724 research outputs found

    Unique continuation at the boundary for harmonic functions in C1C^1 domains and Lipschitz domains with small constant

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    Let Ω⊂Rn\Omega\subset\mathbb R^n be a C1C^1 domain, or more generally, a Lipschitz domain with small local Lipschitz constant. In this paper it is shown that if uu is a function harmonic in Ω\Omega and continuous in Ω‾\overline \Omega which vanishes in a relatively open subset Σ⊂∂Ω\Sigma\subset\partial\Omega and moreover the normal derivative ∂νu\partial_\nu u vanishes in a subset of Σ\Sigma with positive surface measure, then uu is identically 00.Comment: Minor adjustments and more details in the appendix about the Whitney cube

    Painleve's problem and the semiadditivity of analytic capacity

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    Let γ(E)\gamma(E) be the analytic capacity of a compact set EE and let γ+(E)\gamma_+(E) be the capacity of EE originated by Cauchy transforms of positive measures. In this paper we prove that γ(E)≈γ+(E)\gamma(E)\approx\gamma_+(E) with estimates independent of EE. As a corollary, we characterize removable singularities for bounded analytic functions in terms of curvature of measures, and we deduce that γ\gamma is semiadditive, which solves a long standing question of Vitushkin.Comment: 42 page

    Characterization of the atomic space H1H^1 for non doubling measures in terms of a grand maximal operator

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    Let μ\mu be a Radon measure on RdR^d, which may be non doubling. The only condition that μ\mu must satisfy is μ(B(x,r))≤Crn\mu(B(x,r))\leq C r^n, for all x,rx,r and for some fixed 0<n≤d0<n\leq d. Recently we introduced spaces of type BMO(μ)BMO(\mu) and H1(μ)H^1(\mu) which proved to be useful to study the Lp(μ)L^p(\mu) boundedness of Calder\'on-Zygmund operators without assuming doubling conditions. In this paper a characterization of the new atomic space H1(μ)H^1(\mu) in terms of a grand maximal operator MΦM_\Phi is given. It is shown that ff belongs to H1(μ)H^1(\mu) iff f∈L1(μ)f\in L^1(\mu), ∫fdμ=0\int f d\mu=0 and MΦ(f)∈L1(μ)M_\Phi(f)\in L^1(\mu), as in the usual doubling situation. The lack of any regularity condition on μ\mu, apart from the size condition stated above, is one of the main difficulties that appears when one tries to extend the classical arguments to the present situation.Comment: 47 page
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