240 research outputs found

    Quantum freeze of fidelity decay for chaotic dynamics

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    We show that the mechanism of quantum freeze of fidelity decay for perturbations with zero time-average, recently discovered for a specific case of integrable dynamics [New J. Phys. 5 (2003) 109], can be generalized to arbitrary quantum dynamics. We work out explicitly the case of chaotic classical counterpart, for which we find semi-classical expressions for the value and the range of the plateau of fidelity. After the plateau ends, we find explicit expressions for the asymptotic decay, which can be exponential or Gaussian depending on the ratio of the Heisenberg time to the decay time. Arbitrary initial states can be considered, e.g. we discuss coherent states and random states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 ps figures ; v2 corrected mistake in formula for t_

    Markovian kinetic equation approach to electron transport through quantum dot coupled to superconducting leads

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    We present a derivation of Markovian master equation for the out of equilibrium quantum dot connected to two superconducting reservoirs, which are described by the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonians and have the chemical potentials, the temperatures, and the complex order parameters as the relevant quantities. We consider a specific example in which the quantum dot is represented by the Anderson impurity model and study the transport properties, proximity effect and Andreev bound states in equilibrium and far from equilibrium setups.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Statistical Properties of Strain and Rotation Tensors in Geodetic Network

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    This article deals with the characteristics of deformation of a body or a figure represented by discrete points of geodetic network. In each point of geodetic network kinematic quantities are considered normal strain, shear strain, and rotation. They are computed from strain and rotation tensors represented by displacement gradient matrix on the basis of known point displacement vector. Deformation analysis requires the appropriate treatment of kinematic quantities. Thus statistical properties of each quantity in a single point of geodetic network have to be known. Empirical results have shown that statistical properties are strongly related to the orientation in single point and local geometry of the geodetic network. Based on the known probability distribution of kinematic quantities the confidence areas for each quantity in a certain point can be defined. Based on this we can carry out appropriate statistical testing and decide whether the deformation of network in each point is statistically significant or not. On the other hand, we are able to ascertain the quality of the geometry of the geodetic network. The known characteristics of the probability distributions of two strain parameters and rotation in each point can serve as useful tools in the procedures of optimizing the geometry of the geodetic networks

    Is efficiency of classical simulations of quantum dynamics related to integrability?

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    Efficiency of time-evolution of quantum observables, and thermal states of quenched hamiltonians, is studied using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method in a family of generic quantum spin chains which undergo a transition from integrable to non-integrable - quantum chaotic case as control parameters are varied. Quantum states (observables) are represented in terms of matrix-product-operators with rank D_\epsilon(t), such that evolution of a long chain is accurate within fidelity error \epsilon up to time t. We find that rank generally increases exponentially, D_\epsilon(t) \propto \exp(const t), unless the system is integrable in which case we find polynomial increase.Comment: 4 pages; v2. added paragraph discussing pure state

    High order non-unitary split-step decomposition of unitary operators

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    We propose a high order numerical decomposition of exponentials of hermitean operators in terms of a product of exponentials of simple terms, following an idea which has been pioneered by M. Suzuki, however implementing it for complex coefficients. We outline a convenient fourth order formula which can be written compactly for arbitrary number of noncommuting terms in the Hamiltonian and which is superiour to the optimal formula with real coefficients, both in complexity and accuracy. We show asymptotic stability of our method for sufficiently small time step and demonstrate its efficiency and accuracy in different numerical models.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures (5 eps files) Submitted to J. of Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Detecting entanglement of random states with an entanglement witness

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    The entanglement content of high-dimensional random pure states is almost maximal, nevertheless, we show that, due to the complexity of such states, the detection of their entanglement using witness operators is rather difficult. We discuss the case of unknown random states, and the case of known random states for which we can optimize the entanglement witness. Moreover, we show that coarse graining, modeled by considering mixtures of m random states instead of pure ones, leads to a decay in the entanglement detection probability exponential with m. Our results also allow to explain the emergence of classicality in coarse grained quantum chaotic dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; minor typos correcte

    Loschmidt echoes in two-body random matrix ensembles

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    Fidelity decay is studied for quantum many-body systems with a dominant independent particle Hamiltonian resulting e.g. from a mean field theory with a weak two-body interaction. The diagonal terms of the interaction are included in the unperturbed Hamiltonian, while the off-diagonal terms constitute the perturbation that distorts the echo. We give the linear response solution for this problem in a random matrix framework. While the ensemble average shows no surprising behavior, we find that the typical ensemble member as represented by the median displays a very slow fidelity decay known as ``freeze''. Numerical calculations confirm this result and show, that the ground state even on average displays the freeze. This may contribute to explanation of the ``unreasonable'' success of mean field theories.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures (6 eps files), RevTex; v2: slight modifications following referees' suggestion

    Time evolution of a quantum many-body system: transition from integrability to ergodicity in thermodynamic limit

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    Numerical evidence is given for non-ergodic (non-mixing) behavior, exhibiting ideal transport, of a simple non-integrable many-body quantum system in the thermodynamic limit, namely kicked tVt-V model of spinless fermions on a ring. However, for sufficiently large kick parameters tt and VV we recover quantum ergodicity, and normal transport, which can be described by random matrix theory.Comment: 4 pages in RevTex (6 figures in PostScript included

    The triangle map: a model of quantum chaos

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    We study an area preserving parabolic map which emerges from the Poincar\' e map of a billiard particle inside an elongated triangle. We provide numerical evidence that the motion is ergodic and mixing. Moreover, when considered on the cylinder, the motion appear to follow a gaussian diffusive process.Comment: 4 pages in RevTeX with 4 figures (in 6 eps-files