24 research outputs found

    Part dimensional errors in free upsetting due to the elastic springback

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    Pojava elastičnog vraćanja materijala radnog predmeta prisutna je u svim procesima plastičnog deformiranja metala. Ovaj faktor prepoznat je kao jedan od glavnih čimbenika dimenzijske (ne)točnosti. Stoga, da bi se proizveli dijelovi sukladno zahtjevima koji se odnose na njihovu geometriju ovaj fenomen se mora dobro razumjeti i uzeti u obzir prilikom projektiranja alata i procesa deformiranja. Nažalost, znanje vezano za ovaj fenomen je ograničeno te stoga predviđanje i proračun iznosa elastičnog vraćanja ponekad predstavlja vrlo težak zadatak. U ovom članku predstavljeno je opće analitičko rješenje za izračun elastičnog vraćanja. Izvedene analitičke jednadžbe mogu se primijeniti za različite procese oblikovanja pod uvjetom da su vrijednosti glavnih naprezanja na samom kraju procesa deformiranja poznate. Koristeći ovaj pristup izračunate su elastične deformacije i amplituda elastičnog vraćanja radnog komada kod procesa slobodnog prešanja cilindrične gredice. Dobiveni rezultati provjereni su pomoću MKE analize.Elastic springback of workpiece material which occurs in any forming process has been recognized as one of most relevant factors regarding part dimensional accuracy. Therefore, in order to manufacture component in accordance with the geometrical specifications engineers must have a good understanding of this phenomenon and take it into account during the design tool and forming process. Unfortunately, this knowledge is often insufficient and therefore the prediction of elastic springback is sometimes a very tough task. The paper presents a general approach for the calculation of elastic recovery. Given analytical equations can be applied for different forming processes under the condition that values of the principal stresses at the very end of forming process are known. By using this approach elastic strains and amplitude of elastic springback of workpiece in case of free upsetting of cylindrical billet were calculated. Obtained results were verified by FEM analysis

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded AlMg4.5Mn Alloy

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    A comprehensive research of Friction Stir Welding of 4 mm thick sheet aluminium alloy (AlMg4.5Mn) for forming was done. A vast variety of process parameters was tested according to the plan of experiments at constant 2° tilt angle. Specially designed tensile test specimens were sectioned perpendicularly to the welding direction. The microstructure was prepared for the observation on a light microscope under the polarized light source. Vickers micro-hardness was measured. The results show the influence of FSW process parameters on the formation of the microstructure and mechanical properties

    Emerging trends in single point incremental sheet forming of lightweight metals

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    Lightweight materials, such as titanium alloys, magnesium alloys, and aluminium alloys, are characterised by unusual combinations of high strength, corrosion resistance, and low weight. However, some of the grades of these alloys exhibit poor formability at room temperature, which limits their application in sheet metal-forming processes. Lightweight materials are used extensively in the automobile and aerospace industries, leading to increasing demands for advanced forming technologies. This article presents a brief overview of state-of-the-art methods of incremental sheet forming (ISF) for lightweight materials with a special emphasis on the research published in 2015–2021. First, a review of the incremental forming method is provided. Next, the effect of the process conditions (i.e., forming tool, forming path, forming parameters) on the surface finish of drawpieces, geometric accuracy, and process formability of the sheet metals in conventional ISF and thermally-assisted ISF variants are considered. Special attention is given to a review of the effects of contact conditions between the tool and sheet metal on material deformation. The previous publications related to emerging incremental forming technologies, i.e., laser-assisted ISF, water jet ISF, electrically-assisted ISF and ultrasonic-assisted ISF, are also reviewed. The paper seeks to guide and inspire researchers by identifying the current development trends of the valuable contributions made in the field of SPIF of lightweight metallic materials

    Upsetting Analysis of High-Strength Tubular Specimens with the Taguchi Method

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    In order to obtain input data for numerical simulations of tube forming, the material properties of tubes need to be determined. A tube tensile test can only be used to measure yield stress and ultimate tensile stress. For tubes with a large diameter/thickness ratio (D/t), tensile specimens are cut out and processed in a similar way as with sheet metal. However, for thin tubes with a diameter/thickness ratio below 10, the tensile specimens could not be cut out. The flow curve of the analyzed tube with a small diameter and D/t ratio of 7 was determined with a ring-shaped specimen. The experimental force-travel diagram was acquired. A reverse-engineering method was used to determine flow curves by numerical simulations. Using an L25 orthogonal array of the Taguchi method different flow curve parameters and friction coefficient combinations were selected. Tube upsetting with determined parameter combinations was performed with the finite element method. With analysis of variance influential equations among selected input parameters were determined for the force levels at six upsetting states. With the evaluation of known friction coefficients and flow curve parameters, K, n, and ε0 according to the Swift approximation were determined and proved by the final shape of the workpiece

    Altering the elastic properties of 3D printed poly-lactic acid (PLA) parts by compressive cyclic loading

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    In designing high-performance, lightweight components, cellular structures are one of the approaches to be considered. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of the infill line distance of 3D printed circular samples on their compressive elastic behavior. Lightweight cellular poly-lactic acid (PLA) samples with a triangular infill pattern were exposed to cyclic compressive loading and their stiffness was investigated. PLA is one of the most commonly used thermoplastic materials in additive manufacturing using the fused filament fabrication (FFF) process. Cylindrical samples with a diameter of 11.42 mm and a height of 10 mm were printed using FFF technology with two different infill line distances (1.6 mm and 2.4 mm). Comparing the nominal compressive stress-nominal strain curves under cyclic loading showed that the first cycle response was significantly different with respect to the subsequent ones. Furthermore, an analysis of the dependence of the modulus of elasticity on the effects of cyclic loading was performed. It was found that through elastic deformation, and combined elastic and plastic deformation, the samples’ properties such as stiffness could be altered

