149 research outputs found

    Adolescent Gambling-Oriented Attitudes Mediate the Relationship Between Perceived Parental Knowledge and Adolescent Gambling: Implications for Prevention

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    Although substantial research has provided support for the association between parental practices and adolescent gambling, less is known about the role of adolescent attitudes in this relationship. The primary purpose of this study was to test an integrative model linking perceived parental knowledge (children’s perceptions of their parents’ knowledge of their whereabouts and companions) with adolescent gambling while evaluating the mediating effects of adolescents’ own gambling approval, risk perception of gambling, and descriptive norms on gambling shared with friends. The data were drawn from the ESPAD® Italia 2012 (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) study, which is based on a nationally representative sample of Italian adolescent students aged 15–19. The analysis was carried out on a subsample of 19,573 subjects (average age 17.11, 54 % girls). Self-completed questionnaires were administered in the classroom setting. The results revealed that adolescents who perceived higher levels of parental knowledge were more likely to disapprove of gambling and show higher awareness of its harmfulness, which were in turn negatively related to gambling frequency. They were also less likely to perceive their friends as gamblers, which was also negatively related to gambling frequency. These findings suggest that gambling prevention efforts should consider perceived parental knowledge and gambling-oriented attitudes (self-approval, risk perception, and descriptive norms) as factors that may buffer adolescent gambling behavior in various situations

    Правові проблеми попередження політичного екстремізму в Україні

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    Розглядаються основні проблеми правового попередження політичного екстремізму виходячи як з вітчизняного, так і міжнародного досвіду. У дослідженні акцен- тується увага на проблемах пошуку чіткої політичної і юридичної термінології поняття «політичний екстремізм». Автор указує на необхідність позиціонування символічного і реального політичного екстремізму, на важливості диференціації правової боротьби з екстремізмом і правового обмеження діяльності політичної опозиції. Ключові слова: політичний екстремізм, тероризм, політична система, правове регулювання, маніпулювання, опозиція.Рассматриваются основные проблемы правового упреждения политического экстремизма исходя как из отечественного, так и международного опыта. В исследовании акцентируется внимание на проблемах поиска четкой политической и юридической терминологии понятия «политический экстремизм». Автор указывает на необходимость позиционирования символического и реального политического экстремизма, на важности дифференциации правовой борьбы с экстремизмом и правового ограничения деятельности политической оппозиции. Ключевые слова: политический экстремизм, терроризм, политическая система, правовое регулирование, манипулирование, оппозиция.In this article the basic problems of the legal forestalling of political extremism are examined coming both from domestic and international experience. In research attention is accented on the problems of search of clear political and legal terminology of concept «Political extremism». The author specifies on the necessity of positioning of symbolic and real political extremism, on importance of differentiation of legal fight against extremism and legal limitation of activity of political opposition. Key words: political extremism, terrorism, political system, legal adjusting, manipulation, opposition

    Ethnicity, youth cultural participation, and cultural reproduction in the Netherlands

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    The purpose of this research is the explanation of differences in cultural participation of adolescents of different ethnic backgrounds. Six hundred ninety-eight Dutch and ethnic minority adolescents in a large city in the Netherlands filled in a questionnaire about their active cultural participation (e.g., playing musical instruments, dancing, acting, drawing) and receptive cultural participation (e.g., going to classical concerts, plays, museums). The expected lower cultural participation among minority youth (i.e., youth whose parents had both been born in Morocco, Turkey or former Dutch colonies such as Surinam and the Dutch Antilles) was limited toMoroccan and Turkish youths’ receptive cultural participation. Contrary to the acculturation hypothesis, we did not find any indication of a growing resemblance in youth cultural participation between the different ethnic groups. In keeping with Bourdieu’s reproduction theory, it was examined whether well-educated parents with ample cultural capital raise children who are also successful in acquiring educational and cultural capital. The findings suggest that mothers play a key role. Mothers exert a far greater cultural influence on their daughters than on their sons.Moreover, the cultural influence of mothers on daughters is much stronger than that of fathers. We conclude that intergenerational cultural reproduction affects Dutch and ethnic minority children in the same way

    sad music depresses sad adolescents a listener s profile

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    This research explored both social context and personal characteristics in relation to being saddened by sad music when in a sad mood. Overall, 1686 respondents (aged 12–16 years; 44% female; 68% v..

