17 research outputs found

    Der Einfluss freiwilliger und außerschulischer Sportaktivitäten auf die Entwicklung motorischer Fertigkeiten bei Grundschülern?

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    Izvannastavne aktivnosti u osnovnoj školi organiziraju se u svrhu zadovoljenja različitih potreba i interesa učenika i provode se u sedam različitih područja kojima pripada i tjelesno i zdravstveno područje. Izvanškolske sportske aktivnosti realiziraju se izvan škole, obično u sportskim klubovima. Njihov je cilj dodatni utjecaj na razvoj antropoloških obilježja učenika te stjecanje novih teorijskih i praktičnih znanja iz izborne aktivnosti (Caput Jogunica i Barić, 2015). Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utječu li dodatne izvannastavne sportske aktivnosti na razvoj motoričkih vještina djece u razrednoj nastavi. Na uzorku od 55 učenika i učenica 3. i 4. razreda primarnog obrazovanja, koji je podijeljen na dva subuzorka s obzirom na uključenost u sportske programe, primijenjen je mjerni instrument Bruininks-Oseretsky testa (2. izdanje), skraćena inačica, kojim su se procjenjivale motoričke vještine učenika. Rezultati su pokazali kako u većini varijabli nema značajnih razlika između skupina sudionika, ali učenici koji nisu uključeni u dodatne izvannastavne i izvanškolske sportske aktivnosti postižu bolje rezultate u jednoj manipulativnoj vještini (vođenje lopte; Z=2,68, p=0,01) te dvije grube motoričke vještine (sklekovi; Z=281, p=0,00; podizanje trupa Z 2,06, p=0,04).Extracurricular activities that take place in primary school are organised to satisfy different needs and interests of pupils and are implemented in seven different areas, including sports and health. Extramural sports activities take place outside the school, usually in sports clubs. Both types of activities aim to further influence the anthropological characteristics of the pupils and provide them with new theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of the chosen activity (Caput Jogunica und Barić, 2015). The aim of this study was to determine to what extent the additional extracurricular sports activities influence the development of motor skills of primary school children. We assessed the motor skills of the pupils on a sample of 55 pupils from the 3rd and 4th grade of primary school who were divided into two groups, depending on their participation in sports activities or lack thereof. The measuring instrument used was the Bruininks - Oseretsky Test (shortened version). The results have shown that there are no significant differences between the two groups. However, in one manipulative skill (Z=2.68, p=0.01) and in two gross motor skills (Z=281, p=0.00; Z 2.06, p=0.04) those students who did not participate in additional extracurricular or extramural sports activities achieved better results.Nicht obligatorische, also freiwillige Aktivitäten, die in der Grundschule außerhalb des Unterrichts stattfinden, werden zum Zwecke der Befriedigung unterschiedlicher Bedürfnisse und Interessen der Schüler organisiert und in sieben verschiedenen Bereichen durchgeführt, zu denen der Bereich Sport und Gesundheit gehört. Außerschulische Sportaktivitäten werden außerhalb der Schule, gewöhnlich in Sportvereinen ausgeübt. Beide Arten von Aktivitäten zielen darauf ab, die anthropologischen Eigenschaften der Schüler zusätzlich zu beeinflussen und ihnen neue theoretische und praktische Kenntnisse im Bereich der gewählten Aktivität zu vermitteln (Caput Jogunica und Barić, 2015). Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es festzustellen, inwiefern die zusätzlichen freiwilligen Sportaktivitäten die Entwicklung der motorischen Fertigkeiten von Grundschulkindern beeinflussen. Anhand einer Stichprobe von 55 Schülerinnen und Schülern der 3. und 4. Grundschulklasse, die in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt wurden – je nachdem, ob sie zusätzlich Sport treiben oder nicht – und des angewandten Messinstruments Bruininks – Oseretsky Test (verkürzte Version), wurden die motorischen Fertigkeiten der Schüler bewertet. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass es zwischen den Teilnehmergruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede gibt. In einer manipulativen Fertigkeit jedoch (Z=2,68, p=0,01) und in zwei grobmotorischen Fertigkeiten (Z=281, p=0,00; Z 2,06, p=0,04) erzielten diejenigen Schüler, die nicht an zusätzlichen freiwilligen und außerschulischen Sportaktivitäten teilnehmen, bessere Ergebnisse

