24 research outputs found

    Molecular analysis of PKU-associated PAH mutations: a fast and simple genotyping test

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    Abstract: Neonatal screening for phenylketonuria (PKU, OMIM: 261600) was introduced at the end of the 1960s. We developed a rapid and simple molecular test for the most frequent phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH, Gene ID: 5053) mutations. Using this method to detect the 18 most frequent mutations, it is possible to achieve a 75% detection rate in Italian population. The variants selected also reach a high detection rate in other populations, for example, 70% in southern Germany, 68% in western Germany, 76% in Denmark, 68% in Sweden, 63% in Poland, and 60% in Bulgaria. We successfully applied this confirmation test in neonatal screening for hyperphenylalaninemias using dried blood spots and obtained the genotype in approximately 48 h. The method was found to be suitable as second tier test in neonatal screening for hyperphenylalaninemias in neonates with a positive screening test. This test can also be useful for carrier screening because it can bypass the entire coding sequence and intron–exon boundaries sequencing, thereby overcoming the questions that this approach implies, such as new variant interpretations

    Biochemical data from the characterization of a new pathogenic mutation of human pyridoxine-5'-phosphate oxidase (PNPO)

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    PNPO deficiency is responsible of severe neonatal encephalopathy, responsive to pyridoxal-5’-phosphate (PLP) or pyridoxine. Recent studies widened the phenotype of this condition and detected new genetic variants on PNPO gene, whose pathogenetic role and clinical expression remain to be established. One of these mutations, Arg116Gln, is of particular interest because of its later onset of symptoms (beyond the first months of life) and its peculiar epileptic manifestations in patients. This protein variant was expressed as recombinant protein in E coli, purified to homogeneity, and characterized with respect to structural and kinetic properties, stability, binding constants of cofactor flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and product (PLP) in order to define the molecular and structural bases of its pathogenicity. For interpretation and discussion of reported data, together with the description of clinical studies, refer to the article [7][1] (doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2017.08.003)

    Clinical variability at the mild end of BRAT1‐related spectrum: Evidence from two families with genotype–phenotype discordance

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    Biallelic mutations in the BRAT1 gene, encoding BRCA1-associated ATM activator 1, result in variable phenotypes, from rigidity and multifocal seizure syndrome, lethal neonatal to neurodevelopmental disorder, and cerebellar atrophy with or without seizures, without obvious genotype-phenotype associations. We describe two families at the mildest end of the spectrum, differing in clinical presentation despite a common genotype at the BRAT1 locus. Two siblings displayed nonprogressive congenital ataxia and shrunken cerebellum on magnetic resonance imaging. A third unrelated patient showed normal neurodevelopment, adolescence-onset seizures, and ataxia, shrunken cerebellum, and ultrastructural abnormalities on skin biopsy, representing the mildest form of NEDCAS hitherto described. Exome sequencing identified the c.638dup and the novel c.1395G>A BRAT1 variants, the latter causing exon 10 skippings. The p53-MCL test revealed normal ATM kinase activity. Our findings broaden the allelic and clinical spectrum of BRAT1-related disease, which should be suspected in presence of nonprogressive cerebellar signs, even without a neurodevelopmental disorder

    KCND3-Related Neurological Disorders: From Old to Emerging Clinical Phenotypes

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    Abstract: KCND3 encodes the voltage-gated potassium ion channel subfamily D member 3, a six trans-membrane protein (Kv4.3), involved in the transient outward K+ current. KCND3 defect causes both cardiological and neurological syndromes. From a neurological perspective, Kv4.3 defect has been associated to SCA type 19/22, a complex neurological disorder encompassing a wide spectrum of clinical features beside ataxia. To better define the phenotypic spectrum and course of KCND3-related neurological disorder, we review the clinical presentation and evolution in 68 reported cases. We delineated two main clinical phenotypes according to the age of onset. Neurodevelopmental disorder with epilepsy and/or movement disorders with ataxia later in the disease course characterized the early onset forms, while a prominent ataxic syndrome with possible cognitive decline, movement disorders, and peripheral neuropathy were observed in the late onset forms. Furthermore, we described a 37-year-old patient with a de novo KCND3 variant [c.901T>C (p.Ser301Pro)], previously reported in dbSNP as rs79821338, and a clinical phenotype paradigmatic of the early onset forms with neurodevelopmental disorder, epilepsy, parkinsonism-dystonia, and ataxia in adulthood, further expanding the clinical spectrum of this conditio

    Urine sepiapterin excretion as a new diagnostic marker for sepiapterin reductase deficiency

