448 research outputs found

    North Dakota Economic-Demographic Assessment Model (NEDAM): Technical Description

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    This report describes the logic, structure, data bases, and operational procedures of the North Dakota model.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    An Experiment to Assess the Cost-Benefits of Code Inspections in Large Scale Software Development

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    We are conducting a long-term experiment (in progress) to compare the costs and benefits of several different software inspection methods. These methods are being applied by professional developers to a commercial software product they are currently writing. Because the laboratory for this experiment is a live development effort, we took special care to minimize cost and risk to the project, while maximizing our ability to gather useful data. This article has several goals: (1) to describe the experiment's design and show how we used simulation techniques to optimize it, (2) to present our preliminary results and discuss their implications for both software practitioners and researchers, and (3) to discuss how we expect to modify the experiment in order to reduce potential risks to the project. For each inspection we randomly assign 3 independent variables: (1) the number of reviewers on each inspection team (1, 2 or 4), (2) the number of teams inspecting the code unit (1 or 2), and (3) the requirement that defects be repaired between the first and second team's inspections. The reviewers for each inspection are randomly selected without replacement from a pool of 11 experienced software developers. The dependent variables for each inspection include inspection interval (elapsed time), total effort, and the defect detection rate. To date we have completed 34 of the planned 64 inspections. Our preliminary results challenge certain long-held beliefs about the most cost-effective ways to conduct inspections and raise some questions about the feasibility of recently proposed methods. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-14

    Gravitational Waves from the Dynamical Bar Instability in a Rapidly Rotating Star

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    A rapidly rotating, axisymmetric star can be dynamically unstable to an m=2 "bar" mode that transforms the star from a disk shape to an elongated bar. The fate of such a bar-shaped star is uncertain. Some previous numerical studies indicate that the bar is short lived, lasting for only a few bar-rotation periods, while other studies suggest that the bar is relatively long lived. This paper contains the results of a numerical simulation of a rapidly rotating gamma=5/3 fluid star. The simulation shows that the bar shape is long lived: once the bar is established, the star retains this shape for more than 10 bar-rotation periods, through the end of the simulation. The results are consistent with the conjecture that a star will retain its bar shape indefinitely on a dynamical time scale, as long as its rotation rate exceeds the threshold for secular bar instability. The results are described in terms of a low density neutron star, but can be scaled to represent, for example, a burned-out stellar core that is prevented from complete collapse by centrifugal forces. Estimates for the gravitational-wave signal indicate that a dynamically unstable neutron star in our galaxy can be detected easily by the first generation of ground based gravitational-wave detectors. The signal for an unstable neutron star in the Virgo cluster might be seen by the planned advanced detectors. The Newtonian/quadrupole approximation is used throughout this work.Comment: Expanded version to be published in Phys. Rev. D: 13 pages, REVTeX, 13 figures, 9 TeX input file

    The cost of cooking a meal. The case of Nyeri County, Kenya

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    Energy for cooking is considered essential in achieving modern energy access. Despite this, almost three billion people worldwide still use solid fuels to meet their cooking needs. To better support practitioners and policy-makers, this paper presents a new model for comparing cooking solutions and its key output metric: the 'levelized cost of cooking a meal' (LCCM). The model is applied to compare several cooking solutions in the case study area of Nyeri County in Kenya. The cooking access targets are connected to the International Workshop Agreement and Global Tracking Framework's tiers of cooking energy access. Results show how an increased energy access with improved firewood and charcoal cookstoves could reduce both household's LCCMs and the total costs compared to traditional firewood cooking over the modelling period. On the other hand, switching to cleaner cooking solutions, such as LPG- and electricity, would result in higher costs for the end-user highlighting that this transition is not straightforward. The paper also contextualizes the results into the wider socio-economic context. It finds that a tradeoff is present between minimizing costs for households and meeting household priorities, thus maximizing the potential benefits of clean cooking without dismissing the use of biomass altogether