    Motoričke vještine učenika s kohlearnim implantatom

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the development of motor skills in hearing-impaired pupils with cochlear implants (CI). Sixteen pupils with CIs, aged 12.37 years (SD 4.42), who attended regular educational programs, and seventeen hearing pupils, aged 12.64 years (SD 3.69), participated in the study using the Bruininks - Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. The results demonstrated that a very high percentage of pupils with CIs scored below the average range in all subtests. Even poorer results were between the observed groups found in the subtests assessing gross motor skills. The most significant differences were found in the subsets of upper limb coordination, bilateral coordination, and balance. It was noticed that hearing children performed significantly better than those with CIs.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razvoj motoričkih vještina kod učenika s kohlearnim implantatom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo šesnaestero djece s ugrađenim kohlearnim implantatom u dobi od 12.37 godina (SD 4.42), polaznika redovitog odgojno – obrazovnog sustava te 17-ero djece bez oštećenja sluha, u dobi od 12.64 godina (SD 3.69). Za procjenu razvijenosti motoričkih vještina korišten je Bruininks - Oseretsky test. Rezultati pokazuju da veliki postotak djece s kohlearnim implantatom postiže ispodprosječne rezultate u svim subtestovima, te da najslabije rezultate postižu u subtestovima grubih motoričkih vještina.Najznačnije statistički značajne razlike među promatranim skupinama utvrđene su u subtestovima za procjenu kordinacije gornjih ekstremiteta, bilateralne koordinacije i ravnoteže. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da djeca bez oštećenja sluha postižu statistički značajno bolje rezultate u testovima za procjenu motoričkih vještina od djece s kohlearnim implantatom

    Differences in biological age of the best U11 and U13 teams in Croatia

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    It is well known that among the individuals who are chronologically at the same age there are individuals who develop below the average as well as those above the average. The data on the level of biological development, are very important for the young athletes in sports. The aim of this research was to determine differences in biological age between male soccer players in the category U11 and U13 of the two best Croatian teams in the year 2011. The estimate for biological age was conducted by a validated questionnaire developed by the authors from the United Kingdom. Gender-specific, pubertal development self-assessment questionnaires were used photographs of the Tanner standards. For all participants anthropometrical characteristics (height, weight and BMI) were determined. For all samples descriptive parameters were calculated and Mann- Whitney U test was used to determine differences. Statistically significant differences weren’t determined in morphological variables. Statistically significant differences were determined only in U11 category in Tanner 1. side standards (U=27,50; p=0.00), and in 2. side (U=41,50; p=0,01) but not in the U13 category (p=0.40). Statistically significant differences were determined in U11 category and maybe at this age that was a factor who had a significant impact on the final result of the championship

    Stavovi razrednih učitelja o poteškoćama u provedbi nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture