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    Sepiapterin reductase deficiency (SRD) causes depletion of biogenic amines in the brain, early onset motor disorder, and intellectual disability. The diagnosticmarker for this rare disease is increased sepiapterin and biopterin in CSF. Through a new analytic methodology we demonstrated accumulation of sepiapterin in urine of four SRD patients several times greater than that found in healthy controls and carriers, regardless of age or treatment. Our findings suggest a newinterpretation of current theories of peripheral pterinmetabolismand provide a newnoninvasive diagnostic tool for children with early onset cryptogenetic developmental delay and/or movement disorder

    Genetic paradoxes in an italian family with PARK2 multiexon duplication

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    Biallelic mutations in Parkin gene are the commonest cause of autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson disease (EOPD), with full penetrance and frequency inversely correlated with onset age. Conversely, single heterozygous Parkin mutations are detected both in PD patients and healthy subjects, and are considered as minor susceptibility factors towards the risk of sporadic late-onset PD. We report a 41-year-old male patient presenting a rigid-bradykinetic form of EOPD (onset at 36 years), with slow progression and good levodopa response, who was found to carry three copies of Parkin exons 2 and 3. No further mutations emerged from a comprehensive genetic screening of EOPD genes. To define the allelic distribution of the two exon duplications, mutation analysis was proposed to available relatives, all reportedly healthy. The duplications were excluded in the patient’s mother and brother but, surprisingly, four copies of exons 2 and 3 were identified in the paternal aunt (father was unavailable). Familial segregation demonstrated that the patient was heterozygous for exon 2-3 duplication (in cis on the same allele), while the asymptomatic aunt, aged 71 years, was homozygous for the same duplication. A detailed examination of this lady failed to identify parkinsonian signs, and only disclosed a postural-kinetic tremor and dystonic posturing of her right hand during writing. Conversely, the phenotype of the heterozygous nephew resembled a typical form of EOPD as seen in carriers of biallelic Parkin mutations, while the same heterozygous exon 2-3 duplication has been so far detected in occasional patients with sporadic late-onset PD. This paradox underlines the difficulty in establishing genotype-phenotype correlates, and confirms that monogenic disorders are more complex than previously thought. The identification of genetic, epigenetic or environmental factors able to modify the penetrance and expressivity of single gene mutations represents the great challenge of genetic research

    Phenotypes and Genotypes of Inherited Disorders of Biogenic Amine Neurotransmitter Metabolism

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    Inherited disorders of biogenic amine metabolism are genetically determined conditions resulting in dysfunctions or lack of enzymes involved in the synthesis, degradation, or transport of dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline/noradrenaline, and their metabolites or defects of their cofactor or chaperone biosynthesis. They represent a group of treatable diseases presenting with complex patterns of movement disorders (dystonia, oculogyric crises, severe/hypokinetic syndrome, myoclonic jerks, and tremors) associated with a delay in the emergence of postural reactions, global development delay, and autonomic dysregulation. The earlier the disease manifests, the more severe and widespread the impaired motor functions. Diagnosis mainly depends on measuring neurotransmitter metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid that may address the genetic confirmation. Correlations between the severity of phenotypes and genotypes may vary remarkably among the different diseases. Traditional pharmacological strategies are not disease-modifying in most cases. Gene therapy has provided promising results in patients with DYT-DDC and in vitro models of DYT/PARK-SLC6A3. The rarity of these diseases, combined with limited knowledge of their clinical, biochemical, and molecular genetic features, frequently leads to misdiagnosis or significant diagnostic delays. This review provides updates on these aspects with a final outlook on future perspectives

    A novel compound heterozygous genotype associated with aromatic amino acid decarboxylase deficiency: Clinical aspects and biochemical studies

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    Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency is a rare autosomal neurometabolic disorder caused by a deficit of AADC, a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, which catalyzes the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin. While many studies have highlighted the molecular defects of the homozygous pathogenic variants, so far only a study investigated heterozygous variants at protein level. Here, we report a clinical case of one AADC deficiency compound heterozygous patient bearing the A91V mutation and the novel C410G mutation. To elucidate its enzymatic phenotype, the A91V and C410G homodimers were first expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized. Although both apo variants display an unaltered overall tertiary structure, they show a ÌŽ 20-fold decreased PLP binding affinity. The C410G mutation only causes a ÌŽ 4-fold decrease of the catalytic efficiency, while the A91V mutation causes a 1300-fold decrease of the kcat/Km, and changes in the holoAADC consisting in a marked alteration of the tertiary structure and the coenzyme microenvironment. Structural analyses of these mutations are in agreement with these data. Unfortunately, the C410G/A91V heterodimer was constructed, expressed and purified in rather modest amount. Anyway, measurements of decarboxylase activity indicate that its putative kcat value is lower than that predicted by averaging the kcat values of the two parental enzymes. This indicates a negative interallelic complementation between the C410G and A91V monomers. Overall, this study allowed to relate the clinical to the enzymatic phenotype of the patient and to extend knowledge in the clinical and molecular pathogenesis of AADC deficiency