345 research outputs found

    Analytical survey of development directions of social labour sphere of urban settlement

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    The article shows the relevance of implementing the development processes and expanding the infoshere within the international standards of statistical accounting. It reflects methodological approaches to analytical processing of information resources characterizing the conditions and trends in developing modern urban settlement. The article also provides the dynamics on the a number of indexes of social labour sphere in Rostov-on-Don. It shows the practicability of forming the conception of the strategic development of the urban settlement based on official information resources. The article provides the comparative assessment of the position of Rostov-on-Don as the capital of the Southern Federal District on a number of indexes of social labour sphere regarding million-plus cities of Russian and regional capitals forming a part of the Southern Federal District.peer-reviewe

    Development of new classification models based on Raman spectroscopy and MALDI spectrometry as novel tools for liver cancer diagnostic

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common type of primary liver tumor. Usually occurring along with liver fibrosis or cirrhosis, it is often hard to diagnose. Therefore, novel optical diagnostic tools are currently explored that are able to detect various biomarkers in cytological and histological samples. In recent years Raman Spectroscopy and MALDI imaging have been applied for cancer diagnostics. The objective of the present thesis was to investigate the applicability of those techniques as diagnostic tools for liver cancer detection. In the first study cells from liver cancer cell lines were analyzed by Raman imaging. A support vector machine classification model resulted in a prediction accuracy of 93% for cells. By applying hierarchical cluster analysis to each single cell, different cellular compartments such as nucleus, lipid droplets and cytoplasm were differentiated. Using only spectral information of lipids, the prediction accuracy of classification model improved to 96% in comparison to 91% for nuclei, 87% for cytoplasm and 93% for the complete cell information. To investigate the diagnostic capacities of Raman spectroscopy on tissue level patient samples were analyzed. We were able to detect lipids, proteins, collagen and cholesterol ester as separate components within the Raman maps. A random forest classification model allowed us to predict tissue regions with sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 93%. As a second diagnostic technique for analyses of different proteins within tissue regions MALDI was applied. Four proteins 6274, 6647, 6222 and 6853 m/z with significantly higher expression profile in the HCC tissue regions in comparison with non-tumorous liver tissue were identified. The developed classification model allowed prediction of HCC with sensitivity and specificity of 90%. In conclusion, the obtained results showed that Raman and MALDI IMS imaging techniques can successfully detect and predict liver cancer on cellular and tissue level

    Formation of self-trapping waveguides in bulk PMMA media doped with Phenanthrenequinone

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    Experimental and theoretical investigations of light self-trapping waveguides in a bulk polymeric medium based on polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) with photosensitive phenanthrenequinone (PQ)-molecules are examined. Self-channeling was generated for the first time in this nonlinear bulk PQ-PMMA media with a thickness up to several millimeters and 0.1 mol. % PQ-concentration. The experimental formation of volume waveguide structures with a length of 2 - 3 cm at different laser wavelengths (405 nm, 488 nm, and 514.5 nm) was demonstrated. The calculations based on a model for the laser beam propagation in the bulk PQ-PMMA medium with competitive nonlinearities are in a good agreement with the experiments

    Review of International scientific-practical conference “Counteracting law abuse: theory, practice, technology” (10th Babayev’s Readings) (Nizhniy Novgorod, 23-24 May 2019)

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    Objective: to familiarize a wide range of readers with the results of the International scientific and practical conference “Counteracting right abuse: theory, practice, technique (10th Babayev Readings)” held on May 23-24, 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod. Methods: dialectical approach to the cognition of social phenomena determined the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods.Results: the provisions of the main reports of scientists speaking at the conference are described (V. M. Baranov, R. B. Golovkin, I. V. Ilyin, P. A. Kabanov, S. V. Kabyshev, S. V. Kodan, N. A. Kolokolov, S. A. Komarov and B. A. Revnov, A. V. Petryanin, M. P. Polyakov, S. B. Polyakov, R. A. Romashov, V. A. Tolstik, O. D. Tretyakova and I. L. Petrova), which refer to the problems of ambiguous understanding in domestic jurisprudence of the phenomenon of “right abuse” and various ways to counteract this negative social and legal phenomenon. The conference participants refined the doctrinal understanding of abuse and concluded that the proper usage of diverse law-making, interpretational and law-enforcement technical and legal ways to counteract right abuse will enable, on the one hand, to minimize the prevalence of this negative social phenomenon, and on the other hand, to appropriately react to it when it occurs.Scientific novelty: the issues of counteracting right abuse in the context of theory, practice and legal technique in the Russian Federation were discussed at the international level for the first time. As a result, a variety of forms of the analyzed negative social and legal phenomenon were identified, as well as the most effective technical and legal ways to counteract it. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific, pedagogical, law-making, inter-pretational and law-enforcement activities while considering and studying the issues related to the improvement of crime prevention

