2,316 research outputs found

    Regulation of nitrogen uptake and assimilation: Effects of nitrogen source, root-zone pH, and aerial CO2 concentration on growth and productivity of soybeans

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    An important feature of controlled-environment crop production systems such as those to be used for life support of crews during space exploration is the efficient utilization of nitrogen supplies. Making decisions about the best sources of these supplies requires research into the relationship between nitrogen source and the physiological processes which regulate vegetative and reproductive plant growth. Work done in four areas within this research objective is reported: (1) experiments on the effects of root-zone pH on preferential utilization of NO3(-) versus NH4(+) nitrogen; (2) investigation of processes at the whole-plant level that regulate nitrogen uptake; (3) studies of the effects of atmospheric CO2 and NO3(-) supply on the growth of soybeans; and (4) examination of the role of NO3(-) uptake in enhancement of root respiration

    Nitrogen uptake and utilization by intact plants

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    The results of experiments support the proposed conceptual model that relates nitrogen uptake activity by plants as a balanced interdependence between the carbon-supplying function of the shoot and the nitrogen-supplying function of the roots. The data are being used to modify a dynamic simulation of plant growth, which presently describes carbon flows through the plant, to describe nitrogen uptake and assimilation within the plant system. Although several models have been proposed to predict nitrogen uptake and partitioning, they emphasize root characteristics affecting nutrient uptake and relay on empirical methods to describe the relationship between nitrogen and carbon flows within the plant. Researchers, on the other hand, propose to continue to attempt a mechanistic solution in which the effects of environment on nitrogen (as well as carbon) assimilation are incorporated through their direct effects on photosynthesis, respiration, and aging processes

    On Black Holes in Massive Gravity

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    In massive gravity the so-far-found black hole solutions on Minkowski space happen to convert horizons into a certain type of singularities. Here we explore whether these singularities can be avoided if space-time is not asymptotically Minkowskian. We find an exact analytic black hole (BH) solution which evades the above problem by a transition at large scales to self-induced de Sitter (dS) space-time, with the curvature scale set by the graviton mass. This solution is similar to the ones discovered by Koyama, Niz and Tasinato, and by Nieuwenhuizen, but differs in detail. The solution demonstrates that in massive GR, in the Schwarzschild coordinate system, a BH metric has to be accompanied by the St\"uckelberg fields with nontrivial backgrounds to prevent the horizons to convert into the singularities. We also find an analogous solution for a Reissner-Nordstr\"om BH on dS space. A limitation of our approach, is that we find the solutions only for specific values of the two free parameters of the theory, for which both the vector and scalar fluctuations loose their kinetic terms, however, we hope our solutions represent a broader class with better behaved perturbations.Comment: 17 LateX page

    Scaling Solutions to 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity

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    We construct explicitly time-dependent exact solutions to the field equations of 6D gauged chiral supergravity, compactified to 4D in the presence of up to two 3-branes situated within the extra dimensions. The solutions we find are scaling solutions, and are plausibly attractors which represent the late-time evolution of a broad class of initial conditions. By matching their near-brane boundary conditions to physical brane properties we argue that these solutions (together with the known maximally-symmetric solutions and a new class of non-Lorentz-invariant static solutions, which we also present here) describe the bulk geometry between a pair of 3-branes with non-trivial on-brane equations of state.Comment: Contribution to the New Journal of Physics focus issue on Dark Energy; 28 page

    Kicking the Rugby Ball: Perturbations of 6D Gauged Chiral Supergravity

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    We analyze the axially-symmetric scalar perturbations of 6D chiral gauged supergravity compactified on the general warped geometries in the presence of two source branes. We find all of the conical geometries are marginally stable for normalizable perturbations (in disagreement with some recent calculations) and the nonconical for regular perturbations, even though none of them are supersymmetric (apart from the trivial Salam-Sezgin solution, for which there are no source branes). The marginal direction is the one whose presence is required by the classical scaling property of the field equations, and all other modes have positive squared mass. In the special case of the conical solutions, including (but not restricted to) the unwarped `rugby-ball' solutions, we find closed-form expressions for the mode functions in terms of Legendre and Hypergeometric functions. In so doing we show how to match the asymptotic near-brane form for the solution to the physics of the source branes, and thereby how to physically interpret perturbations which can be singular at the brane positions.Comment: 21 pages + appendices, references adde

    QED positivity bounds

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    We apply positivity bounds directly to a U ( 1 ) gauge theory with charged scalars and charged fermions, i.e., QED, minimally coupled to gravity. Assuming that the massless t -channel pole may be discarded, we show that the improved positivity bounds are violated unless new physics is introduced at the parametrically low scale Λ new ∼ ( e m M Pl ) 1 / 2 , consistent with similar results for scalar field theories, far lower than the scale implied by the weak gravity conjecture. This is sharply contrasted with previous treatments which focus on the application of positivity bounds to the low energy gravitational Euler-Heisenberg effective theory only. We emphasize that the low cutoff is a consequence of applying the positivity bounds under the assumption that the pole may be discarded. We conjecture an alternative resolution that a small amount of negativity, consistent with decoupling limits, is allowed and is not in conflict with standard UV completions, including weakly coupled ones

    Brane cosmological solutions in six-dimensional warped flux compactifications

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    We study cosmology on a conical brane in the six-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system, where the extra dimensions are compactified by a magnetic flux. We systematically construct exact cosmological solutions using the fact that the system is equivalently described by (6+n)-dimensional pure Einstein-Maxwell theory via dimensional reduction. In particular, we find a power-law inflationary solution for a general dilatonic coupling. When the dilatonic coupling is given by that of Nishino-Sezgin chiral supergravity, this reduces to the known solution which is not inflating. The power-law solution is shown to be the late-time attractor. We also investigate cosmological tensor perturbations in this model using the (6+n)-dimensional description. We obtain the separable equation of motion and find that there always exist a zero mode, while tachyonic modes are absent in the spectrum. The mass spectrum of Kaluza-Klein modes is obtained numerically.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; v2: references added; v3: version published in JCA

    Scaling Cosmologies from Duality Twisted Compactifications

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    Oscillating moduli fields can support a cosmological scaling solution in the presence of a perfect fluid when the scalar field potential satisfies appropriate conditions. We examine when such conditions arise in higher-dimensional, non-linear sigma-models that are reduced to four dimensions under a generalized Scherk-Schwarz compactification. We show explicitly that scaling behaviour is possible when the higher-dimensional action exhibits a global SL(n,R) or O(2,2) symmetry. These underlying symmetries can be exploited to generate non-trivial scaling solutions when the moduli fields have non-canonical kinetic energy. We also consider the compactification of eleven-dimensional vacuum Einstein gravity on an elliptic twisted torus.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    A no-go for no-go theorems prohibiting cosmic acceleration in extra dimensional models

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    A four-dimensional effective theory that arises as the low-energy limit of some extra-dimensional model is constrained by the higher dimensional Einstein equations. Steinhardt & Wesley use this to show that accelerated expansion in our four large dimensions can only be transient in a large class of Kaluza-Klein models that satisfy the (higher dimensional) null energy condition [1]. We point out that these no-go theorems are based on a rather ad-hoc assumption on the metric, without which no strong statements can be made.Comment: 20 page
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