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    The aim of this research was to assess the views of classroom teachers about the difficulties in the implementation of physical education and their suggestions for changes. Research was conducted on a sample of 201 primary school teachers from the Osijek-Baranja County in the Republic of Croatia. Two questionnaires were created for this purpose. The first one contained 12 items and was used to assess the views of classroom teachers on the working conditions and their competences as possible causes of difficulties in the implementation of teaching physical education in primary school. The second questionnaire contained 8 items and it assessed desirable changes in working conditions and teacher competences. Basic descriptive parameters (mean, modal value and standard deviation) and percentages were analysed. A connection was determined between the items of each questionnaire using the Pearson correlation coefficient with a level of statistical significance of p=0.05. Research results indicate diverse views of classroom teachers who are mostly influenced by their level of professional education and sports experience. Teachers believe that the poor material conditions and the low social status of this subject are the greatest difficulties in assessing working conditions. Their kinesiology competences are the reason for the most pronounced difficulties in working with children with health conditions and the teachers’ fear of the students’ injuries in class. Complicated ways of programming and assessment are additional difficulties. The status of classroom teachers, which is not at a satisfactory level, poor material conditions at schools and an unsatisfactory social status of physical education are not adequate incentives for teachers to improve the teaching quality and achieve optimal effects in the educational field. Teachers proposed improving the material, working conditions and ensuring daily physical activity for students at school. Furthermore, they proposed quality basic training for teachers and professional seminars with more kinesiology topics which would enhance their competences, change attitudes towards the subject, and increase the teachers’ motivation for a successful implementation of physical education.Cilj rada bio je procijeniti stavove razrednih učitelja o poteškoćama u provedbi nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture i prijedloge za promjene. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 201 učitelja razredne nastave Osječko-baranjske županije Republike Hrvatske. Konstruirana su dva upitnika. Prvi je s 12 čestica procijenio stavove razrednih učitelja o uvjetima rada i njihovim kompetencijama kao mogućim uzrocima poteškoća u provedbi nastave Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Drugim su upitnikom s 8 čestica procijenjene poželjne promjene u uvjetima rada i kompetencijama učitelja. Analizirani su osnovni deskriptivni parametri (aritmetička sredina, modalne vrijednosti i standardna devijacija) i postotci odgovora. Utvrđena je povezanost između čestica svakog upitnika s pomoću Pearsonova koeficijenta korelacije uz razinu statističke značajnosti od p=0,05. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na raznolike stavove razrednih učitelja koji su najviše uvjetovani razinama njihova stručnoga obrazovanja i sportskog iskustva. Učitelji smatraju da su loši materijalni uvjeti i nizak društveni status predmeta najveće poteškoće u procjeni uvjeta rada. Njihove kineziološke kompetencije razlog su poteškoćama najviše izraženim u radu s djecom oštećena zdravlja i strahu od ozljeđivanja učenika na nastavi. Dodatne su poteškoće složeni način programiranja i vrednovanja u predmetu. Status razrednih učitelja koji nije na zadovoljavajućoj razini, slabiji materijalni uvjeti u školama i nezadovoljavajući društveni status predmeta TZK nisu adekvatan poticaj učiteljima za poboljšanje kvalitete provedbe nastave i postizanje optimalnih efekata u tom odgojno-obrazovnom području. Učitelji predlažu poboljšanje materijalnih uvjeta rada i osiguranje svakodnevne tjelesne aktivnosti učenika u školi. Nadalje, predlažu kvalitetniju temeljnu izobrazbu učitelja i stručne seminare s više kinezioloških tema kako bi se poboljšale njihove kompetencije, promijenili stavovi prema predmetu te povećala motivacija učitelja za uspješniju provedbu nastave Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture

    Physical activity of children during regular stay in a preschool institution

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    Tjelesna aktivnost u razdoblju djetinjstva i adolescencije vrlo je važan čimbenik javnozdravstvenog aspekta. Smanjena tjelesna aktivnost djece i posljedice takvog sedentarnog načina života danas predstavljaju globalni javnozdravstveni problem. Prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji tjelesna aktivnost definira se kao svaki pokret tijela koji izvode skeletni mišići a zahtjeva potrošnju energije iznad razine mirovanja. Na ukupnom uzorku 24 djece (10 djevojčica i 14 dječaka) predškolske dobi, prosječne starosti 6,5 godina (SD = 0,41) pedometrom je mjerena tjelesna aktivnost kroz registraciju broja koraka u razdoblju od 8,30 do 11,00 sati s ciljem utvrđivanja dnevne tjelesne aktivnosti djece predškolske dobi tijekom boravka u vrtiću u razdoblju od tjedan dana. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazali su kako su djeca u predškolskoj ustanovi aktivna u skladu s dosadašnjim istraživanjima i naprave između 2280 i 5460 koraka u danu, ovisno o dnevnom programu. Također se uočilo kako nema spolnih razlika u aktivnosti između dječaka i djevojčica u broju koraka (U = 188,00; Z = -0,311, p = 0,755), a Friedman ANOVA-om su se utvrdile razlike između pojedinih dana u tjednu (χ2 = 14,90; p = 0,004). Rezultati ukazuju kako je djecu ipak potrebno dodatno poticati na tjelesnu aktivnost, jer sam boravak u predškolskoj ustanovi nije dovoljan za optimalnu tjelesnu aktivnost.Physical activity in the period of childhood and adolescence is an important factor from the public health point of view. Reduced physical activity of children and consequences of such a sedentary lifestyle represent today both a global and a public health problem. According to the World Health Organization, physical activity is defined as any bodily movement that is performed by skeletal muscles, and which requires energy expenditure above the level of inaction. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the daily physical activity of preschool children during their stay in kindergarten for a period of one week. A pedometer was used on the total sample of 24 preschool children (10 girls and 14 boys) with an average age of 6.5 years (SD = 0.41) to measure their physical activity through the registered number of steps in the period between 8.30 and 11.00 a.m. The results of this research show that children in a preschool institution are active in accordance with current research and perform between 2,290 and 5,460 steps in a day, depending on the daily program. We also noticed that there were no gender differences in activity between boys and girls in the number of steps (U = 188.00; Z = -0.311, p = 0.755), and the Friedman ANOVA established differences between individual days of the week (χ2 = 14, 90, p = 0.004). The results indicate that children still need to be further encouraged to exercise because the stay in a preschool institution alone is not sufficient for optimal physical activity


