13 research outputs found

    Uticaj multifazne ishrane na proizvodne performanse brojlera

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    Multiphase broiler nutrition is important from the standpoint of nutrition optimization, economical efficiency of production and protection of the environment. Objective of research is to investigate the effect of multiphase nutiriton, i.e. different mixtures used in broiler nutrition, whse protein content has been reduced in several phases during first fattening stage, on production performances of broilers. Investigation was carried out on 608 individually tagged male chickens, Ross 308 strain, divided into 4 groups: T1 (control group) - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1-21st day; T2 - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1st to 7th day, and from 7th to 21st day diet containing 21.5% protein; T3 - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1st to 14th day and from 14th to 21st day diet containing 21.5% protein and T4 - nutrition with mixture containing 23% of protein from 1st to 3rd day, from 4-6th day with 22.55% protein, 7-9th day with 22.10% protein, 10-12th day diet with 21.65% protein, 13 - 15th day with 21.20% protein, 16-18th day with 20.75% protein and 19th-21st day diet with 20.30% protein. Main production parameters were registered during the trial period (from 1 to 21st day).Through processing of obtained data it ewas established that chickens of the T4 group (2092.42g), had realized statistically significantly higher body mass compared to T2 (2025.00g) and T3 (2020.07g), but not in relation to control group T1 (2055.16g), during trial period of 42 days. Also, it can be concluded that in regard to daily gain in period up to 21st day, no statistically significant differences between trial groups were established, however, for the entire trial period, average daily gain of chickens in T4 group (48.84g) was statistically considerably higher compared to T2 (47.24g) and T3 (47.13g), whereas in relation to T1 no differences were established T1 (47.99). Feed conversion differed between groups, precisely in favor of the application of multiphase broiler nutrition, i.e. feed conversion of the trial group T4 (1.870) was the best compared to T1 (1.918), T2 (2.005) and T3 (1.970). Based on obtained results it can be concluded that multiphase nutrition had effect on production performances, primarily level of food utilization.Multifazna ishrana brojlera je značajna sa aspekta optimiziranja ishrane, ekonomičnosti proizvodnje i zaÅ”tite životne sredine. Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj multifazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeÅ”a za ishranu brojlera, u kojima je sadržaj proteina smanjen viÅ”efazno u prvoj fazi tova, na proizvodne osobine tovnih pilića. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 608 individualno obeleženih pilića muÅ”kog pola, provenijence Ross 308, podeljenih u četiri grupe: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina u trajanju od 1-21 dana; T2 - ishrana od 1-7 dana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina i od 7-21 dana sa 21,5% proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1-14 dana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina i od 14-21 dana sa 21,5% proteina i T4 - ishrana 1 -3 dana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina, 4-6 dana sa 22,55% proteina, 7-9 dana sa 22,10% proteina, 10-12 dana sa 21,65% proteina, 13-15 dana sa 21,20% proteina, 16-18 dana sa 20,75% proteina i 19-21 dana sa 20,30% proteina. U oglednom periodu (od 1-42 dana) praćeni su osnovni proizvodni parametri. Obradom podataka utvrđeno je da su pilići T4 grupe (2092,42g), ostvarili statistički značajno veću telesnu masu u odnosu na T2 (2025,00g) i T3 (2020,07g), ali ne i u odnosu na kontrolnu T1 grupu (2055,16g), u oglednom periodu od 42 dana. Takođe se može konstatovati da za dnevni prirast u periodu do 21. dana nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između oglednih grupa, međutim posmatrano za ceo ogledni period, prosečan dnevni prirast T4 grupe (48,84g) bio je statistički značajno veći u poređenju sa T2 (47,24g) i T3 (47,13g), dok nije bilo razlika u poređenju sa T1 (47,99) oglednom grupom. Konverzija hrane razlikovala se između grupa, upravo na način koji govori u prilog primeni multifazne ishrane brojlera, odnosno konverzija ogledne T4 grupe (1,870) bila je najpovoljnija u poređenju sa T1 (1,918), T2 (2,005) i T3 (1,970). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je multifazna ishrana imala uticaj na proizvodne performanse, a prevashodno na stepen iskoriŔćavanja hrane

    The Effect of Feeding Programmes on Broiler Performance and Production Efficiency