    Light Self-Trapping in Polymeric Media based on Polymethylmethacrylate with Distributed Phenanthrenequinone Molecules

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    Among the optical effects that are intensively investigated in recent decades is the phenomenon of self-action of light beams in nonlinear optical media, which is characterized by a refractive index depending on the intensity of the light wave (e.g. self-trapping and self-focusing of optical beams, self-phase modulation of optical pulses etc.). The interaction of the light with a nonlinear material allows to realize the direct optical conversion of images and to control the space-time light structure. The formations of localized spatial structures, so-called optical solitons, which are solutions of the nonlinear differential equations describing such phenomena, are the focus of scientific and practical interest [1-6]. The reason for these intensive studies of solitons is the possibility of their use in modern communication systems, like high-speed systems of fiber-optical information transfer, including self-trapping structure formation due to nonlinear optical effects, creation of waveguiding optical elements with tunable characteristics etc. Owing to diffraction, a collimated beam of light with a diameter d usually spreads with an angle of λ / d. However, already almost 50 years ago it was found that this spreading could be avoided in a nonlinear optical medium, which possesses an intensity-dependent index of refraction that increases with light intensity [7-9]. As a result, the beam forms a dielectric waveguide for itself with solitons as self-trapping solutions. These optical spatial solitons correspond to self-directed beams, which are limited in the across-track direction orthogonal to the direction of propagation [1]. Thereby the natural diffraction divergence of the propagating beam is compensated by the refraction of light when the refractive index is higher in the central part of the beam than at its periphery. The effect of the suppression of the diffraction by the local variation of the refractive index occurs therefore as a result of the exceptional properties of nonlinear media (i.e. the nonlinear increase of the refractive index in a region with higher intensity), leading to the spatial self-focusing of the beam. There is a dynamic balancing between diffraction of the beam and self-focusing due to the nonlinearity of the medium. Since the light wave is captured in an area with higher refractive index, such an area represents a waveguide or self-written channel, thus forming a Chapter 1. Introduction 2 spatial soliton structure. If several of such light channels are formed in parallel, an interaction between them can happen [6]. In other words, solitons propagate and interact with each another while displaying properties that are associated with real particles (quasi-particles)

    Cardiac multiscale bioimaging: from nano- through micro- to mesoscales.

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    Cardiac multiscale bioimaging is an emerging field that aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the heart and its functions at various levels, from the molecular to the entire organ. It combines both physiologically and clinically relevant dimensions: from nano- and micrometer resolution imaging based on vibrational spectroscopy and high-resolution microscopy to assess molecular processes in cardiac cells and myocardial tissue, to mesoscale structural investigations to improve the understanding of cardiac (patho)physiology. Tailored super-resolution deep microscopy with advanced proteomic methods and hands-on experience are thus strategically combined to improve the quality of cardiovascular research and support future medical decision-making by gaining additional biomolecular information for translational and diagnostic applications

    Conceptual bases of a normal (just) state and their constitutional stipulation

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    Objective: to formulate the conceptual foundations of the model of a normal (fair) state and justify the possibility and necessity of their constitutional consolidation.Methods: the dialectical approach to the cognition of social phenomena has determined the following research methods:analysis, synthesis, modeling, forecasting, comparison, formal legal, comparative legal methods.Results: the conceptual foundations of the model of a normal (fair) state are formulated, which presuppose the creation of a set of political, economic, social, legal and other conditions necessary to ensure a favorable life for the multinational people of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, the principles of a normal (fair) state are defined and specified. Attention is drawn to the fact that the formation of a final, verified, practically suitable version of the initiated model requires collective efforts (clarifications, additions) of scientists from various branches of scientific knowledge. To operationalize the conceptual foundations of models of normal (fair) state, it is proposed to amend Article 80.1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulating in it the most important provisions determining the basic parameters and directions of internal and foreign policy of modern Russia.Scientific novelty: for the first time in the social sciences and humanities, a model of normal (fair) state was developed, conceptualized in the principles of the primacy of public benefit (productive) labour, fair pay, justified public (municipal) expenditures, optimized size and structure of the state (municipal) apparatus, equitable distribution of income from natural resources and other unearned advantages and monopoly position, reasonableness of pricing in monopolies and government organizations, restrictions on the export of unprocessed raw materials, deoffshorization of the Russian economy, etc. Practical significance: the constitutional consolidation of the conceptual foundations of the model of a normal (fair) state and their consistent implementation will ensure the achievement of the goal of the simulated state

    Providence Independent, V. 8, Thursday, December 14, 1882, [Whole Number: 392]

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    [4] p. “Persistent in the Right – Fearless in Opposing Wrong.” Newspaper published in Trappe, Pa. Weekly. Contains local, national and international news, fiction and advertisements.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/providence/1172/thumbnail.jp