    Drip Too Hard? Commercial Rap Music and Perceived Masculinity Ideals and Actual Self-Evaluations among Black U.S. and Dutch Adolescent Men.

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    Popular American commercial rap is believed to (re)produce cultural narratives of masculinity. Yet, there is no knowledge about the relationship between consumption of idealized masculinity in rap and young (Black) men’s senses of masculine selves. This study aims to explore how sixteen American and Dutch Black adolescent men perceive ideals of masculine behavior, physical appearance, and mate desirability in commercial rap. Grounded in social comparison theory, it furthermore aims to understand whether these young men compare themselves to these ideals, and if so, how this informs their self-evaluations. A (hybrid) comparative thematic analysis of interviews with eight U.S. and eight Dutch adolescents revealed three masculinity ideals to be present in rap and congruent with the majority of the respondents’ own ideals. First, it is appropriate for young men to be ‘playas’ and view (young) women as either (sexually) freaky girls or wifey material. Second, attractive men look wealthy, and, third, desirable men financially provide for their partners. The participants who endorsed these ideals and, subsequently, compared themselves to them, reported positive self-evaluations and emotions, which were believed to translate into their own behavior, appearance, and desirability. Interestingly, although the participants came from different cultural contexts, systematic differences in perception, attitude, social comparison and self-evaluation were not found. Suggestions for future research are provided and implications for intervention programs are discussed

    Особливості планування інвестиційних проектів з відтворення виробничої потужності збиткових вуглевидобувних підприємств

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    Розкрито особливості планування інвестиційних проектів з відтворення виробничої потужності на збиткових вуглевидобувних підприємствах. Запропоновано алгоритм розрахунку ефективності інвестиційного проекту. Ключові слова: інвестиції, вугільна галузь, шахта, відтворення потужності, проект, очисний вибій, ефективність, собівартість, термін окупності, дисконтування.Раскрыты особенности планирования инвестиционных проектов по воспроизводству производственной мощности на убыточных угледобывающих предприятиях. Предложен алгоритм расчета эффективности инвестиционного проекта. Ключевые слова: инвестиции, угольная отрасль, шахта, воспроизводство мощности, проект, очистной забой, эффективность, себестоимость, срок окупаемости, дисконтирование.The planning of investment projects on reproduction of production capacity of unprofitable coal-mining enterprises is described. The algorithm for calculating the efficiency of the investment project is offered. Its economic efficiency has been proven. Keywords: investments, coal industry, mine, reproduction of capacity, project, stope, efficiency, prime price, period of recoupment, discounting

    The difference in mediated effect between cyberbullying and cybervictimisation under the influence of problematic social media use

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    The influence between cyberbullying (CB) and cybervictimisation (CV) is known to be two-way, but the prominence of the two directions remains unclear especially under the influence of another factor. Uncovering the mystery helps policy makers decide how to allocate the limited resource between interventions against children CB and CV. Since social media becomes increasingly relevant to children cyberaggression, this study utilises two independent mediation models to examine how problematic social media use (PSMU) potentially influence CB-induced-CV (Model 1) and CV-induced-CB (Model 2) and the difference in the proportions of mediated effect between models. As a part of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study, this study included a total of 11178 children (2643 from Hong Kong and 8535 from Netherland). Results showed that the paths in the models did not differ between culture. In Model 1, CB was a significant partial mediator between PSMU and CV, βindirect = .08, p < .001, and CV was a significant partial mediator between PSMU and CB in Model 2, βindirect = .06, p < .001. However, CB mediated 52.78% whilst CV mediated only 28.06% of the total effect from PSMU in respective models. The ratio of mediated effect proportions between models is 1.88:1, indicating that under the influence of PSMU, CB-induced-CV is nearly twice as prominent as CV-induced-CB in a relative sense. Implications on cyberaggression research assumptions are discussed