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    The goal of the paper was to investigate the effect of feeding programmes with different protein levels on broiler performance and production efficiency. The research was conducted on 600 chicks of Cobb-500 and Ross-308 provenience, previously divided into four groups (by feeding treatments). The groups (treatments) differed in the type of mixture given in the starter period. The feeding programmes were, as follows: T1 (control group) ā€“ 23% protein mixture (Day 1 to Day 21); T2 - 23% protein mixture (Day 1 to Day 14), and 20% protein mixture (Day 14 to Day 21); T3 ā€“ 23% protein mixture (Day 1 to Day 7), and 20% protein mixture (Day 7 to Day 21); T4 - 20% protein mixture (Day 1 to Day 21). The chicks were given 20% protein mixture from Day 21 to Day 35, and 18% protein mixture from Day 35 to Day 42. A standard technology for chicken fattening was carried out. Production efficiency was determined by observing the ratio of the total cost and total revenue, i.e. profit per chick. From the value of the European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF), a summary indicator of production results, the authors came to a conclusion that T1 (control) group of the Cobb-500 and Ross-308 chicks had achieved higher EPEF than the experimental groups, whereby the values of T2 group were similar to the values of T1. The highest profit per chick was found for T1 group of Cobb-500 chicks and for T2 group of Ross-308 chicks. The research showed that a drastic protein reduction in the starter period had resulted in negative tendencies in the chicks of the both genotypes. From the aspect of development of more profitable feeding programmes, further research should therefore focus on T2 feeding programme

    Correlations Between Incidence of Foot Pad Lesions and Body Weight of Broilers in Different Rearing Systems

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    The incidence of foot pad lesions of broilers of moderate growth was investigated in order to establish correlations with body weight. Broilers were reared until the age of 42 days in the floor system in the poultry house and then were divided into two groups. The first group continued growing in the poultry house until the age of 84 days and the second group was growing in the free range system until the same age. Individual measurements of body weight and evaluation of the incidence of foot pad lesions of broilers were carried out at the end of the experiment. In a correlation analysis of previously transformed data on the percentage of broilers with lesions and body weight within each weight group, data were obtained that showed an association between these traits depending on the rearing system. System of rearing had significant impact on the strength and direction of correlation between body weight and the incidence of foot pad lesions, in light of the determined correlation coefficient r = -0.95 at the significance level p=0.01 in the free range system, and r=0.56 (p>0.05) in chickens reared in the poultry house

    Uticaj genotipa i uzrasta na proizvodne osobine lakih linijskih hibrida kokoŔi

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    The aim of this work was parallel investigation of the producing characteristics of light line hen hybrids. Investigation enclosed two hen proveniences: Hisex Brown and Shawer 579. Within the period of 19 up to 63 weeks we followed next parameters: egg-laying hen body mass, mortality, food consumption and egg-laying capacity. Hens body mass on the beginning of the examination, within the 19 weeks of growth was, for Hisex Brown provenience 1607g, and for Shawer 579 provenience 1563g. Hisex Brown provenience achieved about 250 g higher body mass on the end of investigation. During the experiment, mortality at Hisex Brown egg-laying hen was a little bit smaller (5,40%), while the Shawer 579 had 5,56% of dead hens. Globally, the mortality at both hen hybrids was in the range of technological normative. The average consumption of the food at Hisex Brown provenience was higher and it was 127,28g, and at Shawer 579 provenience 125,14g. The average consumption of the nutrition for egg production at both provenience was the same (150g).Cilj ovog rada bio je da se izvrÅ”i uporedno ispitivanje proizvodnih sposobnosti lakih linijskih hibrida kokoÅ”i. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćene dve provenijence kokoÅ”i: Hisex Brown i Shawer 579. U periodu od 19. do 63. nedelje starosti praćeni su sledeći parametri: telesna masa nosilja, mortalitet, utroÅ”ak hrane i nosivost. Telesna masa kokoÅ”i na početku ispitivanja, sa 19 nedelja uzrasta, za provenijencu Hisex Brown, iznosila je 1607 g, a za provenijencu Shawer 579-1563 g. Veću telesnu masu na kraju eksperimenta, za oko 250 g postigle su nosilje provenijence Hisex Brown. U toku ispitivanja, mortalitet kod Hisex Brown nosilja je bio neÅ”to manji (5,40%), dok je Shawer 579 imao 5,56% uginulih nosilja. Posmatrano u celini, mortalitet nosilja kod oba hibrida, bio je u granicama tehnoloÅ”kih normativa. Prosečna dnevna potroÅ”nja hrane kod provenijence Hisex Brown je veća i iznosila je 127,28 g, a kod Shawer 579-125,14 g. Prosečna potroÅ”nja hrane za proizvodnju jajeta kod obe provenijence je bila ista (150 g)

