13 research outputs found

    Curvature perturbations from ekpyrotic collapse with multiple fields

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    A scale-invariant spectrum of isocurvature perturbations is generated during collapse in the ekpyrotic scaling solution in models where multiple fields have steep negative exponential potentials. The scale invariance of the spectrum is realized by a tachyonic instability in the isocurvature field. This instability drives the scaling solution to the late time attractor that is the old ekpyrotic collapse dominated by a single field. We show that the transition from the scaling solution to the single field dominated ekpyrotic collapse automatically converts the initial isocurvature perturbations about the scaling solution to comoving curvature perturbations about the late-time attractor. The final amplitude of the comoving curvature perturbation is determined by the Hubble scale at the transition.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, a reference added, to be published in CQG, a remark on the comoving density perturbation correcte

    Scale-invariance in expanding and contracting universes from two-field models

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    We study cosmological perturbations produced by the most general two-derivative actions involving two scalar fields, coupled to Einstein gravity, with an arbitrary field space metric, that admit scaling solutions. For contracting universes, we show that scale-invariant adiabatic perturbations can be produced continuously as modes leave the horizon for any equation of state parameter w≄0w \ge 0. The corresponding background solutions are unstable, which we argue is a universal feature of contracting models that yield scale-invariant spectra. For expanding universes, we find that nearly scale-invariant adiabatic perturbation spectra can only be produced for w≈−1w \approx -1, and that the corresponding scaling solutions are attractors. The presence of a nontrivial metric on field space is a crucial ingredient in our results.Comment: 23 pages, oversight in perturbations calculation corrected, conclusions for expanding models modifie

    Unitary evolution of free massless fields in de Sitter space-time

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    We consider the quantum dynamics of a massless scalar field in de Sitter space-time. The classical evolution is represented by a canonical transformation on the phase space for the field theory. By studying the corresponding Bogoliubov transformations, we show that the symplectic map that encodes the evolution between two instants of time cannot be unitarily implemented on any Fock space built from a SO(4)-symmetric complex structure. We will show also that, in contrast with some effectively lower dimensional examples arising from Quantum General Relativity such as Gowdy models, it is impossible to find a time dependent conformal redefinition of the massless scalar field leading to a quantum unitary dynamics.Comment: 20 pages. Comments and references adde

    Stochastic Inflation Revisited: Non-Slow Roll Statistics and DBI Inflation

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    Stochastic inflation describes the global structure of the inflationary universe by modeling the super-Hubble dynamics as a system of matter fields coupled to gravity where the sub-Hubble field fluctuations induce a stochastic force into the equations of motion. The super-Hubble dynamics are ultralocal, allowing us to neglect spatial derivatives and treat each Hubble patch as a separate universe. This provides a natural framework in which to discuss probabilities on the space of solutions and initial conditions. In this article we derive an evolution equation for this probability for an arbitrary class of matter systems, including DBI and k-inflationary models, and discover equilibrium solutions that satisfy detailed balance. Our results are more general than those derived assuming slow roll or a quasi-de Sitter geometry, and so are directly applicable to models that do not satisfy the usual slow roll conditions. We discuss in general terms the conditions for eternal inflation to set in, and we give explicit numerical solutions of highly stochastic, quasi-stationary trajectories in the relativistic DBI regime. Finally, we show that the probability for stochastic/thermal tunneling can be significantly enhanced relative to the Hawking-Moss instanton result due to relativistic DBI effects.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figures. v3: minor revisions; version accepted into JCA

    The vacuum bubbles in de Sitter background and black hole pair creation

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    We study the possible types of the nucleation of vacuum bubbles. We classify vacuum bubbles in de Sitter background and present some numerical solutions. The thin-wall approximation is employed to obtain the nucleation rate and the radius of vacuum bubbles. With careful analysis we confirm that Parke's formula is also applicable to the large true vacuum bubbles. The nucleation of the false vacuum bubble in de Sitter background is also evaluated. The tunneling process in the potential with degenerate vacua is analyzed as the limiting cases of the large true vacuum bubble and false vacuum bubble. Next, we consider the pair creation of black holes in the background of bubble solutions. We obtain static bubble wall solutions of junction equation with black hole pair. The masses of created black holes are uniquely determined by the cosmological constant and surface tension on the wall. Finally, we obtain the rate of pair creation of black holes.Comment: 3 figures, minor including errors and typos corrected, and refs. adde

    Challenges for String Cosmology

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    We critically assess the twin prospects of describing the observed universe in string theory, and using cosmological experiments to probe string theory. For the purposes of this short review, we focus on the limitations imposed by our incomplete understanding of string theory. After presenting an array of significant obstacles, we indicate a few areas that may admit theoretical progress in the near future.Comment: 18 pages; contribution to a focus issue on string cosmology for Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Power-law singularities in string theory and M-theory

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    We extend the definition of the Szekeres-Iyer power-law singularities to supergravity, string and M-theory backgrounds, and find that are characterized by Kasner type exponents. The near singularity geometries of brane and some intersecting brane backgrounds are investigated and the exponents are computed. The Penrose limits of some of these power-law singularities have profiles A∌u−γA\sim {\rm u}^{-\gamma} for γ≄2\gamma\geq 2. We find the range of the exponents for which Îł=2\gamma=2 and the frequency squares are bounded by 1/4. We propose some qualitative tests for deciding whether a null or timelike spacetime singularity can be resolved within string theory and M-theory based on the near singularity geometry and its Penrose limits.Comment: 32 page

    Cosmic Bounces and Cyclic Universes

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    Cosmological models involving a bounce from a contracting to an expanding universe can address the standard cosmological puzzles and generate "primordial" density perturbations without the need for inflation. Some such models, in particular the ekpyrotic and cyclic models that we focus on, fit rather naturally into string theory. We discuss a number of topics related to these models: the reasoning that leads to the ekpyrotic phase, the predictions for upcoming observations, the differences between singular and non-singular models of the bounce as well as the predictive and explanatory power offered by these models.Comment: 28 pages. Contribution to the CQG focus issue on String Cosmolog

    The Pseudo-Conformal Universe: Scale Invariance from Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry

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    We present a novel theory of the very early universe which addresses the traditional horizon and flatness problems of big bang cosmology and predicts a scale invariant spectrum of perturbations. Unlike inflation, this scenario requires no exponential accelerated expansion of space-time. Instead, the early universe is described by a conformal field theory minimally coupled to gravity. The conformal fields develop a time-dependent expectation value which breaks the flat space so(4,2) conformal symmetry down to so(4,1), the symmetries of de Sitter, giving perturbations a scale invariant spectrum. The solution is an attractor, at least in the case of a single time-dependent field. Meanwhile, the metric background remains approximately flat but slowly contracts, which makes the universe increasingly flat, homogeneous and isotropic, akin to the smoothing mechanism of ekpyrotic cosmology. Our scenario is very general, requiring only a conformal field theory capable of developing the appropriate time-dependent expectation values, and encompasses existing incarnations of this idea, specifically the U(1) model of Rubakov and the Galileon Genesis scenario. Its essential features depend only on the symmetry breaking pattern and not on the details of the underlying lagrangian. It makes generic observational predictions that make it potentially distinguishable from standard inflation, in particular significant non-gaussianities and the absence of primordial gravitational waves.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figures. v2 discussion and refs added, minus sign in transformation laws fixed. Version appearing in JCA