440 research outputs found

    A Variable PV Broad Absorption Line and Quasar Outflow Energetics

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    Broad absorption lines (BALs) in quasar spectra identify high velocity outflows that might exist in all quasars and could play a major role in feedback to galaxy evolution. The viability of BAL outflows as a feedback mechanism depends on their kinetic energies, as derived from the outflow velocities, column densities, and distances from the central quasar. We estimate these quantities for the quasar, Q1413+1143 (redshift ze=2.56z_e = 2.56), aided by the first detection of PV λλ\lambda\lambda1118,1128 BAL variability in a quasar. In particular, PV absorption at velocities where the CIV trough does not reach zero intensity implies that the CIV BAL is saturated and the absorber only partially covers the background continuum source (with characteristic size <0.01 pc). With the assumption of solar abundances, we estimate that the total column density in the BAL outflow is log N_H > 22.3 (cm^-2). Variability in the PV and saturated CIV BALs strongly disfavors changes in the ionization as the cause of the BAL variability, but supports models with high-column density BAL clouds moving across our lines of sight. The observed variability time of 1.6 yr in the quasar rest frame indicates crossing speeds >750 km/s and a radial distance from the central black hole of <3.5 pc, if the crossing speeds are Keplerian. The total outflow mass is ~4100 M_solar, the kinetic energy ~4x10^54 erg, and the ratio of the outflow kinetic energy luminosity to the quasar bolometric luminosity is ~0.02 (at the minimum column density and maximum distance), which might be sufficient for important feedback to the quasar's host galaxy.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Variability in Quasar Broad Absorption Line Outflows I. Trends in the Short-Term versus Long-Term Data

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    Broad absorption lines (BALs) in quasar spectra identify high velocity outflows that likely exist in all quasars and could play a major role in feedback to galaxy evolution. The variability of BALs can help us understand the structure, evolution, and basic physical properties of the outflows. Here we report on our first results from an ongoing BAL monitoring campaign of a sample of 24 luminous quasars at redshifts 1.2<z<2.9, focusing on C IV 1549 BAL variability in two different time intervals: 4 to 9 months (short-term) and 3.8 to 7.7 years (long-term) in the quasar rest-frame. We find that 39% (7/18) of the quasars varied in the short-term, whereas 65% (15/23) varied in the long-term, with a larger typical change in strength in the long-term data. The variability occurs typically in only portions of the BAL troughs. The components at higher outflow velocities are more likely to vary than those at lower velocities, and weaker BALs are more likely to vary than stronger BALs. The fractional change in BAL strength correlates inversely with the strength of the BAL feature, but does not correlate with the outflow velocity. Both the short-term and long-term data indicate the same trends. The observed behavior is most readily understood as a result of the movement of clouds across the continuum source. If the crossing speeds do not exceed the local Keplerian velocity, then the observed short-term variations imply that the absorbers are <6 pc from the central quasar.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Variability Tests for Intrinsic Absorption Lines in Quasar Spectra

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    Quasar spectra have a variety of absorption lines whose origins range from energetic winds expelled from the central engines to unrelated, intergalactic clouds. We present multi-epoch, medium resolution spectra of eight quasars at z~2 that have narrow ``associated'' absorption lines (AALs, within ±\pm5000 km s^{-1} of the emission redshift). Two of these quasars were also known previously to have high-velocity mini-broad absorption lines (mini-BALs). We use these data, spanning ~17 years in the observed frame with two to four observations per object, to search for line strength variations as an identifier of absorption that occurs physically near (``intrinsic'' to) the central AGN. Our main results are the following: Two out of the eight quasars with narrow AALs exhibit variable AAL strengths. Two out of two quasars with high-velocity mini-BALs exhibit variable mini-BAL strengths. We also marginally detect variability in a high-velocity narrow absorption line (NAL) system, blueshifted \~32,900 km s^{-1}$ with respect to the emission lines. No other absorption lines in these quasars appeared to vary. The outflow velocities of the variable AALs are 3140 km s^{-1} and 1490 km s^{-1}. The two mini-BALs identify much higher velocity outflows of ~28,400 km s^{-1} and ~52,000 km s^{-1}. Our temporal sampling yields upper limits on the variation time scales from 0.28 to 6.1 years in the quasar rest frames. The corresponding minimum electron densities in the variable absorbers, based on the recombination time scale, are \~40,000 cm^{-3} to ~1900 cm^{-3}. The maximum distances of the absorbers from the continuum source, assuming photoionization with no spectral shielding, range from ~1.8 kpc to ~7 kpc.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, accepte