    Republic of Serbia

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    Original scientific paper Abstract: Multiphase broiler nutrition is important from the standpoint of nutrition optimization, economical efficiency of production and protection of the environment. Objective of research is to investigate the effect of multiphase nutiriton, i.e. different mixtures used in broiler nutrition, whse protein content has been reduced in several phases during first fattening stage, on production performances of broilers. Investigation was carried out on 608 individually tagged male chickens, Ross 308 strain, divided into 4 groups: T1 (control group) ā€“ nutrition with mixture containing 23 % of protein from 1-21 st day; T2 ā€“ nutrition with mixture containing 23 % of protein from 1 st to 7 th day, and from 7 th to 21 st day diet containing 21.5 % protein; T3 ā€“ nutrition with mixture containing 23 % of protein from 1 st to 14 th day and from 14 th to 21 st day diet containing 21.5 % protein and T4 ā€“ nutrition with mixture containing 23 % of protein from 1 st to 3 rd day, from 4-6 th day with 22.55 % protein, 7-9 th day with 22.10 % protein, 10-12 th day diet with 21.65 % protein, 13 ā€“ 15 th day with 21.20 % protein, 16-18 th day with 20.75

    Uticaj multifazne ishrane brojlera na prirast, osnovne delove trupa i sadržaj azota u fecesu

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of multiphase feeding, i.e. the effect of different mash feeds with multi-phase protein reduction, on growth, main carcass parts and nitrogen content in faeces of broiler chickens. The experiment was conducted on 1216 chickens of Ross 308 provenience, separated by sex. The experiment lasted for 42 days and the standard technology was used. The groups differed in a type of a mash (treatment) given in the starter period, as follows: T1 (control group) was given a mash with 23% crude proteins from day 1 to day 21; T2 - a mash with 23% proteins from day 1 to day 7, followed by a mash with 21.5% proteins given from day 7 to day 21; T3 - a mash with 23% proteins from day 1 to day 14, followed by a mash with 21.5% proteins given from day 14 to day 21; T4 - mashes changed every three days, having 23%, 22.55%, 22.10%, 21.65% , 21.20%, 20.75% and 20.30% of crude proteins, respectively. Slaughtering performance was investigated on a total of 64 broiler chickens, with eight male and eight female chickens used separately for each of the treatments. Nitrogen content in faeces was determined using the pooled sample of faeces. The obtained results showed some differences in the average daily growth of the male and female chickens when comparing the control (T1) and the experimental groups. Those differences were not statistically significant. However, when comparing the male-only groups, it was determined that the experimental group T4 had statistically significantly higher growth than T2 and T3 group. The effect of the multi-phase feeding programme on the breast, thigh and drumstick share of both male and female broilers was not significant. The applied multi-phase feeding programmes resulted in a reduction in the nitrogen content in the faeces. Considering the obtained results, it can be concluded that the multi-phase feeding programmes had no negative effect on the growth and slaughtering performances of broilers. This goes in favour of these programmes, since they can result in some positive economic and environmental effects of production.Cilj rada je ispitivanje uticaja multifazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeÅ”a za ishranu brojlera u kojima je sadržaj proteina viÅ”efazno smanjen, na prirast, osnovne delova trupa i sadržaj azota u fecesu. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 1216 pilića provenijence Ross 308, razdvojenih po polu. U oglednom periodu od 42 dana primenjena je standardna tehnologija. Razlika između grupa (tretmana) bila je u tipu smeÅ”a za ishranu u starter periodu, a prema sledećem programu: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smeÅ”om sa 23% sirovih proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana; T2 - ishrana od 1. do 7. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% i od 7. do 21. dana sa 21,5% proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1. do14. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% sirovih proteina i od 14. do 21. dana sa 21,5% proteina; T4 - ishrana smeÅ”ama sa dinamikom promene na svaka 3. dana, odnosno sa 23% , 22,55% , 22,10%, 21,65% , 21,20%, 20,75% i 20,30% sirovih proteina. Ispitivanje klaničnih osobina, obavljeno je na ukupno 64 brojlera, odnosno na po 8 pilića oba pola, za svaki tretman. Sadržaj azota u fecesu određen je na zbirnom uzorku fecesa. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, kod pilića muÅ”kog i ženskog pola, utvrđene razlike u prosečnom dnevnom prirastu, između kontrolne (T1) i oglednih grupa nisu bile na nivou statističke značajnosti. Međutim, poređenjem oglednih grupa međusobno, kod pilića muÅ”kog pola utvrđeno je da je ogledna T4 grupa ostvarila statistički značajno veći prirast u poređenju sa T2 i T3 grupom. Uticaj programa multifazne ishrane na prinos i udeo grudi, bataka i karabataka, kod pilića oba pola, nije bio signifikantan. Primenjeni programi multifazne ishrane rezultirali su izvesnim smanjenjem sadržaja azota u fecesu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da programi multifazne ishrana brojlera nisu imali negativan uticaj na prirast i klanične performanse, Å”to ide u prilog njene primene, s obzirom da se ovim programima mogu ostvariti pozitivni ekonomski i ekoloÅ”ki efekti proizvodnje

