8 research outputs found

    Appendices for Yusah et al (2018)

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    R code for analysis of within and between tree co-occurrence of ant species and data to be used with this analysis

    Changes in the focus of research on oil palm between 1970 and 2006 [7].

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    <p>Results are plotted as (A) total number of publications and (B) percentage of publications.</p

    Oil yield from top eight crops in 2005 [2] in relation to total number of publications on each crop.

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    <p>Publication frequency between 1970 and 2006 was assessed using Web of Science <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0001572#pone.0001572-Web1" target="_blank">[7]</a>.</p

    Species-level detection rates for termite DNA in ant guts.

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    <p>Only ant species with >5 individuals presented here, with the exception of known termite predators in the genera <i>Hypoponera</i>, and <i>Odontomachus</i>.</p><p>*Ant species for which multiple cryptic molecular clades were present, but for which no morphological correlates were found. Since not all ant individuals were sequenced, the morphological identifications for these species were retained.</p><p>Species-level detection rates for termite DNA in ant guts.</p

    Bipartite hypogeic (below soil-surface) food web visualising ant predation on termites in rain forest in Gabon.

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    <p>For termites (lower level), abbreviations are as follows. Ano = <i>Anoplotermes</i> group; Mac = Macrotermitinae; Ter = Termitinae; Rhi = Rhinotermitidae. For ants, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0122533#pone.0122533.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for full genus names. Even with this small dataset there are three species of ants that prey on more than one termite species, and two termite species that are preyed on by multiple ant species. Note that <i>Pheidole</i> sp 8 is included here, although it was not included in statistical analyses, since we tested fewer than six ant individuals for this species.</p

    Maximum likelihood phylogeny of termites consumed by ants based on COII sequences.

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    <p>Phylogeny rooted to Rhinotermitidae. Node values give bootstrap support. Scale bar represents substitutions per site based on the GTR+I+G model.</p

    Ant assemblage species richness and PIE

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    This data file includes details of species richness and PIE from pitfall-trapped ant assemblages across the globe. The data includes the following information for 1128 assemblages: Locality_ID - A unique code for each locality; Source - Details of reference source for each dataset; Cluster - Geographic cluster used as a random factor in analyses; Latitude - Latitude provided by authors; Longitude - Longitude provided by authors; Mean annual temperature - Derived from WorldClim; Total annual precipitation - Derived from WorldClim; Temperature range - Derived from WorldClim; Disturbance - Disturbance described by authors; Hemisphere - Derived from Latitude; Continent - Continent provided by authors; Pitfall days - Number of pitfalls multiplied by trapping days; Transect length - Distance from first to last trap in transect; Species richness - Total number of species collected; PIE - Probability of Interspecific Encounter, a measure of species evenness. Further details are provided in the paper