16 research outputs found

    Species abundance data from Sullivan et al. A national-scale model of linear-features improves predictions of farmland biodiversity

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    Bird (from the BBS) and butterfly (from the UKBMS) abundance data used in the paper. Bird species names are given as BTO species codes. Sites where no study species were recorded have "NoTargetBirdRecorded" or "NoTargetButterflyRecorded" in the species column, and no value in the count column. NOTE - because this dataset has been processed as described in the paper, we strongly recommend researchers wishing to use BBS and UKBMS data in their own research to obtain data from the BTO (https://www.bto.org/research-data-services/data-services/data-request-system) and the UKBMS (http://www.ukbms.org/Obtaining.aspx) rather than use this file

    Stranding summaries.

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    <p>Graphical summaries of strandings' composition (pie chart), effort-uncorrected trends (country-specific, time-series duration indicated by dotted lines along x-axis) and status (main bar chart), and cause (bar chart on far right) for marine turtles (top) and cetaceans (bottom).</p

    Harbour porpoise distributions.

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    <p>Empirical observations (left column) and Maxent predictions of probable (middle column) and suitable habitat (right column) in spring (A), summer (B), autumn (C), and winter (D). Warmer colours in middle plots indicate a higher probability of presence.</p

    Auk distributions.

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    <p>Empirical observations and Maxent predictions of probable and suitable habitat (left to right) in spring (A), summer (B), autumn (C), and winter (D). Warmer colours in middle plots indicate a higher probability of presence.</p