    Computer-Assisted Design of Sheet Metal Component Formed from Stainless Steel

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    The development of the product from stainless steel, which is produced for the client in large series, is presented. Technological optimisation was mainly focussed on the design of the deep drawing process in a single operation, which proved to be technologically unstable and therefore unfeasible for the prescribed shape of the product. Testing of prototype products showed unacceptable wrinkling due to the cone-shaped geometry of the workpiece. For this purpose, the research work was oriented towards technological optimisation of forming operations and set-up of proper phase plan in order to eliminate the wrinkling of the material. Testing of several different materials of the same quality was performed to determine the appropriate input parameters used for digital analyses. The analyses were focussed towards the set-up of optimal forming process and appropriate geometry of the corresponding tool, which allowed deep drawing of the workpiece without tearing and/or wrinkling of the material. Performed analyses of the forming process in the digital environment were tested with experiments, which showed a good correlation between the results of both development concepts

    Upsetting Analysis of High-Strength Tubular Specimens with the Taguchi Method

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    In order to obtain input data for numerical simulations of tube forming, the material properties of tubes need to be determined. A tube tensile test can only be used to measure yield stress and ultimate tensile stress. For tubes with a large diameter/thickness ratio (D/t), tensile specimens are cut out and processed in a similar way as with sheet metal. However, for thin tubes with a diameter/thickness ratio below 10, the tensile specimens could not be cut out. The flow curve of the analyzed tube with a small diameter and D/t ratio of 7 was determined with a ring-shaped specimen. The experimental force-travel diagram was acquired. A reverse-engineering method was used to determine flow curves by numerical simulations. Using an L25 orthogonal array of the Taguchi method different flow curve parameters and friction coefficient combinations were selected. Tube upsetting with determined parameter combinations was performed with the finite element method. With analysis of variance influential equations among selected input parameters were determined for the force levels at six upsetting states. With the evaluation of known friction coefficients and flow curve parameters, K, n, and ε0 according to the Swift approximation were determined and proved by the final shape of the workpiece

    Characterisation of out-of-plane shear behaviour of anisotropic sheet materials based on indentation plastometry

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    This paper presents a new methodology for characterising the out-of-plane plastic anisotropy behaviour of sheet metal, based on indentation testing. Conventionally, advanced yield criteria are used to describe plastic anisotropy, requiring multiple in-plane mechanical tests (such as uniaxial and biaxial tests) to calibrate a model. However, in certain forming applications (e.g. blanking, ironing and incremental forming), the influence of mechanical behaviour through thickness cannot be ignored, necessitating the characterisation of out-of-plane material behaviour. To do this, a 3D plastic anisotropy model must be used and calibrated for the out-of-plane shear parameters, which can be difficult to determine. Researchers often assume an isotropic case or equal shear parameters for in-plane and out-of-plane behaviour. More advanced calibrations involve the crystal plasticity model. In this work, we propose a two-stage calibration procedure. In the first stage, we calibrate the in-plane parameters of the YLD2004-18p yield function conventionally. In the second stage, after fixing the in-plane parameters, we determine the remaining out-of-plane shear parameters based on the results of the ball indentation test. We show for the first time that out-of-plane shear parameters can be determined from a macro-mechanical test for a 2.42 mm thick cold-rolled AA5754-H22 series aluminium sheet

    Numerical investigation of the cycling loading behavior of 3D-Printed poly-lactic acid (PLA) cylindrical lightweight samples during compression testing

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    The additive technologies widely used in recent years provide enormous flexibility in the production of cellular structures. Material extrusion (MEX) technology has become very popular due to the increasing availability of relatively inexpensive desktop 3D printers and the capability of fabricating parts with complex geometries. Poly-lactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable and commonly applied thermoplastic material in additive manufacturing (AM). In this study, using a simulation method based on the user subroutine titled “user subroutine to redefine field variables at a material point” (USDFLD) in the finite element method (FEM) ABAQUS software, the elastic stiffness (ES) of a cylindrical lightweight cellular PLA sample with a 2.4 mm infill line distance (ILD), which was designed as a layered structure similar to the laboratory mode with a MEX method and was subjected to cyclic compressive loading, was investigated by considering the variation of the Young’s modulus depending on the variation of the equivalent plastic strain (PEEQ). It was observed that the PLA sample’s elastic stiffness increases during cyclic loading. This increase is high in the initial cycles and less in the subsequent cycles. It was also observed that the simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results

    Upsetting analysis of high-strength tubular specimens with the Taguchi method

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    In order to obtain input data for numerical simulations of tube forming, the material properties of tubes need to be determined. A tube tensile test can only be used to measure yield stress and ultimate tensile stress. For tubes with a large diameter/thickness ratio (D/t), tensile specimens are cut out and processed in a similar way as with sheet metal. However, for thin tubes with a diameter/thickness ratio below 10, the tensile specimens could not be cut out. The flow curve of the analyzed tube with a small diameter and D/t ratio of 7 was determined with a ring-shaped specimen. The experimental force-travel diagram was acquired. A reverse-engineering method was used to determine flow curves by numerical simulations. Using an L25_{25} orthogonal array of the Taguchi method different flow curve parameters and friction coefficient combinations were selected. Tube upsetting with determined parameter combinations was performed with the finite element method. With analysis of variance influential equations among selected input parameters were determined for the force levels at six upsetting states. With the evaluation of known friction coefficients and flow curve parameters, K, n, and ε0_0 according to the Swift approximation were determined and proved by the final shape of the workpiece