    Keck high-resolution spectroscopy of Mrk 335: constraints on the number of emitting clouds in the broad-line region

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    We present high-resolution (∼6 km s⁻¹), high signal-to-noise ratio (−400 at Hα line centre) spectroscopy of Mrk 335. Cross-correlation (CC) analysis of the data yields a lower limit of ∼ 3 × 10⁶ for the number of emitting clouds in the broad-line region (BLR) of this object. This limit is applicable for clouds with T=2 × 10⁴ K and an optical depth of ∼ 10⁴ in their Hα line. The result is obtained from the absence of a CC signal in the data and from extensive Monte Carlo simulations that show the minimum number of clouds necessary in order to prevent the creation of a detectable CC signal. The simulations can be used to test any BLR model which is based on a contribution from discrete sources provided that the individual emission profile of the sources and their distribution are given. Current BLR models based on stellar atmospheres of bloated stars can be ruled out, unless the linewidth of an individual star exceeds 100 km s⁻¹. The lower limit on the number of emitting clouds also provides constraints on traditional photoionization models for a system of clouds

    Keck high-resolution spectroscopy of Mrk 335: constraints on the number of emitting clouds in the broad-line region

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    We present high-resolution (∼6 km s⁻¹), high signal-to-noise ratio (−400 at Hα line centre) spectroscopy of Mrk 335. Cross-correlation (CC) analysis of the data yields a lower limit of ∼ 3 × 10⁶ for the number of emitting clouds in the broad-line region (BLR) of this object. This limit is applicable for clouds with T=2 × 10⁴ K and an optical depth of ∼ 10⁴ in their Hα line. The result is obtained from the absence of a CC signal in the data and from extensive Monte Carlo simulations that show the minimum number of clouds necessary in order to prevent the creation of a detectable CC signal. The simulations can be used to test any BLR model which is based on a contribution from discrete sources provided that the individual emission profile of the sources and their distribution are given. Current BLR models based on stellar atmospheres of bloated stars can be ruled out, unless the linewidth of an individual star exceeds 100 km s⁻¹. The lower limit on the number of emitting clouds also provides constraints on traditional photoionization models for a system of clouds

    The Extreme Hosts of Extreme Supernovae

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    We use GALEX ultraviolet (UV) and optical integrated photometry of the hosts of 17 luminous supernovae (LSNe, having peak M_V 100 M_☉), by appearing in low-SFR hosts, are potential tests for theories of the initial mass function that limit the maximum mass of a star based on the SFR

    A Measurement of the Temperature-Density Relation in the Intergalactic Medium Using a New Lyman-alpha Absorption Line Fitting Method

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    The evolution of the temperature in the intergalactic medium is related to the reionization of hydrogen and helium, and has important consequences for our understanding of the Lya forest and of galaxy formation in gravitational models of large-scale structure. We measure the temperature-density relation of intergalactic gas from Lya forest observations of eight quasar spectra with high resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, using a new line fitting technique to obtain a lower cutoff of the distribution of line widths from which the temperature is derived. We carefully test the accuracy of this technique to recover the gas temperature with a hydrodynamic simulation. The temperature at redshift z=(3.9, 3.0, 2.4) is best determined at densities slightly above the mean: T_star=(20200\pm2700, 20200\pm1300, 22600\pm1900)K (statistical error bars) for gas density (in units of the mean density) Delta_star=(1.42\pm0.08, 1.37\pm0.11, 1.66\pm0.11). The power-law index of the temperature-density relation, defined by T=T_star(Delta/Delta_star)^{gamma-1}, is gamma-1= (0.43\pm0.45, 0.29\pm0.30, 0.52\pm0.14) for the same three redshifts. The temperature at the fixed over-density Delta=1.4 is T_1.4=(20100\pm2800, 20300\pm1400, 20700\pm1900)K. These temperatures are higher than expected for photoionized gas in ionization equilibrium with a cosmic background, and can be explained by a gradual additional heating due to on-going HeII reionization. The measurement of the temperature reduces one source of uncertainty in the lower limit to the baryon density implied by the observed mean flux decrement. We find that the temperature cannot be reliably measured for under-dense gas, because the velocities due to expansion always dominate the widths of the corresponding weak lines.Comment: submitted to Ap