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    The aim of the study was to determine the growth rate, nutritional status, as well as possible differences between children from different demographic areas in Slavonia. The sample consisted of 801 children (407 boys and 394 girls) from grades 1 to 4 in several primary schools in Slavonia. The sample was divided into two subsamples urban/rural, which were thereafter classified within each subsample according to gender. A sample of variables consisted of two anthropometric recordings of body height and body weight, after which a body mass index – BMI was calculated. The basic descriptive parameters were calculated and the t-test was used for determining the difference between the observed variables. A two-factor multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) tested the significance of differences between the two subsamples. No significant differences were observed between anthropometric characteristics of children from urban and rural areas. There is a noticeable trend of steady growth in body height and body weight for both genders. BMI also shows a negative trend of increase for both genders, and there are also more children who are at risk of obesity during the first four grades. Significant differences were observed only between genders in grades 1 and 2 in which boys are more dominant in body height and body weight. Systematic monitoring of anthropological characteristics should be an integral part of children’s growth and development in order to ensure timely and adequate precaution measures and prevent negative health effects.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi tempo rasta, stupanj uhranjenosti kao i moguće razlike djece različitih demografskih područja u slavoniji. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 801 djece (407 učenika i 394 učenica) 1. do 4. razreda osnovnih škola u Slavoniji, a uzorak varijabli činile su antropometrijske dvije mjere tjelesna visina i tjelesna masa, te je izračunat indeks tjelesne mase - BMI. Izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni parametri, za utvrđivanje razlika u promatranim varijablama između korišten je t-test, a dvofaktorskom multivarijatnom analizom varijance (manova) testirala se značajnost razlika između dva subuzoraka. Uočeno je kako nema značajne razlike u promatranim antropometrijskim karakteristikama između djece urbanih i ruralnih sredina. Kod oba spola je primjetan ravnomjeran trend prirasta u tjelesnoj visini i tjelesnoj masi. Vrijednosti BMI također pokazuju negativan trend porasta kod oba spola, kao i povećanje broja djece koja se nalaze u zoni rizika od pretilosti, tijekom prva četiri razreda. Značajne razlike primjećene su samo između spolova u 1 i 2 razredu pri čemu su dječaci dominantniji u tjelesnoj visini i tjelesnoj masi.Sustavno praćenje antropoloških obilježja trebalo bi biti neizostavno tijekom rasta i razvoja djece kako bi se pravovremenim i adekvatnim pristupom preventivno djelovalo na organizam i sprječile negativne posljedice na zdravlj


