119 research outputs found

    Complex responses to movement-based disease control: when livestock trading helps

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    Livestock disease controls are often linked to movements between farms, for example, via quarantine and pre- or post-movement testing. Designing effective controls, therefore, benefits from accurate assessment of herd-to-herd transmission. Household models of human infections make use of R*, the number of groups infected by an initial infected group, which is a metapopulation level analogue of the basic reproduction number R0 that provides a better characterization of disease spread in a metapopulation. However, existing approaches to calculate R* do not account for individual movements between locations which means we lack suitable tools for livestock systems. We address this gap using next-generation matrix approaches to capture movements explicitly and introduce novel tools to calculate R* in any populations coupled by individual movements. We show that depletion of infectives in the source group, which hastens its recovery, is a phenomenon with important implications for design and efficacy of movement-based controls. Underpinning our results is the observation that R* peaks at intermediate livestock movement rates. Consequently, under movement-based controls, infection could be controlled at high movement rates but persist at intermediate rates. Thus, once control schemes are present in a livestock system, a reduction in movements can counterintuitively lead to increased disease prevalence. We illustrate our results using four important livestock diseases (bovine viral diarrhoea, bovine herpes virus, Johne's disease and Escherichia coli O157) that each persist across different movement rate ranges with the consequence that a change in livestock movements could help control one disease, but exacerbate another

    Application of small RNA technology for improved control of parasitic helminths

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    Over the last decade microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) have emerged as important regulators of post-transcriptional gene expression. miRNAs are short, non-coding RNAs that regulate a variety of processes including cancer, organ development and immune function. This class of small RNAs bind with partial complementarity to their target mRNA sequences, most often in the 3′UTR, to negatively regulate gene expression. In parasitic helminths, miRNAs are being increasingly studied for their potential roles in development and host-parasite interactions. The availability of genome data, combined with small RNA sequencing, has paved the way to profile miRNAs expressed at particular developmental stages for many parasitic helminths. While some miRNAs are conserved across species, others appear to be unique to specific parasites, suggesting important roles in adaptation and survival in the host environment. Some miRNAs are released from parasites, in exosomes or in protein complexes, and the potential effects of these on host immune function are being increasingly studied. In addition, release of miRNAs from schistosome and filarial parasites into host plasma can be exploited for the development of specific and sensitive diagnostic biomarkers of infection. Interfering with miRNA function, as well as silencing key components of the pathways they regulate, will progress our understanding of parasite development and provide a novel approach to therapeutic control. RNA interference (RNAi) by siRNAs has proven to be inconsistent in parasitic nematodes. However, the recent successes reported for schistosome and liver fluke RNAi, encourage further efforts to enhance delivery of RNA and improve in vitro culture systems and assays to monitor phenotypic effects in nematodes. These improvements are important for the establishment of reliable functional genomic platforms for novel drug and vaccine development. In this review we focus on the important roles of miRNAs and siRNAs in post-transcriptional gene regulation in veterinary parasitic helminths and the potential value of these in parasite diagnosis and control

    Conservation of a microRNA cluster in parasitic nematodes and profiling of miRNAs in excretory-secretory products and microvesicles of Haemonchus contortus

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    microRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that are important regulators of gene expression in a range of animals, including nematodes. We have analysed a cluster of four miRNAs from the pathogenic nematode species Haemonchus contortus that are closely linked in the genome. We find that the cluster is conserved only in clade V parasitic nematodes and in some ascarids, but not in other clade III species nor in clade V free-living nematodes. Members of the cluster are present in parasite excretory-secretory products and can be detected in the abomasum and draining lymph nodes of infected sheep, indicating their release in vitro and in vivo. As observed for other parasitic nematodes, H. contortus adult worms release extracellular vesicles (EV). Small RNA libraries were prepared from vesicle-enriched and vesicle-depleted supernatants from both adult worms and L4 stage larvae. Comparison of the miRNA species in the different fractions indicated that specific miRNAs are packaged within vesicles, while others are more abundant in vesicle-depleted supernatant. Hierarchical clustering analysis indicated that the gut is the likely source of vesicle-associated miRNAs in the L4 stage, but not in the adult worm. These findings add to the growing body of work demonstrating that miRNAs released from parasitic helminths may play an important role in host-parasite interactions

    Correlations of milk and serum element concentrations with production and management traits in dairy cows

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research, including the Langhill experiment at Crichton Dairy Research Centre, and all authors were funded by the Scottish Government Rural Affairs, Food, and the Environment Strategic Research Portfolio 2016–2021. Samples collected before 2016 were collected as part of a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council project awarded to EW (grant no. BB/K002260/1) and TNM (grant no. BB/K002171/1). The authors gratefully acknowledge the high standard of work by all staff at Crichton Farm (Scotland's Rural College, Dumfries, Scotland) in the collection of samples and management of animals, and Ian Archibald (Scotland's Rural College, Edinburgh, Scotland) for managing the Langhill database and assisting with data extraction. The authors have not stated any conflicts of interest.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Genetic profile of adaptive immune traits and relationships with parasite resistance and productivity in Scottish Blackface sheep