    Uticaj fazne ishrane u starter periodu na proizvodne performanse i sadržaj azota u fecesu brojlera različitih genotipova

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    Objective of the research was to investigate the effect of phase nutrition, i.e. different mixtures used in broiler nutrition with phase reduction of protein cotnent during starter period on production peformances of fattening chickens of different genotypes and on nitrogen content in faeces. Differences between groups (treatments) were in the type of mixtures use din starter period, and according to the following program: T1 (control group) - nutrition consisted of mixtures with 23% of proteins in duration from day 1 to 21; T2 - from day 1 to 14, mixture containing 23% of protein was used, and from day 14 to 21, mixture with 20% of proteins; T3 - from day 1 to 7, mixture was used containing 23% of protein and from day 7 to 21, mixture with 20% of proteins; T4 - nutrition with mixture containing 20% of proteins in duration from day 1 to 21. During the trial period (from day 1 to 21) production parameters were followed. Nitrogen content was determined in a collective faeces sample. Results showed that chickens of different genotypes expressed different sensitivity to protein restriction. Comparing the trial groups with the control in the third week, in chickens of Ross 308 provenience significantly lower body weight was registered only in chickens of T4 group with the highest protein reduction. In Cobb 500 chickens, significantly lower body weight was determined in T3 and T4 trial groups. In case of both hybrids, in T2 group, slightly lower body weight was established, but without statistically significant difference compared to the control. Feed conversion in both genotypes was the highest in T3 and T4 treatments. The program of phase nutrition resulted in decrease of the nitrogen content in faeces. Based on obtained data it can be concluded that applied nutrition treatments with drastic protein reduction during starter period in both genotypes had negative effect on production performances. Therefore, the composition and dynamics of mixture changes must be taken into consideration when formulating the program of phase nutrition, in order to achieve both goals - decrease of protein content in feed with simultaneous diminished nitrogen excretion and achieving good results.Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj fazne ishrane, odnosno različitih smeÅ”a za ishranu brojlera u kojima je sadržaj proteina smanjen fazno u starter periodu na proizvodne osobine tovnih pilića različitog genotipa i sadržaj azota u fecesu. Razlika između grupa (tretmana) bila je u tipu smeÅ”a u starter periodu, a prema sledećem programu: T1 (kontrolna grupa) - ishrana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana; T2 - ishrana od 1. do 14. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina i od 14. do 21. dana sa 20% proteina; T3 - ishrana od 1. do 7. dana smeÅ”om sa 23% proteina i od 7. do 21. dana sa 20% proteina; T4 - ishrana smeÅ”om sa 20% proteina u trajanju od 1. do 21. dana. U oglednom periodu (od 1. do 21. dana) praćeni su proizvodni parametri. Sadržaj azota u fecesu određen je na zbirnom uzorku. Rezultati su pokazali da su pilići različitih genotipova ispoljili različitu osetljivost na restrikciju proteina. Poređenjem oglednih grupa sa kontrolnom u trećoj nedelji, kod pilića provenijence Ross 308 konstatovano je da je signifikantno manju telesnu masu ostvarila samo T4 grupa sa najstrožijom redukcijom proteina. Kod provenijence Cobb 500 signifikantno manja telesna masa utvrđena je za T3 i T4 oglednu grupu. Kod oba hibrida za T2 oglednu grupu utvrđena je neÅ”to manja telesna masa, ali bez statistički značajne razlike u poređenju sa kontrolnom. Konverziju hrane kod oba genotipa imala je najveće vrednosti za T4 i T3 tretman. Programi fazne ishrane rezultirali su smanjenjem sadržaja azota u fecesu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su primenjeni tretmani ishrane sa drastičnom restrikcijom proteina u starter periodu kod oba genotipa imali negativan uticaj na proizvodne performanse. Zbog toga se prilikom formulisanja programa fazne ishrane strogo mora voditi računa o sastavu i dinamici promene smeÅ”a, a kako bi se postigla oba cilja - smanjenje sadržaja proteina u hrani uz smanjenu ekskreciju azota i postizanje dobrih proizvodnih rezultata