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    Osnovni je cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi percepcije učenika osmih razreda prema predmetu Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura u osnovnoj školi. Uzorak ispitanika obuhvatio je 314 učenika (154 učenika i 160 učenica) osmih razreda osnovnih škola u Osijeku, Hrvatska. Sastavljen je instrument – upitnik zadovoljavajuće pouzdan koji je s dvanaest čestica procijenio percepcije predmeta u obilježjima: zanimljivost,razumljivost, težina, korisnost za sadašnji život, važnost za budući život te omiljenost predmeta. U obradi se koristila deskriptivna statistika, faktorska analiza, analiza varijance ANOVA te post hoc analiza. Rezultati pokazuju kako većina učenika voli predmet zato što je lak, zanimljiv, razumljiv i koristan za njihov sadašnji život. Na nastavi se osjećaju sigurnima i zadatke obavljaju s lakoćom. Trećina učenika ne prepoznaje vrijednost predmeta za budućnost, koji im i nije najomiljeniji, ne žele ga više od dva puta tjedno, i na nastavi se pretjerano ne trude. Faktorskom je analizom dobivena jedna dimenzija definirana kao omiljenost predmeta. Dobivena je dimenzija poslužila kao varijabla pomoću koje su utvrđene razlike u percepcijama učenika podijeljenih u kategorije kriterijskih varijabli. Utvrđene su razlike u percepcijama učenika. Izrazito pozitivna mišljenja imaju dječaci te učenici koji su tjelesno aktivniji. Slabija je omiljenost dobivena kod djevojčica te kod učenika čiji su omiljeni predmeti matematika i strani jezik.The research aimed to explore the primary students\u27 perception of Physical Education (P.E.). The sample consisted of 314 students (154 boys and 160 girls) in the eighth grade of primary schools in Osijek, Croatia. A questionnaire containing twelve items was designed for this purpose. The items referred to the subject as being interesting, comprehensible, difficult, useful for life now, useful for life in the future and popular. The obtained data was analysed by the use of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, ANOVA and post hoc analysis. Results suggest that the majority of students find P. E. to be easy, interesting, comprehensible and useful for their life now. They feel safe during the classes and easily complete their tasks. One third of students do not recognise its usefulness for their life in the future, it is not their favourite subject, they would not like to have it more than twice a week, and they do not put much effort in it. The factor analysis reduced items to one dimension defined as popularity of the subject. It served as a variable used to determine the differences in students\u27 perception based on independent variables. Very positive attitudes are found in boys and students that are more physically active. Students that do not like P.E. as much are girls and students whose favourite subjects are Maths and foreign language.Das Hauptziel dieser Studie war die Bestimmung der Wahrnehmung von Achtklässlern zum Sportunterricht in der Grundschule. Die Stichprobe umfasste 314 Schüler (154 Schüler und 160 Schülerinnen) der achten Klasse der Grundschulen in Osijek, Kroatien. Es wurde ein Instrument -Fragebogen mit zufrieden stellender Verlässlichkeit konstruiert, der mit zwölf Elementen die Wahrnehmung des Schulfaches in Merkmalen einschätzte: das Interesse, die Verständnis, die Schwierigkeit, die Nützlichkeit für das gegenwärtige Leben, die Wichtigkeit für das zukünftige Leben und die Beliebtheit des Schulfaches. Bei der Datenbearbeitung wurde die deskriptiven Statistik, die Faktorenanalyse, die Varianzanalyse ANOVA und die post-hoc-Analyse verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die meisten Studenten das Schulfach mögen, weil es einfach, interessant, verständlich und nützlich für ihr gegenwärtiges Leben ist. Sie fühlen sich im Unterricht sicher und bewältigen die Aufgaben mit Leichtigkeit. Ein Drittel der Schüler erkennt die Wichtigkeit des Schulfaches für die Zukunft nicht, das aber auch nicht zu ihren Beliebtesten zählt, sie wollen es nicht mehr als zweimal pro Woche, und sie bemühen sich im Unterricht nicht besonders. Mit Hilfe der Faktorenanalyse wurde eine Dimension erhalten, die als Beliebtheit des Schulfaches definiert wurde. Die erhaltene Dimension diente als Variable mit deren Hilfe die Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung der Schüler bestimmt wurden, und die in Kategorien von Kriterien-Variablen aufgeteilt wurden. Es gab Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung der Schüler. Eine extrem positive Einstellung haben Jungen und Schüler, die körperlich aktiver sind. Bei den Mädchen und den Schülern, deren Lieblingsfächer Mathematik und Fremdsprache sind, war der Sportunterricht weniger beliebt