    Evidence-based Languages for Conceptual Data Modelling Profiles

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    To improve database system quality as well as runtime use of conceptual models, many logic-based reconstructions of conceptual data modelling languages have been proposed in a myriad of logics. They each cover their features to a greater or lesser extent and are typically motivated from a logic viewpoint. This raises questions such as what would be an evidence-based common core and what is the optimal language profile for a conceptual modelling language family. Based on a common metamodel of UML Class Diagrams (v2.4.1), ER/EER, and ORM/2's static elements, a set of 101 conceptual models, and availing of computational complexity insights from Description Logics, we specify these profiles. There is no known DL language that matches exactly the features of those profiles and the common core is small (in the tractable ALNI\mathcal{ALNI}). Although hardly any inconsistencies can be derived with the profiles, it is promising for scalable runtime use of conceptual data models

    Long-range corrected DFT calculations of charge-transfer integrals in model metal-free phthalocyanine complexes

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    An assessment of several widely used exchange--correlation potentials in computing charge-transfer integrals is performed. In particular, we employ the recently proposed Coulomb-attenuated model which was proven by other authors to improve upon conventional functionals in the case of charge-transfer excitations. For further validation, two distinct approaches to compute the property in question are compared for a phthalocyanine dimer

    High mortality during tuberculosis treatment does not indicate long diagnostic delays in Vietnam: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Delay in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment initiation may increase disease severity and mortality. In evaluations of tuberculosis control programmes high fatality rates during tuberculosis treatment, are used as an indicator of long delays in low HIV-prevalence settings. However, data for this presumed association between delay and fatality are lacking. We assessed the association between diagnostic delay and mortality of new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Vietnam.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Follow-up of a patient cohort included in a survey of diagnostic delay in 70 randomly selected districts. Data on diagnosis and treatment were extracted from routine registers. Patients who had died during the course of treatment were compared to those with reported cure, completed treatment or failure (survivors).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Complete data were available for 1881/2093 (89.9%) patients, of whom 82 (4.4%) had died. Fatality was 4.5% for patients with ≤ 4 weeks delay, 5.0% for 5- ≤ 8 weeks delay (aOR 1.11, 95%CI 0.67–1.84) and 3.2% for > 9 weeks delay (aOR 0.69, 95%CI 0.37–1.30). Fatality tended to decline with increasing delay but this was not significant. Fatality was not associated with median diagnostic delay at district level (Spearman's rho = -0.08, P = 0.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Diagnostic delay is not associated with treatment mortality in Vietnam at individual nor district level, suggesting that high case fatality should not be used as an indicator of long diagnostic delay in national tuberculosis programmes.</p

    Can forest management based on natural disturbances maintain ecological resilience?

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    Given the increasingly global stresses on forests, many ecologists argue that managers must maintain ecological resilience: the capacity of ecosystems to absorb disturbances without undergoing fundamental change. In this review we ask: Can the emerging paradigm of natural-disturbance-based management (NDBM) maintain ecological resilience in managed forests? Applying resilience theory requires careful articulation of the ecosystem state under consideration, the disturbances and stresses that affect the persistence of possible alternative states, and the spatial and temporal scales of management relevance. Implementing NDBM while maintaining resilience means recognizing that (i) biodiversity is important for long-term ecosystem persistence, (ii) natural disturbances play a critical role as a generator of structural and compositional heterogeneity at multiple scales, and (iii) traditional management tends to produce forests more homogeneous than those disturbed naturally and increases the likelihood of unexpected catastrophic change by constraining variation of key environmental processes. NDBM may maintain resilience if silvicultural strategies retain the structures and processes that perpetuate desired states while reducing those that enhance resilience of undesirable states. Such strategies require an understanding of harvesting impacts on slow ecosystem processes, such as seed-bank or nutrient dynamics, which in the long term can lead to ecological surprises by altering the forest's capacity to reorganize after disturbance
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