262 research outputs found

    Emotional functioning and meaning making in grief

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    This dissertation examines the relation between emotional functioning and meaning making in bereavement. Emotional functioning (i.e., awareness, expression, and regulation of emotions) has been traditionally considered crucial in grief coping (Pennebaker, 1990; Raphael, 1983). At the same time, bereaved people who were able to find a meaning in their loss experience were found to show better adjustment and were less likely to develop grief complications than those who did not find a meaning (Davis, Wortman, Lehman, & Silver, 2000; Tolstikova, Fleming, & Chartier, 2005). The present research aimed to build a more inclusive model of grief coping by examining the interplay of emotional functioning and meaning making in grief in the same sample of people. The emotionally focused approach to human functioning developed by L. Greenberg (Greenberg, 2004) forms the theoretical foundation for the study. This approach proposes that emotional arousal, awareness, expression, and regulation provide grounds for meaning construction and eventually help to assimilate a shattering event. Following Greenberg’s conceptualization (Greenberg, Auszura, & Herrmann, 2007), the first set of studies of the present dissertation examined productive and unproductive emotional functioning in grief. Three hundred and fifteen bereaved people were recruited through the online bereavement support websites to help develop and validate the Productive-Unproductive Emotional Processing in Grief questionnaire (PUG). The PUG scores were further used to predict meaning making in grief. It was shown that bereaved individuals who were engaged in productive emotional processing of grief and demonstrated good emotional regulation were more capable of making sense of their loss six months later. The data for the first set of studies were collected via the Internet. While the Internet method of data collection has been previously used in grief research, its validity and reliability had not been assessed. Thus, Study 4 of the present dissertation reviewed the use of the Internet in bereavement research and examined the reliability and validity of online data collection. The demographic characteristics and grief scores of the Internet participants were compared to those completed by traditional paper-and-pencil method. The study demonstrated that the online survey results were comparable to the traditional paper-and-pencil survey method

    Criteria for the diagnosis of prediabetes in children and adolescents with obesity: literature review

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    Ожиріння в усьому світі продовжує зростання, у тому числі серед дітей та підлітків, набуваючи риси глобальної пандемії та призводячи до розвитку цукрового діабету. Предіабет, що передує діабету, визначають як концентрацію глюкози в крові, що перевищує норму, але нижчу за порогові значення діабету. Визначенню сучасних критеріїв діагностики предіабету у дітей та підлітків з ожирінням присвячений даний огляд літератури. Obesity continues to grow worldwide, including among children and adolescents, becoming a global pandemic and leading to the development of diabetes. Prediabetes that precedes diabetes is defined as a blood glucose concentration that exceeds the norm but is below the diabetes threshold. This review of the literature is devoted to the definition of modern criteria for the diagnosis of prediabetes in children and adolescents with obesity

    Topical issues of obesity management in children and adolescents

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    The article is devoted to the problem of obesity in children and adolescents. Overweight and obesity are common in children and adolescents in developed and developing countries, with incidence rates ranging from 20% to 39%. The prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity has tripled in the past 30 years all over the world. The topical issues of management of obese children and adolescents are presented. Childhood obesity progresses in adulthood, leading to the occurrence of disorders of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, systemic inflammation, atherogenic dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension, fatty hepatosis, which are components of the metabolic syndrome - a predictor of cardiovascular accidents and early mortality. All recommendatіons point to the importance of lifestyle changes, characterized by an age-appropriate nutritional program and regular physical activity. Even in the absence of weight loss, lifestyle changes can have a positive effect on fat and carbohydrate metabolism

    Obesity in children and adolescents as a transdisciplinary problem

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    The establishment of criteria for disease or "health" has long been debated by physicians, sociologists, and psychologists. Perceptions of health and disease vary by culture, class, gender, ethnic group, historical time, diagnostic capabilities, economic conditions, and many other factors. Obesity was considered a status symbol reflecting a person's wealth and power in Renaissance culture. In the face of hunger reduction, questions remain, such as whether obesity is a “disease” or simply socially unacceptable behavior reflecting a lack of willpower

    The use of the "critical attack" method in distance learning of graduate course students of medical academy