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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati percepcije učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole prema predmetu Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura. Uzorak ispitanika obuhvatio je 331 učenika (174 učenika i 157 učenica) četvrtih razreda osnovnih škola iz Osijeka. Konstruiran je upitnik zadovoljavajuće pouzdanosti (Cronbach α = 0.82) koji je sadržavao jedanaest čestica kojim su se istražila obilježja predmeta: zanimljivost, težina, razumljivost, korisnost i omiljenost. Dodatni se skup od šest varijabli odnosio na kategorijalne varijable (spol, opći uspjeh, ocjena iz tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u četvrtom razredu, slobodna dnevna tjelesna aktivnost, tjedni broj održanih sati nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture te omiljenost nastavnih predmeta). One su poslužile i kao kriteriji za procjenu razlika u percepcijama učenika prema predmetu. U obradi podataka koristili su se deskriptivna statistika, frekvencije i postotci odgovora na Likertovoj skali, faktorska analiza i univarijatna analiza varijance ANOVA za utvrđivanje razlika u procjenama učenika. Rezultati ukazuju kako učenici visokim ocjenama vrjednuju tjelesnu i zdravstvenu kulturu (AS = 4.1do 4.8). Omiljen im je, zanimljiv, razumljiv, koristan i lak predmet. Većini učenika jedna je od tri najomiljenija školska predmeta. Faktorskom analizom dobivena je latentna dimenzija definirana kao omiljenost predmeta. Razlike u procjenama omiljenosti značajne su s obzirom na spol, ocjenu iz predmeta te najomiljeniji nastavni predmet. Predmet je omiljeniji dječacima; učenicima koji su u predmetu postigli izvrsnu ocjenu i koji su ga procijenili jednim od tri svoja najdraža predmeta.The research aimed to explore how the fourth-graders perceive Physical Education (P.E.). The sample consisted of 331 students (174 boys and 157 girls) in the fourth grade of primary schools in Osijek. For this purpose, a questionnaire containing eleven items was designed (Cronbach α = 0.82). The items referred to the subject as being interesting, difficult, comprehensible, useful and popular. There were additional six independent variables (gender, average grade in all subjects, average grade in P.E. in the fourth grade, daily physical activity, number of P.E. classes per week and favourite subjects). These were also used as criteria for finding differences in students’ perception. The obtained data was analysed by the use of descriptive statistics, frequencies and percentages of the answers marked on a Likert scale, factor analysis and ANOVA. The results show that students perceive P.E. in a positive manner (AS = 4.1. to 4.8). It is their favourite subject, it is interesting, comprehensible, useful and easy. For most students, it is in the top three school subjects. The factor analysis has yielded a dimension named popularity of the subject. There are significant differences in popularity of the subject based on the gender, average grade in P.E. and favourite subjects. More boys find it to be their favourite subject than girls. Also, students who have excellent grades in P.E. and students who stated that P. E. is among their three favourite subjects have more positive perception of Physical Education.Das Hauptziel dieser Studie war die Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung von Viertklässlern zum Sportunterricht. Die Stichprobe umfasste 331 Schüler (174 Schüler und 157 Schülerinnen) der vierten Klasse der Grundschulen in Osijek. Es wurde ein Fragebogen mit zufrieden stellender Verlässlichkeit konstruiert (Cronbach α = 0,82), der elf Punkte erhielt, mit dem die Eigenschaften der Elemente untersucht wurden: das Interesse, die Schwierigkeit, das Verständnis, die Nützlichkeit und die Beliebtheit. Eine zusätzliche Gruppe mit sechs Variablen bezog sich auf kategoriale Variablen (das Geschlecht, der Gesamterfolg, die Note aus dem Sportunterricht in der vierten Klasse, die freie tägliche körperliche Aktivität, wöchentliche Anzahl der Sportstunden und die Beliebtheit der Schulfächer). Sie dienten auch als Kriterien für die Einschätzung der Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung der Schüler gegenüber dem Schulfach. Bei der Datenverarbeitung wurde die deskriptive Statistik, die Frequenz und die Prozentsätze der Antworten auf der Likert-Skala verwendet, weiter die Faktorenanalyse und die univariate Varianzanalyse ANOVA für die Bestimmung der Unterschiede bei der Einschätzung der Schüler. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Schüler dem Sportunterricht hohe Noten vergeben (AS 4,1 bis 4,8). Der Sportunterricht ist beliebt, interessant, verständlich, nützlich und einfach. Die meisten Schüler zählen ihn zu einem der drei beliebtesten Schulfächer. Mit Hilfe der Faktorenanalyse wurde eine latente Dimension erhalten, die als Beliebtheit des Schulfaches definiert wurde. Die Unterschiede bei den Einschätzungen der Beliebtheit bezüglich des Geschlechts, Noten aus dem Schulfach und des Lieblingsfaches sind erheblich. Das Schulfach ist beliebt bei den Jungen; bei Schülern, die in diesem Fach ausgezeichnete Noten haben; und bei denjenigen, die ihn zu einem der drei beliebtesten Schulfächer gezählt haben

