18 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies contribute to platelet activation in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Correlations between platelet activation and markers of inflammation. Correlation between percentage P-selectin expression in all patients (a) and patients with ACPA > 1000 AU/ml (b). Correlation between sCD40L in all patients (c) and patients with ACPA > 1000 AU/ml (d). Correlation between percentage P-selectin expression and RF-IgM in all patients (e) and patients with RF-IgM > 50 IU/ml (f). Correlation between TNF-ÃŽÄ… and P-selectin expression in all patients (g). Correlation between PAF and P-selectin expression in all patients (h). Each symbol represents a plasma sample. (PDF 67 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Mast cell depletion in the preclinical phase of collagen-induced arthritis reduces clinical outcome by lowering the inflammatory cytokine profile

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    Study outline of performed arthritis experiments in RMB-DBA/1 mice. (A) Mast cell depletion in clinical phase of CIA. (B) Collagen antibody-induced arthritis in mast cell-depleted RMB-DBA/1 mice. (C) Mast cell depletion in preclinical phase. (DT diphtheria toxin, CFA complete Freund’s adjuvant, CII collagen type II, IFA incomplete Freund’s adjuvant). (TIF 6909 kb

    Enterprise knowledge portals: next-generation portal solutions for dynamic information access, better decision making, and maximum results

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    Correlation of anti-CarP antibody and ACPA IgM, IgA, and IgG subclasses and RF-IgM with anti-CarP antibody and ACPA IgM in IgG double-positive RA. ELISAs were performed to detect anti-CarP antibody and ACPA isotypes and IgG subclasses in sera of 114 RA patients. Levels of anti-CarP antibodies and ACPAs were plotted against each other, each IgG subclass and isotype separately (A–F). As internal control anti-CarP IgM and ACPA IgM were plotted against RF-IgM (G, H). Spearman Rank tests were performed to investigate correlations. HC; healthy controls, RA; rheumatoid arthritis, ACPA; anti-citrullinated protein antibodies, anti-CarP antibody; anti-carbamylated protein antibody, RF; rheumatoid factor, AU/ml; arbitrary units per millilitre. (TIF 42723 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Mast cell depletion in the preclinical phase of collagen-induced arthritis reduces clinical outcome by lowering the inflammatory cytokine profile

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    DT treatment in wild-type control animals. (A) Progression of CIA was monitored by clinical scoring of C57Bl/6-DBA/1 mice injected with either PBS or DT. (B) Serum levels of IL-6, IL-17, IFN-γ and IL-10 were quantified in serum of PBS and DT-treated C57Bl/6-DBA/1 mice. (C) FACS analysis of the blood compartment for peripheral leukocytes in PBS- and DT-treated C57Bl/6-DBA/1 mice. (D) Cytokine release of splenocytes from PBS- or DT-injected C57Bl/6-DBA/1 mice after restimulation with either αCD3/28 or collagen type II, or unstimulated medium control (n = 15/group). (E) Splenocytes from PBS- and DT-injected C57Bl/6-DBA/1 mice were stained intracellularly for IL-17 after stimulation with anti-CD3/28 (n = 15/group). Splenocytes from PBS- and DT-injected C57Bl/6-DBA/1 mice were stained intracellularly for FoxP3. (** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.001) All graphs n = 15/group). (TIF 7185 kb

    Additional file 1: of Baseline autoantibody profile in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with early treatment response but not long-term outcomes

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    Figure S1. Agreement between previously determined antibody status and remeasurement by ELISA. Figure S2. Overlap of isotypes and antibodies at baseline. Figure S3. DAS over first year of treatment. Figure S4. Initial change in DAS and DFR outcomes within patients positive for individual antibodies. Figure S5. Association between baseline autoantibody profile and long-term sustained drug-free remission within patients that reached early remission and had outcome data available. (DOCX 1605 kb