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    The situation with Covid 2019 challenged the education system all over the world. It forced educators to shift to an online mode of teaching overnight [1]. Distance learning of students is the dominant method of organizing the educational process of medical students in the context of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid 19) [2]. Many academic institutions that were earlier reluctant to change their traditional pedagogical approach had no option but to shift entirely to online teaching–learning [2, 3]. Undoubtedly, mastering a number of competencies by future doctors is a difficult problem, due to the lack of the possibility of full-time training and examination of patients in a real hospital environment or in an outpatient setting. Of course, students have difficulties not only with mastering the skills and abilities of communicating with patients and their relatives, but also with the competence of critical assessment of the identified symptoms and syndromes of the disease, as well as diagnostic approaches and patient management algorithms [3]. In this regard, the use of some methods that have proven themselves in the process of full-time education, of course, with amendments to the conditions of distance education, seems especially relevant

    The Characteristic of Thyroid Status in Overweight and Obese Young People with Insulin Resistance

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    Introduction. Due to the widespread occurrence of both obesity and hypothyroidism, physicians need to be especially attentive to the possible thyroid dysfunction in obese patients. Aim. The relationship between thyroid hormones and obesity in combination with insulin resistance in young people is not fully understood. Materials and methods. . The study included 68 patients with a mean age of 16.21 ± 2.67 years, of whom 81% were women, and 19% were men. 15 healthy adolescents were examined as control group

    To the Question of International Integration of Ukrainian Higher Medical Education

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    Despite recent complaints about the quality of higher medical education in Ukraine, a significant number of graduates of Ukrainian medical schools have being working not only in the countries of the former Soviet Union, but also in highly developed European countries. The rather high level of teaching achieved by the Ukrainian Higher Medical School, despite attempts to discriminate it, is well known. Some Ukrainian medical universities are not at the last places in the ranking of medical universities in the world


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    Transformation of market structures in agri-food markets has had a negative impact on the dynamics of food prices. The current situation of volatility in food prices is determined by the following accelerated economic growth in China and other countries in Southeast Asia, a lack of investment in the agricultural sector in all developing countries, the low level of implementation of innovative technologies, strengthening the problem of the impoverishment of the soil and frequent crop failures, unstable level of the dollar, reducing the profitability of export activities, the diversification of consumption of cereals including through expanding the production of biofuels and speculation on the world market. In relation to Russia these processes are so important in modern conditions, as the level of industrialization of the agricultural sector since the 1960s, was one of the best in the world (with the exception of energy efficiency) and now meets international standards. The transition to a market economy has enabled the liberalization of markets, substitution of food production by biofuels is not happening because of low energy prices, therefore, the Russian food markets less dependent on price volatility in the international market. Nevertheless, in General, strengthening the processes of concentration that occurs in the Russian market is the reason for the improvement of regulatory instruments structures of food markets and increasing food security

    Structural and Functional Approach to Human Resource Managemen

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    В статье представлен современный взгляд на проблему управления человеческими ресурсами через принципы структурно-функционального подхода. Содержательная наполненность деятельности по управлению человеческими ресурсами отличается от любой другой, связанной с управлением персонала тем, что фокусом влияния становятся не количественные (число сотрудников), а качественные характеристики. Современный взгляд на управление человеческими ресурсами отличается от ранее представленных теорий управления ориентацией на структуру организации и функции персонала, которые не просто выполняют свои обязанности, а несут важную миссию развития своего предприятия. Ресурсы предприятия напрямую связаны с уровнем развития персонала, деятельностью каждого специалиста направленную на повышение конкурентоспособности. Структурно-функциональный подход может быть использован не только для обобщения теоретических взглядов на проблему управления, но и успешно применен в практической деятельности современных предприятий.The article presents a modern view on the problem of human resource management through the principles of the structural-functional approach. The content of human resource management activities differs from any other related to personnel management in that the focus of influence is not quantitative (number of employees), but qualitative characteristics. The modern view of human resource management differs from the previously presented management theories by focusing on the structure of the organization and the functions of personnel, which not only fulfill their duties, but have an important mission of developing their enterprise. The resources of the enterprise are directly related to the level of personnel development, the activities of each specialist aimed at increasing competitiveness. The structural-functional approach can be used not only to generalize theoretical views on the management problem, but also successfully applied in the practice of modern enterprises