    Die Auswirkung der Morgengymnastik bei Vorschulkindern auf die Veränderungen von motorischen und funktionalen Fähigkeiten

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    Jutarnja tjelovježba ima vrlo pozitivan utjecaj na psihofizički status predškolske djece te podiže raspoloženje i unosi vedro ozračje. Ona bi se na osnovi postojeće zakonske regulative trebala provoditi u svim vrtićima, no dosadašnja istraživanja potvrđuju da je tjelesno vježbanje nedovoljno prisutno u hrvatskim vrtićima. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja jutarnje tjelovježbe na promjene motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti djece. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 42 ispitanika prosječne dobi od 5 godina. Eksperimentalnu skupinu činilo je 23 djece, a kontrolnu skupinu 19 djece. Primijenjen je skup mjernih instrumenata za procjenu pet motoričkih i jedne funkcionalne sposobnosti. Eksperimentalna skupina provodila je jutarnju tjelesnu aktivnost u trajanju od 10 minuta tijekom tri mjeseca, dok kontrolna skupina nije imala takav oblik aktivnosti. Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajan napredak u pojedinim varijablama motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti nakon tri mjeseca kod obje skupine ispitanika. Iako u nominalnim vrijednostima, eksperimentalna skupina postiže nešto više rezultate, ipak pri tome nema statistički značajne razlike između skupina. Analiza dobivenih rezultata navodi na zaključak da je potrebno produžiti period provođenje programa na duži rok, minimalno devet mjeseci kao i uspoređivati grupe nakon provođenja programa u kontinuitetu (3-4 godine). Postignuti rezultati sugeriraju da se osim antropoloških obilježja u daljnjim istraživanjima jutarnje tjelovježbe prate i neki drugi parametri poput dječje motivacije, navika te promjena u prehrani.Morning physical exercise has a very positive impact on the physical and mental status of preschool children and brings positive atmosphere. According to the existing legislation it should be implemented in all kindergartens, but previous research suggests that physical exercise is not sufficiently present in Croatian kindergartens. Therefore, the aim of the paper was to analyse the impact of morning exercise on changes in a child\u27s motor and functional abilities. The research was conducted with 42 children, with average age of 5 years. The experimental group consisted of 23 and the control group of 19 children. The system of 6 variables was applied, with five of them relating to motor abilities and one variable to functional abilities. The measurement results were analysed in the standard statistical procedure and three hypotheses have been proposed. It is evident that the experimental group achieved better results in the final measurements than the control group. Therefore, the first hypothesis can be partially accepted, because the motor skills of children who participated in the program were improved. The second hypothesis assumed improvement in functional abilities, but was rejected because there was no statistically significant difference between the experimental and control group. The third hypothesis was also rejected because it was assumed that the program would produce significant differences between the groups in motor and functional abilities, which did not happen. At the beginning of the research it was assumed that the program would produce greater differences, but the analysis of the results suggests that it is necessary to keep the program going for a longer period (at least nine months), and implement the program in continuity (3-4 years). The results of this study can serve as a basis for further (longitudinal) research. Results also imply that apart from anthropological characteristics some other parameters, such as children\u27s motivation, habits and changes in appetite should be monitored in future research.Die Morgengymnastik hat einen sehr positiven Einfluss auf den physischen und psychischen Zustand von Kindern im Vorschulalter, wirkt erhebend und führt zu einer heiteren Atmosphäre. Aufgrund der bestehenden Rechtsvorschriften sollte die Morgengymnastik in allen Kindergärten umgesetzt werden, aber nach bisheriger Forschung ist sie nicht ausreichend in kroatischen Kindergärten vorhanden. Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen der Morgengymnastik auf die Veränderungen der motorischen und funktionellen Fähigkeiten von Kindern zu bestimmen. Die Studie wurde an einer Stichprobe von 42 Untersuchenden durchgeführt, im Durchschnittsalter von 5 Jahren. Die experimentelle Gruppe bestand aus 23 Kindern und die Kontrollgruppe aus 19 Kindern. Es wurde eine Reihe von Messgeräten für die Beurteilung von fünf motorischen Fähigkeiten und einer Funktionsfähigkeit angewandt. Die experimentelle Gruppe führte ihre 10-minütige Morgengymnastik drei Monate lang durch, während sich die Kontrollgruppe nicht mit der gleichen Art von Aktivität beschäftigte. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine statistisch signifikante Verbesserung bei einzelnen Variablen von motorischen und Funktionsfähigkeiten nach drei Monaten für beide Gruppen. Obwohl in nominalen Werten die experimentelle Gruppe eine höhere Punktzahl erzielte, gab es keinen statistisch signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den beiden Gruppen. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse führt zu dem Schluss, dass es notwendig ist, den Zeitraum der Programmdurchführung auf längere Sicht zu verlängern, mindestens auf neun Monate, und die Gruppen nach der Implementierung des Programms in Kontinuität (3-4 Jahre) zu vergleichen. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass man in zukünftiger Forschung der Morgengymnastik zusätzlich zu den anthropologischen Merkmalen auch einige andere Parameter, wie die Motivation des Kindes, Gewohnheiten und Veränderungen in der Ernährung beobachten sollte

