306 research outputs found

    The Crisis Impact on the Labour Market

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the impact of the current global economic crisis on the labour market, including the risk that the recession will be followed by a jobless recovery that contributes to a lost generation of young people in the workforce. The crisis affects different sectors in different ways, but the impact also varies according to age, gender, skills level and type of contract. Although it had a more significant effect on the private sector of the economy, the crisis’s impact on the broader public sector is also obvious. Migrants, both legal and illegal, are particularly vulnerable during crises because they are typically not being provided the same level of employment protection as native workers and hence they are the first to lose their jobs during an economic downturn.economic crisis, unemployment, young workers, migrant

    Anti-crisis Politics Assumed by Some Governs from Euro Area

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    Many governments from euro area continue to adopt the EU reglementations and policies anti crisis. Members of governments and parliaments of the euro area try to maintain liquidity in the economic system at this fragile moment of transition between crisis and growth and to develop exit strategies for winding down stimulus programmers once recovery has firmly taken root and to adopt medium-term measures to restore budgetary level. In this work are presented some of the most significant anti-crisis measures taken by some governments in the euro area. A comparative analysis for some representative countries from the euro area has been done in order to conclude that some anti-crisis measures had the desired effect, while others have side effects that required further actions

    Immediate implant placement in posterior sides of the mandible

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    Introduction. Due to the development and progress of oral implantology and its methods, the early implant-prosthetic rehabilitation became a primary objective of the specialists. Thus, the immediate implant placement comes with certain benefits in the posterior areas, due to decreasing the terms of rehabilitation and number of surgeries. However, anatomical features do not allow placing an implant into a fresh extraction socket in a desirable position in all cases. Case presentation. The evaluation of immediate implant placement in lower molar region using drilling through the roots. The study focused on a clinical case of immediate implant placement in the region of first lower molar. After clinical and paraclinical evaluation of the patient, the presence of the tooth with total crown lesion was determined, which did not allow rehabilitation by restorative techniques. CBCT analysis reflected the presence of a septum of insufficient size to allow the implant site preparation within its limit. The drilling process was performed through the furcation in order to avoid the slipping of the drills into one of the mesial or distal sockets, and the extraction of the roots was performed after it. In this way, the roots played the role of drilling guide. After the insertion of the implant and socket grafting, its position was radiologically evaluated in relation to the initially established plan. Discussion. The procedure for using interradicular drilling consisted of the following stages: infiltrative anesthesia, removal of softened dentin remnants from the tooth surface, separation of roots, antiseptic treatment with Chlorhexidine 0.05%, drilling according to the protocol recommended by the manufacturer through the root separation area, the deep probe evaluation of the socket, syndesmotomy and roots extraction, the curettage of the apical regions and the antiseptic processing, insertion of the implant with the hand-piece at 30 RPM and the verification of its positioning, implant stability appreciation using Periotest device. Due to an insertion force greater than 30 Ncm, the application of the healing abutment does not present risks for the integration of the implant and also presents a mechanical protective barrier of the peri-implant space. X-ray evaluation relieved an implantation in accordance with the established initial plan. Conclusion. In some clinical situations, the drilling of the implant site before root extraction can be considered a good option to achieve a desired implant position between mesial and distal sockets, especially when the septum has a reduced dimension

    Effect of Lingonberry Extracts on Blood Pressure and Myocardium in Paracetamol Intoxication

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    The 15 days of treatment with paracetamol, lingonberry dried extract or hidroalcoholic extract, alone or combined had following effects: blood pressure increases following administration of paracetamol and decreases under treatment with lingonberry extract, more obvious to 3: 1 lingonberry dried extract. Administration of Paracetamol, lingonberry extracts used simple or in combination with Paracetamol does not affect the myocardium histological structure. Histoenzimological there is a slight decrease of SDH activity in the groups P and PLd and an increase in Lha group. CyOx activity is increased in Lha and Ld group.The dried lingonberry extract has no apparent action on the myocardium instead has antihypertensive properties more obvious than the lingonberry alcoholic extract

    Hepatoprotective Phytopreparats in the Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Farmacognozie şi Botanică farmaceutică USMF “N. Testemiţanu” Centrul de Cultivare a Plantelor Medicinale USMF “N. Testemiţanu”Hepatitis is a problem for the Republic of Moldova and the assessment of medicinal plants that improves the function of liver it is important from two points of view: social – medical and enomical. According to the World Health Organization, two milliards of people have been infected with hepatitis B virus, 350 milion became chronic carriers, and with high risk of infection with hepatitis D virus, about 170 million are infected with hepatitis C virus and more than 10 million with hepatitis D virus. Despite the fact of hepatitis infection decrease noticed in the country , the hepatitis morbidity index overwhelms a lot the indices in other countries. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the List of Authorized Medicines in the Republic of Moldova (vegetal products, medicinal species, phytodrugs used for their hepatoprotective effects), to assess these medicines according to their producer, the legal estate with medical prescription release or without (OTC, Rx) and their presence in pharmacies. The assessment of Authorized Medicines List in the Republic of Moldova shows that from 6386 recorded medicaments, 175 are hepatoprotective: vegetal products – 36, medicinal species – 62, single species phytodrugs – 37 and multicomponent phytodrugs– 40. Problema hepatitelor ramâne a fi stringentă pentru Republica Moldova şi prin urmare necesitatea evaluarii plantelor medicinale din flora Republicii Moldova cu acţiune hepatoprotectoare este incontestabilă, atât din punct de vedere medico – social, cât şi economic. Conform estimărilor Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii, doua miliarde de personae au fost în contact cu virusul hepatitei B, dintre care 350 milioane au devenit purtători cronici şi, potenţial, au risc înalt de infectare cu virusul hepatitei D, circa 170 milioane sunt infectaţi cu virusul hepatitei C şi mai mult de 10 milioane – cu virusul hepatitei D. În pofida diminuării în ţară, indicele morbidităţii cu hepatită depăşeşte cu mult indicii altor ţări. Scopul cercetărilor întreprinse a fost evaluarea Nomenclatorului de Stat al Medicamentelor din Republica Moldova (produse vegetale, specii medicinale, fitopreparate hepatoprotectoare), estimarea acestor produse după producători, statutul legal de eliberare cu prescripţie medicală sau fără (OTC, Rx) şi prezenţa lor în farmacii. Reevaluarea fitopreparatelor cu acţiune hepatoprotectoare după Nomenclatorul de Stat al Medicamentelor Republicii Moldova denotă că din 6386 de medicamente înregistrate, 175 sunt hepatoprotectoare, dintre care: produse vegetale – 36; specii medicinale – 62; fitopreparate monocomponente – 37 şi fitopreparate multecomponente – 40. Cuvinte cheie: hepatite, incidenţă, Nomenclatorul de Stat al Medicamentelor Republicii Moldova, produse vegetale, specii medicinale, fitopreparate, hepatoprotectoare