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    Abstract: Objective of the paper was to investigate if adding of chromium in different forms (organic and inorganic) and levels (quantities) to mixtures for broilers has any effect on broiler meat traits. Investigation was carried out on 840 chickens divided into four groups ā€“ treatments. Differences between groups (treatments) were in the form (organic and inorganic) and quantity of added chromium preparation (200 and 400 ppb) in basic mixtures for chicken nutrition. At the end of fattening (42 days) 48 broilers were dissected and shares of certain tissues in breasts, thighs and drumsticks were determined as well as chemical composition and tenderness of meat. Based on obtained results it can be concluded that adding of chromium in the amount of 200ppb resulted in statistically very significant increase of share muscle tissue and decrease of share of fat tissue in breasts, also tendency of improvement of the muscle tenderness of breasts and drumsticks was registered. When chromium was added in the amount of 400ppb


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    Apstract: The aim of this work was parallel investigation of the producting characteristics of light line hen hybrids. Investigation enclosed two hen proveniences: Hisex Brown and Shawer 579. Within the period of 19 up to 63 weeks we followed next parameters: egg-laying hen body mass, mortality, food consumption and egg-laying capacity. Hens body mass on the begining of the examination, within the 19 weeks of growth was, for Hisex Brown provenience 1607g, and for Shawer 579 provenience 1563g. Hisex Brown provenience acchieved about 250 g higher body mass on the end of investigation. During the experiment, mortality at Hisex Brown egg-laying hen was a little bit smaller (5,40%), while the Shawer 579 had 5,56 % of dead hens. Globaly, the mortality at both hen hybrids was in the range of technologycal normative. The average consumption of the food at Hisex Brown provenience was higher and it was 127,28g, and at Shawer 579 provenience 125,14g. The average consumption of the nutrition for egg production at both provenience was the same (150g). Key words: egg-laying,, nutrition consumption, body mass, mortalit


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    The seed in order to meet requirements of cropping practices and growing systems in the production of commercial maize. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of The seed processing technology depends on the seed fraction. The introduction of new and improved solutions in maize seed processing contributes to the improvement of traits of different types of cytoplasm (cms-C, cms-S and fertile), and environmental factors on the medium large flat seeds of maize inbred lines. The study encompassed the 12 same maize inbred lines of each type of cytoplasm. The trial was set up according to the complete randomised block design in two locations with three replications. Statistical-biometrical data processing was based on means per replication and encompassed the analysis of variance. On the basis of this analysis, it was determined that there were significant differences among inbred lines regarding the medium large flat seed fraction (MLF) in dependence on the type of cytoplasm, year and the location. The average values of the seed fraction varied over inbreds from 0.4% to 16.3%. The highest, i.e. lowest value for this trait was expressed by sterile cytoplasm cms-C, i.e. fertile cytoplasm, respectively. Furthermore, a greater share of MLF seeds was recorded in the first year and the first location than in the second year and the second location. The inbred line Ɨ location interaction points out to very significant (Lsd0.001) differences in the content of MLF seeds of maize inbred lines in dependence of observed locations. The years of investigation and locations significantly (Lsd0.005) affected the content of MLF seeds in maize inbred lines. The analysis of obtained results points out to a significant effect of the type of cytoplasm on the medium large flat seed fraction