajolika tijekom 3. ā€“ 1. tis. pr. Kr. i uklopljenosti gradina imotsko ā€“ bekijske mikroregije u Å”ire prostorne (komunikacijske) planove i kulturne prapovijesne sustave (cetinski, posuÅ”ki, delmatski), čime je ujedno stvorena osnova budućim arheoloÅ”kim istraživanjima imotsko ā€“ bekijskog, pa i Å”ireg prostora.The thesis presents the results of research on various aspects of living ā€“ system, regarding the 48 hillforts in Imotski ā€“ bekija field. The field is quite an enclosed space and therefore a suitable pattern for hillforts analysis. Although the paleoenvironment play an important role in hillforts living ā€“ system, their structures (forms and types) and functions is determined and shaped entirely by man, as the creator of the cultural landscape (culture). In accordance with wider european prehistoric areas, multilayered model proved to be most acceptable, recognizing their different functions, from practical (strategic, settlement and economic) to symbolic. Interpretation of hillfort, also puts emphasis on wider spatial analysis, but however, always in a chronologically defined context, which in this case is mostly missing. Despite this, a solid interpretive model was obtained. Using both, theoretical and practical processing of data, collected through the research, we got better insight into the processes that shaped the cultural landscape of imotski ā€“ bekija cultural microregion, and its embeddedness into wider spatial and communication networks and cultural systems from end of the third to end of the first millenium B.C