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) parasites cause significant production losses in grazing ruminants which can be mitigated by breeding animals resistant to disease. Lymphocyte cytokine production and parasite-specific Immunoglobulin A (IgA) are adaptive immune traits associated with immunity to GI parasites. To explore the utility of these traits for selective breeding purposes, this study estimated the genetic parameters of the immune traits in sheep and assessed their relationship with disease and productivity traits. Whole blood stimulation assays were performed on 1 040 Scottish Blackface lambs at two months of age in 2016–2017. Blood was stimulated with either pokeweed mitogen (PWM), a non-specific activator of lymphocytes, and Teladorsagia circumcincta (T-ci) larval antigen to activate parasite-specific T lymphocytes. The type of adaptive immune response was determined by quantifying production of cytokines interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin (IL)-4, and IL-10, which relate to T-helper type (Th) 1, Th2 and regulatory T cell responses, respectively. Serum T-ci specific IgA was also quantified. Heritabilities were estimated for each immune trait by univariate analyses. Genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated between different immune traits, and between immune traits vs. disease and productivity traits that were recorded at three months of age. Disease phenotypes were expressed as faecal egg counts (FEC) of nematode parasites (Strongyles and Nematodirus), faecal oocyst counts (FOC) of coccidian parasites, and faecal soiling score; production was measured as lamb live weight. Significant genetic variation was observed in all immune response traits. Heritabilities of cytokine production varied from low (0.14 ± 0.06) to very high (0.77 ± 0.09) and were always significantly greater than zero (P < 0.05). IgA heritability was found to be moderate (0.41 ± 0.09). Negative associations previously identified between IFN-γ production and FOC, and IL-4 production and strongyle FEC, were not evident in this study, potentially due to the time-lag between immune and parasitology measures. Instead, a positive genetic correlation was found between FOC and PWM-induced IFN-γ production, while a negative genetic correlation was found between FOC and T-ci induced IL-10. Live weight was negatively genetically correlated with IFN-γ responses. Overall, IFN-γ and IL-4 responses were positively correlated, providing little evidence of cross-regulation of Th1 and Th2 immunity within individual sheep. Furthermore, T-ci specific IgA was highly positively correlated with PWM-induced IL-10, indicating a possible role for this cytokine in IgA production. Our results suggest that while genetic selection for adaptive immune response traits is possible and may be beneficial for parasite control, selection of high IFN-γ responsiveness may negatively affect productivity

    A novel technique for retrospective genetic analysis of the response to vaccination or infection using cell-free DNA from archived sheep serum and plasma

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    Genetic variation is associated with differences in disease resistance and susceptibility among individuals within a population. To date, molecular genetic analyses of host responses have relied on extraction of genomic DNA from whole blood or tissue samples. However, such samples are not routinely collected during large-scale field studies. We demonstrate that cell-free genomic DNA (cfDNA) may be extracted and amplified from archived plasma samples, allowing retrospective analysis of host genetic diversity. This technique was also applicable to archived serum samples up to 35 years old and to different ruminant species. As proof of concept, we used this cfDNA approach to genotype the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB1 locus of 224 Merino sheep which had participated in field trials of a commercial Haemonchus contortus vaccine, Barbervax®, in Australia. This identified a total of 51 different DRB1 alleles and their relative frequencies. This is the first study to examine host MHC diversity using DNA extracted from archived plasma samples, an approach that may be applied to retrospective analyses of genetic diversity and responses to vaccination or infection across different species and populations

    How many cows do I need? Sample size calculations for testing co-infection using existing study data

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    Background There is little empirical research on the co-infection of Fasciola hepatica and Escherichia coli O157 in cattle. E. coli is controlled in the gut by a Type 1 immune response, whereas F. hepatica is known to suppress these immune responses and induce an anti-inflammatory environment in the host. We evaluate the statistical feasibility of re-testing isolates from a planned UK Food Standards Agency study on E. coli prevalence for F. hepatica presence, in order to establish whether there is an association. Methods We simulate synthetic datasets representing the proposed FSA sampling strategy. Sample sizes within farms and F. hepatica infections are simulated using Beta-Binomial distributions. E. coli infections are simulated using a logistic random-intercepts model under an alternative hypothesis that the odds ratio of E. coli presence is double when F. hepatica is present, with farm- and isolate-level prevalence rates constrained to current estimates. Statistical power is calculated by fitting models to each of the simulated datasets assuming a type I error rate of 5%. Owing to the E. coli status being known in advance of the F. hepatica test, we restrict the sampling strategy to only test farms with >0% an

    The effect of Psoroptes ovis infestation on ovine epidermal barrier function

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    Sheep scab is an intensively pruritic, exudative and allergic dermatitis of sheep caused by the ectoparasitic mite Psoroptes ovis. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of P. ovis infestation on different components of the ovine epidermal barrier within the first 24 hours post-infestation (hpi). To achieve this, the expression of epidermal differentiation complex (EDC) genes and epidermal barrier proteins, the nature and severity of epidermal pathology and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were evaluated. By 1 hpi a significant dermal polymorphonuclear infiltrate and a significant increase in TEWL with maximal mean TEWL (598.67 g/m(2)h) were observed. Epidermal pathology involving intra-epidermal pustulation, loss of epidermal architecture and damage to the basement membrane was seen by 3 hpi. Filaggrin and loricrin protein levels in the stratum corneum declined significantly in the first 24 hpi and qPCR validation confirmed the decrease in expression of the key EDC genes involucrin, filaggrin and loricrin observed by microarray analysis, with 5.8-fold, 4.5-fold and 80-fold decreases, respectively by 24 hpi. The present study has demonstrated that early P. ovis infestation disrupts the ovine epidermal barrier causing significant alterations in the expression of critical barrier components, epidermal pathology, and TEWL. Many of these features have also been documented in human and canine atopic dermatitis suggesting that sheep scab may provide a model for the elucidation of events occurring in the early phases of atopic sensitisation