    Učestalost deformiteta stopala u djece mlađe školske dobi u Slavoniji

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    The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of foot deformity in urban children, as well as possible generational and gender differences using graphic and angular methods. The sample of study subjects included 426 1st to 4th grade schoolchildren (7 to 10 years of age). Out of the total number of schoolchildren, 181 children (88 boys and 93 girls) were measured in 2005, and 244 children (122 boys and 123 girls) in 2011. The results indicated that the largest number of children had no noticeable foot deformity, flat foot in particular. Likewise, there were no gender differences in the occurrence of flat foot and no statistically significant differences in the incidence between the children measured in 2005 and 2011. Due to the problems that foot deformities could cause, it is necessary to continue monitoring foot arches of young schoolchildren in order to intervene on time and prevent the occurrence of deformities by appropriate therapeutic procedures.Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti pojavu deformacije stopala djece u urbanoj sredini, kao i moguće razlike prema dobi i spolu primjenom grafičke i kutne metode za mjerenje deformacije stopala. Uzorak ispitanika obuhvatio je 426 djece 1. do 4. razreda, od čega je 181 (88 dječaka i 93 djevojčice) ispitano u 2005. godini, a 244 djece (122 dječaka i 123 djevojčice) u 2011. godini. Rezultati su pokazali da najveći broj djece nije imao vidljive deformacija stopala, osobito spušteno stopalo. Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike u visini lukova stopala između dječaka i djevojčica niti između dvije godine mjerenja. Zbog ozbiljnih medicinskih problema koje mogu uzrokovati deformacije stopala kao što je spušteno stopalo potrebno je kontinuirano mjeriti lukove stopala djece mlađe školske dobi kako bi se pravodobno moglo intervenirati i spriječiti nastanak deformacija odgovarajućim terapeutskim postupcima