    Social Responsibility and Environmental Issues Addressed by Businesses in Romania

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    This article aims to analyze the situation of Romanian companies from an environmental point of view. Environmental issues are addressed very often nowadays, and they reach and affect every domain, including the economical one. Implementing an environmental management system will not only help the companies to comply with laws and regulations, but, above all, will offer them an important competitive advantage

    Tourist Demand for Romania Over the Last Three Decades

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    This paper shows the fluctuations of tourist demand for the destination Romania over the last three decades (1990-2022) and explains their complex economic, social and political causes. Tourism was probably the economic sector most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, tourism has quickly picked up after lifting the restrictions of the pandemic period. The significant increase of tourism demand in recent times is the effect of implementing coherent action plans, coordinated nationally and supported by certain government measures to encourage the tourism industry, such as the investments in tourism infrastructure and in Romanian destinations’ marketing and promotion. Tourism will contribute significantly to Romania’s economic growth and development. The focus will be on the quality and diversity of tourist offer for the incoming visitors. Given the current conditions, generated by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, a doubling of foreign tourist arrivals and an increase in the average length of their stay are expected for the next 10 years

    The World Electricity Production and the Current Global Energy Crisis in Brief

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    This paper shows that the fossil fuels still account for over 60% of total global electricity generation and highlights how the current global energy crisis has placed electricity security and affordability high on the political agenda, favouring renewable solutions. The global energy landscape has changed radically since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Countries around the world have faced rising prices that have hit consumers hard, all against a geopolitical backdrop with energy security at its center and the world's dependence on fossil fuel consumption often supplied by only a few major producers. An accelerated transition to low-carbon energy sources such as renewable and nuclear sources is therefore necessary. In Europe, the ripple effects of the war were acutely felt due to the historical dependence on Russian gas imports. The risk of shortages has been and continues to be avoided through greater efforts to improve energy efficiency, deploy renewables, install heat pumps, promote energy savings and increase gas supplies

    The Effects of Vitamins on Micropropagation of Desiree and Mozart Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

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    An attempt was done to achieve a micropropagation protocol by determining the most optimal types and concentrations of vitamins including thiamine (B1), nicotinic acid (B3), pyridoxine (B6) and folic acid to induce shoot formation and rooting in vitro, as replacement vitamins in the culture medium. The four vitamins were included in the medium at two concentrations and the control treatment without vitamins. The highest number of shoots per explant (2.50 shoots/ explant) was achieved from the addition of 0.3 mgl-1thiamin to Desiree cultivar grown on MS medium. Whereas, the highest mean length of shoots was recorded in the case of adding nicotinic acid at 3.0 mgl-1 to Mozart cultivar grown on MS medium. The highest number of leaves 10.50 leaves/ explant) was obtained from Mozart cultivar grown on a medium enriched with 0.6 mgl-1 pyridoxine. The highest number of roots (7.00 roots/ explant) was achieved from the control treatment from Desiree potato cultivar. The longest roots (12.50 cm) were produced by Desiree potato cultivar grown on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mgl-1 thiamin. Mozart potato cultivar performed better than Desiree cultivar in concern to mean length of shoots, number of leaves, number of roots and mean length of roots. No significant differences were found between the both cultivars in concern to the number of shoots and roots

    Case Report of a Hidden Intruder—Extremely Rare Presentation of Hydatidosis as a Nuchal Tumoural Mass

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    Introduction: The parasitic tapeworm impersonated by the larvae of Echinococcus granulosus represents the aetiology of the hydatid pathology. The predilect site of invasion is the liver, but there are other cases of different localization all over the body, regardless of the type of invaded tissue. Soft tissue hydatidosis can be a real challenge for the clinician in terms of the diagnosis, and it might generate various complications such as anaphylactic shock. The aim of the present work is to illustrate a unique case of primary hydatidosis located in the nuchal region.Case Report: We report the case of a 68-year-old male patient, a zootechnic, who presented at the hospital with a tumoural mass (dimension: about 12/10 cm) located in the nuchal region. The complex approach needed consisted of surgical therapy along with histopathological confirmation of the diagnostic and antiparasitic medication, which led to a complete recovery with a low probability of recurrence.Discussion: Encounters with patients with primary soft tissue hydatidosis are exceptionally rare, but the surgeon must take into consideration this clinical diagnosis, especially for patients located in an endemic region with occupations that might have exposed the patient to this type of parasite