59 research outputs found

    Warehouse extension in Polička - stage of carcass superstructuree

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    Obsahem této práce je rozšíření skladu v Poličce, konkrétně realizace hrubé vrchní stavby. Zahrnuje v sobě stavebně technologickou zprávu, technologický předpis, technickou zprávu zařízení staveniště, návrh strojní sestavy, zprávu popisující dopravní vztahy, technickou zprávu o ochraně bezpečnosti a zdraví na staveništi. V přílohách je obsažen rozpočet, časový plán, KZP, a popis dopravních vztahů.The content of this work is warehous extension in Polička concrete implementation of carcass superstructure. This tesis contains construction and technology report, technological prescription, technology report of transportation, technology report of health and safety on the construction site. Budget, calculation and time planning, inspection and test plan and description of transport relations.

    Residential building Hlavackova - construction technology project

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    The subject of this thesis is the construction and technological project of a residential building Hlavackova. The work is mainly focused on the stage of construction. The work includes technical report building equipment, wider transport relations, design of mechanical assemblies, technological prescription monolithic structures and related inspection and test plans, safety, environmental protection, work contract, draft securing material resources for rough substructure and special use of roads, financing construction costs and schedule of construction


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    Shoot senescence in herbaceous perennials of the temperate zone: Identifying drivers of senescence pace and shape

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    Perennial herbaceous species form their above-ground parts every year anew and discard them before the advent of winter. The senescence of above-ground structures is thus an inevitable part of their life cycle. This is also a key process that determines photosynthetic gain late in the season and the economy of soil-borne nutrients. Here we address patterns and drivers of the shoot senescence of perennial herbaceous plants. We present a comparative study of 231 temperate species, ranging from spring ephemeroids to species senescing in late autumn, in a common botanical garden collection. We assessed senescence by measuring size decline in the autumn part of the season. There were two main directions of variation in senescence trajectories: the pace-date axis, separating early and fast senescing species from late and slowly senescing species, and the shape-asynchrony axis, separating species with accelerating and synchronised senescence from constant senescence asynchronous among individual shoots. While accelerating senescence late in the season can be due to passive effects of the environment (e.g. frost), accelerating senescence early in the season is likely to be an indication of an active process driven by the enzymatic activity of the plant. The pace and shape of shoot senescence were associated with both leaf- and shoot-level traits. Species having leaves with high dry matter content senesced linearly and with higher asynchrony. Species with a larger specific leaf area senesced earlier and faster, while tall plants and plants with monocyclic shoots senesced later and in a more synchronous and accelerating manner. Species from different habitats varied in their senescence patterns. Forest species postpone their senescence relative to open-habitat species, presumably to boost their photosynthetic balance. We did not confirm the hypothesis that plants from nutrient-poor habitats senesce earlier to retain soil-borne nutrients before the winter. Synthesis. Shoot senescence in herbaceous plants is a neglected phenomenon in its own right, which bears only superficial similarity to autumn leaf shedding in trees. Individual species differ strongly in the pace, shape and synchrony of their senescence trajectories, with a potential bearing on the carbon and nutrient dynamics of their habitats